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Magni bringup

Robot startup procedure: Magni robots start ros core and a set of base nodes on boot. This is done in the following order:

systemctl start magni-base.service:

  • env variables
  • base.launch:
    • logitech.launch
    • rosbridge.launch
      • /tmp/core.launch
  1. using systemctl the magni-base service file (/usr/sbin/magni-base.service) is ran:

    • sources ros overlay and working workspaces
    • sets up environment variables (like ROS_HOSTNAME, and ROS_MASTER_URI)
    • placeholder for anything that needs to happen on boot
    • launches base.launch
  2. base.launch launches robot base nodes:

    • logitech.launch
    • rosbridge.launch
    • placeholder for other nodes that are NOT VARIABLE (don't change with robot config)
    • starts
  3. generates and launches generated_core.launch (by default in /tmp/generated_core.launch but can be changed with --launch_generate_path argument) which starts up the rest of the robot nodes that are variable (change with robot config):

    • motor_node: runs ubiquity_motor node with the parameters extracted from either /etc/ubiquity/robot.yaml OR magni_bringup/param/default_robot.yaml with respective priorities. If there are some parameters missing in /etc/ubiquity/robot.yaml they are taken individually from magni_bringup/param/default_robot.yaml. Which specific parameter was taken from where can be seen on printout of the when run manually.
    • robot_description: all robot static and dynamic transforms. It gets its camera and lidar extrinsics from either ~/.ros/extrinsics/<SENSOR>_extrinsics_<POSITION>.yaml OR magni_description/extrinsics/<SENSOR>_extrinsics_<POSITION>.yaml with respective priorities. Which extrinsics are taken can be controlled through robot.yaml which sets the <SENSOR> and <POSITION>.
    • other nodes like controller_spawner, diagnostic_aggregator, oled_display_node,... are also launched. Exactly what gets launched can be seen in magni_bringup/launch/core_launch.em from which core.launch is generated. Any addition to core.launch should be added inside the core_launch.em file (an example of how parameters should be added to robot.yaml, core_launch.em and can be seen here)
  4. There is also a magni_bringup/scripts/ros_log_clean.bash present that takes care of deleting the log files so they don't end up taking too much space. This can be included into magni-base.service so the check and deletion can be done on every boot.

Useful commands for debugging

  • If new additions need to be added to generated_core.launch, add them into magni_bringup/param/core_launch.em, then edit the accordingly. You can then run the commands:

  • python3 src/magni_robot/magni_bringup/scripts/ --debug uses to create the core.launch but does not start it (for debug purposes) - generated generated_core.launch can be visually inspected for bugs. Using --debug tag also triggers rosrun roslaunch roslaunch-check on the generated launch file and messages to the user if any failures were found.

  • python3 src/magni_robot/magni_bringup/scripts/ --launch_generate_path <PATH> will generate the core.launch at <PATH> and launch it from there

  • rosrun magni_bringup -h Can be run to see all available parameters

Design choices:

  • we use systemctl to start on boot because:

    • can easily be controlled from terminal: systemctl start/stop/restart magni-base
    • easy(ish) to debug: journalctl -u magni-base.service
    • is a standard way to start stuff on boot
  • why robot.yaml is not a rosparam file:

    • Explicit "overriding" behavior, which is easy to get subtly wrong with rosparam
    • Clearer structure and names that we can set, instead of having to use the rosparam paths
    • Part of the vision was to support non-rosparam-able configuration settings, like what app to launch by default
    • Not everything in there is actually a ROS parameter, like force_time_sync or the camera/lidar extrinsics which is passed directly to xacro
    • Allow for string comparison if statements for determining which nodes to launch, ex: "pi_sonar_v1" vs only having bools
  • why does generate core.launch and then launches it:

    • to generate the roslaunch XML based on the parameters. That might reduce the number of places we have to touch to add a new parameter.
    • Allows for switching between different nodes at launch easier, for things like picking which lidar we have etc.
    • Debugging is much easier: you can actually see the parameters that were used by opening the generated launch file in the launch directory of magni_bringup package. The alternative is that you leave the param calculation to statements in urdf files which are much harder to debug.
    • Creating the core.launch from python gives much more freedom to do stuff programmatically now and for possible changes in the future
  • internal base.yaml is still kept for non-user editable "parameters". As per discussions here we've moved ALL parameters from base.yaml to robot.yaml so we don't have confusing situations where people don't know which yaml the parameters are actually being loaded from. base.yaml file is kept with a message for pre-noetic users to know where the parameters are aggregated in the noetic architecture.

  • extrinsics of camera and lidar are passed to magni.urdf.xacro from one of the following directories by priority a)/.ros/extrinsics/, b)magni_description/extrinsics/. This is done by passing the path of the yaml file into the urdf file where the x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw are extracted from it. This is done because

    • a) passing down the extrinsics params is in the same format both for launching on real robot (robot.yaml) and for launching in Gazebo (param in empty_world.launch)
    • b) extrinsics in such format can easily be modified by non-expert users (no touching the code or URDF files)
    • c) extrinsics in such format can easily be modified programmatically eg. by auto-extrinsics-calibration programs
  • We decided to move many motor controller and other key operating mode parameters from base.yaml to robot.yaml. A lot of work was done to do this by Rohan but the issue has been only creeping along and needed closure so that it is now safe to use magni_robot repository along with ubiquity_motor and our main codeline is more supportable again.