Title: PeGaSus: Data-Adaptive Differentially Private Stream Processing
Authors: Yan Chen, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Duke University; Department of Computer Science, Colgate University; College of Computing and Information Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Conference: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)
Year: 2017
Differential privacy; Streaming data
Releasing continuous query answers on real time streams under differential privacy.
Perturb-Group-Smooth (PeGaSus) based Stream Release:
Perturber: consumes the input stream, adds noise to each incoming element of the stream, and generates a stream of noisy counts;
Data-adaptive Grouper: consumes the input stream, identifies stable uniform regions in the stream and computes a partition of the data received so far;
Query specific Smoother: performs post-processing, combines the output of the Perturber and Grouper to generate the final private estimate of a query answer at each time step.
Laplace Mechanism
Deviation-based Grouper (DBG):
A differentially private method for online partitioning which chooses partitions that approximately minimizes a quality score based on deviation.
When a new data arrives at time , we check the status of the last group from the previous partition . If is closed, we put into a new open group and reset the noisy threshold. Otherwise, we compute the deviation of the and compare a noisy version of the deviation value with the noisy threshold. If the noisy deviation is smaller than the noisy threshold, we add into the open . Otherwise, we add a new group into the partition and close both and .
At each time step, it calls PRUNE
. Then, for each aggregation, if it has been pruned. it simply outputs a count of 0. Otherwise, it applies the PeGaSus algorithm to the stream where the privacy budget passed to Perturber and Grouper is adjusted based on what has been pruned and the height of the tree.
The function PRUNE
checks each aggregation from level 1 to level . If the current has been pruned, all its children are automatically pruned. Otherwise, we compare this aggregation's current count, (), against a user-specified threshold . If the count is below threshold, it prunes all the children of . Further, the privacy budget that would have been spent on the descendants is saved.
- Simultaneously support a range of query workloads over multiple resolutions over the stream
Dataset: Real traces, taken over a six month period, from approximately 4000 WiFi access points (AP) distributed across the campus of a large educational institution.
Laplace Mechanism (LM)
Backward Smoothing of results from Laplace Mechanism (BS_t)
Sliding Window query in terms of a fixed windows size (SW_w)
Answer unit counting queries on data streams with a single target state.
Answer sliding windows queries on data streams with a single target state.
ROC curve
Event monitoring (detecting jumping and dropping points as well as low signal points) on data streams with a single target state.
Answer unit counting queries on a collection of hierarchical aggregations using data streams with multiple target states.