All changelogs before 3.0.0 version
- Update for 5440050 game build
- Fix Reply/Request Messages for NetworkingAPI
- Fixed NetworkAPI double sending messages
- Monomod patch detection fix and some refactoring
- Added logging for ILHooks usage
- LanguageAPI: implemented LanguageOverlays
- Fixed NetworkingAPI initialization
- LanguageAPI: First loaded language from file will be added used if here is no localized values for other languages
- Eclipse fix for modded characters
- Fixed an issue where ItemDropAPI allowed items with
tag be in drop tables - NetworkCompatibility fixes
- LanguageAPI api fix for replacing vanilla tokens
- Using non-requested submodules will now throw an error
- Fix things for 1.0 release
- IMPORTANT FOR MOD DEVS: Add NetworkCompatibility Helper
- Remove 'MOD' from dedicated server listings as it's already shown in the tags
- Fixed bug with ConvertToFullpath by enforcing that ModPrefix start with @
- Fixed being unable to have assets with the same path but different type in UnbundledResourceProvider
- Added NetworkingAPI now integrating networking components into R2API!
- Added DotAPI to handle Dots
- Update EliteAPI to spawn correctly
- Add UnlockablesAPI
- disable ConCommand steam_quickplay_start
- Add Skymeadow to directorAPI
- ItemDropAPI: Allow public removal of items from the default drop lists
- Fix SurvivorAPI misidentifies survivors with missing newline characters
- Prevent adding XML unsafe items
- Fix Custom equipment not displaying on bodies
- Converted LoadRequest to use cecil
- Fix R2API plugin dependency of MonoMod patcher file
- Remove faulty hook around chests' item rolling.
- Remove savety hooks for userprofile as RoR2 does that now out of the box
- Seperate BuffAPI and EliteAPI from ItemAPI
- Fix Reflection utils
- Update to latest BepInEx for building
- Fix for the descriptionToken of custom survivors
- Update for latest game update: A B C
- Add UnbundledResourceProvider (allows to add generated assets easily)
- Allow mods to check if a R2API Submodule is loaded without needing an R2API instance
- Allow custom survivors to define display rules for custom items & improve code quality of display rules
- Allow custom items to define display rules for individual models
- Added more overloads for Direct Messages
- Rewrote the readme
- Updated AssetPlus to allow mass language changes without reloading the current language
- Disabled ModListAPI as it was causing issues in multiplayer games
- Prevent issues with itemDropAPI regarding overgrown printers
- Fix a lot of things in ModListAPI
- Added safeties to certain APIs: A B
- Added
to check if a submodule is loaded correctly - Change ItemAPI to return more useful values
- Fix R2API not checking for submodule dependencies in certain folders
- Added warning when monomod patch is missing
- Add ModListAPI (And this one)
- Merged EntiyAPI, SkillAPI, SkinAPI, and LoadoutAPI
- Protect userprofiles from out of range indexes
- Fix R2API not loading when not in own subfolder
- Add
prefix to dedicated servers - Added utils for direct messages to clients
- Update for 4478858
- APISubmodule now only loads requested submodules
- Added 5 new APIs: DirectorAPI, PrefabAPI, OrbAPI, SkinAPI, SkillAPI, EffectAPI
- Added Submodule Dependencies.
- Add more AssetPlus language features
- Add UnityEngine.Color overload for colored messages
- Added DifficultyAPI
- Disable vanilla sorting of modded entries
- Ease the use of CommandHelper and added ability to add convars
- Added ResourcesAPI
- Added ItemAPI
- Fix issues in vanilla mod helpers