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Myrilandel edited this page Nov 21, 2017 · 30 revisions

Work in progress

TODO : Find PJV Picture VelandelStudioImage

  1. What is the Video Game Project ?
  2. What are you going to find here ?
  3. Who are we ?

What is the Video Game Project ?

What are you going to find here ?

This wiki is oriented for the Velande Staff (dev and modelers) and not for users. You will find everything you need to start your work with us such as methodologies descriptions, usefull links and architectural elements of the game itself.

We recommend you to follow the different steps on the slidebar of this wiki, starting with the General section. You can also read the UML and Concepts sections, but they are more abstract and should be helpfull only while you are developping. on the project.

Who are we ?

Velandel Staff - Dev' team :

Velandel Staff - 3D Modelers team :

External Contributor:

We all come from France and we develop this project on our free time. We are also developpers in our professional environment. We love video games and we also really like this experiment. This is why we try to develop this project as much as possible. If you are a motivated and passionate developper or 3D modeler, feel free to contact us at [email protected]