+ "text": "Getting started\nOpen SUMO-gui (Graphic User Interface). You should have a window like this:\n\nSeveral tutorials are available. Try these ones:\n\nHello World - Creating a simple network and demand scenario with netedit and visualizing it using sumo-gui\nOSMWebWizard - Setting up a scenario with just a few clicks using osmWebWizard.py; getting a network from OpenStreetMap\nQuick Start - A more complex tutorial with netedit; first steps in SUMO\nDriving in Circles - Work with netedit; define a flow; let vehicles drive in circles using rerouters\nSUMOlympics - Create special lanes and simple traffic lights in netedit, more about flows and vehicle types, working with vehicle\nAutobahn - Build a highway, create a mixed highway flow, visualize vehicle speed, save view settings\nImporting GTFS - Importing public transport schedules from public sources using the General Transit Feed Specification\n\n\n\nImport from OpenStreetMap\nThis requires having Python installed.\n\nWindows: Start -> All Programs -> OSM Web Wizard\nMacOS: 🐼\nLinux (terminal):\n\ncd ~/sumo/tools\npython3 osmWebWizard.py\nAnd a window will open in your browser.\n\nYou may zoom and pan to the area of your interest1. Click on “Select Area” and draw a rectangle with your mouse for which you wish to generate the simulation scenario.\n\nNetwork Generation\nThe infrastructure import from OSM into the SUMO simulation are affected by different Wizard options\n\nby default the “Add Polygon” checkbox is checked and a road traffic simulation is generated but all types of roads and rails will be imported as well (cycle paths, footpaths, railways etc)\nif the checkbox “left-hand Traffic” is enabled, the network will be built with left hand traffic rules. For most geographic regions where this is required, this feature will be enabled automatically but if it does not work, this option can be used as a remedy.\nif the checkbox “Car-only Network” is enabled, then only roads that permit passenger car traffic will be included. This can be used to reduce the network size and also helps to reduce intersection complexity\nif the checkbox “Import Public Transport” is enabled, then busStops and trainStops will be exported. Also busses, trams and trains will be generated that follow the public transport routes defined in OSM (but they will follow synthetic schedules).\nif the Demand-checkbox “Bicycles” is active, then extra bicycle lanes will be added to roads where OSM contains this information\nif the Demand-checkbox “Pedestrians” is active, then sidewalks and pedestrian crossings will be generated\n\n\n\nDemand Generation\nThe demand is defined by the demand generation panel. You activate this panel by clicking on the car pictogram.\n\nSUMO supports various modes of transport. At the demand generation panel, you can activate/deactivate the individual modes of transport by clicking the corresponding checkboxes. For each mode of transport, the OSM Web Wizard generates random demand based on a certain probability distribution, which is influenced by two parameters:\n\nEvery time a new vehicle is generated, the OSM Web Wizard randomly chooses a departure and arrival edge for the vehicle. The Through Traffic Factor defines how many times it is more likely for an edge at the boundary of the simulation area being chosen, compared to an edge entirely located inside the simulation area. A big value for the Through Traffic Factor implies that many vehicles depart and arrive at the boundary of the simulation area, which corresponds to a scenario with a lot of through traffic.\nThe Count parameter defines how many vehicles are generated per hour and lane-kilometer. Assuming\n\nthe network contains 3 edges with a combined length of 5 km\nthat each has 2 lanes which allows the current traffic mode\nand the count value is set to 90,\nthen 5 * 2 * 90 = 900 vehicles per hour will be generated.\n\n\nThis translates to a randomTrips parameter of p=4 which means a new vehicle is inserted every 4 seconds somewhere in the network.\nThe next step is generating and running the scenario.\n\n\nRoad-Type Selection\nIn the Road-Type tab of the OSM Web Wizard one can define which road types to be downloaded and rendered.\n\nFor example, one can only choose motorways, primary, secondary and tertiary to simulate major traffic. This impacts the file size of the OSM map data.\nBy default, all road types are checked which implies downloading and rendering all roads.\nUnchecking the “Add Polygon” checkbox in the Demand Generation section disables downloading and rendering non-road objects like buildings, waterways, etc. resulting in a smaller file size.\n\n\nGenerating and Running the scenario\nThe complete scenario will be generated automatically once Generate Scenario in the control panel has been clicked. The scenario generation takes a couple of seconds or minutes (depending, among other factors, on the size of the scenario).\nOnce the scenario generation process has finished, the sumo-gui starts and the simulation can be started by pressing the Play button.\n You will see agents making their trips. Adjust the Delay to make it faster or slower.\n\nA new directory under your user folder ~/SUMO/yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss will be created to host the data and results. You may now edit those files and re-run the simulation (open run file).\n\n\n\nUse the case study data\n\nSoon 🥽"
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