This API is used to manage information about pilots, tehir ships, and the cargo they transport across the known stretches of intergalactic federation space.
This documentation is meant to help you understand how best to utilise our system.
valid planets = ["andvari", "aqua", "calas", "demeter"] Note Anytime you need to pass a planet by name, it has to be lowercase
- Examples of valid pilot ceritifications that pass Luhn validations [1996512, 1996521, 1996530, 1996549. 1996558, 1996567, 1996576, 1996585, 1996594, 1999939, 1999948, 1999957, 1999966, 1999975, 1999984. 1999993]
- if you run
ruby test.rb
you will get valid Luhn certification between 1000000 and 2000000
POST /pilots
accepts a JSON object format:
"pilot":{ "name": string, "age": number, #integer greater than 18 less than 120 "location_planet": string, #lowercase, within the valid planets "credits_cents": non negative integer, "certification": integer # Valid in that it passes the Luhn Validations }
returns an object with the new pilots data:
{ "id": 1, "certification": 199992, "name": "Jean Luc Piccard", "age": 33, "location_planet": "calas", "created_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.507Z", "updated_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.507Z", "credits_cents": 109, "credits_currency": "USD" }
- endpoint
GET /pilots
- returns an array of all pilots within the system, for instance:
[ { "id": 1, "certification": 199992, "name": "Jean Luc Piccard", "age": 33, "location_planet": "calas", "created_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.507Z", "updated_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.507Z", "credits_cents": 109, "credits_currency": "USD" }, { "id": 1, "certification": 199992, "name": "Jean Luc Piccard", "age": 33, "location_planet": "calas", "created_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.507Z", "updated_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.507Z", "credits_cents": 109, "credits_currency": "USD" }, ]
- endpoint
GET /pilots/:id
(eg: `/pilots/1) - returns:
{ "id": 1, "certification": 199992, "name": "Jean Luc Piccard", "age": 33, "location_planet": "calas", "created_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.507Z", "updated_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.507Z", "credits_cents": 109, "credits_currency": "USD" }
PUT /pilots/:id
accepts a JSON object format:
"pilot":{ "name": string, "age": number, #integer greater than 18 less than 120 "location_planet": string, #lowercase, within the valid planets "credits_cents": non negative integer, "certification": integer # Valid in that it passes the Luhn Validations }
returns a JSON object with the updated parameters
{ "id": 1, "certification": 199992, "name": "Jean Luc Piccard", "age": 33, "location_planet": "calas", "created_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.507Z", "updated_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.507Z", "credits_cents": 109, "credits_currency": "USD" }
- endpoint
DELETE /pilots/:id
- returns a JSON message
{ "message": "Pilot successfully deleted" }
- endpoint:
POST /ships
- ships require there to be a pilot for them to be valid. A ship is invalid without a pilot id attached to it.
- accepts a JSON object format:
"ship":{ "name": string, "weigh_capacity": non-negative number, "fuel_capacity": non-negative number, "fuel_level": non-negative number, "pilot_id": a valid pilot ID }
- returns an object with the new pilots data:
{ "name": "Normandy", "weigh_capacity": 700, "fuel_capacity": 600, "fuel_level": 400, "pilot_id": 1 }
- endpoint
GET /ships
- returns an array of all pilots within the system, for instance:
[ { "id": 1 "name": "Normandy", "weigh_capacity": 700, "fuel_capacity": 600, "fuel_level": 400, "pilot_id": 1 }, { "id": 2 "name": "Normandy", "weigh_capacity": 700, "fuel_capacity": 600, "fuel_level": 400, "pilot_id": 1 }, ]
- endpoint
GET /ships/:id
(eg: `/ships/1) - returns:
{ "id": 1 "name": "Normandy", "weigh_capacity": 700, "fuel_capacity": 600, "fuel_level": 400, "pilot_id": 1 }
PUT /ships/:id
accepts a JSON object format:
"ship":{ "name": string, "weigh_capacity": non-negative number, "fuel_capacity": non-negative number, "fuel_level": non-negative number, "pilot_id": a valid pilot ID }
returns a JSON object with the updated parameters
{ "id": 1 "name": "Normandy", "weigh_capacity": 700, "fuel_capacity": 600, "fuel_level": 400, "pilot_id": 1 }
- endpoint
DELETE /pilots/:id
- returns a JSON message
{ "message": "Ship successfully deleted" }
To get all transport contracts, you send GET request to /contracts
- endpoint
GET /contracts
- returns a list of all contracts that looks like this
"data": [ { "id": 2, "description": "Jean Luc Piccard transported food from andvari to calas ", "payload": "food", "origin_planet": "andvari", "destination_planet": "calas", "created_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.555Z", "updated_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.555Z", "value_cents": 289, "value_currency": "USD", "status": "closed" }, { "id": 3, "description": "Jack Sparrow transported food from calas to aqua ", "payload": "food", "origin_planet": "calas", "destination_planet": "aqua", "created_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.557Z", "updated_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.557Z", "value_cents": 282, "value_currency": "USD", "status": "closed" }, { "id": 4, "description": "Jean Luc Piccard transported minerals from calas to demeter ", "payload": "minerals", "origin_planet": "calas", "destination_planet": "demeter", "created_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.559Z", "updated_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.559Z", "value_cents": 332, "value_currency": "USD", "status": "closed" } ]
A contract requires that you nest in an object of the associated resources being transported.
- endpoint
POST /contracts
- accepts
"contract": {
"description": string,
"payload": string, # type of resource
"origin_planet": string, # planet name in lowercase
"destination_planet": string, # planet name in lowercase
"value_cents": integer,
"status": string, # either open or closed
"resources_attributes": {
"name": string, type of resource, either minerals, water or food
"weight": integer
- endpoint
GET /contracts?status=open
- will return a list of open contracts, that looks like this
"data": [ { "id": 1, "description": "Jane Shephard transported water from calas to andvari ", "payload": "water", "origin_planet": "calas", "destination_planet": "andvari", "created_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.552Z", "updated_at": "2022-10-22T19:53:28.552Z", "value_cents": 290, "value_currency": "USD", "status": "open" } ]
requires a ship ID, origin planet ID and destination planet name.
if the ship's current location is not the same as the destination planet, it will have to travel from its current location to the origin planet, then the destination planet. If this will consume more fuel than the ship has, then the system deems travel impossible.
POST /travel
accepts a JSON Object with the following fields
"travel": {
"ship_id": integer,
"origin_planet_id": integer,
"destination_planet_id": integer
- if successfull, return 200 success and a JSON object specifying where you traveled from and where you travelled to and onboard what ship
"message": "Successfully flew from calas to andvari aboard the USS Orville"
- if not successfull it will specify why you could not travel
"error": "Travel between demeter and andvari is not possible"
requires the following fields in the POST request
- a ship
- planet of refill
- units of fuel
{ "refill": { "ship_id": 1, "planet_id": 2, "units_of_fuel": 10 } }
Returns a transaction object in JSON format
"data": {
"id": 8,
"description": "The ship USS Orville refuelled at aqua",
"transaction_hash": "3f9c3ab33de9cd0d96f67f9f1beef48b",
"amount": 10,
"ship_name": "USS Orville",
"pilot_certification": "199992",
"created_at": "2022-10-23T02:01:58.236Z",
"updated_at": "2022-10-23T02:01:58.236Z",
"value_cents": 70,
"value_currency": "USD",
"pilot_id": 1,
"ship_id": 1,
"origin_planet_id": 2,
"destination_planet_id": null,
"transaction_type": "fuel_refill",
"transaction_origin_planet": "aqua",
"transaction_destination_planet": null
It will also return a variety of errors if the ship or planet doesn't exist or if the value you passed into units of fuel can not be cast into a float
Has 2 endpoints that would work for it
POST /contracts/accept
which requires the contract id to be specified in the body of the request.POST /contracts/:id/accept
which has the contract id specified in the endpoint
requires a pilot who accepts the contract
requires a contract
will determine if the pilot is able to accept the contract
"contract": {
"pilot_id": integer,
"contract_id": integer,
- returns
"message": "Contract accepted by Jean Luc Piccard of the USS Orville",
"transaction": {
"id": 5,
"description": "Jean Luc Piccard is transporting water from calas to aqua",
"transaction_hash": "a69c2617d4451561b24facf24b562ae1",
"amount": 200,
"ship_name": "USS Orville",
"pilot_certification": "1999939",
"created_at": "2022-10-23T18:42:10.419Z",
"updated_at": "2022-10-23T18:42:10.419Z",
"value_cents": 393,
"value_currency": "USD",
"pilot_id": 1,
"ship_id": 1,
"origin_planet_id": 3,
"destination_planet_id": 2,
"transaction_type": "resource_transport",
"transaction_origin_planet": "calas",
"transaction_destination_planet": "aqua"
Has 2 endpoints that would work for it
POST /contracts/fulfill
which requires the contract id to be specified in the body of the request.POST /contracts/:id/fulfill
which has the contract id specified in the endpoint
requires a pilot who fulfilled the contract
requires a contract
"contract": {
"pilot_id": integer,
"contract_id": integer,
- returns
"message": "Contract accepted by Jean Luc Piccard of the USS Orville",
"transaction": {
"id": 5,
"description": "Jean Luc Piccard successfully transported water from calas to aqua",
"transaction_hash": "a69c2617d4451561b24facf24b562ae1",
"amount": 200,
"ship_name": "USS Orville",
"pilot_certification": "1999939",
"created_at": "2022-10-23T18:42:10.419Z",
"updated_at": "2022-10-23T18:42:10.419Z",
"value_cents": 393,
"value_currency": "USD",
"pilot_id": 1,
"ship_id": 1,
"origin_planet_id": 3,
"destination_planet_id": 2,
"transaction_type": "resource_transport",
"transaction_origin_planet": "calas",
"transaction_destination_planet": "aqua"
- endpoint
GET /reports
- returns a list of all transactions recorded on the system.
"data": [
"Contract 1 paid: 356 ",
"Contract 2 paid: 307 ",
"Contract 3 paid: 351 ",
"Jack Sparrow bought fuel: 641",
"Jack Sparrow bought fuel: 402",
"Jane Shephard bought fuel: 619",
"Jean Luc Piccard bought fuel: 572"
- endpoint
GET /reports/planets
- returns a list of all planets and the resources they sent and received
"andvari": {
"sent": {
"food": 0,
"water": 0,
"minerals": 0
"received": {
"food": 0,
"water": 0,
"minerals": 0
"aqua": {
"sent": {
"food": 0,
"water": 0,
"minerals": 0
"received": {
"food": 0,
"water": 0,
"minerals": 0
- endpoint
GET /reports/pilots
- returns a list of all pilots and the resources they transported
"Jean Luc Piccard": {
"food": 12,
"water": 130,
"minerals": 14
"Jane Shephard": {
"food": 1,
"water": 30,
"minerals": 4
"Jack Sparrow": {
"food": 19,
"water": 3,
"minerals": 45