php api to control Ikea smart lights (tradfri)
at this moment there is no coap libs with dTLS, the ikea smart lights are using dTLS with coap for security. the only option is to build a new libcoap with dTLS included. libcoap requires cunit, a2x, doxygen and dot you need to install these requirements first.
sudo apt-get install automake libtool
git clone --depth 1 --recursive -b dtls
cd libcoap
./configure --disable-documentation --disable-shared --without-debug CFLAGS="-DCOAP_DEBUG_FD=stderr"
make sudo
make install
# as of gateway version 1.1.15 the usage of securityid is prohibated, you need to register a api user and you will get a pre shared key from the gateway. follow the steps below and all should be well
coap-client -m post -u "Client_identity" -k "SECURITY_CODE" -e '{"9090":"php-api-user"}' "coaps://IP_ADDRESS:5684/15011/9063"
# SECURITY_CODE = the security code under the gateway
# IDENTITY = your api user
coap-client -m get -u "php-api-user" -k "PRE SHARED KEY" "coaps://IP_ADDRESS:5684/15011/15012" 2> /dev/null
# Apple HomeKit code looks like: { ... 9083: XXX-XX-XXX, ...}
# XXX-XX-XXX is your HomeKit code
# getting tradfri pre shared key
coap-client -m post -u "Client_identity" -k "<key>" -e '{"9090":"php-api-user"}' "coaps://<hub>:5684/15011/9063"
# getting tradfri information
coap-client -m get -u "php-api-user" -k "<psk>" "coaps://<hup>:5684/15001"
# getting tradfri lightBulb status
coap-client -m get -u "php-api-user" -k "<psk>" "coaps://<hup>:5684/15001/65537"
# turn on tradfri lightBulb
coap-client -m put -u "php-api-user" -k "<psk>" -e '{ "3311" : [{ "5850" : 1 ]} }' "coaps://<hup>:5684/15001/65537"
# turn off tradfri lightBulb
coap-client -m put -u "php-api-user" -k "<psk>" -e '{ "3311" : [{ "5850" : 0 ]} }' "coaps://<hup>:5684/15001/65537"