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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I get sick during the semester?

Please follow the UBC CAMPUS RULES & GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS and the BC CDC's guideline for self-isolation policy


Video recording of lectures videos will continue to be posted to Canvas, so you will not miss anything.

You can complete all of your assignments electronically (and remotely).

We will drop the lowest worksheet and tutorial grade from the semester.

What if I get sick right before an exam?


Your instructor or the coordinator will make alternate arrangements if you get sick right before/during a exam. Please contact your instructor as far in advance as possible, and fill out an academic concession form (available on the Canvas page).

What is the structure of the class?

Each week will have the following pattern:

  • Your instructor will release pre-lecture reading material on Monday
  • In class, your instructor will begin with a brief lecture to introduce a new concept. Then you'll do a worksheet to practice the concept.
  • In tutorial, the TAs will run a tutorial to reinforce the concept we learned in lecture. You'll do another worksheet to practice the concept. The tutorial worksheets are generally harder than the lecture worksheets.

There will be one midterm, one final exam, and one group project.

How do I submit an assignment?

Lecture / Tutorial Worksheets: You must complete all of your lecture and tutorial worksheets on our JupyterHub server. Once you are done working, go to File -> Save and Checkpoint, and make sure the checkpoint is "a few seconds ago" at the top of your screen. We will show you how to do this in class. You don't need to click "submit" anywhere -- our server will automatically take a snapshot of your assignment at the due date. Make sure you do not move / rename your assignment from where it originally was on the server.

Projects / other assignments: You will submit these on Canvas.

How do I get my assignment regraded?

Please see the course syllabus:

Note: We will only regrade to correct mistakes that we made when grading. Please see the syllabus for our policy regarding autograding.

Where do I find due dates?

All due dates are listed on Canvas.

What if I registered late? When are things due?

Hi! Welcome to DSCI100 -- glad to have you on board. Since we have a new assignment in every class session, there are already a few assignments to catch up on:

If you registered after a class session already happened, then the assignment from that class session will be due exactly 1 week after your registration date & time.

If you registered before a class session happens, the assignment from that class is due at the normal time.

I'm going to be late / absent for a class! Who do I notify?

Your instructor does not need to be informed when you'll be absent from a regular class. We understand that, from time to time, you will not be able to attend the lecture/tutorial sessions. There are no marks assigned for attending class. We hope that the flexibility of this course will allow you to access the learning materials wherever you are and whenever you need them. 

If you are going to be absent from an exam, you need to fill out a self-declared concession form in a timely manner prior to the exam. See the course policies on the syllabus for details.

Do I satisfy the math requirement for this class?

Yes. There is no hard math prerequisite; MATH12 (or equivalent) is suggested but not required.

How do I get help in the course?

During Lectures & Tutorials: You can use lecture and tutorial time to ask questions, discuss and receive individual feedback regarding your worksheets, tutorials, or group project. Myself, the TAs and your fellow classmates will be available to help you work through the problems.

Office Hours: The TAs and I will hold office hours at various times throughout the week via Zoom/in-person. See the course syllabus for times/locations. I encourage you to ask questions about the worksheets, tutorials, the project or any other questions about the course material.

Piazza Discussion Board: You can post on the Piazza Discussion board to ask your questions about the course material. You can also help your classmates by answering their questions.

Email: For questions about the course material, please post your questions on Piazza. If you have personal questions that do not pertain to the course material itself you can email the course coordinator (please see syllabus for emails). Please note: Most instructors only respond to emails Monday to Friday, and try their best to answer you as promptly as possible. However, given the large class size it may take a few days to respond.

Please send emails it to the email address listed on the syllabus. Those are the most likely to be checked regularly.

How do I do well in this course?

Most importantly: complete the lecture and tutorial worksheets. These are intended to help you learn the concepts so you'll do well on the project and exams. The worksheets tend to be a bit easier and provide more guidance. The tutorials are more difficult and give you a good sense for how well you've learned the material. Students who make an effort to complete all of the worksheets and tutorials tend to perform well in the class.

For lecture/tutorial worksheets, you can collaborate with your peers (this is encouraged!) as discussing the material while you work on it will help you learn. But you are not allowed to simply copy another student's work. That is plagiarism, which is expressly forbidden in the course policy.

Time management is very important in this course. There are regular assessments every week to keep you on track, but we move quickly and cover a lot of ground. 

Take an active role in the learning community that we will build together. Ask questions on Piazza when you have them, and try to answer each others' questions when you can.