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PLDI16 AEC submission

bmcfluff edited this page Feb 11, 2016 · 19 revisions

The Artifact

Download the VM image here:

The Paper

You can find the (conditionally) accepted version of the paper here:


First, open a terminal and cd ~/refscript.

Basic Usage

stack exec -- rsc /path/to/file.ts

This will run our tool on the given TypeScript file; for well-formed inputs the output should end in either *** SAFE *** or *** UNSAFE ***.

Regression testing

stack test refscript

For each of the 571 regression tests, this should output a line looking like 'obj-07.ts: OK (0.65s)'. It should take ~8 minutes.

PLDI16 Benchmarks

In section 5 of the paper we report the running times of our benchmark suite. You can run those tests as follows:

cd tests/pos/pldi16

For each of the 26 files in the benchmark suite, this should output a line looking like 'SUCCESS! d3/entries.ts 1.608330 seconds'. It should take ~10-15 minutes; the vast majority of that time it will appear to be doing nothing as it handles our most time-consuming test, 'navier-stokes-typed-octane.ts'.

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