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Filter HostLookup

Hugo Soszynski edited this page May 13, 2020 · 12 revisions

Filter Name


Detect if a received entry is in a malicious database.

Filter Code



No dependencies

Darwin configuration

Example of darwin configuration for this filter :

    "hostlookup_1": {
        "exec_path": "/path/to/darwin/build/darwin_hostlookup",
        "output": "LOG",
        "next_filter": "",
        "nb_thread": 1,
        "log_level": "DEBUG",
        "cache_size": 0

Config file

  • database : file describing the malicious entries
  • redis_socket_path (optional) : the redis in which the filter will stock the data
  • alert_redis_list_name (optional) : the key under which the filter will stock the raised alerts in the redis
  • alert_redis_channel_name (optional) : the redis channel in which the raised alerts will be publish
  • log_file_path (optional) : the path in which the filter will write raised alerts


    "database": "/path/to/database.txt",
    "redis_socket_path": "/var/sockets/redis/redis.sock",
    "alert_redis_list_name": "darwin_alerts",
    "alert_redis_channel_name": "darwin.alerts",
    "log_file_path": "/var/log/darwin/alerts.log"

Database example :

    "feed_name": "suspicious_hosts",
    "data": [
        {"entry": "bad_host_1", "score": 42},
        {"entry": "bad_host_2", "score": 100},
        {"entry": "bad_host_3"}

Note: Default score is 100. If not provided or not between 0 and 100 default will be used. If not feed_name, data or valid entry is provided the filter will stop.


   [<entry>], [..] 

Where is a string.


Here is an example of a body:

   ["good_host_1"], ["bad_host_2"] 


Send back a certitude between 0 and 100 corresponding to the score associated to the entry. A score equal to 0 should mean the entry sent is not in the database. For example we can have [0, 100] for the body given above.

The raised alert will be in the following JSON format:

  "evt_id": "<uuid>",
  "time": "<ISO8601>",
  "filter": "hostlookup",
  "entry": "<entry>",
  "feed": "<feed_name>",
  "certitude": <certitude>