- RNA is the key intermediate between the genome and the proteome
- RNA sequencing has many benefits: allows us to ask what is transcribed where and when, also there is less RNA than DNA (usually) so, sequencing the whole transcriptome of a new organism can be cheaper than sequencing the whole genome
- There is no optimal pipeline, there are many to choose from depending on question: mapping vs. de novo assembly, or microRNA (play a transcription regulatory role)
- Paper is meant as an outline for resources available
- Important to review options so that data generated can answer your biological question, but also save money
- experimental design -> quality control -> reads alignment vs. de novo assembly -> quantification of transcripts -> expression analysis (won't get into other types of analysis besides gene expression analysis)
- @jthmiller questions about size selection during library prep
- Roadmap on Figure 1 has some good considerations, they did not mention contamination
- stranded libraries vs. not?
- How many reads are necessary per sample?
- power analysis for optimal # samples, see http://scotty.genetics.utah.edu/
- Make a saturation curve
- this paper was cited, looks good to read in more depth: http://genome.cshlp.org/content/21/12/2213.full.pdf+html
- PE vs. single? "The cheaper, short SE reads are normally sufficient for studies of gene expression levels in well-annotated organisms."
- Table 1, statistical power to detect differential epxression varies with outcome: fold change, millions of reads, and # replicates (3, 5, and 10 replicates per group)
- they recommend fastqc and Trimmomatic (which we use)
- adapter trimming definitely, light trimming recommended vs. aggressive, see Figure 2 in MacManes 2014 (http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fgene.2014.00013/full) @macmanes
- to genome vs. transcriptome, slightly lower with transcriptome because losing unannotated transcripts and more multi-mappings because reads falling onto exons shared by different isoforms (bowtie1 will allow setting with only 1 mapping)
- poor quality RNA starting material will show 3' bias
- quality control after quantification to make sure low ribosomal content doesn't bleed through (it will be there, but should be small)
- run PCA to make sure no batch effects or funny stuff going on with your samples
- Figure 2, representative software includes more options than those listed, see lecture by @rob-p http://robpatro.com/redesign/Quantification.pdf
- Box 3 is excellent summary of mapping to a reference
- I've never used any of the transcript discovery software mentioned, GRIT, CAGE, RAMPAGE, SLIDE, etc. They make a point to say it is difficult - not trivial, unless you are really looking for novel transcripts with a referece and don't want to do de novo assembly
- Takes all raw reads and assembles them into contigs (each contig should be full-length transcripts, in theory)
- Software often produce a lot of contigs - sweet spot between enough reads and too many (complicates de Bruijn graphs, can lead to misassembly)
- recommend diginorm to eliminate redundancy: https://khmer-protocols.readthedocs.io/en/ctb/mrnaseq/2-diginorm.html
Note: de novo vs. mapping, results from student exercise at NGS2016: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X06LqGM8j4a4oV3_IsM91Hvop6B7L84xSWR71dXK3E/edit#gid=0
Here's the exercise by @mestato: http://angus.readthedocs.io/en/2016/arabidopsis_assembly_challenge.html)
- endpoint of the analysis, what RNAseq is most commonly used for
- general idea is to quantify # reads mapping onto each transcript
- many ways to do this: Sailfish uses k-mer counting
- HTSeq-count or featureCounts aggregates raw counts of mapped reads with gtf file
- "Raw read counts alone are not suficient to compare expression levels among samples, as these values are afected by factors such as transcript length, total # reads, sequencing biases"
- FPKM or RPKM (fragments or reads per kilobase of exon model per million reads), TPM (transcripts per million) take into account the length
- different diff expression packages require certain measurements
- Important point: "it is necessary for correctly ranking gene expression levels within the sample to account for the fact that longer genes accumulate more reads"
- In quantifying reads with de novo assembled contigs, however, you can't guarantee that a contig represents a unique transcript, so this is tricky
- Normalization methods vary across packages. DESeq and edgeR will do normalization for you, and require your counts to be raw
- compute expression based on discrete probability distrubutions
- DESeq allows for additional variance, or dispersion, beyond variance expected from randomly sapmling (because it's not random, there is co-expression)
- sampling variance of small read counts is taken into account (like with small number of replicates)
- Box 4 compares software tools
- caution with small # replicates
- limma is good (I've used this for microarrays)
- DESeq (regarded as "too conservative" and edgeR ("too liberal") are relatively similar
- see comparison in workshop setting: https://monsterbashseq.wordpress.com/2015/08/26/rnaseq-differential-expression-analysis-ngs2015/
- UCSC genome browser
- internal plotting functions are available with diff expression packages, e.g. Bioconductor/R packages
- Cool web-based package to make plots, visualize counts tables: http://victorian-bioinformatics-consortium.github.io/degust/
- Would like to try Circos plots: see Fig. 2 from Alexander et al. 2015 http://www.pnas.org/content/112/44/E5972.full
- I see a very big future in using long-reads to resolve full-length transcripts and overcome assembly problems