UC Santa Cruz Rocket Team's ground control system
This project aims to create a ground control system that logs data collected during launch and is able to display real time data visualization and tracking of the rocket.
npm install
There will likely be vulnerabilities in the installation. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THEM FOR NOW.
npm start
cd gcs-react-app/backend
Interpreter names may not match up to the ones listed below (e.g. "python" instead of "py")
For mac/unix users: python3 -m venv env
For windows users: py -m venv env
Then activate the environment:
For mac/unix users: source env/bin/activate
For windows users: .\env\Scripts\activate
For bash on windows: source env/Scripts/activate
If you want to deactivate the environment, simply type into the terminal:
4. Install flask and its environment (make sure you are doing this with the virtual python environment active):
pip install flask
pip install python-dotenv
pip install flask-cors // this library allows us to route across domains (frontend <--> backend)
If you get an error about permissions when running pip (such as WinError2), try adding "--user" to the command like so:
pip install flask --user
Note that the flask environment variables are stored in the .flaskenv
file. The main flask app is currently set to base.py
flask run --port 9999
Open up a browser and go to http://localhost:9999/api/test . You should see a JSON string!
Start up the backend and the frontend using the following commands (you will need to open two terminals):
npm run start-backend // no need to run this if your backend is still up!
npm start // starts the frontend
Then navigate to http://localhost:3000/fetch . There should be a simple page displaying the values from the backend!