This is "2024 Spring CS241002 Software Studio" course project at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU).
Basic components | Score | Check |
Basic control tools | 30% | Y |
Text input | 10% | Y |
Cursor icon | 10% | Y |
Refresh button | 5% | Y |
Advanced tools | Score | Check |
Different brush shapes | 15% | Y |
Undo/Redo button | 10% | Y |
Image tool | 5% | Y |
Download | 5% | Y |
Other useful widgets | Score | Check |
Checkbox to toggle shape fill | 1~5% | Y |
Time display | 1~5% | Y |
Responsive layout for blocks and buttons | 1~5% | Y |
- Brush Size Slider: Adjust the width of the brush.
- Red/Green/Blue Sliders: Adjust the brush color's R/G/B values.
- Color Circle: Displays the current brush color, updated as the sliders are moved.
- Font Selectors: Choose font family and size for text input.
- Brush: Draw freehand strokes.
- Eraser: Erase parts of the canvas.
- Text: Input text. Click the canvas, type in the text box, and press Enter to add the text.
- Line: Draw straight lines.
- Circle: Draw circles.
- Rectangle: Draw rectangles.
- Triangle: Draw triangles.
- Fill Shape: Toggle to fill shapes or draw them hollow.
- Clear Canvas: Clear the entire canvas.
- Undo: Undo the last action.
- Redo: Redo the previously undone action.
- Upload Image: Upload an image to the canvas.
- Download: Download the canvas as an image.
Toggle the checkbox to choose whether to draw filled or hollow shapes.
Displays the current time in UTC+8 timezone.
The layout adjusts automatically when resizing the browser window, keeping the blocks and buttons organized.
After adjusting the window size, the brush might not align perfectly due to compression from the responsive layout. This can cause slight misalignment in drawing positions.