A "two-panel" subgroup and interaction forest plot, as proposed by Godolphin et al RSM 2023 doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/jrsm.1590
Data taken from Supplementary Appendix 2, and displayed in Figure 1, of Godolphin et al RSM 2023 (as above) "Estimating interactions and subgroup-specific treatment effects in meta-analysis without aggregation bias: A within-trial framework"
Data originally presented in Supplement 2, page 14, of Shankar-Hari et al JAMA 2021 doi: https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2021.11330
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str17 TrialName byte Subgroup int(n0 e0 n1 e1)
"ARCHITECTS" 0 0 0 1 0
"ARCHITECTS" 1 11 2 9 0
"BACC-Bay" 0 81 4 158 9
"BACC-Bay" 1 1 0 3 0
"CORIMUNO-TOCI-1" 0 55 5 53 6
"CORIMUNO-TOCI-1" 1 12 3 10 1
"CORIMUNO-TOCI-ICU" 0 39 8 41 4
"COV-AID" 0 30 4 33 3
"COV-AID" 1 42 3 48 6
"COVACTA" 0 103 16 238 44
"COVACTA" 1 41 12 56 14
"COVIDOSE2-SS-A" 0 6 1 13 0
"COVIDOSE2-SS-A" 1 2 1 6 0
"EMPACTA" 0 16 0 49 2
"EMPACTA" 1 112 11 200 24
"HMO-020-0224" 0 2 0 6 1
"HMO-020-0224" 1 15 8 31 10
"ImmCoVA" 0 1 0 1 0
"ImmCoVA" 1 26 2 21 2
"PreToVid" 0 11 2 11 1
"PreToVid" 1 167 32 159 20
"RECOVERY" 0 367 127 357 139
"RECOVERY" 1 1721 600 1664 482
"REMAP-CAP" 0 129 41 127 30
"REMAP-CAP" 1 217 73 214 53
"REMDACTA" 0 29 2 72 9
"REMDACTA" 1 181 39 358 69
"TOCIBRAS" 0 30 1 34 6
"TOCIBRAS" 1 34 5 31 8
label define Subgroup_ 0 "No corticosteroids" 1 "Corticosteroids"
label values Subgroup Subgroup_
* Create observation(s) for missing subgroup(s)
fillin Trial Subgroup
replace e0 = 0 if _fillin
replace e1 = 0 if _fillin
replace n0 = 0 if _fillin
replace n1 = 0 if _fillin
generate long f1 = n1 - e1
generate long f0 = n0 - e0
metan e1 f1 e0 f0, or iv prefix(_y) study(Trial) by(Subgroup) clear nogr nooverall nohet nomodellabels summaryonly counts
replace _y_USE = 0 if _y_USE==6
replace _y_LABELS = "Pooled estimates" if _y_USE==0
replace _y_USE = 5 if _y_USE==3
sort _y_USE _y_BY
replace _y_STUDY = _y_BY
replace _y_BY = .
tempfile summary
save `summary'
* Use the -clear- option to create the "results set" for the left-hand sub-plot
* Notice that in order to group by trial first and carer subgroup second,
* we need to use options by() and study() in the reverse of their usual roles.
* (Also note the use of prefix "_y", for later differentiation between subgroup effects and interactions)
metan e1 f1 e0 f0, or iv prefix(_y) by(Trial) study(Subgroup) nosubgroup nooverall nohet clear counts group1(Tocilizumab) group2(Usual care) nogr keeporder
append using `summary'
* Create variable "_yInt_STUDY" for later merging with the interaction dataset
* Set this variable to value -1 for the reference subgroup, so that interaction estimates are merged
* (and hence, line up) with the non-reference subgroup
clonevar _yInt_STUDY = _y_BY if _y_STUDY==1
replace _yInt_STUDY = -1 if missing(_yInt_STUDY) & _y_USE!=5
* Use -ipdmetan- combined with -vwls- to create the "results set" for the right-hand sub-plot
* (-vwls- estimates the difference between categories assuming no residual error)
tempfile interaction
ipdmetan, saving(`interaction', replace) prefix(_yInt) study(_y_BY) nogr nohet keeporder : vwls _y_ES _y_STUDY, sd(_y_seES)
* Merge the datasets together, tidy up, and re-sort
merge m:1 _yInt_STUDY using `interaction'
gen byte touse = _y_USE
replace touse = 1 if inlist(_y_USE, 1, 2)
replace _yInt_USE = 6 if missing(_yInt_USE)
replace _yInt_USE = 6 if _yInt_USE==5 & _y_STUDY==0
isid _y_BY touse _y_STUDY, sort miss
* Finally, we create the left-hand plot...
forestplot, prefix(_y) or nowt lcols(_y_counts0 _y_counts1) keepall ///
favours("Favours tocilizumab" " " # "Favours usual care" " ") olineopt(lwidth(none)) ///
xlabel(.125 "0.125" 1 8) range(.125 8) cirange(.2 8) boxsca(50) texts(150) astext(50) savedims(A) graphregion(color(white)) name(left)
* ...and the right-hand plot...
forestplot, prefix(_yInt) interaction usedims(A) nonames eform effect("Interact. Odds Ratio") keepall nowt ///
favours("Favours greater effect of tocilizumab" "with corticosteroids" ///
# "Favours greater effect of tocilizumab" "without corticosteroids", fp(8)) ///
xlabel(.125 "0.125" 1 8) range(.125 8) cirange(.2 8) texts(150) graphregion(color(white)) name(right)
* ...and place the sub-plots side-by-side.
graph combine left right, imargin(zero) xsize(4.5) graphregion(color(white))