A useful tool that helps you deciding what to eat for lunch.
回台南工作打滾也半年多了,每天最煩惱的倒不是 deadline,而是不知道要吃什麼午餐。
研究了一下 Mac 自帶的 osascript
和 shell script
,並搭配簡單的 crontab
A quick introduction of how to use, first of all:
git clone https://github.com/WeiChiaChang/what-to-eat.git
Recommend installing on desktop directly, or you may have some tiny changes to make from
Add some crontab setting on your Mac:
crontab -e
You will enter a terminal with empty wording, is time to get your hands dirty with vim syntax:
First, press Esc then i.
Then input:
20 12 * * 1-7 sh ~/Desktop/what-to-eat/show.sh
This script will be automatically executed at 12:20 on every day-of-week from Monday through Sunday.
crontab-guru will do a favor for you ✨.
Last step, press Esc then :, w, q and Enter.
Everything all done now, enjoy your lunch!
Lunch lists can be customized on src/testLunch.json
this file.