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125 lines (85 loc) · 5.25 KB

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125 lines (85 loc) · 5.25 KB

Contribution Guidelines

Welcome to TRI-ML/dgp! This page details contribution guidelines and GitWorkflow.

Clone the repository

  1. Fork TRI-ML/dgp into your GitHub account.
  2. Clone your fork <your-user-name>/dgp on your local machine.
  3. Add upstream remote:
    • cd dgp
    • git remote add upstream [email protected]:TRI-ML/dgp.git
    • git remote set-url --push upstream no_push
  4. Enable githooks (linting, autoformatting) via:
dgp$ make link-githooks

Getting started

Please follow Getting Started to setup dockerized development workflow.


This section assumes you have followed the initial setup instructions and enable the githooks.

Starting a new branch

  1. git fetch upstream
  2. git checkout -b my_pr_branch upstream/master

Making a commit

There should only be a single commit with all the changes when making a pull request. Please squash the commits before opening a PR. This repository follows Conventional Commits 1.0.0 for the commit message convention. All commit messages will be verified by commitlint.

The commit message should be structured as follows:

<type>: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

When naming the commit, the first line (commit title) should be a short summary in ALL lowercase and starts with a type. Common types can be:

  • schema: changes to dgp protobuf schema
  • feat: introduce new features
  • fix: bugfix
  • test: changes to unit tests
  • build: changes that affect the package build or external dependencies (example: requirement.txt and Dockerfile updates)
  • docs: documentation only changes
  • ci: changes to CI/CD configuration files and settings
  • style: changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (formatting, linting, etc)
  • refactor: a code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • perf: changes that improve performance (example: speed up dataset index building)
  • revert: revert a commit

For example, adding a new PyTorch DatasetClass:

feat: add synchronized datasetclass

- add synchronized datasetclass to load time-synchronized samples
- speed up build_item_index

Add new protobuf schema:

schema: add map schema

- add protobuf schema for map
- modify dgp.proto.dataset to hold map message

NOTE: Any proto schema changes must be seperated from code changes into an independent commit and PR.

Pre-commit / Pre-push

DGP runs isort and yapf to autoformat the files in pre-commit, and perform additional linting using pylint in pre-push. One can enable githooks via:

dgp$ make link-githooks

Making a pull request

Please follow this procedure to open a pull request. Also note, the git hooks require that tools such as isort and yapf are installed on the machine doing the git push. If these are not available on your system, you will first need to install them, ideally in the docker container or in a virtual environment.

All changes require unit tests. PRs can only be merged if the code coverage score is greater than the minimum acceptable code coverage. The minimum acceptable code coverage score is set here.

  1. Rebase to master
    • git fetch upstream
    • git rebase upstream/master
  2. Push to your GitHub fork
    • git push origin
  3. Create "Pull Request" (PR)
  4. CI coverage
    • You can run unittests via make docker-run-tests.
    • You can make PRs with no reviewers to get CI coverage.
    • All pull requests must pass certain stages in order to be merged:
      • Build & unit tests via pre-merge workflow.
      • Linting/formatting checks via pre-merge workflow.
      • Code coverage metrics verification via coverage workflow.


The pull request has a review associated with it. (You will need to reload the pull request page before the button appears). Please add at least one reviewer to review. Note: Any proto schema changes require at least 2 reviewers.


Once all reviews are complete, and all checks have completed with passing scores, the author can click the button Squash & Merge to merge the PR.

Code Style

Docstrings should follow the Numpy Docstring Standard

Test Coverage Policy

All commits (except protobuf schema changes) should include test cases. Test cases should be based on pytest. PRs can only be merged if the code coverage score is greater than the minimum acceptable code coverage.