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Welcome to the VisitMeet Wiki Page ..
Here you will find information about our vision, goals and if you like what we are doing, we will show you how you can help us in making this project better, and the world a little or a lot better place for all earthlings to freely share their talents and their services and their exchanges of any kind. Well, almost any kind.
VisitMeet will present unique human exchanges and new options for your choosing in life and living from across the globe via word of mouth invitations, the most powerful 'advertising' medium on the planet. As programmers building this site for programmers and Human Beings who are our mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, sons and daughters all, this will be a site that care built.
VisitMeet will be providing two financial abilities that will allow almost anyone to engage in global selling and purchasing and travelling, and also guiding travels on any level offered and any range of expense. People and groups and organizations can place offers, and users can search offers by following people, searching by keywords, or by visiting the offer map.
An example with GUIDES and TRAVELLERS: our first GUIDE OFFER gives more than guiding you around town in an as yet unnamed city. She offers you a ring-side seat in live performances and documentary filmings of something few on earth know about this day. Those filmings will be waiting for your arrival in that fair city and if you wish, you can become part of the documentary material and be in the film. The cost on this OFFER is yet to be determined.
Our second GUIDE offers her unique talents sharing her city's local fare and local folks, and you can learn of and experience her professional talents while sharing in your VisitMeet.
When we have the codes and tests in place to make OFFERS to our users, then we begin sharing such offers, and allowing you to place OFFERS. Are you seeking anything on earth? We hope to help you find it, and in doing so we will make the world an ever better place. Are you offering something you or your family or group or organization creates? You will be able to place an OFFER, the world will know about it. Our sponsor site is consistently in the top ten search engine results for their terms, and will be incorporating our key terms into new pages on their site. Traffic will arrive to view your offers.
An example of how you can use VisitMeet is, some OFFERS will allow you to travel and help build infrastructure in remote areas. Your presence in these areas help the local folks more than you can imagine, and your life changes by sharing their lives, while you all build something making life better for everyone. How can you find such offers? We'll let you know, as they will be something useful in the world of travel and visiting and meeting other folks from other cultures.
More on this as we progress, though, in short, we will be using the Stripe.com and the Stellar.org platforms to empower almost everyone across the globe to be able to engage the world. Mothers in India or Nepal and other countries where they cannot get credit cards, can access VisitMeet and be able to do commerce with anyone anywhere in the world, from her cellphone or computer. Many people in the world have access to cellphones or computers, but not credit card capability, and so they are shut out of the global commerce. VisitMeet will be offering a way out and up for such folks.
Can you imagine the word of mouth amongst the mothers who will be able for the first time to engage the world in commerce and travel in peace on earth good will all? We can, and we are currently coding our way there every day. We invite your help.
We invite you to contribute to the building of VisitMeet.
As GUIDES and TRAVELLERS If you would like to make OFFERS when we are ready let us know now, and we will work with you to make sure everything is right while we build the site, and your offer is presented as you wish, for all to see.
LODGINGS and EATERIES Travellers and Guides need to eat and sleep, and they will let us know when they find your offerings to be worth sharing, and you can contact us now, letting us know how you will want to present your Lodgings and Eateries.
Your CREATIONS and SERVICES Creators of fine products of the human imagination are invited to contact us now, while we build out the site, so we can present the myriads of offers with all required details so folks can know your creations, your services, your talents.
Combining Travel and Infrastructure More to come a bit down the road near the unbuilt footbridge and further down the road, the washed-out footbridge a community is restoring, with your help if you can see yourself helping. This is a new way to travel, and it will be cheaper than you expect with far richer experiences, memories and unimagined rewards from your travels.
Imagine a mother in her home in a small city near the foothills of the mountains near the equator, she is creating anything you can imagine, from a musical instrument, to an exquisite shaw or rug or art of her own design .. how can she tell the world about her abilities and talents and products and services? She has no website, no credit card, and no way of achieving them. Well, a mother of one of our users sees her in the local market one day and tells her about a website, and gives her the address, and the mother has a cellphone capable of going on the net, or she visits someone who has computer access if need be and signs up at VisitMeet.com and finds the world will open up to her, financially and otherwise.
If you are a non-programmer, you can know that the following Feature and Scenario are actual test-setup-methods to begin knowing what codes are to be tested. A programmer will write a Feature that their client wants to make real on their site, in this manner so both the programmer and the client can be on the same page as to what is to be created, and tested. Imagine you are a programmer and give this a slow read .. and you can know .. a fork is an exact copy of a code repository .. it is a collection of files full of codes that make a website work. There are many folders and files full of codes in our repository, and you fork (copy) of our work is an exact duplicate of all of it.
Programmers Know
Feature As a programmer I seek to contribute to this worthy project When I see a blank spot in codes needed to achieve a result Then I code that ability into a new-feature branch on my VisitMeet.com fork And I test the ability with RSpec tests pertinent to the code When new codes and their tests are covered and passing Then I commit and push to respository and issue Pull Request
Scenario I see projects tagged as up for grabs I visit the links and meet the lack of codes and the help wanteds I grab one or more missing codes/parts and begin to code anew I test the codes to passing and all new code is covered (testing help is available) I push the new or changed codes to the repository and I issue the pull request to include the new feature
If you are an interested programmer or webmaster, please contact us letting us know how you can help build out the site. ALSO ..
If you would like to make OFFERS of YOUR services to the world, now is the time we can and will work with you to make sure everything is right while we build the site.
Ruby NewBees are invited to contribute too. The benefit for you will be working with two professional programmers who have been through what you are going through, and you will have a heads up on offering your programming services to the world through and with the help of the VisitMeet.com code-committers. Do not be shy, as we are seeking every level of programming expertise, so as to offer any type of web site, from simple static HTML sites for mothers and fathers who want to share their creations, to ..
Your imagination sets the stage for new creations.
To be clear on this, we are going to offer the world an easy access to the talents of programmers. Programmers new and experienced are helping to build this website as you read, and now you are invited.
Languages we are working with right now Regarding the site, we are incorporating INTERNATIONALIZATION so the site will present in many languages.
Regarding the site programming languages we are currently using Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Devise for Authentication, Enum Roles for Authorization, RSpec and Capybara and Selenium in Testing, and of course the full range of Ruby Gems, such as acts_as_shopping_cart will be used. Our financial codes will be powered by Stripe.com and tested in development and production with full code coverage on every transaction. Stripe.com handles all credit card and other payment system details, our server never sees these details, nor do their servers ever see your credit card number, only the credit card company ever receives the number. How does that work, you ask ? The user's browser will encrypt those details and send direct to Stripe.com so no other eyes can see. Same goes for the Stripe servers, they send the encrypted information to the credit card company, with the require keys to decipher it, and they receive a token, which is another encoded string of information that stands in for all your card data and their approval, or decline. You put your information in, and we get a token and only a token, therefore our database cannot store your card data as we never see it, therefore we can never lose these very private bits of information. We are actively coding and testing for impenetrable security of our systems. Not one detail is being overlooked, and the testing regimens we use will achieve 100% code coverage, the site will be locked down tight as a drum, so to speak.
Programmers and early sign-ups will have first access to the new services, as they will be helping to build and test them.
Thank You All for your interest and reading herein.
The VisitMeet Team
Help Non-Profits by traveling world in a new way.
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Check our under-construction app: VisitMeet
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