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Repository ReadMe

Segmentation-Less, Automated, Vascular Vectorization (SLAVV)

Public (GNU GPL-3.0 license) Code Repository

For summarizing and analyzing vascular networks from grayscale, volumetric images. Use this software for locating, sizing, and mapping the connectivity of the depicted vascular networks.

Table of Contents:

Enjoy, leave comments/suggestions, download, change, share :) Please include the LICENSE file, ....

Software Overview

The main function is called vectorize_V200.m (documentation).

The supporting functions are in the source folder.

To vectorize an image using the SLAVV software in MATLAB, simply call vectorize_V200.m in the Command Window with no inputs to be prompted for all required inputs.

Accepted input image formats:

  • three-dimensional array of doubles (variable in MATLAB workspace)
  • *.tif (file location)

Example inline calls can be found in the vectorization scripts, vectorization_script_*.m. (e.g. Example 1, Example 2, ...), and in the performance sensitivity to image quality testing script.

The resulting vectorization can be exported in the documented file formats:


Here is a Demonstration of the graphical curator interface (built-into the SLAVV software) on three large (~1 mm3) images of living adult mouse brain vasculature. The three images are all from the same mouse, approximately the same field of view, and timed 2 weeks apart.

Example Datasets

This Google Drive folder and this Texas Digital Library repository contain the three example images as they were processed for the SLAVV methodology manuscript (distinct from the three images used in the Tutorial).

Each of the three Image * directories contains:
- The original image under its original title as a *.tif
- The wrapper script that was used to vectorize that image in a vectorization_script_*.m file
- All of the vectorization intermediates and outputs in a batch_* folder


For the main vectorization function in MATLAB:

Copied here for reference:

function [ time_stamp, ROI_names ] = vectorize_V200( varargin )
%% Vectorize_V200 - Samuel Alexander Mihelic - Novemeber 8th, 2018                                  
% VECTORIZE( ) prompts the user at the command window for all required inputs.  It first asks 
%     whether to vectorize a new batch of images or continue with a previous batch.  A batch is a
%     group of images that the VECTORIZE function organizes together with two properties:
%         1) The same set of input parameters applies to every image in a batch. 
%         2) The images in a batch are processed in parallel at each step of the vectorization. 
%            (see Methods below for descriptions of the four steps in the vectorization algorithm).
%       If the user continues with a previous batch, VECTORIZE prompts the user to select a previous
%       batch folder with data to recycle.
%       Alternatively, if the user starts a new batch, VECTORIZE prompts the user to select a folder
%       with some image file(s) to be vectorized.  It makes a new batch folder in a location
%       specified by the user.
%     In either case, VECTORIZE prompts the user for a few logistical inputs: which vectorization
%     step(s) to execute, what previous data or settings (if any) to recycle, which visual(s) to
%     output (if any), and whether or not to open a graphical curator interface. It also prompts the
%     user for workflow-specific parameters: It displays imported parameters for review, and prompts
%     the user for any missing required parameters.  VECTORIZE writes any outputs to the batch
%     folder with a time stamp of the form YYMMDD_HHmmss.
%   Conventions:  Greater values in the IMAGE_MATRIX correspond to greater vascular signal
%                 The IMAGE_MATRIX dimensions correspond to the physical dimensions y, x, and z
%                 (1,x,z) is the top  border of the x-y image at height z
%                 (y,1,z) is the left border of the x-y image at height z
%                 (y,x,1) is the x-y image nearest to the objective
%   Supported input image file types: .tif
% For in-line function calls that do not require manual interfacing (e.g. for writing wrapper
% functions or for keeping a concise record of VECTORIZE function calls in a script file), see the
% Optional Input, Logistical Parameters, and Workflow Specific Parameters Sections.
% Note:  For more organizational/navigational control over this document in MATLAB:
%           1) open the Preferences Window                                       (HOME>>PREFERENCES)
%           2) enable Code Folding for Sections              (MATLAB>>Editor/Debugger>>Code Folding)
%           3) fold all of the sections in this document                                    (ctrl,+)
%% ------------------------------------------- Overview ------------------------------------------- 
% The purpose of the vectorization algorithm is to convert a grayscale, 3D image of vasculature to a
% vectorized model of the vascular components. With the vectorized objects in hand, many analyses
% are greatly simplified: The output vectors can be rendered as a 2- or 3-dimensional image at any
% requested resolution, or analyzed for statistical properties such as volume fraction or
% bifurcation density. These calculations as well as others can be specified using the SpecialOutput
% input parameter described in the Logistical Parameters section below.
%% ---------------------------------------- Optional Input ---------------------------------------- 
% VECTORIZE( IMAGE_MATRIX ) vectorizes the numerical array IMAGE_MATRIX.  A batch folder is made 
%     in the OutputDirectory specified by the user. The user is prompted for the other logistical
%     and workflow specific parameters as in the VECTORIZE( ) call.
%   Supported IMAGE_MATRIX variable types: 3D array of doubles
%   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   
% VECTORIZE( IMAGE_MATRICES ) vectorizes each IMAGE_MATRIX in the cell vector IMAGE_MATRICES.  The
%     outputs in the batch folder are numbered by the input order of the images in the cell vector.
%   Supported IMAGE_MATRICES variable types: Cell vector of 3D array of doubles
%    -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   
% VECTORIZE( FILE_NAME ) vectorizes the IMAGE_MATRIX(-CES) specified by the path(s) in FILE_NAME.
%   Supported FILE_NAME variable types: character vectors
%   FILE_NAME is an absolute or relative paths to current working folder. Wild card commands (i.e.
%       '*' or '**' ) in the FILE_NAME are also supported. For example:
%     VECTORIZE(    '*.tif'  ) vectorizes all .tif files in the current directory.
%     VECTORIZE([ '**', filesep, '*.tif' ]) vectorizes all .tif files in the current directory or any
%         subdirectory thereof.
%  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
% VECTORIZE( FILE_NAMES ) vectorizes the IMAGE_MATRICES specified by the cell vector of FILE_NAMES.
%   Supported FILE_NAMES variable types: Cell vector of character vectors
%% -------------------------------------- Logistical Parameters ----------------------------------- 
%     uses the following NAME/VALUE pair assignments for logistical inputs:
% ------- NAME -------      -------------------------------- VALUE --------------------------------
% 'OutputDirectory'         Char or string specifying the folder that contains the output batch
%                           folder.  The default is to prompt the user at the command window.
% 'NewBatch'                'prompt' - Prompts the user at the command window.
%                           'yes'    - Makes a new batch folder in the OutputDirectory folder. 
%                                      This is the only option if the user provides the Optional
%                                      Input.
%                           'no'     - Writes into an existing batch folder in the OutputDirectory.
% 'PreviousBatch'           'prompt' (default) - Prompts the user to input a previous batch folder.
%                           'none'             - Does not import any existing data or settings.  If
%                                                NewBatch is 'no', this is  not an  option.
%                           'yyMMdd-HHmmss'    - Imports from the batch_yyMMdd-HHmmss folder in the 
%                                                OutputDirectory.
%                           'recent'           - Imports from the most recent batch_* folder in the
%                                                OutputDirectory.
% 'PreviousWorkflow'        'prompt' (default) - Prompts the user to input a previous settings file.
%                           'none'             - Does not import any existing data or settings.  If
%                                                NewBatch is 'no', this is not an option.
%                           'yyMMdd-HHmmss'    - Imports from the workflow_yyMMdd-HHmmss folder in
%                                                the batch folder. 
%                           'recent'           - Imports from the most recent workflow_settings_* 
%                                                folder in the batch folder.
% 'StartWorkflow'           Note: These are listed in order:  Energy is the first process.
%                           'prompt' (default) - Prompts the user at the command window.
%                           'none'             - Does not run any workflow steps.  The user may run
%                                                curatation or visual steps.
%                           'next'      - Starts the vectorization process at the   next   step for
%                                         the selected PreviousWorkflow.
%                           'energy'    - Starts the vectorization process at the  Energy  step.
%                                         This is the only option if NewBatch is 'yes'.
%                           'vertices'  - Starts the vectorization process at the Vertices step.
%                           'edges'     - Starts the vectorization process at the   Edges  step.
%                           'network'   - Starts the vectorization process at the  Network step.
% 'FinalWorkflow'           'prompt'(default) - Prompts the user at the command window.
%                           'none'            - Does not run any vectorization processes.  
%                                               This is the only option if StartWorkflow is 'none'
%                           'one'       - Ends the vectorization process at the StartWorkflow step.
%                           'energy'    - Ends the vectorization process at the    Energy     step.
%                           'vertices'  - Ends the vectorization process at the   Vertices    step.
%                           'edges'     - Ends the vectorization process at the     Edges     step.
%                           'network'   - Ends the vectorization process at the    Network    step.
% 'Visual'                  'none'                 - Does not write visual outputs.
%                           'original'             - Writes visuals for just the input images.
%                           'energy'               - Writes visuals for just the   Energy step.
%                           'vertices'             - Writes visuals for just the Vertices step.
%                           'edges'                - Writes visuals for just the    Edges step.
%                           'network'              - Writes visuals for just the  Network step.
%                           { ... }                - Writes visuals for just the    ...   steps.
%                           'productive' (default) - Writes visuals for just the workflow steps.
%                                                    being executed at this vectorization call.
%                           'all'                  - Writes visuals for all vectorization steps.
% 'SpecialOutput'           'none'           - Does not create any special network outputs.
%                           'histograms'     - Shows strand, length statistic histograms          (defualt) 
%                           'depth-stats'    - Shows depth-resolved statistics.                   (defualt) 
%                           'flow-field'     - Writes x, y, and z component .tif's of flow field.
%                           'depth'          - Shows vectors over raw with color-coded depth.     (defualt)           
%                           'strands'        - Shows vectors over raw with color-coded strands.   (defualt) 
%                           'directions'     - Shows vectors over raw with color-coded direcions. (defualt) 
%                           '3D-strands'     - Shows 3D volume rendering with color-coded strands.
%                           '3D-directions'  - Shows 3D volume rendering with color-coded strand 
%                                              directions.
%                           'original-stats' - Calculates signal, noise, background, etc, from
%                                              network binary. Saves in the network_*.mat vector file.
%                           'casX'           - Creates .casX equivalent representation of strands.
%                                              Format .casX is due to LPPD in Chicago, IL.
%                           'vmv'            - Creates .vmv equivalent representation of strands. (defualt)
%                                              Format .vmv is due to Blue Brain Project in
%                                              Switzerland.
%                           { ... }          - Creates ... (a list of) special network outputs.
%                           'all'            - Creates all special network outputs.
% 'VertexCuration'          'auto'             - All non-overlapping vertices are passed to edges. 
%                                                Chooses least energy vector upon volume conflict. 
%                           'manual' (default) - Prompts user with a graphical curation interface.
%                           'machine-manual'   - Applies neural network categorization and then
%                                                prompts user with a graphical interface.
%                           'machine-auto'     - Applies neural network categorization and then
%                                                all non-overlapping vertices are passed to edges.
%                                                Chooses best vector according to the neural network
%                                                upon volume conflict.
% 'EdgeCuration'            'auto'             - All edges are passed to network.
%                           'manual' (default) - Prompts user with a graphical curation interface.
%                           'machine-manual'   - Applies neural network categorization and then
%                                                prompts user with a graphical interface.
%                           'machine-auto'     - Applies neural network categorization.  All edges 
%                                                are passed to network.
% % % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not yet implemented
% % % 'NetworkPath'             'prompt
% % %                           'built-in' (default) - Built-in network ...
% % %                           'train'              - Trains new network from all curation files found
% % %                                                  in the training folder in the vectorization base 
% % %                                                  directory.
% % %                           'yyMMdd-HHmmss'      - Imports network trained at yyMMdd-HHmmss from the 
% % %                                                  network folder in the vectorization base
% % %                                                  directory.
% % %                           'recent'             - Imports network trained most recently from the 
% % %                                                  network folder in the vectorization base
% % %                                                  directory.
% 'Forgetful'               'none' (default)   - No intermediate data files will be deleted
%                           'original'         - Deletes intermediate copies of the input images
%                           'energy'           - Deletes intermediate Energy data files
%                           'both'             - Deletes both intermediate data files when done
% 'Presumptive'             false (default) - Prompts user for all required workflow-specific inputs
%                           true            - Assumes previous settings or default if no previous
%% ------------------------------- Workflow-Specific Parameters ----------------------------------- 
%     uses the NAME/VALUE pair assignments listed below to input workflow-specific parameters.  Each
%     parameter is listed below under the first workflow step that it modifies.
% %   Resolving conflicts between NAME/VALUE pairs and imported parameters from the PreviousWorkflow:
% % 
% %       If a NAME/VALUE pais is provided for a parameter that modifies a workflow step that is
% %       upstream of the StartWorkflow, then that value is ignored and the value from the
% %       PreviousWorkflow value will remain. A warning is produced.  This must occur because the
% %       relevant workflow has already been executed and is not scheduled to run again, therefore the
% %       parameters that modify it will not change.
% %
% %       If a NAME/VALUE pair is provided for a parameter that only modifies workflows that are equal
% %       to or downstream of the StartWorkflow, then that value will overwrite any value that may
% %       have been retrieved from the PreviousWorkflow.  The overwriting is displayed in the commaind
% %       window.
% %
%%  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - Energy -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
% ---------------- NAME ----------------  ------------------------- VALUE -------------------------
% 'microns_per_voxel'                     Real, positive, three-element vector specifying the voxel
%                                         size in microns in y (up/down), x (left/right), and z {out
%                                         of/into) dimensions, respectively. Default: [ 1, 1, 1 ]
% 'radius_of_smallest_vessel_in_microns'  Real, positive scalar specifying the radius of the
%                                         smallest vessel to be detected in microns.  Default: 1.5
% 'radius_of_largest_vessel_in_microns'   Real, positive scalar specifying the radius of the largest 
%                                         vessel to be detected in microns.  Default: 50
% 'approximating_PSF'                     Logical scalar specifying whether to approximate the PSF
%                                         using "Nonlinear Magic: Multiphoton Microscopy in the 
%                                         Biosciences" (Zipfel, W.R. et al.).  Default: true
% 'sample_index_of_refraction'            Real, positive scalar specifying the index of refraction 
%                                         of the sample.  This parameter is only used if
%                                         approximating the PSF.  Default: 1.33
% 'numerical_aperture'                    Real, positive scalar specifying the numerical aperture of
%                                         the microscope objective.  Default: 0.95
% 'excitation_wavelength_in_microns'      Real, positive scalar specifying the excitation wavelength
%                                         of the laser in microns.  Default: 1.3
% 'scales_per_octave'                     Real, positive scalar specifying the number of vessel 
%                                         sizes to detected per doubling of the radius cubed.  
%                                         Default: 1.5
% 'max_voxels_per_node_energy'            Real, positive scalar specifying Default: 1e5
% 'gaussian_to_ideal_ratio'               Real scalar between 0 and 1 inclusive specifying the
%                                         standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel per the total
%                                         object length for objects that are much larger than the
%                                         PSF. Default: 1
% 'spherical_to_annular_ratio'            Real scalar between 0 and 1 inclusive specifying the
%                                         weighting factor of the spherical pulse over the combined
%                                         weights of spherical and annular pulses. This parameter is
%                                         only used if gaussian_to_ideal_ratio is strictly less than
%                                         unity.  Default: 1
% %%   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   Edges   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
% % ---------------- NAME ----------------  ------------------------- VALUE -------------------------
% % 
% % 'max_edge_length_per_origin_radius'     Real, positive scalar specifying the maximum length of an
% %                                         edge trace per the radius of the seed vertex. Default: 30
% %
% % 'number_of_edges_per_vertex'            Real, positive integer specifying the maximum number of
% %                                         edge traces per seed vertex. Default: 4
% %
% %%  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   Network -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
% % ---------------- NAME ----------------  ------------------------- VALUE -------------------------
% % 
% % 'sigma_strand_smoothing'                Real, non-negative integer specifying the standard
% %                                         deviation of the Gaussian smoothing kernel per the radius
% %                                         of the strand at every position along the strand vector.
% %                                         Default: 1
% %
%% ------------------------------------------- Methods -------------------------------------------- 
% Vectorization is accomplished in four steps:  (1) energy image formation, (2) vertex extraction,
% (3) edge extraction, and (4) network extraction.  The raw output is a superposition of possible
% models until it is segmented in some way. The vertex and edge objects are assigned a contrast
% metric based on the values from the energy-filtered image, and thresholding them on this value
% provides direct control over the sensitivity and specificity of the vectorization.  Alternatively,
% the graphical curation interfaces (one for the edges, and one for the vertices) provides a
% platform for manual segmentation such as local threshold selection or point-and-click object
% selection.
% 1: Energy Image Formation
%     The input image is linearly (matched-)filtered at many scales to extract curvature (and
%     gradient) information. The Hessian matrix is diagonalized to extract principle curvatures at
%     all voxels (and scales) where the Laplacian is negative (local bright spot in original image).
%     The energy function is an objective function to select for large negative principle curvatures
%     while each curvature is seperately weighted by a symmetry factor using the gradient. The 4D
%     multi-scale energy image is projected across the scale coordinate using a minimum projection
%     to select the most probable scale. The result is an enhancement of the vessel centerlines
%     while simultaneously selecting the scale coordinate (index into the size range LUT input).
% 2: Vertex Extraction
%     Vertices are extracted as local minima in the 4D energy image (with associated x, y, z,
%     radius, and energy value). (This part of the method was inspired by the first part of the SIFT
%     algorithm (David Lowe, International Journal of Computer Vision, 2004)).  The vertex objects
%     are points of high contrast and symmetry (bright spots or bifurcations) along the vessel
%     segments. The labeling is sufficiently dense if there is at least one vertex per strand (see
%     network section for strand definition). The vertices are ordered by the energy values to rank
%     them from most likely to least likely (based on the energy filter model; without knowledge of
%     a ground truth).
% 3: Edge Extraction
%     Edges are extracted as voxel walks through the (3D) energy image.  Therefore edges are
%     1-Dimensional objects such as a list or a trace, where each location along the trace is a
%     spherical object with an energy value (like a vertex).  Each edge walk starts at a vertex and
%     seeks the lowest energy values under the constraint that it must move away from its origin.
%     The trajectories between vertices are ordered by their maximum energy value attained, in order
%     to give an first estimate of which edges are likely to be true (based on the energy filter
%     model; without knowledge of a ground truth) and which edges are likely to be false.
% 4: Network Extraction
%     The final network output is the minimal set of 1-Dimensional objects (strands) that connect
%     all of the bifurcations/endpoints according to the adjacency matrix exracted from the edges
%     and vertices. The strands are like the edges, but in general are longer, and composed of
%     multiple edges (at least 1). (Theerefore, each strand has at each location along its trace a
%     3-space position, radius, and an energy value). With the strands of the network in hand, we
%     equivalently know where the bifurcations in the network are.  Network information unlocks many
%     doors.  For instance, we can smooth the positions and sizes of the extracted vectors along
%     their strands and approximate local blood flow fields.
%% ------------------------------------------- Outputs -------------------------------------------- 
%     returns the TIME_STAMP that was assigned to any new data or settings output
%     also returns the FILE_NAMES that were used as input or the names assigned to the IMAGE_MATRICES in
%     the order that they were passed to VECTORIZE.
% The final vectorized model of the network is the minimal set of 1-Dimensional objects (strands)
% that connect all of the bifurcations/endpoints to each other. Each strand has at each location
% along its trace a 3-space position, radius, and an energy value. This output (without the energy
% values) can be exported in .vmv or .casx formats (see the SpecialOutput input parameter).
% Other intermediate outputs are output to the OutputDirectory in the batch folder like so:
%  batch_YYMMDD_hhmmss
%       curations
%       data
%       settings
%       vectors
%       visual_data
%       visual_vectors
% The curations folder contains the automatic and user-requested curation backups. 
% The data folder has the hdf5 files of the original, energy, and intermediate edges. 
% The settings folder holds the record of vectorization executions (time-stamp: YYMMDD_hhmmss), the
% workflows that were requested, and the values of the parameters used.
% The vectors folder holds the vertex, edge, and strand objects. The final network vectors (strands)
% are saved in the internal SLAVV format, or one of the exported formats (.vmv, .casx; see
% SpecialOutput). A statistical summary of the network can be found in the network*.mat file under
% the struct variable network_statistics.
% The visual_vectors folder holds .tif 3D images of vector renderings (with weightings corresponding
% to their energy values or thereof sorting index) in the same resolution as the original for
% overlaying and comparison purposes.
% The visual_data folder holds the .tif 3D images of the original, the energy filtered image (along
% with the scale (index) image), and the intermediate edges. This is also where any figures
% specified for generation by the SpecialOutput input will be saved.

Methodology Manuscript

Public Library of Science, Computational Biology (PLOS CompBio) publication:

  title={Segmentation-Less, Automated, Vascular Vectorization},
  author={Mihelic, Samuel A and Sikora, William A and Hassan, Ahmed M and Williamson, Michael R and Jones, Theresa A and Dunn, Andrew K},
  journal={PLOS Computational Biology},
  publisher={Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA}

BioRxiv pre-print:


  title={Segmentation-less, automated vascular vectorization robustly extracts neurovascular network statistics from in vivo two-photon images},
  author={Mihelic, Samuel and Sikora, William and Hassan, Ahmed and Williamson, Michael and Jones, Theresa and Dunn, Andrew},
  publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory}

Application Manuscripts

Effect of vascular structure on laser speckle contrast imaging


  title={Effect of vascular structure on laser speckle contrast imaging},
  author={Jafari, Chakameh Z and Sullender, Colin T and Miller, David R and Mihelic, Samuel A and Dunn, Andrew K},
  journal={Biomedical Optics Express},
  publisher={Optical Society of America}

Mathematical synthesis of the cortical circulation for the whole mouse brain—part II: Microcirculatory closure


  title={Mathematical synthesis of the cortical circulation for the whole mouse brain—part II: Microcirculatory closure},
  author={Hartung, Grant and Badr, Shoale and Mihelic, Samuel and Dunn, Andrew and Cheng, Xiaojun and Kura, Sreekanth and Boas, David A and Kleinfeld, David and Alaraj, Ali and Linninger, Andreas A},

Evaluation of resonant scanning as a high-speed imaging technique for two-photon imaging of cortical vasculature


  title={Evaluation of resonant scanning as a high-speed imaging technique for two-photon imaging of cortical vasculature},
  author={Zhou, Annie and Engelmann, Shaun A and Mihelic, Samuel A and Tomar, Alankrit and Hassan, Ahmed M and Dunn, Andrew K},
  journal={Biomedical Optics Express},
  publisher={Optica Publishing Group}