- Confirmed compatibility with V12
- Fixed the scene description box inside the Scene Notes.
- Update to be compatible with Version 11 of Foundry
- Transfer of ownership from Thalissa to Veilza
- Combat Selector depricated due to it being merged into the MTA system
- Fix for a rare beakage in the Scene Notes.
- Update to the beats menu; now tracks beats via progress instead of by the "beats" number in the actor and allows the storyteller to input a reason for the beats if they're adding them per-player.
- Style fix for Scene Notes cutting off the "items" section if the window was too small.
- Update to the Combat Selector to prevent a console error from popping up.
- Quality of life fix for editing scene names in Scene Notes, now pressing enter will default to submit rather than cancel
- Fixed the Scene Notes sidebar getting too small when a too long description was added.
- Added a new module: Scene Notes! This allows a storyteller to keep track of their scenes, actors within that scene, journal entries important to that scene, and general descriptions without having to fuss with their endless list of journal entries or with making full maps.
- Minor cleanup fixes to the Beats Menu.
- Added a description and translation lines for the Automatic Defense toggle setting.
- V9 Compatible confirmed!
- Added the ability to give beats to individual actors from the menu
- Re-defined the "group beats menu" to just the "beats menu," since its purpose is now overview and general management.
- Since it's refined enough and in working order, I'm going to consider this the official version 1! Woo.
- Updated the Beats Menu display, now displaying Beats/XP and updating when the actors on the list update!
- A bunch of code restructuring/fixes and cleaned up the way I get the actor sheets.
- Changed a bunch of lets to consts because some variables were never changed.
- Fix for how the Combat Selector displayed the dice mods.
- Quick fix for applying automated defense to the weapon's dicepool.
- Added a new module: Combat Selector, which will automatically subtract a selected token's defense to a weapon's roll when the dialogue is brought up.
- Localization added! Now all the pieces of the menu pull from the language file, which can be expanded later to include other languages.
- Reworked some functions and cleaned various bits of code up, plus tweaked setting names for futureproofing.
- Initial commit! Group Beats menu is there, and working, but localization isn't and things still need to be cleaned up.