Haxe/hxcpp @:native bindings for the Python C API
This library works on the C++ target only!
via haxelib
haxelib install hxpy
via git for the latest updates
haxelib git hxpy https://github.com/Vortex2Oblivion/hxpy.git
See the folder for more usage examples
A simple example
import hxpy.PyRun;
import hxpy.Py;
class Main {
static function main() {
Py.initialize(); // Initializes the Python interpreter.
PyRun.simpleString("print(\"Hello World!\")"); // Runs print("Hello World!").
Py.finalizeEx(); // Closes the Python interpreter.
hxpy is made available under the MIT License. Check LICENSE for more information.
Python is made available under various licenses. Check The Python Github or python.org for more information.
Haxe is made available under various licenses. Check The Haxe Github for more information.