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Examples of Chef Resources

This is a generic provider for managing any OneView resource. This really exists only for resources that exist in the SDK but don't have a Chef resource provider. If a specific resource exists, please use it instead.

The basic usage is as follows:

oneview_resource 'name' do
  client <my_client>   # Hash or OneviewSDK::Client
  type <resource_type> # String or Symbol
  data <resource_data> # Hash
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete] # (Choose only 1)

type: String or Symbol corresponding to the name of the resource type. For example, EthernetNetwork, Enclosure, Volume etc. These should line up with the OneView SDK resource classes listed here.

See the example for more details.

Note: The :bandwidth can be defined inside data attribute. However, it will internally call the oneview_connection_template resource.

oneview_ethernet_network 'Eth1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  operation <op>       # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'replace'
  path <path>          # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/name'
  value <val>          # String, Array. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'New Name'
  scopes <scope_names> # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :delete_bulk, :reset_connection_template, :patch, :add_to_scopes, :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes]
oneview_connection_template 'ConnectionTemplate1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  associated_ethernet_network <ethernet_network_name> # Or
  associated_fcoe_network <fcoe_network_name> # Or
  associated_fc_network <fc_network_name> # Or
  associated_network_set <network_set_name>
  action [:update, :reset]

📝 Note: This resource can be used to set connection template parameters within four OneView entities: EthernetNetwork, FCoENetwork, FCNetwork and NetworkSet. However you cannot manipulate more than one associated resource in a single connection template.

Although the names of the associated resources (associated_ethernet_network, associated_fcoe_network, associated_fc_network and associated_network_set) are optional parameters, they must be set if the correct URI and Connection template name are not defined.

Performs updates on the reserved vlan range.

Note: Supported only in API300 onwards with the Synergy variant.

oneview_fabric 'Fabric1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  reserved_vlan_range <vlan_options> # Hash: Usually the 'start' and 'length' of the range
  action [:set_reserved_vlan_range]
oneview_fc_network 'Fc1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  associated_san <san_name> # String - Optional. Can also set managedSanUri in data
  operation <op>            # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'add'
  path <path>               # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/scopeUris/-'
  value <val>               # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'scope uri'
  scopes <scope_names>      # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :delete_bulk, :reset_connection_template, :patch, :add_to_scopes, :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes]
oneview_fcoe_network 'FCoE1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  associated_san <san_name> # String - Optional. Can also set managedSanUri in data
  path <path>               # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/scopeUris/-'
  value <val>               # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'scope uri'
  scopes <scope_names>      # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :delete_bulk, :reset_connection_template, :patch, :add_to_scopes, :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes]
oneview_network_set 'NetSet1' do
  client <my_client>
  native_network <native_network_name>  # String: Optional
  ethernet_network_list <networks_list> # Array of network names as Strings: Optional
  data <resource_data>
  operation <op>       # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'replace'
  path <path>          # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/name'
  value <val>          # String, Array. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'New Name'
  scopes <scope_names> # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :reset_connection_template, :patch, :add_to_scopes, :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes]
oneview_event 'Event1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  action [:create]

Resource for HPE OneView firmware bundles and drivers.

oneview_firmware '/full/path/to/file.iso'  do
  client <my_client>
  action [:add, :remove]

oneview_firmware 'firmware_bundle_name'  do
  client <my_client>
  action :remove
oneview_firmware 'CustomSPP'  do
  client <my_client>
  spp_name 'SPPName'
  hotfixes_names [
  action :create_custom_spp

Performs the Interconnect actions:

  • reset: Resets the Interconnect.
  • reset_port_protection: Resets the Interconnect port protection.
  • update_port: Updates one specified port in the Interconnect. The Hash property port_options is required, and is also needed to specify the key "name" corresponding to the port name. (E.G.: "X1", "Q1.1")
  • set_uid_light: Sets the Interconnect UID indicator (UID light) to the specified value. The String property uid_light_state is required, and typically assumes the "On" and "Off" values.
  • power_state: Sets the Interconnect power state to the specified value. The String property power_state is required, and typically assumes the "On" and "Off" values.
oneview_interconnect 'Interconnect1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  port_options <port_data_hash>            # Required for :update_port
  uid_light_state <uid_light_state_string> # Required for :set_uid_light
  power_state <power_state_string>         # Required for :set_power_state
  action [:reset, :reset_port_protection, :update_port, :set_uid_light, :set_power_state, :reapply_configuration]

Note: This is a Synergy-only resource.

Performs the SAS interconnect actions:

  • reset: Soft resets the SAS interconnect. Reset the management processor and will not disrupt I/O.
  • hard_reset: Hard resets the SAS interconnect. Reset the interconnect and will interrupt active I/O.
  • set_uid_light: Sets the SAS interconnect UID indicator (UID light) to the specified value. The String property uid_light_state is required, and typically assumes the "On" and "Off" values.
  • power_state: Sets the SAS interconnect power state to the specified value. The String property power_state is required, and typically assumes the "On" and "Off" values.
  • patch: Performs a patch operation. The properties operation, path and value are used for this action.
  • refresh: Initiates a refresh process in the SAS interconnect. The default refresh process ('RefreshPending') can be overrided using the refresh_state property.
oneview_sas_interconnect 'SASInterconnect1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  uid_light_state <uid_light_state_string> # Required for :set_uid_light
  power_state <power_state_string>         # Required for :set_power_state
  refresh_state <refresh_state_string>     # Default: 'RefreshPending'. String that defines the desired refresh state in :refresh action
  operation <op>                           # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'replace'
  path <path>                              # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/name'
  value <val>                              # String, Array. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'New Name'
  action [:reset, :hard_reset, :set_uid_light, :set_power_state, :patch, :refresh]

Note: if you are using API1200 and onwards, see examples here.

Performs actions on logical interconnect and associated interconnects.

Note: By default it performs the action :none.

Note: In the :update_port_monitor action, if the same field is informed inside both data and port_monitor, the value of that field inside data will supersede the value inside port_monitor.

oneview_logical_interconnect 'LogicalInterconnect1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  firmware <firmware_name>            # String: Optional for actions like :<action>_firwmare (can be replaced by data attribute 'sppName')
  firmware_data <firmware_data>       # Hash: Optional for actions like :<action>_firwmare
  internal_networks <networks_names>  # Array: Optional for :update_internal_networks
  trap_destinations <trap_options>    # Hash: Optional for :update_snmp_configuration
  enclosure <enclosure_name>          # String: Required for :add_interconnect and :remove_interconnect
  bay_number <bay>                    # Integer: Required for :add_interconnect and :remove_interconnect
  port_monitor <port_monitor_options> # Hash: Optional for :update_port_monitor
  operation <op>                      # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'add'
  path <path>                         # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/scopeUris/-'
  value <val>                         # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'scope uri'
  scopes <scope_names>                # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:none, :add_interconnect, :remove_interconnect, :update_internal_networks,
          :update_settings,:update_ethernet_settings, :update_igmp_settings, :update_port_monitor, :update_qos_configuration,
          :update_telemetry_configuration, :update_snmp_configuration, :update_firmware, :stage_firmware,
          :activate_firmware, :update_from_group, :reapply_configuration, :patch, :add_to_scopes,
          :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes, :validate_bulk_inconsistency]

Note: By default it performs the action :none.

oneview_sas_logical_interconnect 'SASLogicalInterconnect1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  firmware <firmware_name>                      # String (Optional): for actions like :<action>_firwmare (can be replaced by data attribute 'sppName')
  firmware_data <firmware_data>                 # Hash: Optional for actions like :<action>_firwmare
  old_drive_enclosure <old_drive_enclosure_id>  # String (Optional): Old Drive enclosure name or serial number. It is used with the action :replace_drive_enclosure.
  new_drive_enclosure <new_drive_enclosure_id>  # String (Optional): New Drive enclosure name or serial number. It is used with the action :replace_drive_enclosure.
  action [:none, :update_firmware, :stage_firmware, :activate_firmware, :update_from_group,
          :reapply_configuration, :replace_drive_enclosure]
  • replace_drive_enclosure: After a drive enclosure is physically replaced it initiates the replace process. The old_drive_enclosure and new_drive_enclosure properties can be specified, they can be either the names or serial numbers of the drive enclosures. Additionally they can be replaced by specifying the serial number directly into the data property the keys :oldSerialNumber and :newSerialNumber. (This option has the best performance)

This resource provides creation at three different levels:

  1. The base one where you just specify the name and some configuration parameters.
  2. Next one where you specify the interconnect types with the corresponding bays.
  3. The most complete way, where you can also specify the uplink sets for your group. (It is also possible to add and edit them later using the oneview_uplink_set resource)

The :create action will always update the Logical Interconnect Group if you use the creation modes 2 and 3. So if you want to avoid this, use the action :create_if_missing

oneview_logical_interconnect_group 'LogicalInterconnectGroup_1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  interconnects <interconnects_data> # Array of hashes specifying interconnect data
  uplink_sets <uplink_set_data>      # Array of hashes specifying uplink data
  operation <op>         # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'replace'
  path <path>            # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/name'
  value <val>            # String, Array. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'New Name'
  scopes <scope_names> # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :patch, :add_to_scopes, :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes]

interconnects: Array of Hashes indicating the interconnect location and type. Each hash should contain the keys:

  • :bay - It specifies the location (bay) where this interconnect is attached to. The value should range from 1 to 8.
  • :type - The interconnect type name that is currently attached to your enclosure.
  • :enclosure_index - enclosureIndex value for the interconnect. API300::Synergy only.
  • :logical_downlink - Name of the LogicalDownlink for the interconnect. API300::Synergy only.
interconnects_data = [
  { bay: 1, type: 'HP VC FlexFabric 10Gb/24-Port Module' },
  { bay: 2, type: 'HP VC FlexFabric 10Gb/24-Port Module', enclosureIndex: 2 }

uplink_sets: Array of Hashes describing each uplink set that should be present in the group. Each hash should contain the keys:

  • :data - A Hash containing the name, type, and subtype if needed:

    • :name - The name of the Uplink set.
    • :networkType - The type of the Uplink set. The values supported are 'Ethernet' and 'FibreChannel'.
    • :ethernetNetworkType - The type of the EthernetNetwork. It only should be used if :networkType is 'Ethernet'.
    uplink_data = {
      name: 'LogicalInterconnectGroup_1_UplinkSet_1',
      networkType: 'Ethernet',
      ethernetNetworkType: 'Tagged'
  • :connections - Array of Hashes containing the association of bay and the port name. The keys for each Hash are:

    • :bay - Number of the bay the interconnect is attached to identify in which interconnect the uplink will be created.
    • :port - The name of the port of the interconnect. It may change depending on the interconnect type.
    • :type - The type of the interconnect module i.e 'Virtual Connect SE 40Gb F8 Module for Synergy'
    • :enclosure_index - enclosureIndex value for the uplink. API300::Synergy only

    c7000 Enclosure example:

    uplink_connections = [
      { bay: 1, port: 'X5' },
      { bay: 2, port: 'X7' }

    Synergy frame example:

    uplink_connections = [
      { bay: 3, port: 'Q1', type: 'Virtual Connect SE 40Gb F8 Module for Synergy', enclosure_index: 1 },
      { bay: 6, port: 'Q1', type: 'Virtual Connect SE 40Gb F8 Module for Synergy', enclosure_index: 2 }
  • :networks - An array containing the names of the networks with the associated Uplink set. The networks should be created prior to the execution of this resource. Remember to match Ethernet networks for Ethernet Uplink sets, and one FC Network for FibreChannel Uplink sets.

At the end we may have an array of Hashes like this to be used in the property:

uplink_set_data = [
  { data: uplink_data_1,  connections: uplink_connections_1, networks: ['Ethernet_1', 'Ethernet_2'] },
  { data: uplink_data_2,  connections: uplink_connections_2, networks: ['FC_1'] }

Note: This is a Synergy-only resource.

oneview_sas_logical_interconnect_group 'SAS_LIG_1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  interconnects <interconnects_data> # Array specifying the interconnects in the bays
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete]

interconnects: Array containing a list of Hashes indicating whether the interconnects are and which type they correspond to. Each hash should contain the keys:

  • :bay - It specifies the location (bay) where this interconnect is attached to. The value should range from 1 to 8.
  • :type - The interconnect type name that is currently attached to your enclosure.
interconnects_data = [
  { bay: 1, type: 'Synergy 12Gb SAS Connection Module' },
  { bay: 4, type: 'Synergy 12Gb SAS Connection Module' }
oneview_logical_switch_group 'LogicalSwitchGroup_1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>           # Switch options
  switch_number <number>         # Specify how many switches are in the group
  switch_type <switch_type_name> # Specify the type of the switches for the entire group
  operation <op>                 # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'add'
  path <path>                    # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/scopeUris/-'
  value <val>                    # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'scope uri'
  scopes <scope_names>           # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :patch, :add_to_scopes, :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes]

The :create and create_if_missing can be done in two different ways:

  1. By specifying the 'switchMapTemplate' attribute in the data property
  2. By specifying both switch_number and switch_type properties, but no 'switchMapTemplate' attribute in the data property

📝 Note: You are still able to specify the switch_number and switch_type properties even if you use the 'switchMapTemplate' attribute, but they will be ignored, only the values from 'switchMapTemplate' are going to be used.

oneview_logical_switch 'LogicalSwitch_1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>               # Logical Switch options
  credentials <switches_credentials> # Specify the credentials for all the switches
  operation <op>                     # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'add'
  path <path>                        # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/scopeUris/-'
  value <val>                        # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'scope uri'
  scopes <scope_names>               # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :refresh, :patch, :add_to_scopes, :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes]

credentials: Array containing Hashes indicating the credentials of the switches. They are needed for the :create and :create_if_missing actions. Each Hash should have the keys:

  • :host - It specifies the location switch hostname or IP address.
  • :ssh_credentials - User and password to access the switch through ssh.
  • :snmp_credentials - The switch SNMP credentials. They may vary depending on which SNMP type you are using.

📝 NOTE: The credentials may also be replaced by the entire data Hash or JSON. In this case the property will be ignored.

oneview_datacenter 'Datacenter_1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
    <rack1_name> => { x: <x>, y: <y>, rotation: <rotation> },
    <rack2_name> => { x: <x>, y: <y>, rotation: <rotation> },
  action [:add, :add_if_missing, :remove]

Available Rack actions:

  • add: Add a rack to HPE OneView and updates it as necessary
  • add_if_missing: Add a rack to HPE OneView if it does not exists (no updates)
  • add_to_rack: Add a resource to the rack
  • remove: Remove a rack from HPE OneView
  • remove_from_rack: Remove a resource from a Rack
oneview_rack 'Rack_1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  action [:add, :add_if_missing, :remove]

oneview_rack 'Rack_1' do
  client <my_client>
    name: <resource_name>,
    type: <resource_type>,
    topUSlot: 20,           # Optional. For add_to_rack only
    uHeight: 2,             # Optional. For add_to_rack only
    location: 'CenterFront' # Optional. For add_to_rack only
  action [:add_to_rack, :remove_from_rack]
oneview_enclosure_group 'EnclosureGroup_1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  logical_interconnect_groups ['LIG_name1', { name: 'LIG_name2', enclosureIndex: 1 }]
  script <script_string> # String. Used in set_script action only.
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :set_script]

logical_interconnect_groups: Array of data used to build the interconnect bay configuration. Each item can either be a string containing the LIG name or a hash containing the LIG name and enclosureIndex. Note that the enclosureIndex is not used on API200.

oneview_enclosure 'Encl1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  enclosure_group <eg_name> # String - Optional. Can also set enclosureGroupUri in data
  refresh_state <state>     # String - Optional. Used for refresh action only. Defaults to 'RefreshPending'
  options <options>         # Hash - Optional. Force options for refresh action only. Defaults to `{}`
  operation <op>            # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'replace'
  path <path>               # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/name'
  value <val>               # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'New Name'
  scopes <scope_names>      # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:add, :patch, :reconfigure, :refresh, :remove, :add_to_scopes, :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes, :create_csr_request, :import_certificate]

Note: This is a Synergy-only resource.

Performs the drive enclosure actions:

  • hard_reset: Hard resets the drive enclosure. Resets the drive enclosure and interrupt the active I/O.
  • set_uid_light: Sets the drive enclosure UID indicator (UID light) to the specified value. The String property uid_light_state is required, and typically assumes the "On" and "Off" values.
  • power_state: Sets the drive enclosure power state to the specified value. The String property power_state is required, and typically assumes the "On" and "Off" values.
  • patch: Performs a patch operation. The properties operation, path and value are used for this action.
  • refresh: Initiates a refresh process in the drive enclosure. The default refresh process ('RefreshPending') can be overrided using the refresh_state property.
oneview_drive_enclosure 'DriveEnclosure1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  uid_light_state <uid_light_state> # String. Required for :set_uid_light
  power_state <power_state_string>  # Required for :set_power_state
  refresh_state <refresh_state>     # Default: 'RefreshPending'. String that defines the desired refresh state in :refresh action
  operation <op>                    # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'replace'
  path <path>                       # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/name'
  value <val>                       # String, Array. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'New Name'
  action [:hard_reset, :set_uid_light, :set_power_state, :patch, :refresh]

Note: if you are using API500 and onwards, see the examples here

oneview_volume 'Volume_1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  storage_system <storage_system>
  storage_pool <storage_pool_name>
  volume_template <volume_template_name>
  snapshot_pool <snapshot_pool_name>
  properties <volume_properties>                # Hash. Used in create_from_snapshot action only. Only available on API500 and onwards.
  is_permanent <is_permanent>                   # <TrueClass, FalseClass>. Default: 'true'. Only available on API500 and onwards.
  delete_from_appliance_only <delete_from_appliance_only> # <TrueClass, FalseClass>. Default: 'false'. Used in delete action only. If true remove from appliance only, if false remove from appliance and storage system. Only available on API500 and onwards.
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :repair, :create_from_snapshot, :add_if_missing]

oneview_volume 'Volume_1' do
  client <my_client>
  snapshot_data <snapshot_data>
  action [:create_snapshot, :delete_snapshot]
  • storage_system (String) Optional - IP address, hostname or name of the Storage System to associate with the Volume
  • storage_pool (String) Optional - Name of the Storage Pool from the Storage System to associate the Volume.
  • volume_template (String) Optional - Name of the Volume Template. If you set this, you cannot set the storage_system or storage_pool properties
  • snapshot_pool (String) Optional - Name of the Storage Pool containing the snapshots
  • snapshot_data (Hash) Required for create_snapshot & delete_snapshot - Typically includes name and description

📝 NOTE: The OneView API has a provisioningParameters hash for creation, but not updates. In recipes, use same data as you would for an update, and this resource will handle creating the provisioningParameters for you if the volume needs created. (Define the desired state, not how to create it). See the volume example for more on this.

Performs action on volume Attachments

Note: By default it performs action :none

oneview_volume_attachment 'VolumeAttachment1' do
  client my_client
  action :repair

Note: if you are using API500 and above, see the examples here

oneview_volume_template 'VolumeTemplate_1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  storage_system <storage_system_info>
  storage_pool <storage_pool_name>
  snapshot_pool <snapshot_pool_name>
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete]
  • storage_system (String) Required - IP address, hostname or name of the Storage System to associate the Volume.
  • storage_pool (String) Required - Name of the Storage Pool from the Storage System to associate the Volume.
  • snapshot_pool (String) Optional - Name of the Storage Pool containing the snapshots.

⚠️ WARNING: The resources oneview_volume and oneview_volume_template appear to accept the same data, but they have two characteristics that differ:

  1. oneview_volume_template does not accept the property volume_template. You cannot create a volume template from another volume template.

  2. The following table maps different provisioning data keys to each type:

    oneview_volume oneview_volume_template oneview_volume_template (API500)
    :provisioningParameters :provisioning properties: { provisioningType: { ... } }
    :requestedCapacity :capacity properties: { size: { ... } }
oneview_storage_pool 'CPG_FC-AO' do
  client <my_client>
  storage_system <storage_system> # name or hostname
  action [:add_if_missing, :remove]

Note: If you add ip_hostname to credentials (prior to API500) or hostname (API500 onwards) you don't need to specify a name to handle storage systems

oneview_storage_system 'StorageSystem1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <storage_system_data>
  action [:add, :add_if_missing, :remove, :refresh]
oneview_logical_enclosure 'Encl1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  enclosures [<enclosure_names>] # Optional. Array of enclosure names (or serialNumbers or OA IPs) for :create & :create_if_missing actions only
  enclosure_group 'EncGroup1'    # Optional. Name of enclosure group for :create & :create_if_missing actions only
  script 'script'                # For :set_script action only
    errorCode: <error_code>,                       # Required <String>. For :create_support_dump action only
    encrypt: <encrypt>,                            # Optional <TrueClass, FalseClass>. For :create_support_dump action only
    excludeApplianceDump: <exclude_appliance_dump> # Optional <TrueClass, FalseClass>. For :create_support_dump action only
  action [:create_if_missing, :create, :update_from_group, :reconfigure, :set_script, :delete, :create_support_dump]

Notes: The default action is :create_if_missing. Also, the creation process may take 30min or more.

oneview_managed_san 'SAN1_0' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  refresh_state <state>  # Optional <String> - Used in :refresh action. It defaults to 'RefreshPending'.
  action [:none, :refresh, :set_policy, :set_public_attributes]
oneview_power_device 'PowerDevice1' do
  client <my_client>
    ratedCapacity: 40
  power_state [:on, :off]    # Only used with the :set_power_state action
  uid_state [:on, :off]      # Only used with the :set_uid_state action
  refresh_options <options>  # Optional <Hash> - Used in :refresh action. It defaults to { refreshState: 'RefreshPending' }.
  action [:add, :add_if_missing, :remove, :refresh, :set_power_state, :set_uid_state]
oneview_power_device '<iPDU hostname>' do
  client <my_client>
  username <username>
  password <password>
  auto_import_certificate [true, false] # Optional. Only used with the :discover action. Default value is true.
  action :discover
oneview_san_manager '<host ip>' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  action [:add, :add_if_missing, :remove]

Note: Supported only in API300 onwards.

oneview_scope 'Scope1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <resource_data>
  add <resource_list>
  remove <resource_list>
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :change_resource_assignments]
  • add and remove (Hash) Optional - Used in the :change_resource_assignments action only. Specify resources to be added or removed. The Hash should have <resource_type> => [<resource_names>] associations. The resource_type can be a String or Symbol, and should be in upper CamelCase (i.e., ServerHardware, Enclosure):

    resource_list = {
      Enclosure: ['Encl1'],
      ServerHardware: ['Server1']

    See the example for more information.

oneview_server_hardware 'ServerHardware1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  power_state [:on, :off] # Only used with the :set_power_state action
  refresh_options <hash>  # Only used with the :refresh action. Optional
  operation <op>          # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'replace'
  path <path>             # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/name'
  value <val>             # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'New Name'
  scopes <scope_names>    # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:add_if_missing, :remove, :refresh, :set_power_state, :update_ilo_firmware, :add_multiple_servers, :patch, :add_to_scopes, :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes]
oneview_server_hardware_type 'ServerHardwareType1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  action [:edit, :remove]
oneview_server_profile_template 'ServerProfileTemplate1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  server_hardware <server_hardware_name>
  server_hardware_type <server_hardware_type_name>
  enclosure_group <enclosure_group_name>
  enclosure <enclosure_name>
  firmware_driver <firmware_driver_name>
  ethernet_network_connections <ethernet_network_connections_data>
  fc_network_connections <fc_network_connections_data>
  network_set_connections <network_set_connections_data>
  server_profile_name <profile_name>  # String - Optional. Used in create and create_if_missing actions. It is the name of the Server Profile be used as base for the Server Profile Template. Only available on API500 and onwards to be used as base.
  os_deployment_plan <os_deployment_plan_name>
  volume_attachments <volume_attachments_data> # Array<Hash> - The volume attachments data to be created with Server Profile Template.
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete]

You can specify the association of the server profile with each of the resources using the resource properties. Also it is easy to add connections using the connection properties:

  • <resource_name>_connections (Array/Hash) Optional - Specify connections with the desired resource type. The Hash entry should have <network_name> => <connection_data> associations. The Array contains these Hash entries. See the examples for more information.

  • volume_attachments (Array) Optional - Specify a list of volume attachments to be created when creating or updating the Server Profile Template. See the example for more information.

    To attach a Volume already created, put into the 'volume_attachments' something like:

      volume: 'test2', # name of existent Oneview Volume
      attachment_data: { ... } # key-pair data to be the specific attributes of the Oneview Volume Attachment

    To create a new Volume and attach it, put into the 'volume_attachments' something like:

        volume_data: {}, # key-pair data to create a new Volume to the Oneview
        storage_system: 'ThreePAR-1', # name of Storage System associated with the Volume Attachment
        storage_pool: 'CPG-SSD', # name of Storage Pool associated with the Volume Attachment
        host_os_type: 'Windows 2012 / WS2012 R2', # the hostOsType info of San Storage
        attachment_data: { ... } # key-pair data to be the specific attributes of the Oneview Volume Attachment
oneview_server_profile 'ServerProfile1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  server_profile_template <server_profile_template_name>
  server_hardware <server_hardware_name>
  server_hardware_type <server_hardware_type_name>
  enclosure_group <enclosure_group_name>
  enclosure <enclosure_name>
  firmware_driver <firmware_driver_name>
  ethernet_network_connections <ethernet_network_connections_data>
  fc_network_connections <fc_network_connections_data>
  fcoe_network_connections <fcoe_network_connections_data>
  network_set_connections <network_set_connections_data>
  os_deployment_plan <os_deployment_plan_name>
  volume_attachments <volume_attachments_data> # Array<Hash> - The volume attachments data to be created with Server Profile Template.
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete]

You can specify the association of the server profile with each of the resources using the resource properties. Also it is easy to add connections using the connection properties:

  • <network_type>_connections (Hash) Optional - Specify connections with the desired resource type. The Hash should have <network_name> => <connection_data> associations. See the examples for more information.

  • os_deployment_plan (String) Optional - Specify the OS Deployment Plan to be applied with the Server Profile. The OS Deployment Plan needs to be created in Image Streamer appliance in order to appear in OneView. See the example for more information.

  • volume_attachments (Array) Optional - Specify a list of volume attachments to be created when creating or updating the Server Profile. See the example for more information.

    To attach a Volume already created, put into the 'volume_attachments' something like:

      volume: 'test2', # name of existent Oneview Volume
      attachment_data: { ... } # key-pair data to be the specific attributes of the Oneview Volume Attachment

    To create a new Volume and attach it, put into the 'volume_attachments' something like:

        volume_data: {}, # key-pair data to create a new Volume to the Oneview
        storage_system: 'ThreePAR-1', # name of Storage System associated with the Volume Attachment
        storage_pool: 'CPG-SSD', # name of Storage Pool associated with the Volume Attachment
        host_os_type: 'Windows 2012 / WS2012 R2', # the hostOsType info of San Storage
        attachment_data: { ... } # key-pair data to be the specific attributes of the Oneview Volume Attachment

Note: This resource is available only for the C7000 variant.

Note: API300 includes the :patch operation.

oneview_switch 'Switch1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  operation <op>                # String. Used in patch action only. e.g., 'replace'
  path <path>                   # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., '/name'
  value <val>                   # String. Used in patch option only. e.g., 'New Name'
  port_options <port_data_hash> # Hash. Used in update_port action only. Only available on API300 and onwards with the C7000 variant.
  scopes <scope_names>          # Array - Optional. Array of scope names. Used in add_to_scopes, remove_from_scopes or replace_scopes options only. e.g., ['Scope1', 'Scope2']
  action [:remove, :none, :patch, :update_port, :add_to_scopes, :remove_from_scopes, :replace_scopes]
oneview_unmanaged_device 'UnmanagedDevice1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  action [:add, :add_if_missing, :remove]
oneview_uplink_set 'UplinkSet1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  fc_networks          # Array of assigned FC network names - Optional
  fcoe_networks        # Array of assigned FCoE network names - Optional
  networks             # Array of assigned Ethernet network names - Optional
  logical_interconnect # Name of the assigned Logical Interconnect - Optional
  native_network       # Name of the network that is designated as the native network - Optional
                       # The native network has to be added to one of the network arrays before being declared
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete]
oneview_user 'User1' do
  client <my_client>
  data <data>
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete]

HPE OneView resource for managing ID pools.

oneview_id_pool 'IDPool1' do
  client <my_client>    # Hash or OneviewSDK::ImageStreamer::Client
  pool_type <pool_type> # (Required) String - The type of the pool. Values: (ipv4, vmac, vsn, vwwn)
  enabled <enabled>     # [TrueClass, FalseClass] - The status of the pool
  count <count>         # Integer - The quantity of IDs to allocate
  id_list <id_list>     # Array<String> - The IDs list (or IDs separeted by comma)
  action [:allocate_count, :allocate_list, :collect_ids, :update]

Performs the ID Pool actions:

  • update: Enable or disable an ID Pool. The Boolean property enabled is required.
  • allocate_list: Allocates one or more IDs from a according the list informed. The Array property id_list is required.
  • allocate_count: Allocates a specific amount of IDs from a pool. The Integer property count is required.
  • collect_ids: Removes one or more IDs from a pool. The Array property id_list is required.

HPE Synergy Image Streamer resource for Artifact bundles.

image_streamer_artifact_bundle 'ArtifactBundle1' do
  client <my_client>   # Hash or OneviewSDK::ImageStreamer::Client
  data <resource_data> # Hash
  deployment_plans <deployment_plan_names>
  golden_images <golden_image_names>
  os_build_plans <os_build_plan_names>
  plan_scripts <plan_script_names>
  new_name <artifact_bundle_name>          # String - The desired name for an existing artifact bundle - Optional
  file_path <local_file_path>              # String - File path for download & upload actions (Required for these actions)
  deployment_group <deployment_group_name> # String - Name of the deployment group on which to perform a backup. (Required for :backup_from_file action)
  timeout <timeout_value> # Integer - Time in seconds for the :backup_from_file action to timeout if it is not finished. - Optional
  action [:create_if_missing, :update_name, :delete, :download, :upload, :extract, :backup,
          :backup_from_file, :download_backup, :extract_backup]
  • deployment_plans, golden_images, os_build_plans and plan_scripts (Array) Optional - Specify resources to be associated with the artifact bundle. The Array should contain Hashes in the following format: { name: <resource_name>, read_only: <true/false>} . The read_only field may be ommited for resources which are read-only. See the example for more information.

HPE Synergy Image Streamer resource for Deployment plans.

image_streamer_deployment_plan 'DeploymentPlan1' do
  client <my_client>   # Hash or OneviewSDK::ImageStreamer::Client
  data <resource_data> # Hash
  os_build_plan <os_build_plan_name> # String - Name of the OS Build Plan to be associated to this deployment plan - Optional
  golden_image <golden_image_name> # String - Name of the Golden Image to be associated to this deployment plan - Optional
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete]

HPE Synergy Image Streamer resource for Golden images.

image_streamer_golden_image 'GoldenImage1' do
  client <my_client>          # Hash or OneviewSDK::ImageStreamer::Client
  data <resource_data>        # Hash - Note: The value of data['imageCapture'] determines whether or not certain other key/value pairs are required here
  os_volume <os_volume_name>  # String - Optional - OS Volume name to associate with the resource
  os_build_plan <plan_name>   # String - Optional - OS Build Plan name to associate with the resource. The type of the OS Build Plan must match the mode (Capture or Deploy), specified in data['imageCapture']
  file_path <local_file_path> # String - File path for download or upload actions (Required in these actions)
  timeout <time_in_seconds>   # Integer - Optional - Time to timeout the request in the :download and :upload_if_missing actions. Defaults to the default resource value (Usualy 300 seconds)
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :download, :download_details_archive, :upload_if_missing]

HPE Synergy Image Streamer resource for OS Build plan.

image_streamer_os_build_plan 'OSBuildPlan1' do
  client <my_client>   # Hash or OneviewSDK::ImageStreamer::Client
  data <resource_data> # Hash
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete]

HPE Synergy Image Streamer resource for Plan scripts.

image_streamer_plan_script 'PlanScript1' do
  client <my_client>   # Hash or OneviewSDK::ImageStreamer::Client
  data <resource_data> # Hash
  action [:create, :create_if_missing, :delete]


ℹ️ There are plenty more examples in the examples directory showing more detailed usage of each resource, but here's a few to get you started:

  • Create an ethernet network
my_client = { url: '', user: 'Administrator', password: 'secret123' }

eth_net_data = {
  vlanId: 50,
  purpose: 'General',
  smartLink: false,
  privateNetwork: false

oneview_ethernet_network 'Ethernet Network 1' do
  data eth_net_data
  client my_client
  • Add server hardware
oneview_server_hardware '' do
    hostname: '',
    username: 'user',
    password: 'password', # Note: This should be read from a file or databag, not stored in clear text.
    licensingIntent: 'OneViewStandard',
    configurationState: 'Monitored'
  client my_client
  • Add an enclosure group
# Note: Since the script is at a separate endpoint, we can't set that here
oneview_enclosure_group 'Enclosure-Group-1' do
    stackingMode: 'Enclosure',
    interconnectBayMappingCount: 8
  client my_client
  save_resource_info true # Save all properties to a node attribute
  • Add an enclosure and associate it with the enclosure group added above
oneview_enclosure 'Enclosure-1' do
  data lazy {{
    hostname: '',
    username: 'admin',
    password: 'secret123',
    licensingIntent: 'OneView',
    enclosureGroupUri: node['oneview'][my_client.url]['Enclosure-Group-1']['uri']
  client my_client
  save_resource_info ['uri'] # Only save this to the node attributes

Note: The data hash is wrapped in a lazy block so that node['oneview'][my_client.url]['Enclosure-Group-1']['uri'] will be set before the resource properties are parsed. However, the recommended way is to use the enclosure_group property, where the uri will be fetched at runtime; this just shows how you can use lazy with the node attributes that are saved.

  • Delete a fibre channel network
oneview_fc_network 'FC Network 1' do
  client my_client
  action :delete