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FOIL4G Developer Documentation

Important Note: This is the main UNopenGIS/foil4g repository, a significant contribution to the UN Open GIS Initiative. The project supports the initiative's mission of leveraging open-source geospatial solutions for UN peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. If you're working with a fork, please ensure all pull requests are submitted here rather than to other forks to ensure proper contribution tracking.

Project Mission

FOIL4G actively supports the UN Open GIS Initiative's goals by:

  • Providing open-source geospatial solutions for UN field operations
  • Supporting decision-making with accurate location-based data
  • Enabling collaborative mapping and data validation
  • Contributing to the UN Maps ecosystem for peacekeeping missions
  • Fostering knowledge sharing through the UN Maps Learning Hub

Core Systems and Services

FOIL4G (Free and Open Information Library for Geospatial) is a comprehensive geospatial information platform built with:

  • React + TypeScript frontend using Vite
  • MapLibre GL for map rendering
  • PMTiles for efficient tile storage
  • Storybook for component documentation

Key Features

  1. Web-based mapping application
  2. Multiple map source integrations
  3. Geospatial data processing
  4. Component-based architecture

Project Structure

├── src/                    # Frontend source code
│   ├── App.tsx            # Main application component
│   └── components/
│       └── Maps/          # Map components
│           ├── OpenStreetMap/
│           └── SatelliteImagery/
├── lib/                    # Core library functionality
│   ├── api/               # API definitions for geospatial services
│   ├── data/              # Geospatial data source definitions
│   ├── skills/            # Geospatial processing skills
│   └── tasks/             # Data processing workflows
├── public/
│   └── stylejson/         # Map style configurations
└── .storybook/            # Storybook configuration

Main Components and Classes

Map Components

  • OpenStreetMapOrgRaster: OSM standard raster tiles
  • OpenStreetMapFrHotRaster: Humanitarian OSM tiles
  • OpenStreetMapJpOSMBrightVector: Vector tiles with bright style
  • ArcGISWorldImagery: Satellite imagery
  • UNClearMapRaster: UN base map

Core Libraries

  1. maplibre-gl: Main mapping library
  2. pmtiles: Efficient tile storage format
  3. react-map-gl: React wrapper for MapLibre GL


FOIL4G welcomes contributions that enhance UN peacekeeping and humanitarian operations through open-source geospatial solutions. By contributing, you demonstrate technical capabilities in:

  • Geospatial data processing and visualization
  • Open-source GIS development
  • UN Maps ecosystem integration
  • Collaborative mapping solutions
  • Humanitarian technology applications

Pull Request Workflow

When contributing to this project, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your account if you haven't already
  2. Create a new branch with a descriptive name
  3. Make your changes and commit them
  4. Create a pull request to your fork first
  5. After the PR is created, you can change the base to point to UNopenGIS/foil4g

Note: Due to authentication requirements, it's recommended to first create your PR to your own fork and then change the base repository to UNopenGIS/foil4g. This helps bypass potential authentication issues that may occur when trying to create PRs directly to the upstream repository.

Development Setup


  • Node.js
  • npm/pnpm


npm ci

Development Commands

# Start development server
npm run dev

# Build project
npm run build

# Run linting
npm run lint

# Start Storybook
npm run storybook

# Build Storybook
npm run build-storybook

API and Data Structures

API Definition Structure

Required fields in api/*.yaml:

  • api_id: Unique identifier
  • description: API purpose
  • endpoint_url: Access URL
  • parameters: Input parameters

Data Source Structure

Required fields in data/*.yaml:

  • data_id: Unique identifier
  • license: Usage license
  • attributions: Required credits
  • description: Data description
  • data_format: Format type
  • file_format: File type
  • file_size: Data size
  • url: Access URL

Task Definition Structure

Required fields in tasks/*.yaml:

  • task_id: Unique identifier
  • description: Task purpose
  • goal: Task objective
  • input: Required data sources
  • steps: Processing instructions


  • FOIL4G: Free and Open Information Library for Geospatial
  • UN Open GIS Initiative: UN partnership established in 2016 to leverage open-source geospatial solutions for peacekeeping operations
  • UN Maps: Program supporting UN field operations with geospatial data and collaborative mapping
  • UN Clear Map: United Nations base map style for standardized visualization
  • PMTiles: Efficient tile storage format for geospatial data
  • Vector Tiles: Map data in vector format for flexible rendering
  • Raster Tiles: Pre-rendered map images
  • MapLibre GL: Open-source library for interactive maps
  • OSM: OpenStreetMap, a collaborative mapping platform