diff --git a/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
index 3887c2ad8..352725477 100644
--- a/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
+++ b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
"UBCSailbot/boat_simulator": {"permissions": "write-all"},
"UBCSailbot/controller": {"permissions": "write-all"},
"UBCSailbot/custom_interfaces": {"permissions": "write-all"},
- "UBCSailbot/docs": {"permissions": "write-all"},
"UBCSailbot/local_pathfinding": {"permissions": "write-all"},
"UBCSailbot/network_systems": {"permissions": "write-all"},
"UBCSailbot/notebooks": {"permissions": "write-all"},
diff --git a/.devcontainer/docker-compose.docs.yml b/.devcontainer/docker-compose.docs.yml
index 4bd4d734d..b1e4be2df 100644
--- a/.devcontainer/docker-compose.docs.yml
+++ b/.devcontainer/docker-compose.docs.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ services:
context: ..
dockerfile: .devcontainer/docs/docs.Dockerfile
- - ../src/docs:/docs:cached
+ - ..:/docs:cached
# Runs on the same network as the workspace container, allows "forwardPorts" in devcontainer.json function.
network_mode: service:sailbot-workspace
diff --git a/.devcontainer/docs/docs.Dockerfile b/.devcontainer/docs/docs.Dockerfile
index 2622f81ac..324c87478 100644
--- a/.devcontainer/docs/docs.Dockerfile
+++ b/.devcontainer/docs/docs.Dockerfile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
FROM squidfunk/mkdocs-material
# get docs requirements file
-COPY ./src/docs/docs/requirements.txt /requirements.txt
+COPY ./docs/requirements.txt /requirements.txt
# install requirements
RUN pip install -Ur /requirements.txt
diff --git a/.github/CODEOWNERS b/.github/CODEOWNERS
index 5761d6a1d..cb5366a99 100644
--- a/.github/CODEOWNERS
+++ b/.github/CODEOWNERS
@@ -6,3 +6,6 @@
# these owners will be requested for
# review when someone opens a pull request.
* @patrick-5546
+# docs
+/docs/ @DFriend01
diff --git a/.github/actions/ament-lint/run.sh b/.github/actions/ament-lint/run.sh
index 4bc8efe99..aae11d7dc 100755
--- a/.github/actions/ament-lint/run.sh
+++ b/.github/actions/ament-lint/run.sh
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ if [[ $LOCAL_RUN != "true" ]]; then
# Exclude repos and files we don't want to lint
-VALID_SRC_DIRS=$(ls src | grep -v -e virtual_iridium -e docs -e raye-local-pathfinding -e website -e notebooks -e polaris.repos)
+VALID_SRC_DIRS=$(ls src | grep -v -e virtual_iridium -e raye-local-pathfinding -e website -e notebooks -e polaris.repos)
# Loop over each directory and lint it
diff --git a/.github/actions/docs-lint/action.yml b/.github/actions/docs-lint/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb3e71ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/actions/docs-lint/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+name: 'Lint New Tab Links'
+description: 'Check links to external sites redirect to a new tab'
+ using: "composite"
+ steps:
+ - run: python3 $GITHUB_ACTION_PATH/lint_links.py -r $ROOT -c $CONFIG_FILE
+ shell: bash
diff --git a/.github/actions/docs-lint/lint_links.py b/.github/actions/docs-lint/lint_links.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a85f1169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/actions/docs-lint/lint_links.py
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import json
+import argparse
+REGEX_PATTERN = r"(? Embed > iFrame, and deselecting Layers, Tags, and Edit -->
diff --git a/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/deployment.md b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/deployment.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c03613ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/deployment.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+!!! quote "Source code"
+ The [source code for deployment](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/tree/main/.devcontainer/deployment){target=_blank}
+ can be found in the [sailbot_workspace](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace){target=_blank}
+ GitHub repository. Its README has been copied below.
+--8<-- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/main/.devcontainer/deployment/README.md"
diff --git a/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/docker_images.md b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/docker_images.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de293d928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/docker_images.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Docker Images
+A table detailing the Docker images used to create the Dev Container can be found below.
+Click on an image to learn more about its features and how to update it.
+| Image | Parent Image | Source Code | Why it is Rebuilt | Where it is Built |
+| --------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| [`pre-base`][pre-base]{target=_blank} | [Ubuntu 22.04][Ubuntu Image]{target=_blank} | [`base-dev.Dockerfile`][base-dev.Dockerfile]{target=_blank} | To install ROS or OMPL | Personal computer |
+| [`base`][base]{target=_blank} | [`pre-base`][pre-base]{target=_blank} | [`base-dev.Dockerfile`][base-dev.Dockerfile]{target=_blank} | To install core dependencies | Workflow dispatch |
+| [`local-base`][local-base]{target=_blank} | [`base`][base]{target=_blank} | [`base-dev.Dockerfile`][base-dev.Dockerfile]{target=_blank} | To install core dev dependencies | Workflow dispatch |
+| [`dev`][dev]{target=_blank} | [`local-base`][local-base]{target=_blank} | [`base-dev.Dockerfile`][base-dev.Dockerfile]{target=_blank} | To install dev dependencies | Workflow dispatch |
+| [Dev Container][Dev Container]{target=_blank} | [`dev`][dev]{target=_blank} | [`Dockerfile`][Dockerfile]{target=_blank} | To configure the Dev Container | VS Code |
+| [`docs`][docs]{target=_blank} | [`mkdocs-material`][mkdocs-material]{target=_blank} | [`docs.Dockerfile`][docs.Dockerfile]{target=_blank} | To install and run docs site | VS Code ([optional][o]{target=_blank}) |
+| [`website`][website]{target=_blank} | [`javascript-node`][javascript-node]{target=_blank} | [`website.Dockerfile`][website.Dockerfile]{target=_blank} | To install and run website | VS Code ([optional][o]{target=_blank}) |
+[Ubuntu image]:
+[Dev Container]:
+[o]: ./how_to.md#run-optional-programs
diff --git a/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/how_to.md b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/how_to.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8956e018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/how_to.md
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# How-To's
+## Run VS Code commands, tasks, and launch configurations
+!!! tip "MacOS keyboard shortcuts"
+ For keyboard shortcuts on MacOS, substitute ++ctrl++ with ++cmd++.
+VS Code commands can be run in the Command Palette.
+Open the Command Palette from the `View` menu or with ++ctrl+shift+p++.
+Tasks can be run using the `Tasks: Run Task` VS Code command. Build tasks can be run with ++ctrl+shift+b++.
+Launch configurations can be run from the [Run and Debug view](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/debugging#_run-and-debug-view){target=_blank}.
+You can also run VS Code commands, tasks, launch configurations, and much more by typing their prefixes
+into an empty Command Palette. Open an empty Command Palette with ++ctrl+p++ or by clicking the box in the center
+of the title bar. See the list below for some prefixes and their functions.
+For prefixes that are words, you will have to append a space to them to bring up their functions.
+- Nothing: files
+- `>`: VS Code commands
+- `task`: tasks
+- `debug`: launch configurations
+- `?`: list all prefixes and their functions
+## Work with containerized applications
+!!! info ""
+ New in [:octicons-tag-24: v1.1.0](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/releases/tag/v1.1.0){target=_blank}
+We have containerized the following applications for a variety of reasons:
+- [MongoDB database](https://www.mongodb.com/){target=_blank}
+- [Docs site](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/docs){target=_blank}
+- [Website](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/website){target=_blank}
+### Running containerized applications
+In the first section of `dockerComposeFile` of `.devcontainer/devcontainer.json`, there is a list of files:
+each file contains the configuration for one or more applications.
+The ones that are commented out are not run. To run them:
+1. Uncomment the Docker Compose file(s) that the application(s) you desire to run are defined in
+ - Programs that are defined in the uncommented Docker Compose files will be started and stopped with Sailbot Workspace
+2. Run the `Dev Containers: Rebuild Container` VS Code command to restart Sailbot Workspace
+To stop running them:
+1. Comment out the corresponding Docker Compose file
+2. Stop the application's container: see [Managing containerized applications](#managing-containerized-applications)
+### Viewing MongoDB data
+Connect the [MongoDB VS Code extension](https://www.mongodb.com/products/vs-code){target=_blank} to the running database:
+[Create a Connection for Deployment](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-vscode/connect/#create-a-connection-to-a-deployment){target=_blank}
+- Use the default methods: "Paste Connection String" and "Open from Overview Page"
+- Our database's connection string is `mongodb://localhost:27017`
+- See the [MongoDB VS Code extension docs](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-vscode/){target=_blank} for how
+ to use it to navigate or explore the database
+### Opening Docs or Website
+Docs runs on port 8000 and Website 3005. You can see them in your browser at `localhost:`. To open them using VS Code:
+1. Run the `Ports: Focus on Ports View` VS Code command
+2. Open the site by hovering over its local address and clicking either "Open in Browser" or "Preview in Editor"
+ - The local address of Docs is the line with a port of 8000
+ - The local address of Website is the line with a port of 3005
+!!! tip "Turn off auto saving"
+ Changes made to their files are loaded when they are saved, so **if Auto Save is on, turn it off**
+ so that the Docs/Website servers aren't continuously reloading. Auto Save is on by default in GitHub Codespaces
+### Managing containerized applications
+Each application runs in a Docker container. Containers can be managed using Docker Desktop or CLI commands:
+- View Sailbot Workspace containers
+ === ":material-docker: Docker Desktop"
+ 1. Select "Containers" in the top right
+ 2. Expand "sailbot_workspace_devcontainer"
+ - The "Status" column shows whether a container is running or not
+ === ":octicons-terminal-24: CLI Commands"
+ ```
+ docker ps -a
+ ```
+ - Sailbot Workspace containers should be named something like `sailbot_workspace_devcontainer--`
+ - The `STATUS` column shows whether a container is running or not
+- View a container's logs, the output of the container (including errors that caused it to stop)
+ === ":material-docker: Docker Desktop"
+ 1. Click on a container
+ 2. Navigate to the "Logs" view if not already on it
+ === ":octicons-terminal-24: CLI Commands"
+ ```
+ docker logs
+ ```
+- Start a container that is not running
+ === ":material-docker: Docker Desktop"
+ 1. Click start :material-play:
+ === ":octicons-terminal-24: CLI Commands"
+ ```
+ docker start
+ ```
+- Stop a container that is running
+ === ":material-docker: Docker Desktop"
+ 1. Click stop :material-stop:
+ === ":octicons-terminal-24: CLI Commands"
+ ```
+ docker stop
+ ```
+## Manage software packages
+!!! warning "Why can't I just install the dependencies myself in the command line interface with `pip` or `apt`?"
+ Although this will temporarily work, installing apt and/or Python dependencies directly in sailbot workspace using
+ the commandline interface will not persist between container instances. The dependencies will need to be manually
+ installed every single time you create a new instance of sailbot workspace, which is not feasible when we start to
+ use many dependencies at once.
+ Of course, one could also install dependencies inside the sailbot workspace Docker images to allow such dependencies
+ to persist across container instances. However, putting dependencies inside `package.xml` distinguishes between
+ what dependencies are needed for ROS packages and what dependencies are needed for infrastructure purposes.
+### Add apt or python dependencies to ROS packages
+If running your ROS packages requires external dependencies from an apt repository or python package, **one** of the following
+tags should be added to the `package.xml` file in the root directory of the ROS package:
+- Learn what each tag is used for [here](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Intermediate/Rosdep.html#id4){target=_blank}.
+- Replace `ROSDEP_KEY` with the rosdep key for the dependency, which can be found online.
+ - Use the key associated with **ubuntu** since sailbot workspace uses Ubuntu, or **debian** which Ubuntu is based on
+ - Do not include the square brackets in `package.xml`
+ === ":material-ubuntu: Apt Dependencies"
+ - Rosdep keys for apt repositories can be found [here](https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/blob/master/rosdep/base.yaml){target=_blank}
+ === ":material-language-python: Python Dependencies"
+ - Rosdep keys for python packages can be found [here](https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/blob/master/rosdep/python.yaml){target=_blank}
+ - Since we use Python 3, look for the packages that start with `python3-` (`python-` is usually for Python 2)
+- If there isn't rosdep key for the dependency, you can add your own to `custom-rosdep.yaml`
+ in the root directory of the ROS package
+After completing these steps, [run the `setup` task](#run-vs-code-commands-tasks-and-launch-configurations) and the
+desired dependencies should be installed. ROS uses a dependency management utility, rosdep, to handle the installation
+of dependencies. In addition to runtime dependencies, rosdep also handles dependencies for build time, dependencies for
+testing, sharing dependencies between ROS packages, and more.
+See the [ROS documentation on rosdep](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Intermediate/Rosdep.html){target=_blank}
+to learn more.
+### Add dependencies to a Docker image
+There are a couple cases where you would want to add dependencies to a Docker image instead of ROS package:
+1. The dependency is not used to build/run/test a ROS package
+2. There is no apt or pip package for your dependency so you have to build from source
+To verify your changes, you can add them to `.devcontainer/Dockerfile` then
+run the `Dev Containers: Rebuild Container` VS Code command. Once verified, migrate the changes to one of the upstream
+[images](./docker_images.md){target=_blank}: `base`, `local-base`, `dev`, or `pre-base`.
+## Enable GitHub Copilot in Sailbot Workspace
+[^1]: [GitHub Copilot Quickstart Guide](https://docs.github.com/en/copilot/quickstart){target=_blank}
+GitHub Copilot is an AI paired programming tool that can help you accelerate your development by providing suggestions
+for whole lines or entire functions inside your editor.[^1] To enable GitHub Copilot:
+1. [Apply to GitHub Global Campus as a student](https://docs.github.com/en/education/explore-the-benefits-of-teaching-and-learning-with-github-education/github-global-campus-for-students/apply-to-github-global-campus-as-a-student){target=_blank}
+to use GitHub Copilot and get other student benefits for free. It may take a few days for your student status to be
+verified. In the meantime, you can still continue with the next steps. However, you will need to use the GitHub Copilot
+free trial until your account is verified.
+2. [Sign up for GitHub Copilot for your personal account](https://docs.github.com/en/copilot/quickstart#signing-up-for-github-copilot-for-your-personal-account){target=_blank}.
+If it offers a free trial, then take it. You should see a page telling you that you can use GitHub Copilot for free
+(if you have a verified student account).
+3. Uncomment the `github.copilot` extension in `.devcontainer/devcontainer.json` and run the
+ `Dev Containers: Rebuild Container` VS Code command
+4. Sign into your GitHub account in VS Code. The GitHub Copilot extension should automatically prompt you to sign into
+your account if you are not already.
+ ??? warning "VS Code is not prompting me to sign into my account"
+ You may already be signed in into your GitHub account. You can check by clicking on the :octicons-person-16:
+ **Accounts** icon in the bottom-left corner in VS Code and verify that you see your GitHub account.
+ If you do not see your account, you can get the sign in prompt by trying:
+ - Reloading the VS Code window: ++ctrl+shift+p++ and select `Developer: Reload Window`
+ - Rebuilding the devcontainer: ++ctrl+shift+p++ and select `Dev Containers: Rebuild Container`
+ - If using a Mac, use ++cmd++ instead of ++ctrl++
+5. If all the previous steps were done correctly, you should see the :octicons-copilot-48: **GitHub Copilot** icon in
+the bottom-right corner of VS Code without any error messages. For more information on how to use Copilot and a tutorial,
+refer to:
+ - [The GitHub Copilot Getting Started Guide](https://docs.github.com/en/copilot/getting-started-with-github-copilot){target=_blank}
+ - [Configuring GitHub Copilot in your Environment](https://docs.github.com/en/copilot/configuring-github-copilot/configuring-github-copilot-in-your-environment){target=_blank}
+## Use your dotfiles
+Dotfiles are configuration files for various programs.[^2]
+??? info "More about dotfiles"
+ - They are called dotfiles because their filenames start with a dot (`.`)
+ - On Linux and MacOS, files and directories that begin with a dot are hidden by default
+ - To list dotfiles using the `ls` command, specify the `-a` argument: `ls -a`
+Dotfiles that are commonly modified include:
+- Bash: `~/.bashrc`
+- Git: `~/.gitconfig`
+- Vim: `~/.vimrc`
+To use your dotfiles:
+1. Ensure that the `base`, `local-base`, or `dev` [image](./docker_images.md){target=_blank}
+ installs the programs that the dotfiles correspond to
+2. Copy the dotfiles to the `.devcontainer/config/` directory.
+ If a dotfile is located in a child directory, you will have to created it.
+ For example, if a dotfile's path is `~/.config/ex_dotfile`, you will need to copy it to `.devcontainer/config/.config/ex_dotfile`
+ !!! warning "Special cases"
+ - `~/.gitconfig`: there is no need copy your Git dotfile, as Dev Containers do this automatically
+ - `~/.bashrc`: don't copy your Bash dotfile, as it would override the one created in the `dev` image.
+ Instead, add your bash configuration `.aliases.bash` or `.functions.bash` in the config directory, as these are sourced
+ by the created Bash dotfile.
+3. Run the `Dev Containers: Rebuild Container` VS Code command
+[^2]: [Dotfiles – What is a Dotfile and How to Create it in Mac and Linux](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/dotfiles-what-is-a-dot-file-and-how-to-create-it-in-mac-and-linux/){target=_blank}
+## Run Raye's software
+Raye was our previous project. Her software can be run in the `raye` branch:
+1. Switch to the `raye` branch: `git switch raye`
+2. Rebuild the Dev Container: run the `Dev Containers: Rebuild Container` VS Code command
+3. If you want to run [Raye's local pathfinding visualizer](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/raye-local-pathfinding?tab=readme-ov-file#visualizing-the-simulation){target=_blank},
+ complete [step 2 of the setup instructions](./setup.md#2-setup-x11-forwarding){target=_blank}
+!!! warning "`raye` branch disclaimers"
+ 1. Since `raye` (and Raye's codebase in general) is not in active development, it may not be 100% functional
+ or contain all the features in `main`
+ 2. `raye` is more memory intensive than `main` because the parent image of its Dev Container is much larger;
+ this may lead to worse performance
+### Build Raye's ROS packages
+To build Raye's ROS packages, run the following commands:
+### Run packages from different workspaces
+The `raye` branch has two ROS workspaces: one for Raye and one for the new project.
+To run ROS packages, you will have to source the overlay of the workspace that it is in:
+=== "New Project"
+ ```
+ srcnew
+ ```
+=== "Raye"
+ ```
+ srcraye
+ ```
+Then you can run launch files or package-specific executables in that workspace with:
+=== "New Project"
+ `ros2 launch ...` or `ros2 run ...`, respectively.
+=== "Raye"
+ `roslaunch ...` or `rosrun ...`, respectively.
+### Raye's known issues
+!!! bug "Run commands for Raye packages are very slow"
+ On non-Ubuntu-based Linux operating systems, Run commands for Raye packages may take a long time to start-up.
+ This is because the system has trouble resolving the local hostname.
+ To resolve this bug, run the commands below in the Dev Container:
+ ```bash
+ echo 'export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost' >> ~/.bashrc
+ echo 'export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311' >> ~/.bashrc
+ ```
diff --git a/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/launch_files.md b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/launch_files.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2dbf5458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/launch_files.md
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# ROS Launch Files in Sailbot Workspace
+ROS 2 Launch files allow us to programatically start up and configure multiple ROS nodes.[^1]
+Within Sailbot Workspace, ROS launch files are used to start up our ROS packages with ease.
+Additionally, we take advantage of the hierarchical properties of launch files by defining a global
+entry point that invokes the launch files of all ROS packages in the system.
+## Launch File Architecture
+There are two launch processes that we utilize: namely the Package Launch Process and the Global launch process.
+### The Package Launch Process
+The package launch process is intended to start up a specific ROS package by directly using the package launch file.
+The process is as follows:
+1. The package launch file is invoked with the user passing arguments via the CLI and specifying a configuration file.
+2. Global argument declarations and environment variables are loaded into the launch process.
+3. Local arguments, specific to the package, are declared.
+4. Both global and local arguments are parsed based on the argument declarations and are set for use upon start up.
+5. The ROS nodes belonging to the package begin execution, utilizing the ROS parameters from the configuration file.
+??? warning "When launching individual packages, be aware of dependencies between ROS packages"
+ Some packages rely on the data produced by other packages in the system. This may cause only
+ partial functionality of the ROS node(s) that are running inside the launched package. Therefore,
+ it may be necessary to launch multiple packages manually to get the desired functionality.
+### The Global Launch Process
+The global launch process is intended to start up the entire system (both the development and production environments).
+This process invokes the package launch files for each ROS package used in the system through a global launch file.
+The process is as follows:
+1. The global launch file is invoked with the user passing arguments via the CLI and specifying a configuration file.
+2. Environment variables common to all ROS packages are declared. In addition, the global arguments common across
+all ROS packages are declared.
+3. For each package launch file:
+ - The CLI arguments, global argument declarations, and environment variables are passed into the package launch
+ file.
+ - Local arguments, specific to the package, are declared. Both the global and local arguments are parsed based on the
+ argument declarations and are set for use upon start up.
+ - The ROS nodes belonging to the package begin execution, utilizing the ROS parameters from the configuration file.
+## Invoking Launch Files
+??? tip "Stopping the execution of a launch file"
+ Entering ++ctrl+c++ in the terminal where the launch file was invoked will stop all associated
+ ROS packages from running.
+ > Use ++command+c++ for Mac OS
+### Package Launch
+At the bare minimum, the following packages need to be built with the `Build` or `Build All` VS Code task before launching:
+- `custom_interfaces`
+- The package you want to launch
+Packages only need to be rebuilt either when the workspace is first set up, or if any changes are made to the ROS
+package. Once built, the package launch file can be invoked either in the CLI or using a VS Code command:
+=== ":octicons-command-palette-16: CLI"
+ Either the package and launch file name, or the path to the launch file can be used:
+ - **Method 1:** `ros2 launch `. This method can only be used when a launch file
+ is part of a built ROS package.
+ - **Method 2:** `ros2 launch `. This method can be used regardless if a launch file
+ is in a ROS package or not.
+ !!! example "Launch via CLI Examples"
+ Let's launch local pathfinding using both CLI methods:
+ **Method 1**
+ ```sh
+ ros2 launch local_pathfinding main_launch.py
+ ```
+ **Method 2**
+ ```sh
+ ros2 launch $ROS_WORKSPACE/src/local_pathfinding/launch/main_launch.py
+ ```
+=== ":material-microsoft-visual-studio-code: VS Code"
+ Run the following VS Code command from the **Run and Debug** tab: `ROS: Launch (workspace)`
+ There will be a prompt to select which launch file to run. Select the desired launch file.
+### Global Launch
+Before running the system, be sure to run the `Build All` VS Code task to build all ROS packages. If the ROS launch
+debug configuration is being used, then this step is not necessary as the `Build All` task is ran automatically before
+=== ":octicons-command-palette-16: CLI"
+ Run the entire system with the following CLI command:
+ ```sh
+ ros2 launch $ROS_WORKSPACE/src/global_launch/main_launch.py
+ ```
+=== ":material-microsoft-visual-studio-code: VS Code"
+ Run the following VS Code command from the **Run and Debug** tab: `ROS: Launch (workspace)`
+ There will be a prompt to select which launch file to run. Select the desired launch file.
+Remember to that you need to potentially reload the window if the nodes are not being detected
+by VS Code. This usually happens when somebody build for the first time. Also, note that the global
+launch file is not part of a ROS package, so the path to the global launch file always
+must be provided. This is not always the case when a launch file is contained within a ROS package.
+### Using CLI Arguments
+Invoking the launch files as is will provide the system with the default CLI arguments. As an example,
+the following command will launch local pathfinding while setting the log level to "debug":
+ros2 launch local_pathfinding main_launch.py log_level:=debug
+It can also be ran with the VS Code command named **ROS: Launch**.
+Passing arguments takes the form of `:=`. To list the arguments that a launch file takes,
+simply add the `-s` flag at the end of the launch command.
+??? example "Example using the `-s` flag in a launch command"
+ Let's add the `-s` flag after the global launch command to see the list of arguments:
+ ```sh
+ ros2 launch $ROS_WORKSPACE/src/global_launch/main_launch.py -s
+ ```
+ The following output is observed in the terminal (as of September 2023):
+ ```
+ Arguments (pass arguments as ':='):
+ 'config':
+ Path to ROS parameter config file. Controls ROS parameters passed into ROS nodes
+ (default: '/workspaces/sailbot_workspace/src/global_launch/config/globals.yaml')
+ 'log_level':
+ Logging severity level. A logger will only process log messages with severity levels at or higher than the
+ specified severity. Valid choices are: ['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal']
+ (default: 'info')
+ 'mode':
+ System mode. Decides whether the system is ran with development or production interfaces. Valid choices are:
+ ['production', 'development']
+ (default: 'development')
+ ```
+??? example "Example using multiple CLI arguments"
+ ```sh
+ ros2 launch local_pathfinding main_launch.py log_level:=debug mode:=production
+ ```
+??? example "Example passing local launch arguments to the global launch file"
+ As long as an argument is valid inside one of the package launch files, it may be passed to the global launch
+ file without generating any errors. This is valid even though the argument doesn't show up in the argument list for
+ the global launch file. For example, the following will run:
+ ```sh
+ ros2 launch $ROS_WORKSPACE/src/global_launch/main_launch.py enable_sim_multithreading:=true
+ ```
+ Compare the argument list between the global launch file and the package launch file for the `boat_simulator`
+ package. It will be observed that the argument `enable_sim_multithreading` shows up in the `boat_simulator`
+ package argument list, but not for the global launch file.
+## ROS Parameter Config File
+All launch files in Sailbot Workspace accept a configuration file, which controls the ROS parameters that the ROS nodes
+in the system have access to. This makes our system highly configurable and customizable during development and testing.
+See more about [ROS parameters](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Concepts/Basic/About-Parameters.html){target=_blank}.
+[^1]: [ROS Launch File Documentation](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Intermediate/Launch/Launch-Main.html){target=_blank}
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84e9faef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/overview.md
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+!!! quote "Source code"
+ The source code for Sailbot Workspace can be found in the
+ [sailbot_workspace](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace){target=_blank} GitHub repository.
+ Its README has been copied below.
+--8<-- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/main/README.md"
diff --git a/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/parameters.md b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/parameters.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b9f5b46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/current/sailbot_workspace/parameters.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+!!! quote "Source code"
+ The [README for ROS parameterization](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/blob/main/src/global_launch/config/README.md){target=_blank}
+ can be found in the [sailbot_workspace](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace){target=_blank}
+ GitHub repository. Its README has been copied below.
+--8<-- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/main/src/global_launch/config/README.md"
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@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# Setup Instructions
+Sailbot Workspace can be run on Windows, Linux, or macOS, but is the easiest to set up and performs the best on
+[Ubuntu](https://ubuntu.com/){target=_blank} and [its derivatives](https://distrowatch.com/search.php?basedon=Ubuntu){target=_blank}.
+The workspace may not perform well on Windows computers with 8GB of memory or less;
+in this case, please check out our recommendations in the [Performance Issues](./workflow.md#performance-issues){target=_blank}
+## 1. Setup prerequisites
+### Docker
+[Docker](https://www.docker.com/){target=_blank} is a platform that uses OS-level virtualization[^1] to develop, ship, and
+run applications.[^2] We use it to separate our applications from our infrastructure[^2] so that we can update and
+version control our infrastructure for every use case (software members, CI, deployment) in one place: this repository.
+[Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/){target=_blank} is a software used to run Docker.
+However, it can only be installed on Linux.
+[Docker Desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/){target=_blank} is a software used to run Docker in a VM,[^3]
+allowing it to be installed on Windows and macOS in addition to Linux.
+[^1]: [Wikipedia Docker page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docker_(software)){target=_blank}
+[^2]: [Get Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/){target=_blank}
+[^3]: [What is the difference between Docker Desktop for Linux and Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/faqs/linuxfaqs/#what-is-the-difference-between-docker-desktop-for-linux-and-docker-engine){target=_blank}
+=== ":material-microsoft-windows: Windows"
+ 1. Set up prerequisites, WSL and Ubuntu:
+ 1. In PowerShell, run `wsl --install Ubuntu`, then `exit`, `wsl --update`, and `wsl --set-default Ubuntu`
+ ??? warning "Ubuntu is already installed?"
+ If Ubuntu is already installed, check that it is the right WSL version:
+ 1. Check the WSL versions of Linux distributions with `wsl -l -v`
+ 2. If Ubuntu's `VERSION` is 1, upgrade it to WSL 2 with `wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2`
+ 2. Open the Ubuntu app to set up or verify its configuration:
+ 1. If you are opening Ubuntu for the first time, a setup process will run;
+ follow the prompts to finish setting it up
+ 2. Run `whoami` to verify that it returns your Ubuntu username
+ ??? bug "`whoami` returns `root`"
+ If `whoami` returns `root`:
+ 1. [Create a non-root user with sudo privileges](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-and-delete-users-on-ubuntu-20-04){target=_blank}
+ 2. Change the default Ubuntu user to this newly-created user: run `ubuntu config --default-user `
+ in PowerShell, replacing `` with the name of the newly-created user
+ 3. Run `whoami` after closing and reopening Ubuntu, verifying that it returns your Ubuntu username
+ 2. [Install Docker Desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/windows-install/){target=_blank}
+ with the WSL 2 backend
+ ??? bug "Docker Desktop - Unexpected WSL Error"
+ If the above error shows when trying to start Docker Desktop on your laptop:
+ 1. For windows users navigate to `C:\Users\user_name` and delete the .Docker folder
+ 2. Restart Docker Desktop
+ ??? bug "Docker Desktop can't start up and WSL hangs when restarting"
+ If Ubuntu can't start up and WSL hangs when restarting:
+ 1. Open command prompt as administrator and run the command `netsh winsock reset`
+ 2. Uninstall and reinstall Docker Desktop
+ 3. Restart your computer
+ More potential solutions can be found here:
+ [Link](https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/13273){target=_blank}
+=== ":material-apple: macOS"
+ [Install Docker Desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/mac-install/){target=_blank} for your computer's CPU.
+=== ":material-linux: Linux"
+ 1. [Install Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/){target=_blank}
+ - As of February 2023, Sailbot Workspace (more specifically its use of VS Code Dev Containers) isn't compatible
+ with Docker Desktop for Linux; if you have Docker Desktop installed, uninstall it and install Docker Engine instead.
+ 2. [Manage Docker as a non-root user](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/#manage-docker-as-a-non-root-user){target=_blank}
+ 3. [Configure Docker to start on boot](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/#configure-docker-to-start-on-boot){target=_blank}
+### VS Code
+[Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/){target=_blank} is a powerful and customizable code editor for
+Windows, Linux, and macOS. We strongly recommend that you use this editor to develop our software so that you can
+use all the features of Sailbot Workspace.
+1. [Install VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/setup-overview){target=_blank}
+2. Install the [Remote Development Extension Pack](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack){target=_blank}
+### Git
+Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from
+small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.[^4]
+1. Check if Git is installed with `git --version` (on Windows, run command in PowerShell)
+ - If not installed, download and install it from [Git Downloads](https://git-scm.com/download){target=_blank}
+2. Configure your name and email: [Git config file setup](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/tutorials/wsl-git#git-config-file-setup){target=_blank}
+ (on Windows, run commands in Ubuntu)
+3. Login to GitHub
+ === ":material-microsoft-windows: Windows"
+ 1. Run the `git config` command for your Git version in [Git Credential Manager setup](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/tutorials/wsl-git#git-credential-manager-setup){target=_blank} (run command in Ubuntu)
+ !!! warning "Which Git to check"
+ Git is installed seperately in Windows and Ubuntu, so they could be at different versions.
+ We want to check the version of Git on Windows, not Ubuntu:
+ run `git --version` in PowerShell and not Ubuntu.
+ However, the `git config` command itself is run in Ubuntu.
+ === ":material-apple: macOS / :material-linux: Linux"
+ 1. Install the GitHub CLI: [Installation](https://github.com/cli/cli#installation){target=_blank}
+ 2. Run `gh auth login` and select the first option for all choices
+4. Verify that you have successfully logged in to GitHub by cloning a private GitHub repository (run command in Ubuntu)
+ 1. If you are a part of the [UBCSailbot Software GitHub team](https://github.com/orgs/UBCSailbot/teams/software-team){target=_blank},
+ you shouldn't see any errors running `git clone https://github.com/UBCSailbot/raye-ais.git`
+ 2. You can delete this repository with `rm -rf raye-ais`
+[^4]: [Git SCM](https://git-scm.com){target=_blank}
+## 2. Setup X11 forwarding
+X11 forwarding is a mechanism that enables Sailbot Workspace to run GUI applications.
+!!! warning ""
+ You can skip this step since we currently aren't running any GUI applications
+??? info "Setup instructions for X11 forwarding"
+ 1. Ensure that the versions of VS Code and its Dev Containers extension support X11 forwarding:
+ 1. VS Code version >= 1.75
+ 2. Dev Containers version >= 0.275.1
+ 2. Verify that `echo $DISPLAY` returns something like `:0`
+ ??? warning "`echo $DISPLAY` doesn't return anything"
+ If `echo $DISPLAY` doesn't return anything, set it to `:0` on shell initialization:
+ 1. Find out what shell you are using with `echo $SHELL`
+ 1. Most Linux distributions use Bash by default, whose rc file path is `~/.bashrc`
+ 2. macOS uses Zsh by default, whose rc file path is: `~/.zshrc`
+ 2. Run `echo 'export DISPLAY=:0' >> `, replacing ``
+ with the path to your shell's rc file
+ 3. Run `echo $DISPLAY` after closing and reopening your terminal, verifying it returns something like `:0`
+ 3. Install a X11 server
+ === ":material-microsoft-windows: Windows"
+ WSL includes a X11 server.
+ === ":material-apple: macOS"
+ 1. Set up XQuartz following [this guide](https://gist.github.com/sorny/969fe55d85c9b0035b0109a31cbcb088){target=_blank}
+ 2. Copy the default xinitrc to your home directory: `cp /opt/X11/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc`
+ 3. Add `xhost +localhost` to `~/.xinitrc` after its first line
+ === ":material-linux: Linux"
+ === ":material-linux: General"
+ As of February 2023, almost all Linux distributions include a X11 server, Xorg.
+ This may change in the future as Wayland matures.
+ === ":material-arch: Arch Linux"
+ 1. Install xhost: `sudo pacman -S xorg-xhost`
+ 2. Copy the default xinitrc to your home directory: `cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc`
+ 3. Add `xhost +local:docker` to `~/.xinitrc` after its first line
+ 4. Verify that X11 forwarding works:
+ 1. Install `x11-apps`
+ === ":material-microsoft-windows: Windows"
+ In Ubuntu, `sudo apt install x11-apps`.
+ === ":material-apple: macOS"
+ XQuartz includes `x11-apps`. Ensure that XQuartz is running.
+ === ":material-linux: Linux"
+ Install `x11-apps` using your desired package manager.
+ 2. Verify that running `xcalc` opens a calculator and that you can use it
+## 3. Clone Sailbot Workspace
+!!! tip "Where to clone on Windows"
+ **Run the command below in the Ubuntu app** to clone it in the Ubuntu file system, otherwise sailbot workspace will not work.
+ Windows has a native file system as well as file systems for each WSL distribution.
+git clone https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace.git
+## 4. Open Sailbot Workspace in VS Code
+1. Install `code` command in `PATH`
+ === ":material-microsoft-windows: Windows"
+ The `code` command is installed by default.
+ === ":material-apple: macOS"
+ See [launching from the command line](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/mac#_launching-from-the-command-line){target=_blank}.
+ === ":material-linux: Linux"
+ The `code` command is installed by default.
+2. Open the `sailbot_workspace/` directory in VS Code: run `code `
+ - For example, if you just cloned the repository, the command would be `code sailbot_workspace`
+## 5. Open the workspace file
+Click the popup to `Open Workspace`. If there isn't a popup:
+1. Open the file `sailbot.code-workspace` in VS Code
+2. Click `Open Workspace`
+## 6. Open Sailbot Workspace in a Dev Container
+1. Ensure that Docker is running
+2. Click the popup to `Reopen in Container`. If there isn't a popup,
+ run the `Dev Containers: Reopen in Container` VS Code command
+## 7. Run the `setup` task
+The `setup` task clones the repositories defined in `src/polaris.repos` and updates dependencies of the ROS packages.
+If you don't know how to run a VS Code task, see [How to run VS Code commands, tasks, and launch configurations](./how_to.md#run-vs-code-commands-tasks-and-launch-configurations).
+??? bug "Can't see the `setup` task"
+ If you can't see the `setup` task, run the `Developer: Reload Window` VS Code command.
+ This may occur when the workspace file is opened for the first time.
+## 8. Run the `Build All` task
+The `Build All` task builds all the ROS packages.
+## 9. Reload the VS Code terminals and window
+Delete all open terminals and run the `Developer: Reload Window` VS Code command
+to detect the files that were generated from building.
+## 10. Start the system
+Run the entire system to verify everything is working using the following command in the VS Code terminal:
+ros2 launch $ROS_WORKSPACE/src/global_launch/main_launch.py
+Use ++ctrl+c++ in the terminal to stop the system.
+## Setup Sailbot Workspace in a GitHub Codespace
+A codespace is a development environment that's hosted in the cloud.[^5]
+Since Sailbot Workspace is resource intensive, it has high hardware requirements and power consumption,
+which aren't ideal for development on laptops. GitHub Codespaces provide a seamless experience to work on repositories
+off-device, especially if they specify a Dev Container like Sailbot Workspace. Codespaces can run in VS Code
+or even in a browser for times when you aren't on your programming computer.
+1. Create a GitHub Codespace following the steps in the relevant GitHub Docs page:
+[create a codespace for a repository](https://docs.github.com/en/codespaces/developing-in-codespaces/creating-a-codespace-for-a-repository#creating-a-codespace-for-a-repository){target=_blank}.
+A couple things to note:
+ - For the best Sailbot Workspace development experience, select the high-spec machine available
+ - There are usage limits if you don't want to pay:
+ [monthly included storage and core hours for personal accounts](https://docs.github.com/en/billing/managing-billing-for-github-codespaces/about-billing-for-github-codespaces#monthly-included-storage-and-core-hours-for-personal-accounts){target=_blank}
+ - Upgrade to a Pro account for increased usage limits (this is free for students):
+ [apply to GitHub Global Campus as a student](https://docs.github.com/en/education/explore-the-benefits-of-teaching-and-learning-with-github-education/github-global-campus-for-students/apply-to-github-global-campus-as-a-student){target=_blank}
+ - Stop your codespace as soon as you are done using it:
+ [stopping a codespace](https://docs.github.com/en/codespaces/developing-in-codespaces/stopping-and-starting-a-codespace#stopping-a-codespace){target=_blank}
+ - Delete codespaces that you do not plan to use anymore:
+ [deleting a codespace](https://docs.github.com/en/codespaces/developing-in-codespaces/deleting-a-codespace#deleting-a-codespace){target=_blank}
+2. Follow the local setup instructions starting from [5. Open the workspace file](#5-open-the-workspace-file)
+Once you have a codespace set up:
+- Open it by following the steps in the relevant GitHub Docs page:
+[reopening a codespace](https://docs.github.com/en/codespaces/developing-in-codespaces/opening-an-existing-codespace#reopening-a-codespace){target=_blank}
+- Close it by running the `Codespaces: Stop Current Codespace` VS Code command
+!!! warning "Known limitations of running Sailbot Workspace in a GitHub Codespace"
+ - Does not support X11 forwarding to run GUI applications
+ - High-spec machines not available: as of March 2023, the highest-spec machine that is publically available
+ has a 4-core CPU and 8GB of RAM
+[^5]: [GitHub Codespaces overview](https://docs.github.com/en/codespaces/overview){target=_blank}
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+# Development Workflow
+## 1. Open Sailbot Workspace
+Once you have [set up Sailbot Workspace](setup.md), you can open it by opening a new VS Code window and selecting:
+File > Open Recent > /workspaces/sailbot_workspace/.devcontainer/config/sailbot_workspace (Workspace) [Dev Container: Sailbot Workspace]
+??? tip "Another way to open Sailbot Workspace on Windows"
+ 1. Pin VS Code to the taskbar
+ 2. Right-click VS Code in the taskbar and pin `sailbot_workspace (Workspace) [Dev Container]`
+ Then you can open Sailbot Workspace by selecting it from the "Pinned" section of the VS Code taskbar icon's
+ right-click menu.
+## 2. Update Sailbot Workspace
+Sailbot Workspace is still in active development, check out its [recent releases](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/releases){target=_blank}
+and [commit history](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/commits/main){target=_blank}.
+If there are new features or bug fixes that you want to try, you will need to update your local version of Sailbot Workspace:
+1. Switch Sailbot Workspace to the main branch if you aren't in it already
+ ??? tip "If you running Git commands in the CLI, make sure that you are in the correct repository"
+ Sailbot Workspace contains other repositories in the `src/` directory, so if you are in one of its subdirectories
+ you may be in the wrong repository.
+ To check which repository you are in, run `git remote -v`; if its output contains `sailbot_workspace`,
+ you are good to go.
+ If not, you can navigate the root directory of the Sailbot Workspace repository with `cd $ROS_WORKSPACE`,
+ or open a new terminal in its root directory with ++ctrl+shift+grave++ then ++enter++.
+ - If you are unable to switch branches because you have uncommitted changes, stash them
+2. Pull the latest changes
+ - If you stashed your uncommitted changes, pop them
+3. If prompted, rebuild the Dev Container
+ ??? question "When does the Dev Container need to be rebuilt?"
+ To apply the modifications to its configuration files in `.devcontainer/` that occurred since it was last built.
+ VS Code will prompt you to rebuild when `devcontainer.json`, `Dockerfile`, or `docker-compose*.yml`.
+ These file may be modified if you:
+ - Pull the lastest changes of a branch
+ - Switch branches
+ - Update a file in `.devcontainer/` yourself
+ However, there may be changes to the Dev Container that VS Code can't detect.
+ To rebuild it yourself, run the `Dev Containers: Rebuild Container` VS Code command.
+4. If you aren't working in any other branches,
+ run the `setup` task to switch the branches of all sub-repositories to their default specified in `src/polaris.repos`
+ and pull their latest changes
+5. If you want to run our docs, website, or other optional programs, see [How to run optional programs](./how_to.md#run-optional-programs){target=_blank}
+## 3. Make your changes
+We make changes to our software following our [GitHub development workflow](https://ubcsailbot.github.io/docs/reference/github/workflow/overview/){target=_blank}.
+Of particular relevance is the [Developing on Branches page](https://ubcsailbot.github.io/docs/reference/github/workflow/branches/){target=_blank}.
+!!! tip "Git interfaces"
+ One way to interface with Git is through CLI commands. However, you may find it faster to use
+ [VS Code's interface](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/sourcecontrol/overview){target=_blank},
+ especially when working with multiple repositories.
+Things to note when making changes:
+- When C++ or Python files are saved, you may notice that some lines change. We use formatters to help fix lint errors;
+ not all lint errors can be fixed by formatters, so you may have to resolve some manually
+- When changing a package's source files, you likely should update its test files accordingly
+## 4. Build your changes
+!!! info ""
+ Revamped in [:octicons-tag-24: v1.2.0](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/releases/tag/v1.2.0){target=_blank}
+In general, changes need to be built before they can be run. You can skip this step if you only modified Python source
+or test files (in `python_package/python_package/` or `python_package/test`, respectively), or are running a launch type
+launch configuration.
+1. Depending on which packages you modified, run the `Build All` or `Build Package` task
+ 1. Unless you want to run `clang-tidy`, use the `-q` build argument (default) for quicker build times
+## 5. Verify your changes
+!!! info ""
+ Revamped in [:octicons-tag-24: v1.2.0](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/releases/tag/v1.2.0){target=_blank}
+??? tip "Running GUI applications on macOS"
+ If you want to run GUI applications on macOS, ensure that XQuartz is running.
+### Lint and Test
+Run lint and test tasks to make sure you changes will pass our CI:
+- `ament lint`
+- For C++ packages, `clang-tidy`
+- `test`
+In addition to VS Code tasks, the :fontawesome-solid-flask: **Testing** tab on the VS Code primary sidebar
+contains individual tests. One can run specific unit tests by clicking the :material-play-outline: **Run Test**
+icon beside the test name.
+### Run a Package
+To verify that your changes do what you expect, you may want to run the package you modified. The run commands for each
+package should be documented in their READMEs, but in general they can be run using a CLI or VS Code command:
+=== ":octicons-command-palette-16: CLI"
+ - Launch files:
+ - `ros2 launch `
+ - `ros2 launch `
+ - Nodes:
+ - `ros2 run `
+ ??? tip "CLI features"
+ There are many commands that can be autocompleted in the terminal.
+ Take advantage of this so that you run commands faster and memorize less syntax.
+ If there is only one possibility, pressing tab once will complete it.
+ If there is more than one possibility, pressing tab again will list them out.
+ Some tab completion use cases:
+ - View available commands: lists all `ros2` commands
+ ```console
+ $ ros2
+ action extension_points multicast security
+ bag extensions node service
+ ...
+ ```
+ - Complete commands: runs `ros2 launch local_pathfinding main_launch.py`
+ ```console
+ $ ros2lalocm
+ ```
+ - Navigate to directories: runs `cd .devcontainer/config` from the root directory of Sailbot Workspace
+ ```console
+ $ cd .dc
+ ```
+ Furthermore, navigate past commands with ++arrow-up++ and ++arrow-down++ and search through them with ++ctrl+r++.
+=== ":material-microsoft-visual-studio-code: VS Code"
+ - Launch files: `ROS: Run a ROS launch file (roslaunch)`
+ - Nodes: `ROS: Run a ROS executable (rosrun)`
+For more information on launch file use in our system, see [this page](./launch_files.md){target=_blank}.
+### Run the System
+To verify that you didn't break anything, you may want to run the entire system. See
+[Invoking Launch Files](./launch_files.md#invoking-launch-files) for more information
+on running the system.
+### Debugging
+Debug your changes if they aren't behaving how you expect by setting breakpoints and running one of our launch
+configurations in the **Run and Debug** tab on the VS Code primary sidebar. The launch configuration types are:
+- Launch: runs the desired launch file or executable
+ - For launch files, `ROS: Launch`
+ - For C++ executables, `C++ (GDB): Launch`
+- Attach: attaches to a running executable
+ - `ROS: Attach`
+## Troubleshooting
+If you are having some trouble running our software, here are some things you can try:
+- Build from scratch
+ 1. Run the `clean` task to delete C++ generated files
+ 2. Run the `purge` task to delete ROS generated files
+ 3. Run the `Build All` task to rebuild
+- Rebuild the Dev Container: run the `Dev Containers: Rebuild Container` VS Code command
+- Reload VS Code: run the `Developer: Reload Window` VS Code command
+- Delete Docker files
+ ??? tip "Running Docker CLI commands on Windows"
+ On Windows, Docker CLI commands should be run in the Ubuntu terminal while Docker Desktop is running.
+ - Run `docker system prune` to remove all unused containers, networks, and dangling and unreferenced images
+ - Add `--all` to additionally remove unused images (don't have a container associated with them)
+ - Add `--volumes` to additionally remove volumes (makes Bash history and ROS logs persist across containers)
+ - Run `docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)` to remove all images
+## Performance Issues
+If you are not satisfied with the performance of Sailbot Workspace, here are some things you can try:
+- Free up memory: close programs that you aren't using
+- Free up disk space: permanently delete large programs and files that you don't need anymore
+- Run Sailbot Workspace in a GitHub Codespace
+ - In a codespace with 8GB of RAM, building all packages from scratch with the `-q` argument takes about a minute.
+ If your computer takes longer than, or you want to free up memory and disk space, you can
+ [setup Sailbot Workspace in a GitHub Codespace](./setup.md#setup-sailbot-workspace-in-a-github-codespace){target=_blank}
+- If you are running Sailbot Workspace on Windows, dual boot Ubuntu and run Sailbot Workspace there
+ - Sailbot Workspace performs worse on Windows than bare metal Linux because it uses Docker, which is not natively supported.
+ - Here is a guide to dual boot the operating systems we recommend: [How to Dual Boot Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Windows 11](https://www.linuxtechi.com/dual-boot-ubuntu-22-04-and-windows-11/){target=_blank}
+ - We recommend allocating at least 50 GB to Ubuntu to leave some wiggle room for Docker
+ - The process is similar for other Ubuntu and Windows versions,
+ but feel free to search for a guide specific to the combination you want to dual boot
+ - Since Sailbot Workspace uses Docker, it should be able to run on any Linux distribution, not just Ubuntu.
+ However, we may not be able to provide support if you encounter any difficulties with this
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+!!! quote "Source code"
+ The source code for Website can be found in the
+ [website](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/website){target=_blank} GitHub repository.
+ Its README has been copied below.
+--8<-- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UBCSailbot/website/main/README.md"
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+ - navigation
+ - toc
+# UBCSailbot Software Team Docs
+Welcome to the UBC Sailbot software team docs :wave:
+Looking to get started with running the Sailbot codebase? Start by setting up the Sailbot Workspace:
+[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Getting Started](./current/sailbot_workspace/setup.md){target=_blank}
+## :fontawesome-solid-circle-info: What information is on this website?
+Information on our current project is contained on this website. In particular, information on each of our major software
+projects are provided in detail.
+[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Current Project Overview](./current/overview.md){target=_blank}
+References to the software tools that we use are also provided on this website. This includes basic information on these
+tools, how we use these tools on UBC Sailbot, and external links to helpful references and tutorials.
+[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Software Team References](./reference/cpp/start.md){target=_blank}
+## :octicons-people-24: Who is this website for?
+The docs site is primarily for the members on the UBC Sailbot software team. However, curious members of the public and/or
+those who are interested in contributing to our open source software would also benefit from this site.
+## :material-sail-boat: Prospective Members
+Are you a member of the UBC community? Are you interested in what we do at UBC Sailbot? We are always looking for motivated
+students to help us tackle the challenge of autonomous sailing. Learn more below!
+[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Software Team Posting](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bToOV3JvMZFJ9jotrjlFIvDgY8xiXfH7Yg1wkGm8Qf4/edit?usp=sharing){target=_blank}
+[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Apply to join UBC Sailbot](https://www.ubcsailbot.org/recruitment){target=_blank}
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+document$.subscribe(() => {
+ MathJax.typesetPromise()
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+const LIGHT_MODE = 0;
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+const SAILBOT_BLUE = "#2f97ec";
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+ let linkColor = "";
+ switch (mode) {
+ case LIGHT_MODE:
+ break;
+ case DARK_MODE:
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.log("Error determining website theme. Defaulting table of content link color to sailbot blue.");
+ linkColor = SAILBOT_BLUE;
+ break;
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+ case LIGHT_MODE:
+ return DARK_MODE;
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+ default:
+ return -1;
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+const theme_enclosure = function(initial_mode) {
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+ button.addEventListener('click', table_of_contents_theme.toggleLinkColor);
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+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% block outdated %}
+ You're not viewing the version in the main branch.
+ Click here to go to main.
+{% endblock %}
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+# Differences Between C and C++
+For most use cases, you can think of C++ as a superset of C. While this is not technically true, more often than not
+you are able to write standard C code for a C++ program without issues. However, doing so ignores a lot of the benefits
+and reasons to use C++.
+## Classes and Structs
+In C structs can only contain member variables, but in C++ structs are basically classes but with a default member
+visibility of public instead of private.
+???+ example
+ The following code blocks are equivalent.
+ ```C++
+ struct foo {
+ private:
+ int x;
+ void helper(void);
+ public:
+ foo(int y);
+ }
+ ```
+ ```C++
+ class foo {
+ private:
+ int x;
+ void helper(void);
+ public:
+ foo(int y);
+ }
+ ```
+## Namespaces
+One problem that is prevalent in C concerns the scoping of names. For example, let there be two files `A.h` and `B.h`
+and a program `ighxy.c`, and let them both contain a `float x` and `int bar(void)`.
+Our program cannot compile because the linker cannot distinguish which `bar()` function we want to use! One way to fix
+this in a C program would be to rename them `a_bar()` and `b_bar()`. Although this fix seems trivial for this example,
+applying it to a file that has potentially 100 functions can be a lot more difficult, especially if two files just
+happen to share the same prefix for their functions!
+C++ introduces namespaces to tackle this problem. With namespaces, we can deal with naming conflicts much more easily.
+Though be aware that namespaces are not necessary everywhere. See the following code snippet to see how they work.
+??? Example
+ === "C"
+ ```C title="A.h"
+ float x;
+ int bar(void);
+ ```
+ ```C title="B.h"
+ float x;
+ int bar(void);
+ ```
+ ```C title="ighxy.c"
+ #include "A.h"
+ #include "B.h"
+ int main(void) {
+ int a = bar();
+ ...
+ }
+ /* Error, does not compile*/
+ ```
+ === "C++"
+ ```C++ title="A.h"
+ namespace a {
+ float x;
+ int bar(void);
+ }
+ ```
+ ```C++ title="B.h"
+ namespace b {
+ float x;
+ int bar(void);
+ }
+ ```
+ ```C++ title="ighxy.cpp"
+ #include "A.h"
+ #include "B.h"
+ int main(void) {
+ int a = a::bar();
+ int b = b::bar();
+ float xa = a::x;
+ float xb = b::x;
+ /* No problem! */
+ ...
+ }
+ ```
+???+ warning
+ You may come across something like:
+ ```C++ title="example.cpp"
+ using namespace std;
+ namespace io = std::filesystem;
+ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ bool isDirectory = io::is_directory(argv[1]); // Equivalent to std::filesystem::is_directory(argv[1])
+ cout << isDirectory << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ```
+ There are two things going on here.
+ First, `using namespace std` makes all functions and types defined within the standard namespace and included via
+ `#include` directives visible to `example.cpp`. If you are familiar with Python, the Python equivalent of this would
+ be `import std as *`. However, it is considered *bad* practice to do this as it eliminates the point of using
+ namespaces.
+ === "OK"
+ ```C++
+ class string {
+ // Insert implementation here
+ }
+ int main(void) {
+ string ourString = "Our own string implementation";
+ std::string stdString = "Standard Library string implementation";
+ ...
+ }
+ ```
+ === "Not OK"
+ ```C++
+ using namespace std;
+ // ERROR - multiple definitions of type string
+ class string {
+ }
+ ```
+ The compiler cannot infer which implementation we want.
+ Secondly, `namespace io = std::filesystem` is basically an alias for the `std::filesystem` namespace. This practice
+ is acceptable for long namespace identifiers, but be careful as it can still run into namespace conflicts if your
+ alias is the same as another namespace or alias.
+## Constant Expressions
+In C, if we want to declare a constant or a function/expression that we want to be evaluated at compile time, we need
+to use `#define` statements. One of the problems with `#define` statements is that they perform a simple copy paste
+wherever they're used. For example:
+=== "Before Precompile"
+ ```C
+ #define PI 3.14F
+ #define AREA_OF_CIRCLE(radius) ((PI) * (radius) * (radius))
+ int main(void) {
+ float area = AREA_OF_CIRCLE(2.5F);
+ ...
+ }
+ ```
+=== "After Precompile"
+ ```C++
+ int main(void) {
+ float area = ((3.14F) * (2.5F) * (2.5F));
+ ...
+ }
+ ```
+!!! note
+ `AREA_OF_CIRCLE` is a macro with arguments. If you are confused by it, [this resource](https://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/pinewiki/C(2f)Macros.html){target=_blank}
+ has a detailed explanation on how they work.
+Because of this copy-pasting, you need to be very careful with syntax, sometimes necessitating an ugly
+[`do {} while(0)` wrapper](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1067226/c-multi-line-macro-do-while0-vs-scope-block){target=_blank}.
+Moreover, symbols declared with `#define` are always globally visible, ignoring namespaces!
+In C++, the use of constant expressions are preferred.
+constexpr float pi = 3.14F;
+constexpr float area_of_circle(float radius) {
+ return pi * radius * radius;
+Constant expressions do *not* get copy pasted, and are instead placed in program memory just like a normal variable
+or function. They also respect namespaces and function scopes, meaning the following code compiles.
+```C++ title="Constant Expression Scoping"
+void foo(void) {
+ constexpr float rand = 123.456;
+ ...
+void bar (void) {
+ constexpr float rand = 789.123;
+ ...
+## Lambdas
+Lambdas are primarily useful when you need to register a callback function one time and don't feel it's necessary to
+write out a full function. They are in no way required though, so do not worry about learning them. However, it's
+necessary to know that they exist such that you don't get confused when reading code. For more information, [go here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/lambda-expressions-in-cpp?view=msvc-170){target=_blank}
+for Microsoft's explanation.
+## Misc
+### Arrays
+Using the [C++ implementation of arrays](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/array#:~:text=std%3A%3Aarray%20is%\20a%20container%20that%20encapsulates%20fixed%20size,C-style%20array%2C%20it%20doesn%27t%20decay%20to%20T%2A%20automatically.){target=_blank}
+is preferred over C arrays. It is simply easier and safer to work with than a standard C array without any performance
+???+ example
+ Passing an array to a function an iterating over it
+ === "C"
+ ```C
+ #include "stdio.h"
+ void print_contents(int *arr, int size) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ printf("%d\n", *arr);
+ }
+ }
+ int main(void) {
+ int arr[5] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
+ foo(arr, 5);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ```
+ We can't even guarantee that the integer pointer `arr` is an array!
+ === "C++"
+ C++ 20 makes passing arrays around a lot simpler. Do not worry about understanding the code shown below. It uses
+ some fairly advanced concepts and exists to illustrate how different such a simple operation can be.
+ ```C++
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ void print_contents(std::span container) {
+ for (const auto &e : container) {
+ std::cout << e << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ int main(void) {
+ std::array arr = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
+ foo(arr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ```
+ The advantages of the C++ version are:
+ * Size is implicitly part of the object
+ * We guarantee that foo takes a container, but it does not care if it's an array or, say, a vector, which is
+ preferable in this scenario where we simply iterate through the container's existing elements
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+# Getting Started
+UBC Sailbot's Network Systems team uses C++ for its software. If you know already know C, then you already know the
+bare minimum to write C++. This is a good starting point, but the additional features C++ provides allow for safer
+programming practices.
+## For C/C++ Beginners
+If you just need to know how C++ is different from C, then see the [Differences Between C and C++](./differences.md).
+You should also look at it if you go through and finish this section.
+If you are new to C and C++, then this the best place to start. The tutorials provided in this section will help you
+learn the fundamentals of the language. Do not feel pressured to do all the tutorials! Just get comfortable with the
+syntax and the mechanisms of the language.
+!!! note
+ The hardest part about this will likely be pointers and dynamic memory, so pay close attention to tutorials
+ concerning them! Additionally, dynamic memory requires the usage of pointers, but pointers do not require dynamic
+ memory!
+!!! tip
+ Dynamic memory is much more prone to error than statically allocated memory, so try to use static allocation
+ whenever possible
+| Resource | Description |
+| :--------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| [w3schools Tutorial](https://www.w3schools.com/cpp/default.asp){target=_blank} | A structured tutorial that goes through basic concepts in C++. It's good to do up to the section on Classes. |
+| [YouTube Tutorial](https://youtu.be/vLnPwxZdW4Y){target=_blank} | If you prefer video tutorial, then this is a comprehensive 4 hour video covering similar concepts to the one above. It is 4 hours long though. |
+| [Dynamic Memory Overview](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/cpp_dynamic_memory.htm){target=_blank} | A page going over how dynamic memory works in C++. |
+Feel free to add other resources other than the ones listed above if you find any that you like!
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+# Tools
+A lot goes into making a well structured C++ project, much more than any one team should have to do.
+## CMake
+CMake is a powerfull build automation tool that makes compiling code for large projects with a lot of interoperating
+files a lot easier. Steps 1-3 of the [official tutorial](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/guide/tutorial/index.html){target=_blank}
+are great for understanding the basics.
+## GDB
+The [GNU Project Debugger](https://www.sourceware.org/gdb/){target=_blank} is the most commonly debugger for the C
+language family.
+VSCode also has a degree of integration with GDB that allows an easy to use GUI. This [GDB cheat sheet](https://darkdust.net/files/GDB%20Cheat%20Sheet.pdf){target=_blank}
+has all the GDB comands you will need to know. Be aware the VSCode has GUI buttons for some of these commands that are
+easier to use.
+## GoogleTest
+[GoogleTest](https://github.com/google/googletest){target=_blank} is the C++ unit testing framework we will be using.
+The [GoogleTest Primer](https://google.github.io/googletest/primer.html){target=_blank} is a good place to start.
+??? example
+ === "Cached Fibonacci Program"
+ ```C++ title="cached_fib.h"
+ #include
+ class CachedFib {
+ public:
+ void CachedFib(int n);
+ int getFib(int n);
+ private:
+ std::vector cache;
+ }
+ ```
+ ```C++ title="cached_fib.cpp"
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include "cached_fib.h"
+ void CachedFib::CachedFib(int n) {
+ cache.push_back(0);
+ cache.push_back(1);
+ for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
+ cache.push_back(cache[i - 1] + cache[i - 2]);
+ }
+ }
+ int CachedFib::getFib(int n) {
+ if (cache.size() < n) {
+ for (int i = cache.size(); i < n; i++) {
+ cache.push_back(cache[i-1] + cache[i-2]);
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout << cache[n - 1] << std::endl;
+ }
+ ```
+ === "Test Cached Fibonacci Program"
+ ```C++ title="test_cached_fib.cpp"
+ #include "cached_fib.h"
+ #include "gtest/gtest.h"
+ CachedFib::testFib;
+ class TestFib : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ void Setup override {
+ // Every time a test is started, testFib is reinitialized with a constructor parameter of 5
+ testFib = CachedFib(5);
+ }
+ }
+ TEST_F(TestFib, TestBasic) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(getFib(5), 3) << "5th fibonacci number must be 3!";
+ }
+ // more tests
+ ```
+## Google Protocol Buffer
+[Google Protocol Buffer](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers){target=_blank} (Protobuf) is a portable data serialization
+method. We use it over other methods like JSON and XML because it produces smaller binaries, an important consideration
+when sending data across an ocean. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a easy to follow tutorial for using them,
+but here are the [C++ basics](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/cpptutorial){target=_blank}. The page
+is quite dense and can be hard to follow, so do not worry if you do not understand it.
+## Clang
+In its most basic form, [Clang](https://clang.llvm.org/){target=_blank} is a compiler for the C language family.
+Clang has multiple
+benefits like easier portability compared to, for example, GCC. Clang is actually "half" the compiler, the other half
+being LLVM. Without going into unnecessary detail, Clang compiles C++ code to a generic language before LLVM compiles
+it to machine specific language.
+### Clangd
+[Clangd](https://clangd.llvm.org/){target=_blank} is the Clang language server. It provides a much more powerful
+intellisense than the default one used in VSCode's C/C++ extension.
+### Clang-Tidy
+[Clang-Tidy](https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/){target=_blank} is a linting tool, who's main purpose is to catch potential
+programming errors caused by bad programming style/practices using just static analysis.
+### Clang Format
+An autoformatting tool that makes enforcing style guidelines much easier. When se tup, it corrects formatting as soon
+as you hit save.
+## llvm-cov
+We will use [llvm-cov](https://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/llvm-cov.html){target=_blank} to evaluate our test coverage.
+When used with
+[genhtml](https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/1-genhtml/){target=_blank}, we can generate HTML reports that that
+show our line, function, and branch coverage line-by-line.
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+# Developing on Branches
+We use branching to work on issues without modifying the main line. This ensures that the main line only
+contains functional code and handles merge conflicts that arise
+when multiple people are developing at the same time. For a quick rundown on branching in git,
+consult the official [git documentation](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Branches-in-a-Nutshell){target=_blank}.
+## Creating a branch
+When starting a new issue, you will want to create a new branch for it:
+!!! caution
+ When creating branches locally, it uses your **local copy** to create the new branch. Remember to do a `git pull`
+ if you intend on using the latest changes from the remote branch you are creating from.
+```bash title="Creating a new branch from main"
+# Switch to main
+git switch main
+# Update your local copy
+git pull
+# Clone a new branch from main
+git switch -c
+**IMPORTANT:** When creating a new branch for an issue, you must create the branch from `main`.
+## Branch naming convention
+When working on a new issue, you will want to create a branch to work on it. We have the following branch
+naming convention:
+!!! example
+ If Jill (GitHub Username: jill99) is going to take on an issue titled "Fix bug on pathfinding software"
+ and the issue number is 39, then the branch named can be named something like `user/jill99/39-fix-pathfinding-bug`.
+If the branch that you are creating is not tied to an issue, then you **do not** need to put an issue number.
+A descriptive title will suffice.
+## Tracking and committing changes
+All files where new changes have been made must first be "staged" in order to make commits:
+git add
+Files that are staged will be part of your next commit. Once you are confident in your changes and you are ready
+to finalize them, then you should commit your changes:
+git commit -m ""
+Be sure to add a commit message that is descriptive of the changes that you made. It is encouraged that you make commits
+often so you can keep track of your changes more easily and avoid overwhelmingly large commits when you look back on your
+version history.
+When you are ready to move your local changes to a remote branch, you want to push to the correct branch
+and potentially set the upstream if it does not yet exist:
+git push -u origin
+## Merging branches
+There may be times where you want to merge two branches together, whether you diverged on some ideas and finally
+want to synthesize them, or you just want to update your issue's branch with the main branch. In any case, merging
+branches will be inevitable as part of the development process, so it is essential to understand how to merge branches.
+=== "Merge Local Branch"
+ ``` bash
+ # Checkout to destination branch
+ git checkout
+ # Merge with local copy of other branch
+ git merge
+ ```
+=== "Merge Remote Branch"
+ ``` bash
+ # Checkout to destination branch
+ git checkout
+ # Fetch from remote
+ git fetch
+ # Merge remote copy of other branch
+ git merge origin/
+ ```
+!!! info
+ Merging a remote branch into its local counterpart using the method above is essentially
+ the same operation as `git pull`.
+Once the merge operation is complete, your destination branch should have updates both from itself and the other
+branch that you merge. If you do a `git log`, you will also see a new commit that indicates that the merge happened.
+## Resolving merge conflicts
+Merging two branches is not always easy since the commit history for both branches could look quite different, and
+therefore conflicting changes can easily be made. If you run into a scenario like this, you may get something like this:
+Upon inspecting `bar.txt`, we see the following:
+Resolving merge conflicts is not always a trivial task, but there are many ways to resolve them which include:
+- [Resolving on GitHub](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/addressing-merge-conflicts/resolving-a-merge-conflict-on-github){target=_blank}
+- [Resolving in Command Line](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/addressing-merge-conflicts/resolving-a-merge-conflict-using-the-command-line){target=_blank}
+!!! tip
+ If you cannot resolve a merge conflict on your own, reach out to your lead for help!
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+# Creating Issues
+GitHub issues lets us plan and track our work on GitHub.
+## Getting started with issue templates
+An issue is associated with a specific repository. To open the issues page for a given repository, click on
+the issues tab in the repository navigation bar.
+You will see a list of current issues (if any) for the repository. To create a new issue, click on the
+`New issue` button in the upper right corner.
+When creating a new issue, you will see a few issue templates. Since issues can be created for a variety of reasons,
+issues may therefore be structured differently and contain different kinds of information. Issue templates were
+introduced to give us a quick and structured way to writing issues.
+!!! note
+ GitHub issues are written using GitHub-flavoured markdown. To add a little spice to your issues, refer
+ to the official [GitHub documentation](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github){target=_blank}
+ for some quick tips and tricks on how to write awesome markdown!
+Click on the `Get started` button to open the issue template. For this example, let's go with the `New Feature`
+issue template. Upon opening the issue template, you should see a page like the one below:
+At this point, you should give a succinct title and describe the issue in the textbox. You will also see some templated
+sections to fill out. Try to give only the necessary details to make a clear and concise issue. If you are unsure on how
+to construct your issue, take a look at current or past issues and ask the software leads for further guidance if necessary.
+Finally, feel free to [make suggestions](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/.github/issues/templates/edit){target=_blank}
+on new templates or changing current templates!
+!!! tip
+ We understand that some issues may need extra sections to describe the issue further, or some of
+ the templated sections might not be relevant at all! Add or remove sections as necessary to get your
+ point across. The goal of the issue templates is to provide guidance, not police your documentation
+ methodologies!
+## Adding issues to a project
+We use projects to plan and track the status of our issues and pull requests.
+To add an issue to an existing project, click on the gear icon in the `Projects` section and add it to your desired
+project. You will almost always want to add your issue to the Software organization project.
+To verify that your issue has been added to your desired project, go to the UBC Sailbot organization, go
+to the `Projects` tab on the organization banner, and select the project that it is added to. When added
+to a project, it should show up under the `General` tab (depending on the project, this might not always
+be the case).
+## Adding issues to a milestone
+We use milestones to track progress on groups of issues or pull requests that we want to complete by a certain date.
+Since our projects span over many years, it is important to work incrementally with small,
+yet achievable goals. If your issue should belong to a milestone, simply add it to a milestone by clicking
+on the gear icon in the `Milestone` section and add it to your desired milestone.
+!!! note
+ Unlike projects, milestones are strictly associated with a repository.
+## Labelling issues
+GitHub allows us to label our issues so that we can categorize them. It helps us identify at first glance what
+kind of a problem that an issue aims to solve and which issues are more important. To add a label to your issue,
+click on the gear icon in the `Labels` section and add your desired label(s).
+The issue templates will already have labels assigned to them, but you should add or remove labels as you see fit
+to make them as relevant as possible.
+!!! note
+ Each repository might have different labels available, so be sure to check out all of the labels
+ at least once in the repository that you are working in. Feel free to suggest additional labels
+ as well!
+## Adding assignees
+Every issue should be assigned to at least one person to work on it. If you are not sure who should be assigned
+the issue initially, then don't worry about it for now since you can assign someone to the issue later on. To
+assign someone an issue, click on the gear icon in the `Assignees` section and add the desired people.
+## Submit the issue
+Once you are finished writing your issue, click on the `Submit new issue` button. You should now see your issue
+in the issues list and in the UBC Sailbot software project.
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+# Development Workflow Overview
+``` mermaid
+graph LR
+ B[Problem Conception] --> C{Small Fix?};
+ C --> |Yes| E[Development];
+ C --> |No| D[Issue Creation];
+ D --> E;
+ E --> F[Pull Request];
+ F --> G{Approved?};
+ G --> |No| E;
+ G --> |Yes| H[Merge PR into Main];
+A good development workflow is essential to maintain a robust codebase and stay organized. The above
+diagram is a high level overview of how our development process works, and parts of this process
+are explained in subsequent sections.
+## Version control: Git
+We use git to help us keep track of the version history of our codebase. Git is a free and open source
+distributed version control system, and it is commonly used by many developers to keep track of changes
+to their code over time. As a member of the software team on UBC Sailbot, it is absolutely necessary that
+you know git. If you are unfamiliar with git, here are a few resources to help you get started:
+| Resource | Description |
+| :----------------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------- |
+| [Beginners Tutorial](https://youtu.be/HVsySz-h9r4){target=_blank} | A 30 minute video on git for beginners. Good if you want to learn git quickly and nail all the fundamentals. |
+| [Pro Git book](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2){target=_blank} | A textbook on using git. Good if you are a completionist and want to deep dive into how git works (and if you have some time on your hands). |
+| [Common Git Commands](https://patrick-5546.github.io/notes/reference/git/git_commands/){target=_blank} | A condensed summary of some common git commands. Good to refer to once you are familiar with the fundamentals of git. |
+## Remote server: GitHub
+We use GitHub as our remote server where we store our codebase. In addition to using it for storage, we also
+leverage many of GitHub's features to make for a smoother development process. Some examples of features
+that we use are:
+- [Issues](./issues.md#creating-issues)
+- [Projects](./issues.md#adding-issues-to-a-project)
+- [Milestones](./issues.md#adding-issues-to-a-milestone)
+- GitHub Organizations
+- Repository Permissions and Branch Protection Rules
+- And more!
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+# Pull Requests
+Pull requests are used to verify code functionality and quality of a development branch before merging into the main branch,
+accomplished through CI and code reviews.
+!!! note
+ Pull requests are much like issues where we can do many of the same things. This goes for creating
+ comments in markdown, assigning reviewers, adding labels, adding projects, or adding milestones.
+ Sometimes we skip writing an issue when the change is relatively small.
+## Creating a pull request
+To create a pull request in a repository, to go the `Pull requests` tab and then click `New pull request`:
+On the next screen, you need to select the base branch that you are merging into, and the branch that you
+are comparing. For the most part, the base branch will be the main branch, and the branch that you are comparing
+will be the issue branch.
+Once you have decided on your base and compare branches, click on `Create pull request`. You should see
+the page below (looking in the dropdown menu, you can open the pull request as a draft to avoid notifying
+reviewers until you are ready):
+Notice how this is remarkably similar to the page of an issue. To link a pull request to an issue, simply add
+` #` to the initial comment in the pull request. A list of valid keywords can be found
+!!! example
+ "This issue resolves #49. Please review my pull request!"
+Observe that the right-hand side banner contains the following:
+| Field | Description |
+| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+| Reviewers | Assign reviewers to review your pull request. Always try to assign at least one reviewer. |
+| Assignees | Assign the people who worked on the issue. |
+| Labels | Assign labels to categorize pull requests. |
+| Projects | Assign a pull request to a project. |
+| Milestone | Assign a pull request to a milestone. |
+!!! attention
+ If you linked the pull request to an issue, you **should not** add the pull request to a project or a milestone to
+ avoid duplicate cards.
+## Merging into main
+Once the pull request and code reviews are complete, it is time to merge the changes in the pull request into the main
+branch! However, this can only be done when the following conditions are met:
+1. All CI checks pass (look for a green checkmark beside your latest commit on GitHub).
+2. All reviewers have reviewed the PR and approved the PR.
+3. There are no unresolved comments and suggestions from the reviewers.
+4. There are no merge conflicts with the main branch.
+If all of these conditions are met, confirm that the merge is good to go by clicking `Squash and merge`:
+## Reviewing a pull request
+A common activity that you will participate in is reviewing pull requests to give your feedback on other's code.
+You will be notified when you have been requested to review a pull request and should promptly review it as
+soon as time permits.
+In particular, you will most likely be doing the following in a pull request:
+- **Asking Questions:** Clarify your understanding about something that you are not sure about.
+- **Providing Suggestions:** Give some ideas about how to improve the current implementation and provide feedback to
+your peers. This is a good opportunity to share your knowledge with others.
+- **Verify Implementations:** Identify potential bugs in the implementation and raise your concerns with the person
+who developed the solution. This will reduce the likelihood of bugs and significantly bring down the number of issues
+in the future.
+- **Documentation:** Record why certain changes were made, especially if this diverges from the proposed solution
+in the linked issue (if any).
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+# Markdown
+Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents.[^1]
+You can do anything with Markdown, from creating websites to PDF documents, all in a clean format that is easy to
+learn. [Many of your favorite services use Markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/tools/){target=_blank}, so it would
+be useful to pick it up to write technical documentation.
+Markdown is not standardized across services. Many services that support Markdown have their
+own "flavour" of Markdown. Be sure to know the Markdown features of the service
+you are using so that your Markdown renders properly.
+## Getting Started
+We recommend [markdownguide.org](https://www.markdownguide.org/){target=_blank} to be your first point of reference if\
+you are learning Markdown for the first time. It covers topics like what Markdown is, its syntax, advanced tips, and the
+different services that support Markdown. Flavours of Markdown specific to a service build on top of these basics.
+## Sailbot and Markdown
+We write Markdown for GitHub and Material for MkDocs. The following sections
+detail how Markdown is used in these services.
+### GitHub
+We use Markdown in GitHub for technical documentation and collaboration. This includes:
+- `README.md` files
+- Issues
+- Pull Requests
+Almost all places where text is written in GitHub support Markdown. GitHub also allows you to preview
+your Markdown before you submit any comments.
+=== "Before Rendering"
+=== "After Rendering"
+The image above shows an example of a "write" and a "preview" tab for writing a comment on an issue. It might look
+different depending on where you are writing, but there usually exists a preview option!
+!!! note "GitHub-Flavoured Markdown"
+ GitHub uses its own "flavour" of Markdown. Certain features, like using HTML, are excluded for security reasons.
+ Visit the [official GitHub Markdown guide](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github){target=_blank}
+ for more information on the available features.
+### Material for MkDocs
+We use Markdown in Material for MkDocs to create this website! Since it is written in Markdown, no frontend
+experience is required to contribute to our docs.
+Material for MkDocs supports powerful features purpose-built to take technical documentation to the next level.
+Feel free to browse this site to see how we use these features, exploring their syntax in the
+[source code](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/docs/tree/main/docs){target=_blank}. Since GitHub renders Markdown files automatically
+you will need to click the "Raw" button to view their contents.
+!!! note "Material-Flavoured Markdown"
+ Material for MkDocs' flavour of Markdown extends upon vanilla Markdown, adding features such as admonitions
+ (like this note) and content tabs. Refer to the
+ [official Material for MkDocs reference page](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/){target=_blank}
+ for more information on the available features.
+## Rendering Markdown
+You have a few choices to render Markdown on your computer.
+Be advised that if you are using an extended version of Markdown, you will
+need to consult the documentation from the service provider to render their flavour of Markdown properly. The following
+resources are good for rendering Markdown:
+=== ":simple-markdown: Vanilla"
+ - [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/markdown#_markdown-preview){target=_blank}: Markdown
+ rendering is supported
+ out of the box.
+ - [Markdown Live Preview](https://markdownlivepreview.com/){target=_blank}: An online rendering tool.
+=== ":simple-github: Github"
+ - [Markdown Preview GitHub Styling](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=bierner.markdown-preview-github-styles){target=_blank}:
+ VS Code extension that renders GitHub-flavoured markdown.
+ - Create a draft issue on GitHub and preview the markdown to see how it renders.
+=== ":logo: Material for MkDocs"
+ - UBC Sailbot Docs: To preview your changes when working on this site,
+ refer to the [run instructions in the `README.md`](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/docs#run){target=_blank}.
+ - Material for MkDocs sites in general: If you ever decide to write your own documentation using Material for MkDocs,
+ refer to the [official "Getting Started" guide](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/getting-started/){target=_blank}.
+Other resources exist to render Markdown like browser extensions that render Markdown as HTML and GitHub repositories
+that contain source code to render your Markdown. Feel free
+to browse around for the solution that suits your needs.
+## Linting
+We lint our Markdown files to reduce errors and increase readability. In particular, we use two tools:
+1. [markdownlint](https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint){target=_blank} is
+used to enforce a style guide. Its configuration file for this repository is [`.markdownlint.json`](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/docs/blob/main/.markdownlint.json){target=_blank}.
+If you use VS Code, there is a [markdownlint extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint){target=_blank}.
+2. [markdown-link-check](https://github.com/tcort/markdown-link-check){target=_blank} is
+used to check for broken links. Its configuration file for this repository is [`.markdown-link-check.json`](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/docs/blob/main/.markdown-link-check.json){target=_blank}.
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+# Conventions
+At UBC Sailbot, we follow standards in how we code to maintain a clean and comprehensible codebase.
+This page addresses what conventions we use specifically when programming in Python and the tools to help us maintain
+these conventions.
+## Style guide
+### Linting
+To ensure that the codebase stays clean, we use [flake8](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/5.0.4/#){target=_blank}, which is a
+tool for style guide enforcement mostly based off [pep8](https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/){target=_blank}. To automate
+most of this process, we use [autopep8](https://github.com/hhatto/autopep8){target=_blank}, which is a tool that resolves
+most style issues. However, there will be some issues that must be resolved by you!
+Refer to this [guide](https://realpython.com/python-pep8/){target=_blank} on how to write readable code in python with the
+pep8 style guide.
+!!! note
+ Our CI automatically checks that your code follows the pep8 standard. If it does not, your pull requests will
+ be blocked from being merged until those issues are resolved!
+### Type hinting
+Even though Python is a dynamically typed language, newer versions support type hinting. Type hinting catches
+errors, documents code, improves IDEs and linters, and helps build and maintain a clean software architecture.[^1]
+Expanding on how it catches errors, a static type checker such as [`mypy`](https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html){target=_blank}
+can be used.
+There is some syntax to get familiar in order to use type checking. We recommend the following resources:
+- [mypy Typing Cheatsheet](https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/cheat_sheet_py3.html){target=_blank}
+- [PEP 483: The Theory of Type Hints (A Simplified Guide)](https://peps.python.org/pep-0483/){target=_blank}
+- [PEP 484: Type Hints (Fully Comprehensive Guide)](https://peps.python.org/pep-0484/){target=_blank}
+Below are a few examples of using type hinting:
+???+ example "Return the sum of a sequence"
+ ```python
+ from typing import Sequence, Union
+ Number = Union[int, float]
+ def sumseq(seq : Sequence[Number]) -> Number:
+ return sum(seq)
+ ```
+???+ example "Function with optional parameters and default values"
+ ```python
+ from typing import Optional
+ def printArgs(a : str, b : str="World", c : Optional[str]=None) -> None:
+ print(f"Value of a: {a}")
+ print(f"Value of b: {b}")
+ if c is not None:
+ print(f"Value of c: {c}")
+ ```
+??? example "Function with custom class"
+ ```python
+ class MyClass:
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def foo(a : MyClass) -> None:
+ print(a)
+ ```
+??? example "Forward referencing a class"
+ === "With `__future__`"
+ ```python
+ from __future__ import annotations
+ def foo(a : MyClass) -> None:
+ print(a)
+ class MyClass:
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ ```
+ === "Without `__future__`"
+ ```python
+ def foo(a : 'MyClass') -> None:
+ print(a)
+ class MyClass:
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ ```
+??? example "Function that never returns"
+ ```python
+ from typing import NoReturn
+ def bar() -> NoReturn:
+ while True:
+ print("Hello World!")
+ ```
+## Documentation
+Code is written once and read a thousand times, so it is important to provide good documentation for current
+and future members of the software team. The major things that we document in our code are:
+1. **Classes and Objects:**
+ - What does it represent? What is it used for?
+ - What are its member variables? What are they used for?
+2. **Functions:**
+ - What are the inputs and outputs?
+ - What is the overall behavior and purpose of the function?
+3. **Code:**
+ - Is a line of code obscure and/or not clear? Add an inline comment to clear things up.
+ - Break down a large process.
+Ideally, the third point should be avoided as much as possible since we would want our code to be
+self explanatory. It should be done only when absolutely necessary.
+### Generating docstrings
+We use a vscode extension called [autoDocstring](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=njpwerner.autodocstring){target=_blank}
+which autogenerates docstrings that we use to document our code. To install this extension, go to the `Extensions` tab in
+vscode and search `autoDocstring` in the marketplace.
+To generate docstrings, type `"""` at the beginning of the function that you want to document and the template
+will be generated for you! If you use [type hinting](#type-hinting), this extention will autofill some of the
+documentation for you!
+!!! note
+ The autoDocstring extension only works for functions. It does not work for classes and objects, so documenting these
+ will have to be done manually. Be sure to follow the same format used by functions.
+### Example on documentation
+It's hard to imagine what good documentation looks like. We provide a few examples below of documenting code using the
+autoDocstring extension. The extension uses [Google style docstrings](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html#38-comments-and-docstrings){target=_blank}
+by default.
+???+ example "Documentation example on a function"
+ ```python
+ from typing import List
+ def inner_product(v1 : List[float], v2 : List[float]) -> float:
+ """
+ Computes the inner product between two 1D real vectors. Input vectors should have the
+ same dimensions.
+ Args:
+ v1 (List[float]): The first vector of real numbers.
+ v2 (List[float]): The second vector of real numbers.
+ Returns:
+ float : The inner product between v1 and v2
+ """
+ assert (len(v1) == len(v2)), "Input lists must have same length"
+ # Iterate through elementwise pairs
+ summation = 0
+ for e1, e2 in zip(v1, v2):
+ summation += (e1 * e2)
+ return float(summation)
+ ```
+??? example "Documentation example with a stack"
+ ```python
+ from typing import Any
+ class Stack:
+ """
+ This class represents a stack, which is an abstract data type that serves as a collection of
+ elements. The stack is a LIFO datastructure defined by two main operations: Push and Pop.
+ Attributes:
+ __stack (List[Any]): A list containing the elements on the stack.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Initializes the Stack object.
+ """
+ self.__stack = []
+ def push(self, element : Any) -> Any:
+ """
+ Pushes an element to the top of the stack.
+ Args:
+ element (Any): The element to be pushed on to the stack.
+ """
+ self.__stack.append(element)
+ def pop(self) -> Any:
+ """
+ Removes the element at the top of the stack and returns it. If the stack is empty,
+ then None is returned.
+ Returns:
+ Any, NoneType: The element at the top of the stack.
+ """
+ if self.is_empty():
+ return None
+ else:
+ return self.__stack.pop()
+ def is_empty(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Determines whether the stack is empty or not.
+ Returns:
+ bool: Returns True if the stack is empty, and False otherwise.
+ """
+ empty = (len(self.__stack) == 0)
+ return empty
+ def __len__(self) -> int:
+ """
+ Gets the number of elements on the stack.
+ Returns:
+ int: The number of elements on the stack.
+ """
+ length = len(self.__stack)
+ return length
+ ```
+For more examples, see [Example Google Style Python Docstrings](https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html){target=_blank}.
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+# Getting Started
+We use Python 3 to write the majority of our software at UBC Sailbot. Pathfinding and Controls mainly use Python 3,
+so it is critical that you are familiar with the language if you are on one of these sub-teams.
+## Python tutorials
+We understand that not everyone who joins Sailbot has Python in their toolkit, nor do we expect it either! Whether you
+are learning Python for the first time or you just want to brush up, we have provided some resources below. You may not
+learn absolutely everything from the resources below, but it is a good starting point. You will mostly learn through doing,
+as you would with most technical skills!
+| Resource | Description |
+| :--------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| [The Python Tutorial](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/){target=_blank} | The official python tutorial. Good if you have some time on your hands and you are a completionist. Sections 1 - 5 and 9 are the most relevant. |
+| [w3schools Tutorial](https://www.w3schools.com/python/default.asp){target=_blank} | Good if you want a more brief introduction to Python. It breaks down a lot of concepts into sections. Everything up to Python Classes/Objects is relevant. |
+| [YouTube Tutorial](https://youtu.be/t8pPdKYpowI){target=_blank} | If you like video tutorials, then we recommend this tutorial. This video is about 5 hours long, but it pretty much covers everything that you'll need to know for Python and there are some hands on projects. |
+| [Shorter YouTube Tutorial](https://youtu.be/kqtD5dpn9C8){target=_blank} | A shorter alternative YouTube tutorial condensed into 1 hour. It covers less material but still covers many of the essentials. |
+| [CodingBat Practice](https://codingbat.com/python){target=_blank} | Good resource to put your Python skills to practice on some simple coding problems. Note that this resource does not teach you python. |
+Feel free to add other resources other than the ones listed above if you find any that you like!
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+# Virtual Environments
+The Python virtual environment is a tool for dependency management and project isolation. They solve many
+common issues, including:
+- **Dependency Resolution:** A project might want a package with version A while another project might want
+a package with version B. With a virtual environment, you can separate which packages that you want to use
+for a given project.
+- **Project Isolation:** The environment for your project is self-contained and reproducible by capturing all
+dependencies in a configuration file.
+- **Housekeeping:** Virtual environments allow you to keep your global workspace tidy.
+There are two main methods of creating virtual environments: [virtualenv](https://pypi.org/project/virtualenv/){target=_blank}
+and [Anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/){target=_blank}. Each have their own benefits and drawbacks. Here are some differences
+between the two:
+| Virtualenv | Anaconda |
+| :------------------------------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Environment files are local. | Environment files are available globally. |
+| Must activate environment by giving the path. | Can activate the environment without knowing the path, but only the name. |
+| Can only use `pip` to install packages. | Can either use `pip` or built-in `conda` package manager.|
+| Installation is very simple. | Installation takes more effort. |
+| Can only install python packages. | In addition to packages, you can download many data science tools.|
+We recommend **virtualenv** over Anaconda because of its simplicity. However, feel free to appeal to your preferences.
+## Installation
+=== ":material-language-python: Virtualenv"
+ If you already have python and the pip package manager installed, just execute the following:
+ ```bash title="Using pip to install virtualenv"
+ pip install virtualenv
+ ```
+=== ":simple-anaconda: Anaconda"
+ Go to the official [Anaconda website](https://www.anaconda.com/){target=_blank} and follow the installation
+ instructions for your operating system.
+## Using virtual environments
+The name of a virtual environment is configurable. For the purposes of this site, we will use `env` as the environment
+name unless specified otherwise.
+### Creating a virtual environment
+=== ":material-language-python: Virtualenv"
+ Since virtualenv creates the environment directory in a specific location, make sure that you
+ are in the located in the project that you want to work on.
+ ```bash title="Create virtual environment with virtualenv"
+ # Go to desired location
+ cd
+ # Create the environment with the name env
+ python3 -m venv env
+ ```
+ Verify that your environment is created by examining your current directory and look for the directory
+ that matches the name of your virtual environment.
+=== ":simple-anaconda: Anaconda"
+ Since the environment will be available globally, there is no need to go to a specific location to create
+ it.
+ ``` bash title="Create virtual environment with Anaconda"
+ # Create environment with name env and python version
+ conda env create -n env python=
+ ```
+ If you don't specify a python version, the default is the version you used when you downloaded and installed Anaconda.
+ Verify that your environment is created by executing `conda env list`.
+### Activating the virtual environment
+To use the virtual environment, you must activate it.
+=== ":material-language-python: Virtualenv"
+ === ":material-microsoft-windows: Windows"
+ ```batch title="Activation for Windows"
+ env\Scripts\activate
+ ```
+ === ":material-apple: macOS"
+ ```bash title="Activation for macOS"
+ source env/bin/activate
+ ```
+ === ":material-linux: Linux"
+ ```bash title="Activation for Linux"
+ source env/bin/activate
+ ```
+=== ":simple-anaconda: Anaconda"
+ ```bash title="Activation for Anaconda"
+ conda activate env
+ ```
+After activating your virtual environment, you might see `(env)` on your terminal before or after
+your current line. Now you are in your virtual environment!
+### Installing dependencies
+Any dependencies that you install while your virtual environment is activated are only available in your virtual
+environment. If you deactivate your environment and try to use those dependencies, you will find that you will get
+errors because they will not be found unless you install those dependencies in the other environment!
+=== ":material-language-python: Virtualenv"
+ Use the `pip` package manager to install python dependencies. Before installing any Python dependencies, it is good
+ practice to upgrade `pip`:
+ ```bash title="Upgrade pip"
+ pip install --upgrade pip
+ ```
+ Now, install any Python dependencies `pip`:
+ ```bash title="Install dependency with pip"
+ pip install
+ ```
+=== ":simple-anaconda: Anaconda"
+ === "Option 1: pip"
+ Use the `pip` package manager to install python dependencies.
+ ```bash title="Install dependency with pip"
+ # Install pip using conda
+ conda install pip
+ # Install python packages using pip
+ pip install
+ ```
+ === "Option 2: conda"
+ Use the built-in `conda` package manager to install python dependencies.
+ ```bash title="Install dependency with conda"
+ conda install -c
+ ```
+ Sometimes, installing a package like this simply won't work because you are not installing
+ from the correct [channel](https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/concepts/channels.html){target=_blank}.
+ You usually will have to google the command to use in order to install your package correctly because
+ it usually comes from a specific channel that you don't know about. Some common channels to try are:
+ - conda-forge
+ - anaconda
+ - bioconda
+ - r
+### Deactivating the virtual environment
+When you are finished using your virtual environment, you will need to deactivate it.
+=== ":material-language-python: Virtualenv"
+ ```bash title="Deactivate virtualenv environment"
+ deactivate
+ ```
+=== ":simple-anaconda: Anaconda"
+ ```bash title="Deactivate anaconda environment"
+ conda deactivate
+ ```
+## Reproducing your virtual environment
+When you want to share your code with others, it is important for others to be able to reproduce the environment
+that you worked in. We discuss two topics in this section: exporting your environment and reproducing the environment.
+### Exporting your virtual environment
+In order to reproduce your virtual environment, you need to export some information about your environment.
+Be sure to follow the instructions below **while your environment is activated**.
+=== ":material-language-python: Virtualenv"
+ You will create a `requirements.txt` file, which essentially lists all of your python dependencies in one
+ file:
+ ```bash title="Creating requirements file"
+ pip freeze > requirements.txt
+ ```
+ The `pip freeze` command prints all of your pip dependencies, and `> requirements.txt` redirects the output
+ to a text file.
+=== ":simple-anaconda: Anaconda"
+ Anaconda uses configuration files to recreate an environment.
+ === ":material-microsoft-windows: Windows"
+ Execute the following command to create a file called `environment.yml`:
+ ```batch title="Create config file"
+ conda env export > environment.yml
+ ```
+ Then, open the `environment.yml` file and delete the line with `prefix:`.
+ === ":material-apple: macOS"
+ Execute the following command to create a file called `environment.yml`:
+ ```bash title="Create config file"
+ conda env export | grep -v "^prefix: " > environment.yml
+ ```
+ === ":material-linux: Linux"
+ Execute the following command to create a file called `environment.yml`:
+ ```bash title="Create config file"
+ conda env export | grep -v "^prefix: " > environment.yml
+ ```
+### Reproducing the environment
+You can reproduce your virtual environment when given the information about it. The steps above tell you how
+to extract the information, and now we will use that information to recreate the virtual environment.
+Remember to **deactivate the current environment** before making a new environment.
+=== ":material-language-python: Virtualenv"
+ We use the `requirements.txt` file that we generated earlier to recreate the environment.
+ ```bash title="Recreate virtualenv environment"
+ # Create the new environment
+ python -m venv
+ # Activate the environment
+ source /bin/activate
+ # Install dependencies
+ pip install -r
+ ```
+=== ":simple-anaconda: Anaconda"
+ We use the `environment.yml` file that we generated earlier to recreate the environment.
+ ```bash title="Recreate the conda environment"
+ # Create the new environment with the dependencies
+ conda env create -f -n
+ ```
+## Official references
+In this section, we summarized what virtual environments are, why they are used, and how to use them. We did not
+cover all of the functions of virtual environments, but feel free to consult the official references to learn
+about virtual environments more in depth.
+- [Virtualenv Reference](https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html#module-venv){target=_blank}
+- [Anaconda Reference](https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/concepts/environments.html#){target=_blank}
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+# Robot Operating System
+Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools for building robot applications.[^1]
+It provides functionality for hardware abstraction, device drivers, communication between processes over
+multiple machines, tools for testing and visualization, and much more.[^2]
+We use ROS because it is open-source, language-agnostic, and built with cross-collaboration in mind.
+It enables our sub-teams to work independently on well-defined components of our software system
+without having to worry about the hardware it runs on or the implementation of other components.
+[The official ROS 2 documentation](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/index.html){target=_blank} contains everything you need
+to get started using ROS. From it we have hand-picked the resources that are most relevant to our current and expected
+future usage of ROS assuming that you use [our preconfigured workspace](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace){target=_blank}.
+To run our software on your device without our workspace, you would have to [install ROS](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Installation.html){target=_blank}
+and the dependencies that are in [our Docker images](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/tree/main/.devcontainer){target=_blank}
+## Workspace Configuration
+To get our workspace configuration running on your computer:
+1. Set it up by following the [setup instructions](../current/sailbot_workspace/setup.md)
+2. Uncomment the ROS 2 tutorials section in [`.devcontainer/Dockerfile`](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/blob/main/.devcontainer/Dockerfile){target=_blank},
+ then run the "Dev Containers: Rebuild Container" VS Code command, to install the tutorials' dependencies
+3. Uncomment the ROS 2 tutorials section in [`src/polaris.repos`](https://github.com/UBCSailbot/sailbot_workspace/blob/main/src/polaris.repos){target=_blank},
+ then run the "setup" VS Code task, to clone the repositories used in the tutorials
+Our workspace configuration contains easier methods of accomplishing some of the tutorial steps, or eliminates the need
+for them altogether.
+| Tutorial step | Sailbot Workspace configuration |
+| ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Install a package | All packages used in the tutorials are already installed (step 2 above) |
+| Clone a sample repo (ros_tutorials) | ros_tutorials is already cloned (step 3 above) |
+| Resolve dependencies | Run the "install dependencies" VS Code task |
+| Build the workspace | Run the "Build" VS Code task, AKA ++ctrl+shift+b++ |
+| Source the overlay | Run the `srcnew` terminal command |
+| Create a package with a node | Run the "new ament_(python\|cmake) package with a node" VS Code task |
+## Tutorials
+We encourage all software members to work through the [ROS tutorials](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials.html){target=_blank}
+that are listed below in order. For tutorials that have both C++ and Python versions,
+NET members should do the C++ version while CTRL and PATH members should do the Python version.
+- Beginner: CLI tools
+ - Introducing `turtlesim` and `rqt`
+ - Understanding nodes
+ - Understanding topics
+ - Understanding services
+ - Understanding parameters
+ - Understanding actions
+ - Using `rqt_console` to view logs
+ - Recording and playing back data
+- Beginner: Client libraries
+ - Creating a workspace
+ - Creating a package
+ - Writing a simple publisher and subscriber (C++ or Python)
+ - Writing a simple service and client (C++ or Python)
+ - Using parameters in a class (C++ or Python)
+ - Using `ros2doctor` to identify issues
+- Intermediate
+ - Launch
+ - Testing
+- Demos
+ - Logging
+## Concepts
+We encourage all software members to read the following documentation on key [ROS concepts](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Concepts.html){target=_blank}:
+- About logging and logger configuration
+- About ROS 2 interfaces
+- About parameters in ROS 2
+## ROS 1 Bridge
+There are two major versions of ROS, aptly named ROS 1 and ROS 2. Our previous project, Raye,
+uses ROS 1 because it was the only version available during her design process. Our new project will
+use ROS 2, a complete re-design of the framework that tackles the shortcomings of ROS 1 to bring it up
+to industry needs and standards.[^3] If you are curious about the changes made in ROS 2 compared to 1,
+[this article](http://design.ros2.org/articles/changes.html){target=_blank} is a worthwhile read.
+ROS 2 includes the ROS 1 Bridge, a collection of packages that can be installed alongside ROS 1 to help migrate code
+from ROS 1 to ROS 2. As we will be reusing parts of Raye's codebase, it is essential to know how to use these packages.
+Until we are completely done with Raye, our preconfigured workspace will have ROS 1, ROS 1 Bridge, and ROS 2 installed.
+We encourage all software members work through the [ROS 1 Bridge README](https://github.com/ros2/ros1_bridge/blob/master/README.md){target=_blank}.
+For PATH members, the [Migrating launch files from ROS 1 to ROS 2 page](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Launch-files-migration-guide.html){target=_blank}
+will be a helpful reference when we do so.
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+# AIS Terms
+This section explains the most unfamiliar fields that we receive from the AIS.
+## MMSI a.k.a ID
+A 9-digit, unique identification number for the ship.
+## COG: Course over Ground
+The direction the boat is travelling, relative to the sea floor. This is the direction of the rate of change
+of the [Track Made Good](miscellaneous.md/#track-made-good).
+This is measured with the navigational angle convention, where 0° is towards the North, and angles increase in the
+clockwise direction. If we make the slight simplification of neglecting the effect of the wind, then
+- If the boatspeed is positive and there is no current, the boat's Course over Ground will be the same as the Heading.
+- If the boatspeed is zero and there is positive current, the boat's Course over Ground will be the same direction as the
+current is flowing.
+## SOG: Speed over Ground
+The speed the boat is travelling at, relative to the sea floor. This is the magnitude of the rate of change
+of the [Track Made Good](miscellaneous.md/#track-made-good).
+\text{SoG} &= \left|\frac{d}{dt} \overrightarrow{(\text{Track Made Good})} \right|\\
+If we make the slight simplification of neglecting the effect of the wind, then
+- If the boatspeed is positive and there is no current, the boat's Speed over Ground will be the same as the speed of water
+hitting your hand, if you were sitting on the boat and put your hand in the water.
+- If the boatspeed is zero and there is positive current, the boat's Speed over Ground will be the same speed as the
+## RoT: Rate of Turn
+The angular velocity of the boat (how fast it's turning), measured in degrees per minute.
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+# Parts of a Sailboat
+This page names some important parts of a sailboat, and explains what the part is for.
+Read the descriptions of the parts below, and refer to the image to see where the part fits in.
+## Hull
+The ***Hull*** is the "boat" part of the boat, which displaces water to create buoyancy. The following parts of the boat
+are attached to the hull:
+- ***Keel***: The keel has a large mass on the end, which keeps the sailboat upright. The fin-like shape of the
+keel provides *lateral resistance* to prevent the boat from slipping sideways through the water.
+- ***Rudder***: Raye has two rudders for redundancy. The rudders can angle side to side to steer the boat.
+To steer the boat effectively, the rudders need enough water flowing over them to create a pressure difference when they
+angle sideways. Controls sends commands to the rudder to steer the boat.
+It is also helpful to know the names of the following "regions" of the hull:
+- ***Bow***: The front of the boat.
+- ***Stern***: The back of the boat.
+ - *Aft* means "backwards towards the stern".
+- ***Starboard***: The side of the boat which is on the **right**, for someone standing on the boat facing the bow.
+- ***Port***: The side of the boat which is on the **left**, for someone standing on the boat facing the bow.
+ - To remember which is which between starboard and port, remember that "port" and "left" both have 4 letters.
+The image below shows a birds-eye view of the outline of a hull of a sailboat,
+where the "regions" of the hull are labeled.
+## Jib
+The ***Jib*** is the sail located near the bow, and is the smaller of the two sails.
+- *Jib Sheet*: In general, *sheets* are ropes that pull a sail in to the boat, and the jib sheet does this for the jib.
+On Raye, the jib sheet connects to the back bottom corner of the jib, through a pulley near the bottom of the mast to
+the Jib Winch. Most sailboats have two jib sheets, one on either side, but Raye is designed differently for autonomy.
+- The ***Jib Winch*** is a motor-driven device that tightens or pulls in the jib by pulling on the jib sheet.
+Controls sends commands to the winches.
+- The *jib halyard*: In general, a *halyard* is a rope that pulls a sail up. The jib halyard pulls up the jib.
+It connects to the top of the jib, runs through a pulley near the top of the mast, and is tied off
+near the bottom of the mast.
+## Mast
+The ***Mast*** is the long vertical pole which connects to hull. It holds up the sails and some instruments.
+The following instruments are at the top of the mast:
+- One of the 3 ***Wind Sensors***. The top of the mast is a good location to measure undisturbed wind.
+Pathfinding and Controls both use data from the wind sensors.
+- The ***AIS antenna***. AIS ("Autonomous Identification System") is a system by which ships
+communicate their location, speed, and other information to surrounding ships via radio signals.
+Pathfinding uses AIS data to avoid other ships.
+The mast is held upright by three lines:
+- The *forestay* connects the mast from the top of the jib to the bow, and runs parallel to the front edge of the jib.
+- The two *shrouds* connect the mast from the top of the jib to the outside edges of the hull slightly aft of the mast.
+There is one shroud on the startboard side and one on the port side.
+## Main Sail
+The ***Main Sail*** is the larger of the two sails, and is located aft of the mast.
+Most of the boat's propulsion comes from the main sail.
+- The *Boom* is the horizontal pole that holds the bottom corner of the main sail out from the mast.
+- *Main Sheet* is the rope that pulls the main sail in towards the center of the boat. It connects from the back end of
+the boom, through a pulley on the stern, to the Main Winch.
+- The ***Main Winch*** is a motor-driven device that pulls in the main sail by pulling on the main sheet.
+Controls sends commands to the main winch.
+- The *main halyard* is the line used to hoist the main sail.
+## Conclusion
+Hopefully this section helped you gain familiarity with some common sailing terms.
+It likely feels like this section contains a lot of new information. It's unrealistic to remember it all perfectly,
+but make an effort to remember the terms which are ***Bolded and Italicized***.
+## Keywords on this Page
+- Hull
+- Keel
+- Rudder
+- Bow
+- Stern
+- Starboard
+- Port
+- Jib
+- Jib winch
+- Mast
+- Wind Sensor
+- AIS Antenna
+- Main Sail
+- Main Winch
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+# Miscellaneous Sailing Knowledge
+This section covers some other useful information.
+## Wind Direction Convention
+Generally speaking, there are two ways to use an angle to describe the wind direction.
+1. The angle tells you which way the wind is **blowing towards**. For example, 0° means the wind is blowing from North
+to South.
+2. The angle tells you which way the wind is **coming from**. For example, 0° means the wind is blowing from South to North.
+In sailing, we normally talk about "where the wind is **coming from**". Somehow this ends up being more intuitive when
+talking about maneuvers or sail angle adjustments.
+However, when describing the wind as a vector, it can make more sense for the vector to represent the actual
+speed and direction the air is flowing. Make sure to document which convention you are using in your work when
+its applicable, and don't be afraid to ask someone to clarify which convention they are using in their work.
+## Navigation Terms
+### Heading
+In navigation generally (outside of Sailbot), the ***Heading*** is the direction the bow of the boat is pointing
+towards. Headings are typically (but not always at Sailbot) measured relative to true North in the clockwise direction.
+### Bearing
+A ***Bearing*** is used to describe one point in relation to another: the Bearing of point "A" from point "B"
+is the direction you would would look towards if you wanted to see point "A" while standing at point "B". A *Range*
+is the distance between points "A" and "B", so that a Bearing and Range together can locate point "A" relative to point
+"B" in polar co-ordinates. There are two main ways of measuring bearings:
+- A *True Bearing* is a bearing where the angle convention is as follows: 0° is towards the **North**,
+angles increase in the clockwise direction, and angles are typically bounded within [0°, 360°)]
+- A *Relative Bearing* is a bearing where the angle convention is as follows: 0° is **straight forwards relative to the
+boat**, and angle measurements increase in the clockwise direction. Angles may be bounded in [-180°, 180°) or [0°, 360°)
+In the example below, the boat "B" has a Heading (H) of 30°. The True Bearing ($B_t$) of the Lighthouse "A"
+from the boat is 90°. The Relative Bearing ($B_r$) of the lighthouse from the boat is 60°.
+### Track Made Good
+Boats do not necessarily travel in the same direction as their ***Heading***, due to the effects of ocean current and
+wind. The path the boat has traveled relative to the sea floor is called the ***Track Made Good***. This is the
+same as if you measured motion compared to land or with a GPS.
+### Heading and Bearing in Raye Project
+In Sailbot's Raye project, ***Heading*** and ***Bearing*** are used to refer to different conventions for describing
+which way the boat is pointing.
+The following 3 pieces of information are needed to unambiguously define an angle measuring convention:
+- What does 0° mean? If 0° is North, is it **towards** the North or **away** from the North?
+- Do the angle measurements increase in the clockwise or counter-clockwise direction?
+- What range should the angles be bounded to? This part is often unimportant if the angles are only used in
+trigonometry functions.
+Some common examples of angle measuring conventions which we use are:
+- 0° means towards the East, angles increase in the counter-clockwise direction, and angles are bounded in
+[-180°, 180°). This is effectively the main angle convention used in most math courses.
+- 0° means towards the North, angles increase in the clockwise direction, and angles are bounded in [0°, 360°). This
+angle convention is more commonly used by navigators.
+The specific angle conventions which we call Heading and Bearing can be ambiguous, and may be subject to change,
+so they are deliberately omitted here. Refer to the applicable source code to determine what the angle conventions are.
+## True, Apparent, and Boat Wind
+- *True Wind* is the wind vector (speed and direction) which you would measure while standing on land (or motionless at
+sea with unchanging GPS co-ordinates). In sailbot code, this may be referred to as ***Global Wind***. When people
+refer to "the wind", they normally mean True Wind.
+- *Boat Wind* is the wind vector which you would measure while standing on a moving boat when the True Wind speed is 0.
+This means that boat wind always blows straight onto the bow of the boat, and the magnitude of the boat wind is equal to
+the speed of the boat.
+- ***Apparent Wind*** is the vector sum of the True Wind and the Boat Wind. This is the wind that you would measure while
+standing on a moving boat more generally, even if there is non-zero wind. The apparent wind is also what our wind
+sensors measure, and what our sails feel. In Sailbot code, Apparent Wind may be referred to as ***Measured Wind***.
+In the example below, suppose the wind is blowing from the North at 4 m/s, and suppose the boat is moving **towards**
+the East at 3 m/s.
+- The True Wind everywhere is blowing at 4 m/s from the North
+- The Boat Wind onboard the boat is blowing **from** the East at 3 m/s
+- The Apparent Wind onboard the boat is has a magnitude of $\sqrt{3^2 + 4^2} = 5 \text{ m/s}$,
+and is coming from a true bearing of $\arctan{(\frac{3}{4})} = 36.9°$.
+## Tack
+In the [Types of Turn](./turning.md#tacking)
+page, we discussed how a ***Tack*** is a type of turn. Weirdly, the word "tack" actually has two
+more distinct meanings in sailing. The word "Tack" can refer to:
+- the type of turn, as covered before.
+- *Starboard Tack* vs *Port Tack*: The tack is basically the side of the boat which is further upwind. More thoroughly,
+the tack is the opposite side to the sail. This means that boats change tack when the sail switches sides.
+ - In the diagram below,
+ the 3 boats on the left of the diagram are on Starboard Tack, and the 3 boats on the right side are on Port Tack.
+ - The tack of a boat in *Irons* is undefined.
+ - The boat in the diagram on a run is on Port Tack. If the boat continued straight but the sail switched sides into
+ the position shown by the **dashed** line, the boat would be on Starboard Tack.
+- Finally, the Tack can refer to particular region of the main sail. This is not important for software members.
+## Keywords on this Page
+- Heading
+- Bearing
+- Track Made Good
+- Global Wind (aka True Wind)
+- Measured Wind (aka Apparent Wind)
+- Tack
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+# Sailing Knowledge Section Overview
+In order to make high-quality contributions to Sailbot's Software teams, it is extremely helpful to have some
+understanding of sailing. This section introduces important parts of a sailboat, explains the 4 types of turns,
+discusses upwind and downwind sailing, and covers some other helpful knowledge.
+In this section, terms which are ***Bolded and Italicized*** are the most important terms to know.
+These terms are listed at the bottom of each page.
+Terms that are only *Italicized* are other helpful sailing terms.
+Words that are **bolded** are meant to be emphasized, but are not necessarily considered important vocabulary.
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+# Points of Sail
+In sailing, we sometimes talk about different angles that we can sail on with respect to the wind.
+Ranges of angles which are close together have special names. These ranges are called *points of sail*.
+The discussion below coveres the most important points of sail for software members to understand.
+Notice how for *higher* points of sail (points of sail closer to straight into the wind), the sail is pulled tightly
+in to the boat. If the boat is on a *lower* point of sail, the sails should be let further out of the boat. For any
+point of sail, there is an optimum angle that the sail should be adjusted to. If the sails are adjusted too far in
+or too far out, the boat will not go as fast as it could if the sails were adjusted correctly.
+## Irons
+The range of angles where the boat is roughly pointing straight into the wind are called ***Irons***, or the
+***No-Go Zone***.
+If the boat is pointing in these directions, the sails will be flapping regardless of how the sheets are adjusted.
+When the sails are flapping, they are not catching the wind in a way that can propell the boat forwards.
+When the boat looses propulsion, water stops flowing over the rudder, and the boat loses steering.
+This is why we want our sailbots to avoid being stuck in irons.
+## Upwind Sailing
+If we want to sail to a destination that is not on too high or low of an angle upwind or downwind from our starting
+position, we can just point our boat in that direction, adjust our sails, and go there.
+However, sometimes we want to sail to a destination that is straight upwind of our starting position.
+To get there, we will need to do upwind sailing.
+Since we can't point our boat directly into the wind, we need to sail on an angle on the edge of irons.
+We will need to tack back and forth every now and then if we want to go directly upwind.
+The point of sail on the edge of Irons is called ***Close Hauled***.
+## Downwind Sailing
+Raye also avoids sailing straight downwind. This means that to reach a goal downwind of the starting position,
+we need to gybe back and forth in a zig-zag pattern. The point of sail straight
+downwind is called a *run*, and the next point of sail higher than a *run* is called a *broad reach*.
+## Keywords on this Page
+- Irons (aka No-Go Zone)
+- Upwind Sailing
+- Close Hauled
+- Downwind Sailing
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+# Types of Turns
+In sailing, there are 4 distinct types of turns. Read the descriptions below, and observe how they fit into the diagrams.
+Note that any of these types of turn can be done in either the clockwise or counter-clockwise directions.
+## Classifying Types Of Turns Summary
+The following flowchart summarizes how to distinguish between different types of turns. Note:
+- to point ***higher*** means to steer your boat to point in a direction closer to straight into the wind
+- to point ***lower*** means to steer your boat to point in a direction closer towards to straight downwind
+``` mermaid
+graph LR
+ B[Classify a Turn] --> C{Does the sail change
sides during the turn?};
+ C --> |Yes| E{Which end of
the boat is upwind
during the turn?};
+ C --> |No| D{Does the
boat point higher
or lower at the end
of the turn?};
+ D --> |Higher| F[Heading Up];
+ D --> |Lower| G[Bearing Off];
+ E --> |Bow| H[Tack];
+ E --> |Stern| I[Gybe];
+The diagrams in this section show outlines of the hull of a boat and its main sail going through turns.
+As is common in these types of diagrams, assume that the wind is blowing down from the top of the screen unless
+there is an arrow that indicates otherwise.
+## Heading Up
+When the boat makes any turn as follows, it is called ***Heading Up***:
+- At the end of the turn, the boat is pointing *higher*.
+- Throughout the turn, the sails stay on the same side of the boat. In other words, the sails do **not** cross between
+the starboard and port sides.
+Unlike some of the other turns listed here, heading up can be a large turn or a small course adjustment of just a few
+The image below shows a boat heading up. Notice how the sail stays on the starboard side of the boat.
+## Bearing Off
+When the boat makes any turn as follows, it is called ***Bearing Off***:
+- At the end of the turn, the boat is pointing *lower*.
+- Throughout the turn, the sails stays on the same side of the boat (port or starboard).
+Like heading up, bearing off can be a small course adjustment.
+## Tacking
+When the boat makes any turn as follows, it is called a ***Tack*** or ***Tacking***:
+- The sails change sides.
+- Through the turn, the wind hits the **bow** of the boat before the stern. You can also say that the bow is *upwind* or
+*windward* of the stern.
+Notice how at some point throughout this turn, the boat will be pointing straight into the wind.
+While the boat points nearly straight into the wind, the sails don't generate any forward propulsion.
+This means that a tack must be a large (at least ~90°) turn all at once, so that the boat's momentum carries it through
+the range of angles where it does not get propulsion.
+## Gybing
+When the boat makes any turn as follows, it is called a ***Gybe*** or ***Gybing***.
+- The sails change sides.
+- Through the turn, the wind hits the **stern** of the boat before the bow. You can also say that the bow of the boat is
+*downwind* or *leeward* of the stern.
+When sailing on most angles relative to the wind, the sail is always blown to the downwind side of the boat.
+However, sailing nearly straight downwind, both sides of the boat are equally "downwind" relative to eachother.
+This means that the sail can be on either side of the boat.
+The sail propells the boat throughout a gybe, so it is possible to conduct the turn more gradually than a tack.
+However, because the sail can be on either side, the sails can switch sides in an uncontrolled way as the boat moves in
+the waves. For this reason, Raye avoids sailing on angles close to straight downwind, and gybes by doing a quick ~60°
+Note that "gybe" is the spelling used in Canadian and British english, whereas in American english it is spelled "**Jibe**"
+## Combinations of Turns
+Of course, it is possible to do two or more of these types of turns in one continuous motion.
+What two types of turns does the boat do in the image below?
+Answer: In the turn shown by the first arrow, the sail stays on the port side of the boat while it steers to point further
+downwind. This means that the first part of the maneuver is **bearing off**. In the next part of the maneuver, the sail
+changes sides and the stern of the boat is upwind of the bow. This part of the maneuver is a **gybe**.
+## Keywords on this Page
+- Higher (in relation to pointing)
+- Lower (in relation to pointing)
+- Heading Up
+- Bearing Off
+- Tack
+- Gybe (aka Jibe)
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+site_author: UBCSailbot Software Team
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+# Page tree
+ - Home: index.md
+ - Current Project:
+ - Overview: current/overview.md
+ - Sailbot Workspace:
+ - Overview: current/sailbot_workspace/overview.md
+ - Setup: current/sailbot_workspace/setup.md
+ - Parameters: current/sailbot_workspace/parameters.md
+ - Workflow: current/sailbot_workspace/workflow.md
+ - How-To's: current/sailbot_workspace/how_to.md
+ - Deployment: current/sailbot_workspace/deployment.md
+ - Images: current/sailbot_workspace/docker_images.md
+ - Launch Files: current/sailbot_workspace/launch_files.md
+ - Boat Simulator:
+ - Overview: current/boat_simulator/overview.md
+ - Controller:
+ - Overview: current/controller/overview.md
+ - Custom Interfaces:
+ - Overview: current/custom_interfaces/overview.md
+ - Docs:
+ - Overview: current/docs/overview.md
+ - Local Pathfinding:
+ - Overview: current/local_pathfinding/overview.md
+ - Network Systems:
+ - Overview: current/network_systems/overview.md
+ - Notebooks:
+ - Overview: current/notebooks/overview.md
+ - Website:
+ - Overview: current/website/overview.md
+ - Reference:
+ - C++:
+ - Getting Started: reference/cpp/start.md
+ - Differences: reference/cpp/differences.md
+ - Tools: reference/cpp/tools.md
+ - GitHub:
+ - Development Workflow:
+ - Overview: reference/github/workflow/overview.md
+ - Creating Issues: reference/github/workflow/issues.md
+ - Developing on Branches: reference/github/workflow/branches.md
+ - Pull Requests: reference/github/workflow/pr.md
+ - Markdown: reference/markdown.md
+ - Python:
+ - Getting Started: reference/python/start.md
+ - Conventions: reference/python/conventions.md
+ - Virtual Environments: reference/python/virtual-environments.md
+ - Robot Operating System: reference/ros.md
+ - Sailing Knowledge:
+ - Overview: reference/sailing/overview.md
+ - Parts of a Sailboat: reference/sailing/boat_parts.md
+ - Types of Turns: reference/sailing/turning.md
+ - Points of Sail: reference/sailing/points_of_sail.md
+ - AIS Terms: reference/sailing/ais_terms.md
+ - Miscellaneous: reference/sailing/miscellaneous.md
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