In this acmeair demo, we have 3 services(customer, booking and webapp) and we use MongoDB to store data in booking service. Hence, there should be 4 applications in this cluster as shown in the following figure(fig.1).
fig.1 orchestration architecture
To import the orchestration template, you need the following steps:
- Visit Service Stage's doodle page.
- Click the Import button shown in fig.2.
- Click Select a local template shown in fig.2.
- Select the predefined template file
. - Enter the template name, e.g. acmeair, then click Import.
fig.2 steps to import template
Now you should be able to see the orchestration architecture similar to the architecture in fig.1.
Before you deploy your cluster, you may need to update some properties.
- Update cluster name. You can skip this step if your cluster name is acmeair.
As shown in fig.3, first you need to double click the cluster-resource button, then choose the name of your cluster.
fig.3 update cluster name - Update images' url. If you did not build and publish your images to the image warehouse, you can skip this step and use the public images we provide in the image warehouse.
(1) Visit Huawei's Image Warehouse, then choose the webapp image. Click on the copy address button as shown in fig.4.
fig.4 copy image address
(2) As shown in fig.5, first you need to click the Input & Output button, then click Edit on the line which name is webapp_container_image, then paste what we copy in step (1) and click the Save button.
fig.5 update image address
Repeat step (1) and step (2) for the customer, booking and mongodb options. - Deploy. As shown in fig.6, save the template and then click deploy. After that, enter the stack name and click Create button.
fig.6 save and deploy - Check the stack status by visiting the Stack page. When your cluster turns green, it means that it's ready and you can click your cluster. After that, click as fig.7 shown, then get the host address from fig.8. Then you can visit that hosts and try booking a ticket.
fig.7 view webapp details
fig.8 get host address