Name | Type | Description | Notes |
adddress2 | string | Address line 2 | [optional] |
address1 | string | Address line 1 | [optional] |
city | string | City | [optional] |
country | string | Country | [optional] |
distribution_center_code | string | The distribution center code where inventory is reduced from for this sale. | [optional] |
external_id | string | External Id useful for syncing with a remote filesystem, this may be an MD5 hash or whatever suits your needs. | [optional] |
merchant_id | string | Merchant ID that owns this location | [optional] |
pos_location_oid | int | Object identifier of the point of sale location. | [optional] |
postal_code | string | Postal code | [optional] |
state_province | string | State/province | [optional] |