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206 lines (190 loc) · 7.88 KB

File metadata and controls

206 lines (190 loc) · 7.88 KB

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  • Andrew Polk
  • Ari Gilmore
  • Brandon Tran
  • Danielle Robinson
  • Ivy Tran
  • Jake Hickey
  • Victoria Sneddon (Project Manager)


We want to be able to predict the rating of a movie before it is released. We want to be able to input a movie or upcoming movie title and output the predicted movie rating.

Table of Contents

Fall 2017

Winter 2018

Project Flowchart

Alt Text


  • TheMovieDb API -movie parameters (actors, directors, budget etc.)
  • IMDb dataset from AWS -ratings from previous movies
  • Data Algorithms (weighting actors vs. directors vs. budget…)
  • Query data about movie title or movie id to get parameters
  • Query previous ratings of rating parameters
  • Create a method of storing data and accessing it from different parts of the program
  • Some sort of statistical analysis on ratings (Data algorithms)
  • Create an interface or web app to take input and display results

  • Paramaters available to use:
    • Average movie rating
    • Actors
    • Director
    • Producers
    • Budget
    • Studio
    • Writers
    • Genre
    • Cinematographer
    • Music
    • etc..

Data Sources

  • IMDb
  • TheMovieDb


  • Python - scripting
  • HTML - website
  • Java - AWS API


  • TheMovieDB has a 40 query per 10 second limit per api key.
  • AWS requires paid subscription
  • IMDb data must be refreshed manually

Creating a virtual environment

  • First time run:

    • sudo apt install virtualenv (if needed)

    • virtualenv peerenv

  • Starting virtualenv

    • source peerenv/bin/activate

    • pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Closing virtualenv

    • deactivate

Running the code

  • Make sure you have:

    • api_keys.txt
    • IMDBRatings.tsv
    • TMDBRatings.tsv
  • Running in terminal

    • Start virtual environment
    • cd movie_rating_prediction/src/

    • python3

    • Enter Movie Name
  • Running in Idle

    • Start virtual environment
    • cd movie_rating_prediction/src/

    • idle3

    • Open
    • Run Module +Enter Movie Name

Project Timeline

Fall 2017

Week 1-3:

  • Create an outline for the project
  • Split into smaller groups (Pair up) to work on individual sections of the project
  • Week 1-3 Update:

    • Brandon/Danielle:

      • Made an account with Amazon Web Services (AWS)
      • Downloaded AWS SDK for Java
      • Downloaded legacy Java 6 for Eclipse
      • Downloaded JVM 1.8 for Eclipse
      • Configured AWS Toolkit for Eclipse, and samples successfully
      • log in
    • Ari/Ivy/Jake:

      • Will weigh the ratings of directors previous films based on date
      • Take the sample mean of the ratings of the director’s movies and that will be the prediction
      • Award data? (how many oscars won) (later)
      • Age of the director (later)
      • Regression chart for when other factors come in
    • Andrew/Victoria:

      • Created a simple script in python, using libraries: json, requests, datetime
      • The script accesses themoviedb and get the works and ratings for a director parsed into json
      • Working on ways to pass the information from the script to the stats team
      • Still need to get director age, awards and any other data the stats team wants
      • Get data from rottenTomatoes/IMDB ect...?

Week 4-6:

  • Start putting together the different portions that the smaller groups have been working on
  • Week 4-6 Update:

    • Brandon/Danielle:

      • Downloaded IMDb's datasets using AWS S3 services
      • Gave Andrew the data to merge
    • Ari/Ivy/Jake:

      • Considering date of directors' previous movies as a factor in rating
      • Using number of ratings per movie rating to calculate mean value of directors' previous films
    • Andrew/Victoria:

      • Created script to access IMBDb's title names, ratings, etc.
      • Created script to merge ratings and title info tsv files
      • Will utilize both TheMovieDb and IMDb as foundation of project's data

Week 7-10:

  • Finish merging different sections of the project
  • Week 7-10 Update:

    • All:

      • Wrote data regression algorithm to weigh directors' previous films
      • Wrote scripting programs to input movie ID number and output parameters

Winter 2018


  • Finish scripting programs to fetch parameters from movie names
  • Focus on documentation, here and on Inertia7
  • Finish website to post project
  • Refine algorithm (weights of different aspects) to predict ratings


├──          <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── index.html	       <- Website that runs code off server
├── images
│   └── chairs.jpg     <- images for website
│   └── ReelTeam.jpg   <- image of the team
├── reports            <- Generated analysis as Graphs and other analysis.
│   └── figures        <- Generated graphics and figures to be used in reporting
├── requirements.txt   <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment.
└── src                <- Source code for use in this project.
    ├──    <- Makes src a Python module
    ├──    <- Run this to test one at a time
    ├──    <- Whole script run from here
    ├──   <- Code running that the website calls
    ├──     <- Make N dataCalls
    │	<-- Files used during analysis and that save data -->
    ├── api_keys.txt 	<- stores api keys to be used in query (Not online)
    ├── TMDBRatings.tsv <- stores the ratings sorted by TMDB ids (Not online)
    ├── AverageRatings.txt <- stores the total average rating and average rating for each Genre
    ├── dataStore.txt <- stores weights and recent searches
    ├── parameters.txt <- stores the parameters of the current movie it's calculating
    ├── ratings.txt <- stores the ratings of the current movie it's calculating
    ├── data           <- Scripts to download or generate data
    │   └──
    │   └── 	<- downloads parameters from movie name
    │   └── 	<- downloads paramter info and finds movie ratings
    ├── data
    │   └──
    │   └── 	<- counts the lines in a file, used for searching IMDB ratings
    │   └── 		<- searches the IMDB rating files with either IMDB id or TMDB id
    │   └── 	<- standardizes the saving and loading of Json data between scripts
    │   └── <- Searches TMDB.tsv to get the average rating of all movies
    ├── models         <- Scripts to train models and then use trained models to make
    │   │                 predictions
    │   └──
    │   └── <- generates some guess based on ratings.txt
    └── visualization  <- Scripts to create exploratory and results oriented visualizations