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Exploratory Data Analysis

Example exercise: Trip production of 57 Traffic Assignment Zones of Chicago in the 1960’s.

Your task: Explore and analyze the dataset before going to the Multiple linear regression chapter.


  • TODU: Motorized Trips (private car or Public Transportation) per occupied dwelling unit;

  • ACO: Average car ownership (cars per dwelling);

  • AHS: Average household size;

  • SRI: Social Rank Index:
    1. proportion of blue-collar workers (e.g., construction, mining);
    2. proportion of people with age higher than 25 years that have completed at least 8 year of education; (Note: The SRI has its maximum value when there are no blue-collar workers and all adults have education of at least 8 years)

  • UI: Urbanization Index:
    1. fertility rate, defined as the ratio of children under 5 years of age to the female population of childbearing age;
    2. female labor force participation rate, meaning the % of women who are in the labor force;
    3. % of single family units to total dwelling units.

    The degree of urbanization index would be increased by a) lower fertility rate, b) higher female labor force participation rate, and c) higher proportion of single dwelling units. (Note: High values for this index imply less attachment to the home)

  • SI:Segregation Index It measures the proportion of an area to which minority groups (e.g: non-whites, foreign-born, Eastern Europeans) live in isolation. (Note: High values for this index imply that those communities are less prone to leaving their living areas and as such to having lower levels of mobility)

Let’s begin with R!

Import Libraries

For the first time, you will need to install some of the packages. Step by step:

  1. Go to Packages on the lower right display window and click install
  2. Write the library you want to install and click “install”

Or… install.packages("readxl","tidyverse") etc…

Depending on the version of your R, DataExplorer may need to be installed from source, such as

if (!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")

Now, import these libraries:

library(readxl) #Library used to import excel files
library(tidyverse) # Pack of most used libraries
library(skimr) # Library used for providing a summary of the data
library(DataExplorer) # Library used in data science to perform exploratory data analysis
library(corrplot) # Library used for correlation plots

Get to know your data

Import dataset
dataset <- read_excel("Data/TDM_Class3_MLR_Chicago_Example.xls") 
Check the structure of the dataset
## tibble [57 x 6] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##  $ TODU: num [1:57] 3.18 3.89 3.98 4.16 3.6 4.1 4.36 4.87 5.85 4.97 ...
##  $ ACO : num [1:57] 0.59 0.57 0.61 0.61 0.63 0.66 0.71 0.77 0.84 0.74 ...
##  $ AHS : num [1:57] 3.26 3.13 3.02 3.14 3.75 3.24 2.77 2.74 3.02 2.84 ...
##  $ SI  : num [1:57] 21 21.6 12.6 17.6 35.3 ...
##  $ SRI : num [1:57] 28.3 20.9 26 28.5 27.2 ...
##  $ UI  : num [1:57] 60.1 65.7 63.2 66.2 58.4 ...
Take a first look at the dataset
head(dataset, 10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 6
##     TODU   ACO   AHS    SI   SRI    UI
##    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1  3.18 0.59   3.26 21.0   28.3  60.1
##  2  3.89 0.570  3.13 21.6   20.9  65.7
##  3  3.98 0.61   3.02 12.6   26.0  63.2
##  4  4.16 0.61   3.14 17.6   28.5  66.2
##  5  3.6  0.63   3.75 35.3   27.2  58.4
##  6  4.1  0.66   3.24 14.7   28.0  59.6
##  7  4.36 0.71   2.77 11.6   39.9  64.6
##  8  4.87 0.77   2.74 10.7   48.4  67.9
##  9  5.85 0.84   3.02  8.2   42.2  56.9
## 10  4.97 0.74   2.84  7.94  38.1  62.4
Check the type and class of the dataset
## [1] "list"
## [1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
Transform the dataset into a dataframe
df <- data.frame(dataset)
Compare the structure of the dataset with df
## tibble [57 x 6] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##  $ TODU: num [1:57] 3.18 3.89 3.98 4.16 3.6 4.1 4.36 4.87 5.85 4.97 ...
##  $ ACO : num [1:57] 0.59 0.57 0.61 0.61 0.63 0.66 0.71 0.77 0.84 0.74 ...
##  $ AHS : num [1:57] 3.26 3.13 3.02 3.14 3.75 3.24 2.77 2.74 3.02 2.84 ...
##  $ SI  : num [1:57] 21 21.6 12.6 17.6 35.3 ...
##  $ SRI : num [1:57] 28.3 20.9 26 28.5 27.2 ...
##  $ UI  : num [1:57] 60.1 65.7 63.2 66.2 58.4 ...
## 'data.frame':    57 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ TODU: num  3.18 3.89 3.98 4.16 3.6 4.1 4.36 4.87 5.85 4.97 ...
##  $ ACO : num  0.59 0.57 0.61 0.61 0.63 0.66 0.71 0.77 0.84 0.74 ...
##  $ AHS : num  3.26 3.13 3.02 3.14 3.75 3.24 2.77 2.74 3.02 2.84 ...
##  $ SI  : num  21 21.6 12.6 17.6 35.3 ...
##  $ SRI : num  28.3 20.9 26 28.5 27.2 ...
##  $ UI  : num  60.1 65.7 63.2 66.2 58.4 ...

Note: The dataframe function transforms columns into variables and rows into observations.

Take a look at the dataframe
head(df, 10)
##    TODU  ACO  AHS    SI   SRI    UI
## 1  3.18 0.59 3.26 21.01 28.32 60.10
## 2  3.89 0.57 3.13 21.61 20.89 65.71
## 3  3.98 0.61 3.02 12.57 25.99 63.19
## 4  4.16 0.61 3.14 17.61 28.52 66.24
## 5  3.60 0.63 3.75 35.32 27.18 58.36
## 6  4.10 0.66 3.24 14.73 27.95 59.58
## 7  4.36 0.71 2.77 11.61 39.91 64.64
## 8  4.87 0.77 2.74 10.71 48.36 67.88
## 9  5.85 0.84 3.02  8.20 42.15 56.86
## 10 4.97 0.74 2.84  7.94 38.14 62.44
Show summary statistics
Name df
Number of rows 57
Number of columns 6
Column type frequency:
numeric 6
Group variables None

Data summary

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
TODU 0 1 5.37 1.33 3.02 4.54 5.10 6.13 9.14 ▃▇▅▃▁
ACO 0 1 0.81 0.18 0.50 0.67 0.79 0.92 1.32 ▆▇▇▃▁
AHS 0 1 3.19 0.39 1.83 3.00 3.19 3.37 4.50 ▁▂▇▂▁
SI 0 1 13.07 12.19 2.17 6.82 9.86 15.08 62.53 ▇▂▁▁▁
SRI 0 1 49.56 15.84 20.89 38.14 49.37 60.85 87.38 ▅▆▇▅▂
UI 0 1 52.62 13.46 24.08 44.80 55.51 61.09 83.66 ▃▅▇▅▁

Deal with missing data

Is there missing data? How many?

##   342

Note: We do not have any missing data in the dataset.

Dataset with missing data

For the sake of the example, I deleted some values in the dataset and created a copy file. Import the file and take a look at some functions that you can use to treat missing data.

df_missing <- read_excel("Data/TDM_Class3_MLR_Chicago_Example_md.xls")
df_missing <- data.frame(df_missing)

How many missing data?

##   337     5

Plot the percentage of missing data


Treat missing data

  • Listwise deletion. Delete observation (row) with incomplete information.
df_missingListwise = na.omit(df_missing) #removes all rows with at least one NA in any variable
  • Pairwise deletion. Delete only the row of missing value if the variable is used.
df_missingPairwise = df_missing[!$ACO),] #removes all rows with NA in ACO variable

Note: Listwise deletion may lose a lot of information, while pairwise deletion considers diferent sizes of variables in the analysis, which may be a problem. Choosing one method or the other depends on the number of missing data, sample size and characteristics of your data.

  • Replace missing value with mean or median
df_missing$ACO[$ACO)] <- mean(df_missing$ACO, na.rm = TRUE)
df_missing$ACO[$ACO)] <- median(df_missing$ACO, na.rm = TRUE)

Note: Here are just some examples of how to treat missing data. Take a look at other methods such as the prediction model or K-nearest neighbor imputation.

Detect outliers

  • Examine the boxplots
df_no_outliers <- df

  • Take out the outliers from the variable SI
outlier <- function(x){
  quant <- quantile(x, probs=c(0.25, 0.75))
  caps <- quantile(x, probs=c(0.05, 0.95))
  H <- 1.5* IQR(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  x[x < (quant[1] - H)] <- caps[1]
  x[x > (quant[2] + H)] <- caps[2]

df_no_outliers$SI = outlier(df_no_outliers$SI)
  • Take a look again at the boxplots

  • Compare results of the dataset with and without the outliers
## [1] 13.07316
## [1] 12.14681


## [1] 9.86
## [1] 9.86


## [1] 148.5175
## [1] 80.62296

Note: There are many methods to treat outliers. This is just one of them. Try using other methods and evaluate the difference. In the next chapter we will demonstrate other methods of detecting outliers such as the Cook distance and QQ plot.


Plot histograms of all the continuous variables

plot_histogram(df, ncol = 3) #with 3 columns

Note: Take a special look at TODU, and see if the variable looks like a normal distribution.

How do the other variables behave regarding TODU?

Plot boxplots of each independent variable with TODU

plot_boxplot(df, by = "TODU", ncol = 3)

Note: If you increase the average car ownership (ACO) it will tend to increase the number of trips per dwelling unit (TODU). This makes sense. Try analyzing the other relations and check if it is coherent.


Plot correlation heatmaps

res <- cor.mtest(df, conf.level = .95) #store the results so you can call the p-value at the corrplot

corrplot(cor(df), p.mat = res$p, method = "number", type = "upper", order="hclust", sig.level = 0.05)

Note: The pairwise correlations that are crossed are statistically insignificant. The null hypothesis is that the correlation is zero. This means that the correlations are only significant when you reject the null hypothesis (pvalue < 0.05).
See ?corrplot for more options.
Try putting into method “color” or “circle”, and see the diference.

Therefore, take a look at this example and check the pvalue of a crossed pair correlation:

cor.test(df$AHS, df$SI)
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  df$AHS and df$SI
## t = 0.63199, df = 55, p-value = 0.53
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.1796317  0.3379997
## sample estimates:
##        cor 
## 0.08491026

The default for cor.test is Pearson, two-sided, with a 95% confident level. Check ?cor.test for more options.

Now that you have done some descriptive analysis of the data, go to the next chapter. There you will learn how to perform a Multiple Linear Regression model!