- android resubscribe support. (bustardcelly)
- iOS re-subscribe logic added. (bustardcelly)
- update for dependencies of Xcode 10 (bustardcelly)
- subscriber background support. (bustardcelly)
- null check on auth fields. (bustardcelly)
- update prop/method docs. (bustardcelly)
- some nicer UI for subscriber non-view settings. (bustardcelly)
- ios implementation for setPlaybackVolume. (bustardcelly)
- subscriber setPlaybackVolume implementation. (bustardcelly)
- styles for mute/unmute icons. (bustardcelly)
- adding basic mute/unmute icon UI for API. (bustardcelly)
- exposing mute/unmute API. (bustardcelly)
- SDK update 4.6.0. (bustardcelly)
- adding enableBackgroundStream prop. (bustardcelly)
- bump to v2.0.0 (Todd Anderson)
- fix for argument on subscribe in iOS (bustardcelly)
- using UIManager to target specific views on iOS (bustardcelly)
- adding podspec. (bustardcelly)
- initial release