diff --git a/examples/remote/ml_forecast.py b/examples/remote/ml_forecast.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8f03205a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/remote/ml_forecast.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2025 MetPy Developers.
+# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ML Weather Prediction Access and Plotting
+Use MetPy to access machine learning weather prediction (MLWP) data in AWS S3 and plot using
+the simplified plotting interface.
+from datetime import datetime
+from metpy.remote import MLWPArchive
+from metpy.plots import MapPanel, PanelContainer, RasterPlot
+# Access the GraphCast forecast closest to the desired date/time
+dt = datetime(2025, 2, 15, 18)
+ds = MLWPArchive().get_product('graphcast', dt).parse()
+# Plot the data using MetPy's simplified plotting interface.
+raster = RasterPlot()
+raster.data = ds
+raster.field = 't2'
+raster.time = dt
+raster.colorbar = 'horizontal'
+raster.colormap = 'RdBu_r'
+panel = MapPanel()
+panel.area = 'co'
+panel.projection = 'lcc'
+panel.layers = ['coastline', 'borders', 'states']
+panel.plots = [raster]
+panel.title = f"{ds[raster.field].attrs['long_name']} @ {dt}"
+pc = PanelContainer()
+pc.size = (8, 8)
+pc.panels = [panel]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/metpy/remote/aws.py b/src/metpy/remote/aws.py
index 6b9d971a28..7a769c5582 100644
--- a/src/metpy/remote/aws.py
+++ b/src/metpy/remote/aws.py
@@ -592,3 +592,120 @@ def _build_result(self, obj):
"""Build a product that opens the data using `xarray.open_dataset`."""
return AWSProduct(obj,
lambda s: xr.open_dataset(s.url + '#mode=bytes', engine='netcdf4'))
+class MLWPArchive(S3DataStore):
+ """Access data from the NOAA/CIRA Machine-Learning Weather Prediction archive in AWS.
+ This consists of individual model runs stored in netCDF format, across a variety
+ a collection of models (Aurora, FourCastNet, GraphCast, Pangu) and initial conditions
+ (GFS or IFS).
+ """
+ _model_map = {'aurora': 'AURO', 'fourcastnet': 'FOUR',
+ 'graphcast': 'GRAP', 'pangu': 'PANG'}
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__('noaa-oar-mlwp-data')
+ def _model_id(self, model, version, init):
+ """Build a model id from the model name, version, and initial conditions."""
+ init = init or 'GFS'
+ model = self._model_map.get(model.lower(), model)
+ if version is None:
+ model_id = sorted(self.common_prefixes(model + '_', '_'))[-1]
+ else:
+ version = str(version)
+ if len(version) < 3:
+ version = version + '00'
+ model_id = f'{model}_v{version}_'
+ return f'{model_id}{init}'
+ def _build_key(self, model_id, dt, depth=None):
+ """Build a key for the bucket up to the desired point."""
+ first_hour = 0
+ last_hour = 240
+ step_hours = 6
+ parts = [model_id, f'{dt:%Y}', f'{dt:%m%d}',
+ f'{model_id}_{dt:%Y%m%d%H}_'
+ f'f{first_hour:03d}_f{last_hour:03d}_{step_hours:02d}.nc']
+ return self.delimiter.join(parts[slice(0, depth)])
+ def dt_from_key(self, key): # noqa: D102
+ # Docstring inherited
+ # GRAP_v100_GFS_2025021212_f000_f240_06.nc
+ dt = key.split('/')[-1].split('_')[3]
+ return datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y%m%d%H').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ def get_product(self, model, dt=None, version=None, init=None):
+ """Get a product from the archive.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ model : str
+ The selected model to get data for. Can be any of the four-letter codes supported
+ by the archive (currently FOUR, PANG, GRAP, AURO), or the known names (
+ case-insensitive): ``'Aurora'``, ``'FourCastNet'``, ``'graphcast'``, or
+ ``'pangu'``.
+ dt : `datetime.datetime`, optional
+ The desired date/time for the model run; the one closest matching in time will
+ be returned. If not given, defaults to the current UTC date/time.
+ version : str or int, optional
+ The particular version of the model to select. If not given, the query will try
+ to select the most recent version of the model.
+ init : str, optional
+ Selects the model run initialized with a particular set of initial conditions.
+ Should be one of ``'GFS'`` or ``'IFS'``, defaults to ``'GFS'``.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ get_range
+ """
+ dt = datetime.now(timezone.utc) if dt is None else ensure_timezone(dt)
+ model_id = self._model_id(model, version, init)
+ search_key = self._build_key(model_id, dt)
+ prefix = search_key.rsplit('_', maxsplit=4)[0]
+ return self._closest_result(self.objects(prefix), dt)
+ def get_range(self, model, start, end, version=None, init=None):
+ """Yield products within a particular date/time range.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ model : str
+ The selected model to get data for. Can be any of the four-letter codes supported
+ by the archive (currently FOUR, PANG, GRAP, AURO), or the known names (
+ case-insensitive): ``'Aurora'``, ``'FourCastNet'``, ``'graphcast'``, or
+ ``'pangu'``.
+ start : `datetime.datetime`
+ The start of the date/time range
+ end : `datetime.datetime`
+ The end of the date/time range
+ version : str or int, optional
+ The particular version of the model to select. If not given, the query will try
+ to select the most recent version of the model.
+ init : str, optional
+ Selects the model run initialized with a particular set of initial conditions.
+ Should be one of ``'GFS'`` or ``'IFS'``, defaults to ``'GFS'``.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ get_product
+ """
+ start = ensure_timezone(start)
+ end = ensure_timezone(end)
+ model_id = self._model_id(model, version, init)
+ for dt in date_iterator(start, end, days=1):
+ prefix = self._build_key(model_id, dt, depth=3)
+ for obj in self.objects(prefix):
+ if start <= self.dt_from_key(obj.key) < end:
+ yield self._build_result(obj)
+ def _build_result(self, obj):
+ """Build a product that opens the data using `xarray.open_dataset`."""
+ return AWSProduct(obj,
+ lambda s: xr.open_dataset(s.url + '#mode=bytes', engine='netcdf4'))
diff --git a/tests/remote/fixtures/test_mlwp_single.yaml b/tests/remote/fixtures/test_mlwp_single.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..045471953b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/remote/fixtures/test_mlwp_single.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ User-Agent:
+ - !!binary |
+ Qm90bzMvMS4zNi4zIG1kL0JvdG9jb3JlIzEuMzYuMyB1YS8yLjAgb3MvbWFjb3MjMjQuMy4wIG1k
+ L2FyY2gjYXJtNjQgbGFuZy9weXRob24jMy4xMy4xIG1kL3B5aW1wbCNDUHl0aG9uIGNmZy9yZXRy
+ eS1tb2RlI2xlZ2FjeSBCb3RvY29yZS8xLjM2LjMgUmVzb3VyY2U=
+ amz-sdk-invocation-id:
+ - !!binary |
+ amz-sdk-request:
+ - !!binary |
+ YXR0ZW1wdD0x
+ method: GET
+ uri: https://noaa-oar-mlwp-data.s3.amazonaws.com/?list-type=2&prefix=FOUR_&delimiter=_&encoding-type=url
+ response:
+ body:
+ string: '
+ noaa-oar-mlwp-dataFOUR_21000_urlfalseFOUR_v100_FOUR_v200_'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/xml
+ Date:
+ - Fri, 14 Feb 2025 18:36:59 GMT
+ Server:
+ - AmazonS3
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ - chunked
+ x-amz-bucket-region:
+ - us-east-1
+ x-amz-id-2:
+ - JFKbpD1uohmvonFSq6IdiLYa8HF1X980ymRtrIzf+QmSRnOTSOjYRCf8LNo/FBla/qDfwFyBxcY=
+ x-amz-request-id:
+ - BY69X0B404H8N54W
+ status:
+ code: 200
+ message: OK
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ User-Agent:
+ - !!binary |
+ Qm90bzMvMS4zNi4zIG1kL0JvdG9jb3JlIzEuMzYuMyB1YS8yLjAgb3MvbWFjb3MjMjQuMy4wIG1k
+ L2FyY2gjYXJtNjQgbGFuZy9weXRob24jMy4xMy4xIG1kL3B5aW1wbCNDUHl0aG9uIGNmZy9yZXRy
+ eS1tb2RlI2xlZ2FjeSBCb3RvY29yZS8xLjM2LjMgUmVzb3VyY2U=
+ amz-sdk-invocation-id:
+ - !!binary |
+ amz-sdk-request:
+ - !!binary |
+ YXR0ZW1wdD0x
+ method: GET
+ uri: https://noaa-oar-mlwp-data.s3.amazonaws.com/?prefix=FOUR_v200_GFS%2F2025%2F0203&encoding-type=url
+ response:
+ body:
+ string: '
+ noaa-oar-mlwp-dataFOUR_v200_GFS/2025/02031000urlfalseFOUR_v200_GFS/2025/0203/FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020300_f000_f240_06.nc2025-02-03T04:11:52.000Z"0114c9602beb9f67a8a1316a9f979847-875"73368043792804704e53c01e2a6281a0e905de37df634ec18b3c5816683548dda374531cdenoaasandboxSTANDARDFOUR_v200_GFS/2025/0203/FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020312_f000_f240_06.nc2025-02-03T16:09:37.000Z"80903a779991991242fdb68af76e8f77-874"73292596272804704e53c01e2a6281a0e905de37df634ec18b3c5816683548dda374531cdenoaasandboxSTANDARD'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/xml
+ Date:
+ - Fri, 14 Feb 2025 18:36:59 GMT
+ Server:
+ - AmazonS3
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ - chunked
+ x-amz-bucket-region:
+ - us-east-1
+ x-amz-id-2:
+ - ycngl9N68OCPRpkwPmhQoL5wGv3h3r9axIqPvyGpyci3uUFdfUKHm6E2dF5DNDsAeZ8NsjWPRBk=
+ x-amz-request-id:
+ status:
+ code: 200
+ message: OK
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ User-Agent:
+ - !!binary |
+ Qm90bzMvMS4zNi4zIG1kL0JvdG9jb3JlIzEuMzYuMyB1YS8yLjAgb3MvbWFjb3MjMjQuMy4wIG1k
+ L2FyY2gjYXJtNjQgbGFuZy9weXRob24jMy4xMy4xIG1kL3B5aW1wbCNDUHl0aG9uIGNmZy9yZXRy
+ eS1tb2RlI2xlZ2FjeSBCb3RvY29yZS8xLjM2LjMgUmVzb3VyY2U=
+ amz-sdk-invocation-id:
+ - !!binary |
+ amz-sdk-request:
+ - !!binary |
+ YXR0ZW1wdD0x
+ method: GET
+ uri: https://noaa-oar-mlwp-data.s3.amazonaws.com/?prefix=FOUR_v200_GFS%2F2025%2F0204&encoding-type=url
+ response:
+ body:
+ string: '
+ noaa-oar-mlwp-dataFOUR_v200_GFS/2025/02041000urlfalseFOUR_v200_GFS/2025/0204/FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020400_f000_f240_06.nc2025-02-04T04:54:58.000Z"aef738d3b726b3b3925cae06e6579878-874"73311746362804704e53c01e2a6281a0e905de37df634ec18b3c5816683548dda374531cdenoaasandboxSTANDARDFOUR_v200_GFS/2025/0204/FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020412_f000_f240_06.nc2025-02-04T16:08:23.000Z"ba5e28ee280b5732685f0f8162fd6c64-874"73282585842804704e53c01e2a6281a0e905de37df634ec18b3c5816683548dda374531cdenoaasandboxSTANDARD'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/xml
+ Date:
+ - Fri, 14 Feb 2025 18:36:59 GMT
+ Server:
+ - AmazonS3
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ - chunked
+ x-amz-bucket-region:
+ - us-east-1
+ x-amz-id-2:
+ - k5Uz7cw0ssJpvwR8Sz/142qKo8ogGeVr34Baqlel3XVBDesUcJHvn/LS9zaSbF9Uki366IoKpj4=
+ x-amz-request-id:
+ status:
+ code: 200
+ message: OK
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ User-Agent:
+ - !!binary |
+ Qm90bzMvMS4zNi4zIG1kL0JvdG9jb3JlIzEuMzYuMyB1YS8yLjAgb3MvbWFjb3MjMjQuMy4wIG1k
+ L2FyY2gjYXJtNjQgbGFuZy9weXRob24jMy4xMy4xIG1kL3B5aW1wbCNDUHl0aG9uIGNmZy9yZXRy
+ eS1tb2RlI2xlZ2FjeSBCb3RvY29yZS8xLjM2LjMgUmVzb3VyY2U=
+ amz-sdk-invocation-id:
+ - !!binary |
+ amz-sdk-request:
+ - !!binary |
+ YXR0ZW1wdD0x
+ method: GET
+ uri: https://noaa-oar-mlwp-data.s3.amazonaws.com/?prefix=FOUR_v200_GFS%2F2025%2F0205&encoding-type=url
+ response:
+ body:
+ string: '
+ noaa-oar-mlwp-dataFOUR_v200_GFS/2025/02051000urlfalseFOUR_v200_GFS/2025/0205/FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020500_f000_f240_06.nc2025-02-05T04:11:34.000Z"e8e8789b5a638b99f687340db896b5ff-874"73305817212804704e53c01e2a6281a0e905de37df634ec18b3c5816683548dda374531cdenoaasandboxSTANDARDFOUR_v200_GFS/2025/0205/FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020512_f000_f240_06.nc2025-02-05T16:09:36.000Z"d9856506b257bb08c767f98ea357b06e-874"73276424222804704e53c01e2a6281a0e905de37df634ec18b3c5816683548dda374531cdenoaasandboxSTANDARD'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/xml
+ Date:
+ - Fri, 14 Feb 2025 18:37:00 GMT
+ Server:
+ - AmazonS3
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ - chunked
+ x-amz-bucket-region:
+ - us-east-1
+ x-amz-id-2:
+ - ieT1k1ZxzsI/MUJj3Yfd06vAYTOd2XRHIt6m4Hx8JBCaEKbhu+ceNRyFRObq7uWFNR2Z0Lb8mbs=
+ x-amz-request-id:
+ status:
+ code: 200
+ message: OK
+version: 1
diff --git a/tests/remote/test_aws.py b/tests/remote/test_aws.py
index 27778c3928..fecfb57fb9 100644
--- a/tests/remote/test_aws.py
+++ b/tests/remote/test_aws.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
-from metpy.remote import GOESArchive, NEXRADLevel2Archive, NEXRADLevel3Archive
+from metpy.remote import GOESArchive, MLWPArchive, NEXRADLevel2Archive, NEXRADLevel3Archive
from metpy.testing import needs_aws
@@ -92,3 +92,25 @@ def test_goes_range():
assert names == truth
+def test_mlwp_single():
+ """Test getting a single product from the MLWP archive."""
+ prod = MLWPArchive().get_product('graphcast', datetime(2025, 1, 30, 10))
+ assert prod.url == ('https://noaa-oar-mlwp-data.s3.amazonaws.com/GRAP_v100_GFS/'
+ '2025/0130/GRAP_v100_GFS_2025013012_f000_f240_06.nc')
+def test_mlwp_single():
+ """Test getting a single product from the MLWP archive."""
+ prods = MLWPArchive().get_range('fourcastnet', datetime(2025, 2, 3), datetime(2025, 2, 6))
+ names = [p.name for p in prods]
+ truth = ['FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020300_f000_f240_06.nc',
+ 'FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020312_f000_f240_06.nc',
+ 'FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020400_f000_f240_06.nc',
+ 'FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020412_f000_f240_06.nc',
+ 'FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020500_f000_f240_06.nc',
+ 'FOUR_v200_GFS_2025020512_f000_f240_06.nc']
+ assert names == truth