Releases: VirusTotal/vt-py
Releases · VirusTotal/vt-py
File Behaviour feed compatibility and minor changes
- Add File Behaviour feed compatibility
- New examples of usage
- Removing pytest requirement
Adding compatibility with WSGI apps
WSGI applications developed with Python web frameworks (like Django or Tornado) create threads under the main process for handling user requests and Async IO is unable to generate an event loop for those threads if it is not yet created. We are now doing this on our end for adding compatibility with WSGI apps struggling with this problem.
PEP 525 standard on Feed iterator
- Adapt File Feed iterator to PEP 525 standard
- Fix bug in examples/ that don't allow you to stop the script with SIGINT signal.
New example script: Network Infrastructure from VT Intelligence Search
A new example file has been added to the repository: given a VirusTotal Intelligence Search, we show how to build the network infrastructure of those network locations contacted by the files that match with that search.
Following PEP 525 standard for Async Iterators
0.5.1 Following PEP 525 standard for doing async iterators (#12)
Adapting __aiter__ spec for Python 3.5+ version
0.5.0 __aiter__ is not a coroutine anymore, it is working in this way since…