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Name Description Type Default Required
current_user_ocid OCID of the current user string n/a yes
is_sandbox_mode_enabled Do you want to run the stack in Sandbox mode? bool n/a yes
parent_compartment_name Name of the top level / parent compartment string n/a yes
region the OCI region string n/a yes
tag_cost_center CostCenter tag value string n/a yes
tag_geo_location GeoLocation tag value string n/a yes
tenancy_ocid The OCID of tenancy string n/a yes
vcn_dns_label VCN DNS Label string n/a yes
administrator_group_name The name for the administrator group string "Administrators" no
advanced_logging_option Enable or Disable VCN flow logs and/or Audit Logs. Select an option between NONE, AUDIT_LOGS, FLOW_LOGS or BOTH. string "BOTH" no
agent_cis_benchmark_settings_scan_level Agent benchmarking settings scan level string "STRICT" no
api_fingerprint The fingerprint of API string "" no
api_private_key_path The local path to the API private key string "" no
applications_compartment_name Name of the top level application compartment string "Applications" no
bastion_client_cidr_block_allow_list A list of address ranges in CIDR notation that bastion is allowed to connect list(string) [] no
bastion_subnet_cidr_block CIDR Block for bastion subnet string "" no
break_glass_user_email_list Unique list of break glass user email addresses that do not exist in the tenancy. These users are added to the Administrator group. list(string) [] no
budget_admin_email_endpoints List of email addresses for all budget related notifications. list(string) [] no
budget_alert_rule_message (Optional if using budget alerts): The alert message for budget alerts. string "Default budget alert" no
budget_alert_rule_recipients (Required if using budget alerts): Target email address for budget alerts string "" no
budget_alert_rule_threshold (Required if using budget alerts): The target spending threshold for the budget string "" no
budget_alerting Set to true to enable budget alerting bool false no
budget_amount (Required if using budget alerts): The amount of the budget expressed as a number in the currency of the customer's rate card. string "" no
budget_notification_description Details of the budget notification rule string "Events rule to detect when budget resources are created, updated or deleted" no
budget_notification_display_name the display name of budget notification rule string "Budget-Change-Notification" no
budget_topic_name The name of budget topic string "Budget-Topic" no
common_infra_compartment_name Name of the common infrastructure compartment string "Common-Infra" no
cpe_ip_address Customer Premises Equipment IP address string "" no
deploy_global_resources Whether to deploy global resources, including tenancy level IAM service and Security service (Cloud Guard, VSS, Flow Log). Choose false if extend your Landing Zone to another region. bool true no
enable_budget_notification_action Whether or not the budget notification action is currently enabled bool true no
enable_budget_notification_rule Whether or not the budget rule is currently enabled bool true no
enable_iam_notification_action Whether or not the iam notification action is currently enabled bool true no
enable_iam_notification_rule Whether or not the iam rule is currently enabled bool true no
enable_network_notification_action Whether or not the network notification action is currently enabled bool true no
enable_network_notification_rule Whether or not the network rule is currently enabled bool true no
external_subnet_ocids OCIDs of subnets created outside of this stack to be tracked in the VCN Flow Log service list(string) [] no
fastconnect_provider Available FastConnect providers: AT&T, Microsoft Azure, Megaport, QTS, CEintro, Cologix, CoreSite, Digitial Realty, EdgeConneX, Epsilon, Equinix, InterCloud, Lumen, Neutrona, OMCS, OracleL2ItegDeployment, OracleL3ItegDeployment, Orange, Verizon, Zayo string "" no
fastconnect_routing_policy Available FastConnect routing policies: ORACLE_SERVICE_NETWORK, REGIONAL, MARKET_LEVEL, GLOBAL list(string) [] no
host_scan_recipe_agent_settings_scan_level Vulnerability scanning service agent scan level string "STANDARD" no
host_scan_recipe_port_settings_scan_level Vulnerability scanning service port scan level string "STANDARD" no
iam_admin_group_name The name for the IAM Admin group string "IAM-Admins" no
iam_notification_description Details of the iam notification rule string "Events rule to detect when IAM resources are created, updated or deleted" no
iam_notification_display_name the display name of iam notification rule string "Iam-Change-Notification" no
ip_sec_connection_static_routes IPSec connection static routes list(string) [] no
is_cloud_guard_enabled the status of the Cloud Guard tenant (ENABLED if true or DISABLED if false) bool true no
is_shared_services_subnet_enabled Do you want to provision a private shared services subnet? bool true no
is_vulnerability_scanning_service_enabled the status of the vulnerability scanning service bool true no
key_id Encryption key OCID for security admin policy and audit bucket string "PLACEHOLDER" no
network_admin_email_endpoints List of email addresses for all network related notifications. list(string) [] no
network_admin_group_name The name for the network administrator group name string "Virtual-Network-Admins" no
network_compartment_name Name of the top level network compartment string "Network" no
network_notification_description Details of the network notification rule string "Events rule to detect when network resources are created, updated or deleted" no
network_notification_display_name the display name of network notification rule string "Network-Change-Notification" no
network_topic_name The name of network topic string "Network-Topic" no
notification_action_description The details of the action string "Sends notification via ONS" no
notification_action_type The action to perform if the condition in the rule matches an event. Available options: ONS, OSS, FAAS string "ONS" no
ops_admin_group_name The name for the Ops Admin group string "Ops-Admins" no
platform_admin_group_name The name for the Platform Admin group string "Platform-Admins" no
provider_service_key_name The provider service key that the provider gives you when you set up a virtual circuit connection from the provider to OCI string "" no
retention_rule_duration_time_amount “Please note this feature is irreversible after 14 days.
Please review (and/or) unlock the retention rule before it is locked permanently.
By enabling this feature, logs will be archived in an immutable storage with locked retention rule avoiding object modification and deletion.
After the rule is locked, only increase in the retention is allowed”
string 1 no
security_admin_email_endpoints List of email addresses for all security related notifications. list(string) [] no
security_admins_group_name The name of the security admin group string "Security-Admins" no
security_compartment_name Name of the top level security compartment string "Security" no
security_topic_name The name of security topic string "Security-Topic" no
shared_service_subnet_cidr_block Shared Service Subnet CIDR Block string "" no
shared_service_subnet_dns_label Shared Service Subnet DNS Label string "" no
subscription_protocol The protocol used for the subscription string "EMAIL" no
use_fastconnect_drg Do you want to deploy the fastconnect connectivity option? (true/false) bool false no
use_ipsec_drg Do you want to deploy the ipsec connectivity option? (true/false) bool false no
vault_id Vault OCID for security admin policy string "PLACEHOLDER" no
vcn_cidr_block Primary VCN CIDR Block string "" no
virtual_circuit_bandwidth_shape The provisioned data rate of the connection string "" no
virtual_circuit_cross_connect_mappings_customer_bgp_peering_ip This is the BGP IPv4 address of the customer's router string "" no
virtual_circuit_cross_connect_mappings_customer_secondary_bgp_peering_ip This is the secondary BGP IPv4 address of the customer's router string "" no
virtual_circuit_cross_connect_mappings_oracle_bgp_peering_ip IPv4 address for Oracle's end of the BGP session string "" no
virtual_circuit_cross_connect_mappings_oracle_secondary_bgp_peering_ip Secondary IPv4 address for Oracle's end of the BGP session string "" no
virtual_circuit_customer_asn The BGP ASN of the network at the other end of the BGP session from Oracle number 0 no
vss_scan_schedule Vulnerability scanning service scan schedule string "DAILY" no


Name Description
compartments_map Map of the compartments ocids
more_info_url For more information, please see the Cloud Adoption Framework - Technical Implementation
nat_gateway_id NAT Gateway ocid
subnet_map Subnet list mapped to display name
vcn_id VCN ocid