openapi: 3.1.0 x-stoplight: id: ilvxmjda44vjf info: title: Evok summary: A web services API for Unipi products description: | ### Welcome to Evok REST API documentation contact: name: Evok support email: url: '' license: name: Apache 2.0 url: '' version: 3.0.2 termsOfService: '' servers: - url: 'http://{unipi_device}:{port}' description: Remote Unipi device variables: port: default: '8080' description: TCP port on what API listen on. Can be modified in the config file. unipi_device: default: description: IP adress or hostname of your Unipi device - url: '{port}' description: Localhost variables: port: default: '8080' description: TCP port on what API listen on. Can be modified in the config file. paths: /{format}/all: parameters: - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. get: summary: Get all circuits responses: '200': description: Current data snapshot of all circuits in the system. content: application/json: schema: type: array minItems: 1 uniqueItems: true items: x-stoplight: id: an1ebotaei10u type: object properties: circuit: type: string x-stoplight: id: lqgteta92hqs6 dev: type: string x-stoplight: id: xha9b9v3qscbv examples: S167: value: - dev: di circuit: '1_01' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch - dev: di circuit: '1_02' value: 0 debounce: 50 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch - dev: di circuit: '1_03' value: 0 debounce: 50 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch - dev: di circuit: '1_04' value: 0 debounce: 50 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch - dev: do circuit: '1_01' value: 0 pending: false mode: Simple modes: - Simple - PWM pwm_freq: 39.0625 pwm_duty: 0 - dev: do circuit: '1_02' value: 0 pending: false mode: Simple modes: - Simple - PWM pwm_freq: 39.0625 pwm_duty: 0 - dev: do circuit: '1_03' value: 0 pending: false mode: Simple modes: - Simple - PWM pwm_freq: 39.0625 pwm_duty: 0 - dev: do circuit: '1_04' value: 0 pending: false mode: Simple modes: - Simple - PWM pwm_freq: 39.0625 pwm_duty: 0 - dev: ai circuit: '1_01' value: 0.013 unit: V mode: Voltage modes: Voltage: value: 0 unit: V range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 1 unit: mA range: - 0 - 20 - dev: ao circuit: '1_01' mode: Voltage modes: Voltage: value: 0 unit: V range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 1 unit: mA range: - 0 - 20 Resistance: value: 2 unit: Ohm range: - 0 - 2000 unit: V value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_01' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_02' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_03' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_04' value: 0 - dev: wd circuit: '1_01' value: 0 timeout: 5000 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 - dev: modbus_slave circuit: '1' last_comm: 0.021920204162597656 slave_id: 1 modbus_type: TCP - dev: owpower circuit: '1' value: 0 - dev: device_info family: Patron model: S167 sn: 667 board_count: 1 circuit: Patron_S167_667 headers: {} operationId: get-all-circuits description: Retrieve the full information dump of all circuits inside the system. x-stoplight: id: m7p89alenp2u3 tags: - General '/{format}/{device_type}/all': parameters: - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. - name: device_type description: Device type in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: ['ro', 'do', 'di', 'ai', 'ao', 'temp'] get: summary: Get all circuits of device type description: Read all devices of the same type present in the whole system. tags: - General responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: array uniqueItems: true items: type: object x-stoplight: id: rnn7b379iocrf examples: LED: value: - dev: led circuit: '1_01' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_02' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_03' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_04' value: 0 operationId: get-format-device-all x-stoplight: id: 2a8zh84up8mp4 '/{format}/{device_type}/{circuit}/{parameter}': get: summary: Read specify parameter from specify device_type. responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object x-examples: Example 1: value: 0 properties: value: type: integer examples: [0] text/html: schema: type: object x-examples: Example 1: value: 0 properties: value: type: integer examples: [0] description: Retrieve specify parameter from specify (or all) device_type. This is commonly used to quickly obtain the value without requiring additional data. **It's recommended to use this endpoint as getter in most applications.** operationId: read-input-object-parameter x-stoplight: id: ulh6qg2h9b0ue tags: - General parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01', '1_02', '2_01', 'all'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - $ref: '#/components/parameters/format' - schema: type: string examples: ['value', 'alias'] default: 'value' name: parameter in: path required: true description: Name of retrieved parameter - schema: type: string examples: ['ro', 'do', 'di', 'ai', 'ao', 'temp'] default: 'do' name: device_type in: path required: true description: Name of retrieved parameter /version: get: summary: Get version description: Read Evok version tags: - General responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: examples: version: value: "v3.0.1" operationId: get-version x-stoplight: id: pnta60tkpt5qz '/{format}/di/{circuit}': get: summary: Read digital input tags: - Digital input - Getter responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_input' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_input' examples: 1_01: value: dev: di circuit: '1_01' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch all: value: - dev: di circuit: '1_01' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch - dev: di circuit: '1_02' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch - dev: di circuit: '1_03' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch - dev: di circuit: '1_04' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_input' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_input' examples: 1_01: value: dev: di circuit: '1_01' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch all: value: - dev: di circuit: '1_01' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch - dev: di circuit: '1_02' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch - dev: di circuit: '1_03' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch - dev: di circuit: '1_04' value: 0 debounce: 30 counter_modes: - Enabled - Disabled counter_mode: Enabled counter: 0 mode: Simple modes: - Simple - DirectSwitch x-stoplight: id: amptpwemaf9og description: Get all properties of single (or all) digital input including current value and parameters. operationId: read-input-object parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01', '1_02', '1_03', '1_04', 'all'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Set digital input properties tags: - Digital input - Setter responses: {} operationId: post-rest-input-circuit x-stoplight: id: 3qe4b8bqygqvu parameters: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_input_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_input_params' description: Set one or more parameters related to any single digital input. '/{format}/owpower/{circuit}': get: summary: Read 1-Wire power supply driver responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owpower' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owpower' examples: 1: value: dev: owpower circuit: '1' value: 0 all: value: - dev: owpower circuit: '1' value: 0 application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owpower' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owpower' examples: 1: value: dev: owpower circuit: '1' value: 0 all: value: - dev: owpower circuit: '1' value: 0 description: Get all properties of 1-Wire bus power supply driver. operationId: read-owpower-object x-stoplight: id: o7wdcugimlbly tags: - 1-Wire bus - Getter parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Set 1-Wire power supply responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' x-stoplight: id: tdywhtb4zc5ct result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owpower' x-stoplight: id: 38n1ghv9tgxjx operationId: post-rest-owpower parameters: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owpower_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owpower_params' description: Set one or more parameters related to any single onewire power. x-stoplight: id: cntpe16fuoa40 tags: - 1-Wire bus - Setter '/{format}/owbus/{circuit}': get: summary: Read 1-Wire responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owbus' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owbus' examples: OWBUS: value: dev: owbus circuit: OWBUS bus: OWFS scan_interval: 60 interval: 10 do_scan: false do_reset: false all: value: - dev: owbus circuit: OWBUS bus: OWFS scan_interval: 60 interval: 10 do_scan: false do_reset: false application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owbus' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owbus' examples: OWBUS: value: dev: owbus circuit: OWBUS bus: OWFS scan_interval: 60 interval: 10 do_scan: false do_reset: false all: value: - dev: owbus circuit: OWBUS bus: OWFS scan_interval: 60 interval: 10 do_scan: false do_reset: false description: Get all properties of 1Wire bus driver. operationId: read-owbus-object tags: - 1-Wire bus - Getter x-stoplight: id: 8dmow7nxxtutd parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Set 1-Wire properties responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owbus' operationId: post-rest-owbus-circuit parameters: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owbus_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owbus_params' description: Set default reading interval or scanning interval. Can be also used to force scan or invoke buse-reset. tags: - 1-Wire bus - Setter x-stoplight: id: pb226k2jw0w0t '/{format}/temp/{circuit}': get: summary: Read 1-Wire temperature sensor responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Temp' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Temp' examples: 2895DCD509000035: value: dev: temp circuit: 2895DCD509000035 address: 28.95DCD5090000.35 value: 22.8 lost: false time: 246690.722 type: DS18B20 all: value: - dev: temp circuit: 2895DCD509000035 address: 28.95DCD5090000.35 value: 22.8 lost: false time: 246690.722 type: DS18B20 application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Temp' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Temp' examples: 2895DCD509000035: value: dev: temp circuit: 2895DCD509000035 address: 28.95DCD5090000.35 value: 22.8 lost: false time: 246690.722 type: DS18B20 all: value: - dev: temp circuit: 2895DCD509000035 address: 28.95DCD5090000.35 value: 22.8 lost: false time: 246690.722 type: DS18B20 description: Get all properties of 1-Wire temperature sensor operationId: read-temp-object tags: - 1-Wire bus - Getter x-stoplight: id: 3ibdsg6n5zquz parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Set 1-Wire temperature sensor interval responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' temp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Temp' x-stoplight: id: u38ddede1rpq5 operationId: post-rest-temp-circuit parameters: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Temp_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Temp_params' description: Set reading interval. tags: - 1-Wire bus - Setter x-stoplight: id: 3puleq1259sd9 '/{format}/modbus_slave/{circuit}': get: summary: Read modbus_slave description: Get all properties of a single (or all) modbus slave device. responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Modbus_slave' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Modbus_slave' examples: 1: value: dev: modbus_slave circuit: "1" last_comm: 0.0296688079833984 slave_id: 1 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 2: value: dev: modbus_slave circuit: "2" last_comm: 0.0698413684651396 slave_id: 2 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 3: value: dev: modbus_slave circuit: "3" last_comm: 0.0324178964541674 slave_id: 3 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 all: value: - dev: modbus_slave circuit: "1" last_comm: 0.0296688079833984 slave_id: 1 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 - dev: modbus_slave circuit: "2" last_comm: 0.0698413684651396 slave_id: 2 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 - dev: modbus_slave circuit: "3" last_comm: 0.0324178964541674 slave_id: 3 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Modbus_slave' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Modbus_slave' examples: 1: value: dev: modbus_slave circuit: "1" last_comm: 0.0296688079833984 slave_id: 1 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 2: value: dev: modbus_slave circuit: "2" last_comm: 0.0698413684651396 slave_id: 2 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 3: value: dev: modbus_slave circuit: "3" last_comm: 0.0324178964541674 slave_id: 3 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 all: value: - dev: modbus_slave circuit: "1" last_comm: 0.0296688079833984 slave_id: 1 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 - dev: modbus_slave circuit: "2" last_comm: 0.0698413684651396 slave_id: 2 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 - dev: modbus_slave circuit: "3" last_comm: 0.0324178964541674 slave_id: 3 modbus_type: TCP modbus_spec: scan_interval: 0.02 operationId: read-modbus_slave-object x-stoplight: id: f40ypdnngywl0 tags: - Modbus slave - Getter parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1', '2', '3', 'xS51'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. '/{format}/device_info/{circuit}': get: summary: Read device info description: Get all properties of a single (or all) device info device. responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Device_info' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Device_info' examples: L533: value: dev: device_info family: Neuron model: L533 sn: 0 board_count: 3 circuit: "L533" S167: value: dev: device_info family: Patron model: S167 sn: 81 board_count: 1 circuit: "S167" all: value: - dev: device_info family: Neuron model: L533 sn: 0 board_count: 3 circuit: "L533" - dev: device_info family: Patron model: S167 sn: 81 board_count: 1 circuit: "S167" application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Device_info' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Device_info' examples: L533: value: dev: device_info family: Neuron model: L533 sn: 0 board_count: 3 circuit: "L533" S167: value: dev: device_info family: Patron model: S167 sn: 81 board_count: 1 circuit: "S167" all: value: - dev: device_info family: Neuron model: L533 sn: 0 board_count: 3 circuit: "L533" - dev: device_info family: Patron model: S167 sn: 81 board_count: 1 circuit: "S167" operationId: read-device_info-object x-stoplight: id: 1fso3pj0wt5or tags: - Device info - Getter parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. '/{format}/register/{circuit}': get: summary: Read Modbus register responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Register' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Register' examples: 1_1000: value: dev: register circuit: '1_1000' value: 1556 all: value: - dev: register circuit: '1_1000' value: 1556 application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Register' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Register' examples: 1_1000: value: dev: register circuit: '1_1000' value: 1556 all: value: - dev: register circuit: '1_1000' value: 1556 description: Get RAW modbus register value. Used for custom user-defined Modbus devices. operationId: read-register-object tags: - Modbus register - Getter x-stoplight: id: 7tws4vojj2bku parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_1000'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Write Modbus register responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Register' x-stoplight: id: vl5wpaas93pas requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Register_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Register_params' description: Write RAW modbus register value. Used for custom user-defined Modbus devices. operationId: write-register-object tags: - Modbus register - Setter x-stoplight: id: 7tws4vojj2bku '/{format}/data_point/{circuit}': get: summary: Read Data point responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Data_point' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Data_point' examples: IAQ_0: value: dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_0 name: temperature unit: "˚C" value: 23.34367891052246 IAQ_6: value: dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_6 name: rel_humid unit: "%" value: 32.44678497314453 IAQ_18: value: dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_18 name: CO2 unit: "ppm" value: 579.7908935546875 IAQ_42: value: dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_42 name: ambient_light unit: "lux" value: 46.81760025024414 all: value: - dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_0 name: temperature unit: "˚C" value: 23.34367891052246 - dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_6 name: rel_humid unit: "%" value: 32.44678497314453 - dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_18 name: CO2 unit: "ppm" value: 579.7908935546875 - dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_42 name: ambient_light unit: "lux" value: 46.81760025024414 application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Data_point' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Data_point' examples: IAQ_0: value: dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_0 name: temperature unit: "˚C" value: 23.34367891052246 IAQ_6: value: dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_6 name: rel_humid unit: "%" value: 32.44678497314453 IAQ_18: value: dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_18 name: CO2 unit: "ppm" value: 579.7908935546875 IAQ_42: value: dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_42 name: ambient_light unit: "lux" value: 46.81760025024414 all: value: - dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_0 name: temperature unit: "˚C" value: 23.34367891052246 - dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_6 name: rel_humid unit: "%" value: 32.44678497314453 - dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_18 name: CO2 unit: "ppm" value: 579.7908935546875 - dev: data_point circuit: IAQ_42 name: ambient_light unit: "lux" value: 46.81760025024414 description: Get unit modbus register value. Used for custom user-defined Modbus devices. operationId: read-unit_register-object tags: - Data point - Getter x-stoplight: id: ehgh1cio829ha parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01', 'IAQ_0', 'IAQ_6', 'IAQ_18'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. '/{format}/wd/{circuit}': get: summary: Read watchdog responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchdog' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchdog' examples: 1_01: value: dev: wd circuit: '1_01' value: 0 timeout: 2500 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 1_02: value: dev: wd circuit: '1_02' value: 0 timeout: 5000 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 all: value: - dev: wd circuit: '1_01' value: 0 timeout: 2500 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 - dev: wd circuit: '1_02' value: 0 timeout: 5000 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 - dev: wd circuit: '1_03' value: 0 timeout: 2500 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchdog' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchdog' examples: 1_01: value: dev: wd circuit: '1_01' value: 0 timeout: 2500 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 1_02: value: dev: wd circuit: '1_02' value: 0 timeout: 5000 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 all: value: - dev: wd circuit: '1_01' value: 0 timeout: 2500 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 - dev: wd circuit: '1_02' value: 0 timeout: 5000 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 - dev: wd circuit: '1_03' value: 0 timeout: 2500 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 description: Get all properties of internal [master watchdog]( operationId: read-watchdog-object x-stoplight: id: x2bt43slirtwx tags: - Master Watchdog - Getter parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01', '1_02', '1_03'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Set watchdog properties description: Set one or more parameters related to any [master watchdog]( responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchdog' x-stoplight: id: vl5w8mu65fs1t operationId: post-rest-watchdog-circuit parameters: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchdog_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchdog_params' x-stoplight: id: 4639ifdbw7mv5 tags: - Master Watchdog - Setter '/{format}/ro/{circuit}': get: summary: Read Relay responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Relay_output' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Relay_output' examples: 2_01: value: dev: ro circuit: '2_01' value: 0 2_02: value: dev: ro circuit: '2_02' value: 1 all: value: - dev: ro circuit: '2_01' value: 0 - dev: ro circuit: '2_02' value: 1 - dev: ro circuit: '2_03' value: 0 - dev: ro circuit: '2_04' value: 0 text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Relay_output' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Relay_output' examples: 2_01: value: dev: ro circuit: '2_01' value: 0 2_02: value: dev: ro circuit: '2_02' value: 1 all: value: - dev: ro circuit: '2_01' value: 0 - dev: ro circuit: '2_02' value: 1 - dev: ro circuit: '2_03' value: 0 - dev: ro circuit: '2_04' value: 0 description: Get **all** properties of relay output including current value. operationId: read-relay-object x-stoplight: id: of5d651d6nyvn tags: - Relay output - Getter parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['2_01', '2_02', '2_03', '2_04', 'all'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Set Relay value description: Set one or more parameters related to relay output. responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Relay_output' x-stoplight: id: vl5w8muszeeyt operationId: post-rest-relay-circuit parameters: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Relay_output_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Relay_output_params' x-stoplight: id: 3479uzzy247vy tags: - Relay output - Setter '/{format}/do/{circuit}': get: summary: Read digital output responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_output' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_output' examples: 1_01: value: dev: do circuit: '1_01' mode: "Simple" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 0 value: 0 1_02: value: dev: do circuit: '1_02' mode: "PWM" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 10 value: 0 all: value: - dev: do circuit: '1_01' mode: "Simple" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 0 value: 0 - dev: do circuit: '1_02' mode: "PWM" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 10 value: 0 - dev: do circuit: '1_03' mode: "Simple" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 0 value: 0 - dev: do circuit: '1_04' mode: "Simple" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 0 value: 1 text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_output' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_output' examples: 1_01: value: dev: do circuit: '1_01' mode: "Simple" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 0 value: 0 1_02: value: dev: do circuit: '1_02' mode: "PWM" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 10 value: 0 all: value: - dev: do circuit: '1_01' mode: "Simple" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 0 value: 0 - dev: do circuit: '1_02' mode: "PWM" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 10 value: 0 - dev: do circuit: '1_03' mode: "Simple" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 0 value: 0 - dev: do circuit: '1_04' mode: "Simple" modes: - "Simple" - "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 0 value: 1 description: Get **all** properties of digital output including current value and parameters. operationId: read-output-object x-stoplight: id: of5dmk226nyvn tags: - Digital output - Getter parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01', '1_02', '1_03', '1_04', 'all'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Set output properties responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' x-stoplight: id: jtn0bt4xp9yht result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_output' x-stoplight: id: a2nsiopwetife operationId: post-rest-output-circuit parameters: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_output_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_output_params' description: Set one or more parameters related to digital output. x-stoplight: id: 3479uzzy667vy tags: - Digital output - Setter '/{format}/led/{circuit}': get: summary: Read LED description: Get **all** properties of LED including current value and parameters. responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Led' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Led' examples: 1_01: value: dev: led circuit: '1_01' value: 0 1_02: value: dev: led circuit: '1_02' value: 1 all: value: - dev: led circuit: '1_01' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_02' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_03' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_04' value: 0 text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Led' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Led' examples: 1_01: value: dev: led circuit: '1_01' value: 0 1_02: value: dev: led circuit: '1_02' value: 1 all: value: - dev: led circuit: '1_01' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_02' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_03' value: 0 - dev: led circuit: '1_04' value: 0 operationId: read-led-object tags: - User LED - Getter x-stoplight: id: fjwt0x2icla9v parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01', '1_02', '1_03', '1_03', 'all'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Set LED properties description: Set one or more parameters related to any LED. responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Led' x-stoplight: id: vl5w8muszeeyt operationId: post-rest-led-circuit requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Led_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Led_params' tags: - User LED - Setter x-stoplight: id: 5ddxu2xivp80o '/{format}/ao/{circuit}': get: summary: Read analog output description: Get **all** properties of analog output including current value and parameters. responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_output' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_output' examples: 2_01: value: dev: ao circuit: 2_01 value: 1.4 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 all: value: - dev: ao circuit: 2_01 value: 1.4 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 - dev: ao circuit: 2_02 value: 0 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 - dev: ao circuit: 2_03 value: 0 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 - dev: ao circuit: 2_04 value: 1.0 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_output' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_output' examples: 2_01: value: dev: ao circuit: 2_01 value: 1.4 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 all: value: - dev: ao circuit: 2_01 value: 1.4 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 - dev: ao circuit: 2_02 value: 0 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 - dev: ao circuit: 2_03 value: 0 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 - dev: ao circuit: 2_04 value: 1.0 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 operationId: read-analog-output-object tags: - Analog output - Getter x-stoplight: id: hoiz1ip3cvku5 parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01', '2_01', '2_02', '2_03', '2_04', 'all'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Set analog output value/properties description: Set one or more parameters related to any analog output. responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_output' operationId: set-analog-output-circuit parameters: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_output_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_output_params' tags: - Analog output - Setter x-stoplight: id: z5l0im5w0bvgt '/{format}/ai/{circuit}': get: summary: Read analog input description: Get **all** properties of analog input including actual value and parameters. responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_input' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_input' examples: 2_01: value: dev: ai circuit: 2_01 value: 2.2 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 2 unit: "mA" range: - 0 - 10 2_02: value: dev: ai circuit: 2_02 value: 10.3 unit: "mA" mode: "Current" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 2 unit: "mA" range: - 0 - 10 all: value: - dev: ai circuit: 2_01 value: 2.2 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 2 unit: "mA" range: - 0 - 10 - dev: ai circuit: 2_02 value: 10.3 unit: "mA" mode: "Current" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 2 unit: "mA" range: - 0 - 10 text/html: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_input' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_input' examples: 2_01: value: circuit: 2_01 dev: ai value: 2.2 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 2 unit: "mA" range: - 0 - 10 2_02: value: circuit: 2_02 dev: ai value: 10.3 unit: "mA" mode: "Current" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 2 unit: "mA" range: - 0 - 10 all: value: - dev: ai circuit: 2_01 value: 2.2 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 2 unit: "mA" range: - 0 - 10 - dev: ai circuit: 2_02 value: 10.3 unit: "mA" mode: "Current" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 2 unit: "mA" range: - 0 - 10 operationId: read-analog-input-object tags: - Analog input - Getter x-stoplight: id: y8q61trjo1yi0 parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01', '2_01', '2_02', '2_03', '2_04', 'all'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Set analog Input value/properties description: Set one or more parameters - including value - related to any analog input. responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_input' operationId: set-analog-input-circuit parameters: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_input_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_input_params' tags: - Analog input - Setter x-stoplight: id: nsu0vflqu8uxy '/{format}/nv_save/{circuit}': post: summary: Save non-volatile memory description: Variable NV_save serves for saving the actual group settings as a default settings. This setting (PWM, PWM_prescale, PWM_cycle, debounce, UART_config, DO, AO, AO_sw, DS_enable, DS_polarity, DS_toggle) is loaded during the group reboot, when MWD function activates, when using Reboot variable or when disconnected from power supply and reconnected again. More information is in manual of specify Unipi controller. responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NvSave' x-stoplight: id: 38n16asd4sv98 operationId: post-rest-nvsave-circuit requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NvSave_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NvSave_params' x-stoplight: id: cntpe16fuoa40 tags: - Non-volatile memory - Setter parameters: - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. - schema: type: string examples: ['1', '2', '3'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( '/{format}/run/alias': get: summary: Read aliases description: Read more [here]( responses: '200': description: OK content: text/html: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Aliases' examples: Empty: value: dev: dev circuit: 'alias' save: false aliases: {} Fill: value: dev: dev circuit: 'alias' save: false aliases: light_living_room: devtype: "ro" circuit: "1_01" switch_living_room: devtype: "di" circuit: "1_01" application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Aliases' examples: Empty: value: dev: dev circuit: 'alias' save: false aliases: {} Fill: value: dev: dev circuit: 'alias' save: false aliases: light_living_room: devtype: "ro" circuit: "1_01" switch_living_room: devtype: "di" circuit: "1_01" operationId: read-aliases-object x-stoplight: id: 26e8a9ce2qamm tags: - Aliases - Getter parameters: - name: format in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html. post: summary: Force save aliases description: Read more [here]( tags: - Aliases - Setter responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Status' result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Aliases' x-stoplight: id: fl852484v6831 examples: Empty: value: dev: dev circuit: 'alias' save: false aliases: {} Fill: value: dev: dev circuit: 'alias' save: false aliases: light_living_room: devtype: "ro" circuit: "1_01" switch_living_room: devtype: "di" circuit: "1_01" operationId: post-force-save-aliases x-stoplight: id: ciz2wu1ha8oic requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Aliases_params' application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Aliases_params' '/{format}/{device_type}/{circuit}/alias': post: summary: Set alias description: Read more [here]( responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object x-examples: Example 1: value: 0 properties: value: type: integer examples: [0] examples: LED: value: dev: led circuit: 1_01 value: 0 alias: "debug-led" text/html: schema: type: object x-examples: Example 1: value: 0 properties: value: type: integer examples: [0] examples: LED: value: dev: led circuit: 1_01 value: 0 alias: "debug-led" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: properties: alias: type: string x-stoplight: id: asdopkfa410aw description: Alias value examples: [light_living_room, switch_living_room] default: "debug-led" application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: properties: alias: type: string x-stoplight: id: asdopkfa410aw description: Alias value examples: [light_living_room, switch_living_room] default: "debug-led" operationId: write-alias-parameter x-stoplight: id: ulh6qg2h9b0ue tags: - Aliases - Setter parameters: - schema: type: string examples: ['1_01', '1_02', '2_01', 'all'] name: circuit in: path required: true description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( - $ref: '#/components/parameters/format' - schema: type: string examples: ['ro', 'do', 'di', 'ai', 'ao', 'temp'] default: 'do' name: device_type in: path required: true description: Name of retrieved parameter components: schemas: Relay_output: title: Relay output allOf: - type: object properties: dev: type: string examples: ['ro'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['2_01', '2_02', '2_03', '2_04'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Relay_output_params' x-stoplight: id: 2b4dkqf8rzvj3 examples: - circuit: 2_01 dev: ro value: 0 - circuit: 2_02 dev: ro value: 1 Relay_output_params: title: Relay output params x-stoplight: id: kd8k08k6qruvr description: User-configurable parameters of relay output device. type: object properties: value: examples: [0, 1, false, true] type: - integer - string - boolean description: Parameter for relay switch. Digital_output: title: Digital output allOf: - type: object properties: dev: type: string examples: ['do'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1_01', '1_02', '1_03', '1_04'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true modes: readOnly: true type: array description: Supported output modes examples: - ["Simple", "PWM"] items: type: string - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_output_params' x-stoplight: id: 2b4dkqf321vj3 examples: - circuit: 1_01 dev: do value: 0 modes: ["Simple", "PWM"] mode: "Simple" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 0 - circuit: 1_02 dev: do value: 0 modes: ["Simple", "PWM"] mode: "PWM" pwm_freq: 4800 pwm_duty: 10 Digital_output_params: title: Digital output params x-stoplight: id: kd8k08k6avar6 description: User-configurable parameters of single digital output device. type: object properties: pwm_freq: type: integer examples: [50, 1000, 50000] pwm_duty: type: integer examples: [0, 25, 50, 100] minimum: 0 maximum: 100 description: Parameter is mutually exclusive with *value* value: examples: [1] type: - integer - string - boolean description: Parameter is mutually exclusive with *pwm_duty* mode: readOnly: true enum: - Simple - PWM x-stoplight: id: tdz0fw91bflul Digital_input: title: Digital input description: Instance of a digital input allOf: - type: object properties: dev: type: string examples: ['di'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1_01', '1_02', '1_03', '1_04'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true counter_modes: description: Supported counter modes type: array uniqueItems: true default: - Enabled - Disabled items: x-stoplight: id: kj9u813xizxc3 type: string readOnly: true modes: description: Supported input modes type: array items: type: string examples: - [Simple, DirectSwitch] readOnly: true value: enum: - 0 - 1 readOnly: true - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Digital_input_params' x-stoplight: id: ihhyx4t4basxf examples: - circuit: 1_01 dev: di value: 0 debounce: 50 counter_modes: ["Enabled", "Disabled"] counter_mode: "Enabled" counter: 0 modes: ["Simple", "DirectSwitch"] mode: "Simple" - circuit: 1_02 dev: di value: 1 debounce: 200 counter_modes: ["Enabled", "Disabled"] counter_mode: "Enabled" counter: 121 modes: ["Simple", "DirectSwitch"] mode: "Simple" Digital_input_params: title: Digital input params x-stoplight: id: k3r80ce41e3ta type: object description: User-configurable parameters of single digital input device. properties: debounce: type: integer description: Debounce time in milliseconds/10 (10 == 1ms). examples: [100] default: 50 counter: type: integer description: Current counter value examples: [0] counter_mode: enum: - Enabled - Disabled default: Enabled mode: enum: - Simple - DirectSwitch default: Simple description: 'For info about DirectSwitch, read the manual. Feature NOT available on all inputs.' Analog_output_params: title: Analog output params x-stoplight: id: ko08u836jnd6w type: object description: User-defined params of any single analog output. properties: value: type: number x-stoplight: id: 10dcjsr141agy format: float examples: [0.01, 2.1, 3, 5.5] description: Desired/actual value of the output mode: x-stoplight: id: a6vbzc22akz0m description: Actual mode of the analog output. Not all modes are available on every input - see *modes* property. enum: - Voltage - Current - Resistance default: Voltage examples: [Voltage] Analog_input_params: title: Analog inputs params x-stoplight: id: pbyjriak41ldu type: object description: User-defined params of any single analog input. properties: mode: description: Actual mode of the analog input. Not all modes are available on every input - see *modes* property. enum: - Disabled - Voltage - Voltage2V5 - Current - Resistance3W - Resistance2W default: Voltage examples: [Voltage] Analog_output: title: Analog output x-stoplight: id: 2ovrjp93gjanf allOf: - type: object properties: dev: type: string examples: ['ao'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1_01', '2_01', '2_02'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true modes: readOnly: true description: All modes supported by this analog output. type: object examples: - Voltage: value: 0 unit: V range: - 0 - 10 Current: value: 1 unit: mA range: - 0 - 20 additionalProperties: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: value: description: mode ID type: integer x-stoplight: id: hwb837htaxqj7 unit: type: string examples: [V] range: type: array x-stoplight: id: an36i4d9dc6e1 minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: type: integer - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_output_params' x-stoplight: id: g7ylrfaz0x44y examples: - circuit: 2_01 dev: ao value: 1.4 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: [0, 10] Analog_input: title: Analog input x-stoplight: id: vbqyhhnguvagi allOf: - type: object properties: dev: type: string examples: ['ai'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1_01', '2_01', '2_02'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true modes: readOnly: true description: Supported modes is specify for analog input device. It is defined in [HW configuration]( type: object examples: - Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: V range: [0, 10] Voltage2V5: value: 2 unit: V range: [0, 2.5] Current: value: 3 unit: mA range: [0, 20] Resistance3W: value: 4 unit: Ohm range: [0, 1960] Resistance2W: value: 5 unit: Ohm range: [0, 100000] additionalProperties: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: value: description: mode ID type: integer x-stoplight: id: hwb837htaxqj7 unit: type: string examples: [V] range: type: array x-stoplight: id: an36i4d9dc6e1 minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: type: integer - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Analog_input_params' examples: - circuit: 2_01 dev: ai value: 2.2 unit: "V" mode: "Voltage" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: [0, 10] Current: value: 2 unit: "mA" range: [0, 20] - circuit: 2_02 dev: ai value: 10.3 unit: "mA" mode: "Current" modes: Disabled: value: 0 Voltage: value: 1 unit: "V" range: [0, 10] Current: value: 2 unit: "mA" range: [0, 20] Led_params: title: LED params x-stoplight: id: kzm0bs4t8n0ma type: object properties: value: type: - string - boolean - integer examples: [1] x-stoplight: id: 5qx17mlwxozy2 description: Actual value of single user LED. examples: - dev: led circuit: 1_01 value: 0 - dev: led circuit: 1_02 value: 1 Led: title: LED x-stoplight: id: gpgqdqty1w38v allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: sasd65sd5267f properties: dev: type: string examples: ['led'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1_01', '1_02', '1_03'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Led_params' x-stoplight: id: c5mebewyuho7p Watchdog_params: title: Master Watchdog params type: object x-examples: Example 1: dev: wd circuit: 1_01 value: 0 timeout: 5000 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 properties: value: type: - string - number description: Enable (1) or disable (0) master watchdog timer. default: 0 examples: [1] timeout: type: integer description: Master watchdog timeout in msec default: 5000 examples: [3000] nv_save: description: __Deprecated__. Store current settings to internal non-volatile memory. See manual fot details. enum: - 0 - 1 writeOnly: true examples: - dev: wd circuit: 1_01 value: 0 timeout: 5000 was_wd_reset: 0 nv_save: 0 Watchdog: title: Master Watchdog x-stoplight: id: i7k79ibsmvl2b allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: szaxon6pdw26f properties: dev: type: string examples: ['wd'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1', '2', '3'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true was_wd_reset: x-stoplight: id: sn8fk80k264qi description: Binary flag indicating restart caused by master watchdog. enum: - 0 - 1 readOnly: true - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchdog_params' x-stoplight: id: lofdk31xjd1q9 Modbus_slave: title: Modbus slave x-stoplight: id: unoehfu4bco8h allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: xjt8iszwhxdck properties: dev: type: string examples: ['modbus_slave'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1', '2'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true last_comm: type: number x-stoplight: id: 2na0zkc0mlsal description: 'Time elapsed since last successful communication [seconds]' readOnly: true modbus_type: x-stoplight: id: 02gk2dvaahhmb enum: - TCP - RTU readOnly: true slave_id: type: integer x-stoplight: id: hyjcu9yzunw7k description: Modbus address (unit-ID) readOnly: true scan_interval: type: number x-stoplight: id: 1r78ymgsba7ij description: 'Period of slave scanning [seconds]' examples: - dev: modbus_slave circuit: '1' last_comm: 0.02690577507019043 slave_id: 1 modbus_type: TCP scan_interval: 0.02 Device_info: title: Device info x-stoplight: id: nvwkm6mty77qz allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: 4dtnzmvgrs8e3 properties: dev: type: string examples: ['device_info'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['Patron_S167_81'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true family: type: string x-stoplight: id: 54l2sfykxwq3e examples: [Patron, Neuron, UNIPI1] default: Patron model: type: string x-stoplight: id: quurag6l2ko4g examples: [S103, S167, L533] default: S167 sn: type: integer x-stoplight: id: jht5fxwjjthbz examples: [81, 44, 685] default: 81 board_count: type: integer x-stoplight: id: zp1sax4eow7ud examples: [1, 2, 3] default: 1 examples: - dev: device_info circuit: Patron_S167_81 family: Patron model: S167 sn: 81 board_count: 1 Owpower: title: 1-Wire power supply x-stoplight: id: 9b4mib6c28oh8 description: Power supply of 1-Wire bus. allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: sasd65sd5267f properties: dev: type: string examples: ['owpower'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owpower_params' x-stoplight: id: v1mjtw820aaz4 examples: - circuit: 1 dev: owpower value: 1 Owpower_params: title: 1-Wire power supply params type: object x-examples: 1: dev: owpower circuit: 1 value: 0 properties: value: enum: - 1 - 0 examples: [0] description: Set 0 to disable 1-Wire bus power NvSave: title: Non-volatile memory x-stoplight: id: 9asdag6c28oh8 allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: sasd65sd5267f properties: dev: type: string examples: ['nvsave'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1', '2', '3'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NvSave_params' x-stoplight: id: v1acasdg64az4 examples: - dev: nv_save circuit: 1 value: 0 NvSave_params: title: Non-volatile memory params type: object x-examples: 1: dev: owpower circuit: 1 value: 0 properties: value: enum: - 0 - 1 examples: [1] default: 1 description: Set 1 to save to non-volatile memory. Owbus_params: title: 1-Wire bus params x-stoplight: id: w5f5dlhrhyy1h type: object properties: interval: type: number x-stoplight: id: oe0zf1uu764jp examples: [10, 20, 30] default: 10 do_scan: type: boolean x-stoplight: id: nd3g09hlebgtw default: false do_reset: type: boolean x-stoplight: id: t2hfgb2ga6hca default: false scan_interval: type: number x-stoplight: id: hr153xbhtdbgp examples: [60, 120, 600] default: 60 Owbus: title: 1-Wire bus x-stoplight: id: r32q0saop7uvf allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: zfsp3vqmqh1g1 properties: dev: type: string examples: ['owbus'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true bus: type: string x-stoplight: id: b7ywovg84k036 examples: [OWFS] description: Access method to the bus - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Owbus_params' x-stoplight: id: hfhhwrleyptly examples: - dev: owbus circuit: OWBUS bus: OWFS scan_interval: 60 interval: 10 do_scan: false do_reset: false Temp_params: title: Temperature sensor params x-stoplight: id: grevutt2c5wsh type: object properties: interval: type: number x-stoplight: id: k6iqij8wvobw8 examples: [10, 20, 30] default: 10 description: 'polling period [seconds]' Temp: title: Temperature sensor x-examples: Example 1: dev: temp circuit: 1067C6697351FF8D address: 10.67C6697351FF.8D value: 29.85 lost: false time: 4171.72855072 interval: 10 type: DS18S20 allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: wlj3b73nnfhtp properties: dev: type: string examples: ['temp'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['"10.67C6697351FF.8D"'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true value: type: number x-stoplight: id: 2lexx5i71c7wz examples: [21.5] description: temperature in Celsius degrees readOnly: true time: type: number x-stoplight: id: 1w88mzucuc8uc description: the timestamp of the last captured valid value (is considered from the system boot). examples: [4171.72855072] readOnly: true address: type: string x-stoplight: id: n8u8x3w8nl496 examples: ['"10.67C6697351FF.8D"'] description: address of the sensor readOnly: true lost: type: boolean x-stoplight: id: tg9hujf5izl0e default: false description: 'if true, value is not actual (last sensor reading failed)' readOnly: true type: type: string x-stoplight: id: 9fznblkc5zyzx examples: [DS18B20] description: sensor type readOnly: true - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Temp_params' x-stoplight: id: cekw7ugmqypui examples: - dev: temp circuit: 2895DCD509000035 address: 28.95DCD5090000.35 value: 23 lost: false time: 4306.778 interval: 10 type: DS18B20 Register_params: title: Modbus register params x-stoplight: id: ko08u836jnd6w type: object description: User-defined params of any modbus register. properties: value: type: integer x-stoplight: id: 10dcjsr141agy format: integer examples: [0 ,5, 200] default: 1 description: Desired/actual value of the register Register: title: Modbus register x-stoplight: id: ecwet1h8clvtd description: Main part of a custom user-defined Modbus device allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: ajd6yqf4kfve2 properties: dev: type: string examples: ['register'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['1_4', '1_5', '1_1000'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true value: type: integer x-stoplight: id: hkfy9ja8fp1xt examples: [69] minimum: 0 maximum: 655535 description: raw register input - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Aliases_params' examples: - dev: register circuit: 1_4 value: 16256 Data_point: title: Data point x-stoplight: id: ptcf7sfa7wr7i allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: 5vq8our722g7r required: - value properties: dev: type: string examples: ['data_point'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['IAQ_0', 'IAQ_6', 'IAQ_10'] description: Device circuit (or "all"). You can learn more about the circuit parameter in [documentation]( readOnly: true value: type: number x-stoplight: id: aqz0wn45se7n3 examples: [458.16] unit: type: string x-stoplight: id: rraxvehor64x2 examples: [ppm] description: physical quantity name: type: string x-stoplight: id: 1qcdan04g2jnl examples: [CO2] description: name of physical quantity valid: type: boolean x-stoplight: id: 2mxr1ko084po1 default: true description: value is valid (validity mask has to be defined) description: | Returns information about the data point according to 'circuit' as defined in the configuration and 'hardware definition' [learn more]( For example, it can be used to read moisture from a device. Aliases: title: Alias management x-stoplight: id: g4m1wx9zlwara allOf: - type: object x-stoplight: id: nv6fd49tf3azj properties: dev: type: string examples: ['run'] description: Device type. readOnly: true circuit: type: string examples: ['alias'] description: Device circuit for alias manager. readOnly: true aliases: type: object x-stoplight: id: lxso4vefmsdpd additionalProperties: x-stoplight: id: hxfaoodapkxym type: object examples: [kujda] readOnly: true - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Aliases_params' x-stoplight: id: 98p7fkz6odr1g examples: - dev: dev circuit: 'alias' save: false aliases: {} - dev: dev circuit: 'alias' save: false aliases: light_living_room: devtype: "ro" circuit: "1_01" switch_living_room: devtype: "di" circuit: "1_01" Aliases_params: title: Alias params x-stoplight: id: xhzlcnvn8d3zj type: object properties: save: type: boolean x-stoplight: id: p20kj1i60jljw description: Force saves actual aliases list to non-volatile memory default: true # It is true for force save example. Status: title: Status x-stoplight: id: 4f5eyd4dy7nkm type: boolean default: true description: Operation status Alias: title: Alias x-stoplight: id: wq67mdvgm576m type: object properties: alias: type: string x-stoplight: id: hzfxf96rjvnv9 securitySchemes: {} parameters: format: name: format description: Content type - use "json" for application/json OR "rest" for text/html in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [json] enum: - json - rest default: json device_type: name: device_type description: Device type in: path required: true schema: type: string examples: [ai, ao di, do, wd, led] tags: - name: General description: Other commands not directly couped with any specific device type - name: Getter description: Superclass of a getter () - name: Setter description: Superclass of a setter () - name: Analog input description: Superclass of analog inputs () - name: Analog output description: Superclass of analog outputs () - name: Digital input description: Superclass of binary inputs () - name: Digital output description: 'Superclass of all binary outputs (push-pull, open-collector, ...)' - name: Relay output description: Superclass of relay outputs () - name: User LED description: Superclass of user LED - name: Master Watchdog description: Superclass of watchdog timer - name: 1-Wire bus description: Classes coupled with OneWire bus implementation - name: Modbus register description: User-defined Modbus maps - name: Data point description: Superclass of Data point. - name: Device info description: Superclass of Device info. - name: Modbus slave description: Information about modbus slave (last_comm, modbus_spec, scan_interval, ...) - name: Non-volatile memory description: Device for manage save Non-volatile memory. - name: Aliases description: Superclass of all stuff related to aliases