diff --git a/locale/pt_BR.php b/locale/pt_BR.php index 228083b79efa..c0310d445223 100644 --- a/locale/pt_BR.php +++ b/locale/pt_BR.php @@ -1159,6 +1159,7 @@ $t['On'] = 'On'; $t['Only direct mp3- or ogg-files - if you download it with the link, it shouldbe a movie-file. No google-drive or stream-hoster. Also, do not mix https and http.'] = 'Only direct mp3- or ogg-files - if you download it with the link, it shouldbe a movie-file. No google-drive or stream-hoster. Also, do not mix https and http.'; $t['Opacity'] = 'Opacidade'; +$t['Open'] = 'Abrir'; $t['Open in a new Tab'] = 'Abrir em uma nova guia'; $t['Original words found'] = 'Original words found'; $t['Other Chats'] = 'Other Chats';