A comprehensive sports centre management system in Python and Flask.
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Design, development and testing of a sports centre management system in Python using Flask, developed for the COMP2913 Software Engineering Principles Group Project.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps: Note: Windows steps assume that you're using PowerShell from within the Windows Terminal app.
> git clone https://github.com/uol-feps-soc-comp2913-2223s2-classroom/project-squad30.git
You should only need to do this once (the first time you clone) with proper git usage.
- Create your virtual environment in the project-squad30 directory. As long as the environment is called "env", it won't be uploaded to version control (see the gitignore file).
> python3 -m venv env # "env" is the name of the environment
# or
> python -m venv env
- Activate your virtual environment.
# Windows
> ./env/Scripts/activate
# Linux/Mac [?]
> source ./env/bin/activate
# When you want to deactivate later
> deactivate
- Install project requirements.
> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# or
> pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set environment variables.
# Windows (powershell)
> $env:SECRET_KEY='secretkeygoeshere-see-teams'
> $env:TOKEN_SALT='emailsaltgoeshere-see-teams'
> $env:EMAIL_PASSWORD='emailpasswordgoeshere-see-teams'
> $env:FLASK_DEBUG=1 # if you want to run the app in debug mode
> $env:PUBLISHABLE_KEY='publishablekeygoeshere-see-teams'
> $env:SECRET_STRIPE_KEY='secretstripekeygoeshere-see-teams'
# Linux/mac
# Look up how to make environment variables persist to prevent having to re-do this step every time you open a new terminal.
> export SECRET_KEY='secretkeygoeshere-see-teams'
> export TOKEN_SALT='emailsaltgoeshere-see-teams'
> export EMAIL_PASSWORD='emailpasswordgoeshere-see-teams'
> export FLASK_DEBUG=1
> export PUBLISHABLE_KEY='publishablekeygoeshere-see-teams'
> export SECRET_STRIPE_KEY='secretstripekeygoeshere-see-teams'
- Run pytest. This will initialise some caches and the database for you.
> python3 -m pytest -v
# or
> python -m pytest -v
- The project should be ready to run. Check by running it.
> cd vertex
> flask run
See the open issues for a full list of backlog, known issues, their priorities and assignees.
- Divyashri Ravichandran
- Theo Addis
- Kavya Pothapragada
- Vindhyaa Saravanan
- Aidan Nash
- Ilham Abdullayev