Windows x64, Windows i386, and Mac installer release. Linux tar available.
- Combo Text Coloring in the Color Config - e33e1c5
- Lua is notified of Options Screen Exit - 2abb7e1 5a45f29
- Calculate the name positioning on the userlist with more correctness - 7699738
- Common Pack Filter Option should persist for the whole session - 531cd21
- Don't need to parse for comments being inside of value fields in simfiles - f372151
- Forcibly log out of Multiplayer when entering the Title Screen if logged in due to tough branching logic - ec40e66
- Lower bound for Roll Life should be set to Judge 7's window since anything harder is basically impossible - 49457ca
- Metrics-generated Multiplayer User List should not be visible in Til Death - 0383411
- Multiplayer should not start extremely quick when on rates. Make it all consistent - 11ee54b
- Only delete the installed Noteskins on uninstall/reinstall - 5dbb444
- Optimize & Improve Practice Mode
- Cursor should appear in Practice Mode - 6932fce
- Don't reload the NoteField when moving - 8cf63f5
- Don't send Judgment Messages for Misses when seeking to prevent tween overflows - dc08985
- Resize the Chord Density Graph properly - cb849e5
- Update relevant numbers when changing rates (for Replays too) - 679e671
- Reduce the number of builds on the master branch on Appveyor - d6736a6 945acc0
- Arcade Options and the last Preference on that Screen - 92819b3
- Last Quirks Mode Reference - 2849f88
- LibPNG to be replaced by stb_image_write - 3047db4
- Useless Lua input callbacks - b4f5c61
- Changing Judge in the Options didn't update on the frame - 5a45f29
- Combo Breaks per hand counter on Evaluation Screen didn't work beyond 4 keys - cf0c5e7
- ErrorBar movement didn't save - ca99351
- Exiting Network Options had a weird branching issue that led to the wrong Screen in some situations - a64486d
- Holds/Rolls in Practice Mode sometimes appeared covering the whole screen - 84c8eca
- Invalid UTF-8 in Charts in Multiplayer crashed - 303bb5b 8101004
- Loading from Cache was extremely slow. Fix by doing the following things
- Save full paths to all Song assets on load from disk - 993dc77 1c7fa2d
- Don't generate all full paths every startup, use the values placed into Cache by the above change - 6a5ae27
- Lyrics don't save right, fixed that - a672e95
- Correctly load all assets on first load - 9bf1f46 677a439 43ae1a0 262f314 2264db4
- Lua errored when not in Multiplayer due to unchecked attempts to reload the userlist - c121787
- MusicWheel jiggled when picking songs - 5b1e8ec
- Playlists reset the NoteField Y position for no reason - 54c390b 9fbb044
- Profile Options Screen crashed when you pressed anything other than exit - b7e8469
- Startup rarely crashed due to non threadsafe function - c521f1c