Simple bash script to deploy and run a local alto + anvil instance in forked mode (uses state from mainnet).
The environment must be run in either forked or local mode.
Fork mode runs alto tied to a forked anvil instance. And is specified with the -f
./ -f -r <rpc-url> -b <fork-block>
both flags -r
(rpc url) and -b
(block number) are required for forked mode.
Local mode runs alto tied to a standard anvil instance. And is specified with the -l
Local mode will deploy all 4337 related contracts.
./ -l
Make sure you don't rename the repo when cloning. The script searches up for a directory named alto
and treats it as the project root.
Usage: ./scripts/ [OPTIONS]
Utility to quickly spawn a local alto instance linked to an anvil node.
*Must* be ran with either -l or -f flags.
Alto Options
-l Local mode
-f Fork mode (used for debugging)
Anvil Options
-r <rpc-url> RPC url to fork from
-b <block-num> Fork block number
Misc Options
-t Launch anvil + alto in a tmux split