- This is a repo for my Terraform config for Oracle Cloud
- This config automatically does the following:
- Spins up an instance of Ubuntu Server using the Always Free tier
- Triggers Ansible to
- Automate patching
- Install Docker
- Install Traefik reverse proxy
- Install Filebrowser behind the reverse proxy
- You need to be running from some kind of Linux terminal
- I did this in WSL 2 with Ubuntu, so that works if you need something
- Start by cloning this repo
git clone https://github.com/USBAkimbo/terraform-oci
cd terraform-oci
- Copy the example vars file
cp tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
- Modify the
file to include your Oracle account variables and Cloudflare variables
- Modify
to include your email and the dns hostname for your Filebrowser
- My example uses my Ansible Vault strings
- You can do this using
ansible-vault encrypt_string yourstringhere
<enter vault password>
!vault |
- You don't have to use vault, so your file could look like this
- hosts: all
- patch
- install-docker
- install-traefik
- install-filebrowser
email: [email protected]
dns_name: filebrowser-cloud.mydomain.com
- Once this is all done, run the following to start the build
- Note that this will probably fail for the first time on the Ansible step
- This is because the VM probably isn't ready just yet
- If it does fail, just re-run the command again
- That should be it! Give it a few minutes and your site should be accessible at