From 77559b1e1f8e62e75b25d967ae2a270b63f008c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lghiur <>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 11:20:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Import config/docs
tyk-docs/assets/others/gateway-swagger.yml | 105 ++++--
tyk-docs/content/shared/ | 56 ++-
tyk-docs/content/shared/ | 406 ++++++++++++++++++++-
3 files changed, 529 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tyk-docs/assets/others/gateway-swagger.yml b/tyk-docs/assets/others/gateway-swagger.yml
index 40fd7e5621..ecb7719ecb 100644
--- a/tyk-docs/assets/others/gateway-swagger.yml
+++ b/tyk-docs/assets/others/gateway-swagger.yml
@@ -1787,7 +1787,7 @@ paths:
summary: Return one certificate or list multiple certificates in the Tyk Gateway
given a comma separated list of cert IDs.
- - CertsTag
+ - Certs
description: Used to test API definition by sending sample request and analysing
@@ -1796,29 +1796,71 @@ paths:
- example:
- request:
- method: GET
- path: /update-listen-path
- spec:
- api_id: b84fe1a04e5648927971c0557971565c
- auth:
- auth_header_name: authorization
- definition:
- key: version
- location: header
- name: Tyk Test API
- org_id: 664a14650619d40001f1f00f
- proxy:
- listen_path: /tyk-api-test/
- strip_listen_path: true
- target_url:
- use_oauth2: true
- version_data:
- not_versioned: true
- versions:
- Default:
- name: Default
+ examples:
+ apiDefinition:
+ summary: Calling debug endpoint with classic API definition.
+ value:
+ request:
+ method: GET
+ path: /update-listen-path
+ spec:
+ api_id: b84fe1a04e5648927971c0557971565c
+ auth:
+ auth_header_name: authorization
+ definition:
+ key: version
+ location: header
+ name: Tyk Test API
+ org_id: 664a14650619d40001f1f00f
+ proxy:
+ listen_path: /tyk-api-test/
+ strip_listen_path: true
+ target_url:
+ use_oauth2: true
+ version_data:
+ not_versioned: true
+ versions:
+ Default:
+ name: Default
+ oasApiDefinition:
+ summary: Calling debug endpoint with OAS API definition.
+ value:
+ request:
+ method: GET
+ path: /get
+ oas:
+ info:
+ title: testdebug
+ version: 1.0.0
+ openapi: 3.0.3
+ servers:
+ - url: http://localhost:8181/testdebug/
+ security: []
+ paths: {}
+ components:
+ securitySchemes: {}
+ x-tyk-api-gateway:
+ info:
+ dbId: 67a25ff65b60081c8731464f
+ id: d37ea0e360c245cf406d640f1dbf788d
+ orgId: 645b3db586341f751f4258aa
+ name: testdebug
+ state:
+ active: true
+ internal: false
+ middleware:
+ global:
+ contextVariables:
+ enabled: true
+ trafficLogs:
+ enabled: true
+ server:
+ listenPath:
+ strip: true
+ value: "/testdebug/"
+ upstream:
+ url:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TraceRequest'
@@ -1861,7 +1903,7 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiStatusMessage'
description: Internal server error.
- summary: Test an an API definition.
+ summary: Test a Classic or an OAS API definition.
- Debug
@@ -6277,6 +6319,7 @@ components:
- executionEngine
- subgraph
- supergraph
+ - "" # Allow empty string
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/GraphQLIntrospectionConfig'
@@ -6301,9 +6344,9 @@ components:
type: array
- - ''''
- "1"
- "2"
+ - "" # Allow empty string
type: string
type: object
@@ -7265,6 +7308,7 @@ components:
type: number
type: object
+ nullable: true
@@ -7718,12 +7762,19 @@ components:
type: string
type: object
+ type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TraceHttpRequest'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/APIDefinition'
- type: object
+ oas:
+ oneOf:
+ - $ref: ''
+ - $ref: '#/components/schemas/XTykAPIGateway'
+ oneOf:
+ - required: [oas]
+ - required: [spec]
diff --git a/tyk-docs/content/shared/ b/tyk-docs/content/shared/
index bacae7a87e..24261dc95b 100644
--- a/tyk-docs/content/shared/
+++ b/tyk-docs/content/shared/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Custom hostname for the Control API
Type: `int`
-Set to run your Gateway Control API on a separate port, and protect it behind a firewall if needed. Please make sure you follow this guide when setting the control port
+Set to run your Gateway Control API on a separate port, and protect it behind a firewall if needed. Please make sure you follow this guide when setting the control port
### secret
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ Start your Gateway HTTP server on specific server name
Type: `uint16`
-Minimum TLS version. Possible values:
+Minimum TLS version. Possible values:
### http_server_options.max_version
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ Disable automatic character escaping, allowing to path original URL data to the
Type: `[]string`
-Custom SSL ciphers. See list of ciphers here
+Custom SSL ciphers. See list of ciphers here
### http_server_options.max_request_body_size
@@ -1666,6 +1666,40 @@ Type: `string`
You can now configure the log format to be either the standard or json format
If not set or left empty, it will default to `standard`.
+### access_logs
+AccessLogs configures the output for access logs.
+If not configured, the access log is disabled.
+### access_logs.enabled
+Type: `bool`
+Enabled controls enabling the transaction logs. Default: false.
+### access_logs.template
+Type: `[]string`
+Template configures which fields to log into the access log.
+If unconfigured, all fields listed will be logged.
+Example: ["client_ip", "path"].
+Template Options:
+- `api_key` will include they obfuscated or hashed key.
+- `client_ip` will include the ip of the request.
+- `host` will include the host of the request.
+- `method` will include the request method.
+- `path` will include the path of the request.
+- `protocol` will include the protocol of the request.
+- `remote_addr` will include the remote address of the request.
+- `upstream_addr` will include the upstream address (scheme, host and path)
+- `upstream_latency` will include the upstream latency of the request.
+- `latency_total` will include the total latency of the request.
+- `user_agent` will include the user agent of the request.
+- `status` will include the response status code.
### tracing
Section for configuring OpenTracing support
Deprecated: use OpenTelemetry instead.
@@ -1980,7 +2014,7 @@ global session lifetime, in seconds.
Type: `struct`
-See more details
+See more details
### kv.consul.address
@@ -2064,7 +2098,17 @@ KVVersion is the version number of Vault. Usually defaults to 2
Type: `map[string]string`
-Secrets are key-value pairs that can be accessed in the dashboard via "secrets://"
+Secrets configures a list of key/value pairs for the gateway.
+When configuring it via environment variable, the expected value
+is a comma separated list of key-value pairs delimited with a colon.
+Example: `TYK_GW_SECRETS=key1:value1,key2:/value2`
+Produces: `{"key1": "value1", "key2": "/value2"}`
+The secret value may be used as `secrets://key1` from the API definition.
+In versions before gateway 5.3, only `listen_path` and `target_url` fields
+have had the secrets replaced.
+See more details
### override_messages
Override the default error code and or message returned by middleware.
@@ -2094,7 +2138,7 @@ Sample Override Message Setting
Type: `bool`
-Cloud flag shows the Gateway runs in migration-to-tyk#begin-with-tyk-cloud.
+Cloud flag shows the Gateway runs in Tyk-cloud.
### jwt_ssl_insecure_skip_verify
diff --git a/tyk-docs/content/shared/ b/tyk-docs/content/shared/
index 422f02ce51..09fd22adbf 100644
--- a/tyk-docs/content/shared/
+++ b/tyk-docs/content/shared/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## Tyk OAS API Definition Object
+## Tyk vendor extension reference
XTykAPIGateway contains custom Tyk API extensions for the OpenAPI definition.
The values for the extensions are stored inside the OpenAPI document, under
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ ServiceDiscovery contains the configuration related to Service Discovery.
Tyk classic API definition: `proxy.service_discovery`.
-**Field: `test` ([Test](#test))**
-Test contains the configuration related to uptime tests.
+**Field: `uptimeTests` ([UptimeTests](#uptimetests))**
+UptimeTests contains the configuration related to uptime tests.
**Field: `mutualTLS` ([MutualTLS](#mutualtls))**
MutualTLS contains the configuration for establishing a mutual TLS connection between Tyk and the upstream server.
@@ -78,6 +78,25 @@ RateLimit contains the configuration related to API level rate limit.
**Field: `authentication` ([UpstreamAuth](#upstreamauth))**
Authentication contains the configuration related to upstream authentication.
+**Field: `loadBalancing` ([LoadBalancing](#loadbalancing))**
+LoadBalancing contains configuration for load balancing between multiple upstream targets.
+**Field: `preserveHostHeader` ([PreserveHostHeader](#preservehostheader))**
+PreserveHostHeader contains the configuration for preserving the host header.
+**Field: `preserveTrailingSlash` ([PreserveTrailingSlash](#preservetrailingslash))**
+PreserveTrailingSlash contains the configuration for preserving the host header.
+**Field: `tlsTransport` ([TLSTransport](#tlstransport))**
+TLSTransport contains the configuration for TLS transport settings.
+Tyk classic API definition: `proxy.transport`.
+**Field: `proxy` ([Proxy](#proxy))**
+Proxy contains the configuration for an internal proxy.
+Tyk classic API definition: `proxy.proxy_url`.
### **Server**
Server contains the configuration that sets Tyk up to receive requests from the client applications.
@@ -118,6 +137,28 @@ EventHandlers contains the configuration related to Tyk Events.
Tyk classic API definition: `event_handlers`.
+**Field: `ipAccessControl` ([IPAccessControl](#ipaccesscontrol))**
+IPAccessControl configures IP access control for this API.
+Tyk classic API definition: `allowed_ips` and `blacklisted_ips`.
+**Field: `batchProcessing` ([BatchProcessing](#batchprocessing))**
+BatchProcessing contains configuration settings to enable or disable batch request support for the API.
+Tyk classic API definition: `enable_batch_request_support`.
+**Field: `protocol` (`string`)**
+Protocol configures the HTTP protocol used by the API.
+Possible values are:
+- "http": Standard HTTP/1.1 protocol
+- "http2": HTTP/2 protocol with TLS
+- "h2c": HTTP/2 protocol without TLS (cleartext).
+**Field: `port` (`int`)**
+Port Setting this value will change the port that Tyk listens on. Default: 8080.
### **Middleware**
Middleware holds configuration for Tyk's native middleware.
@@ -297,15 +338,33 @@ EndpointReturnsList is set `true` when the response type is a list instead of an
Tyk classic API definition: `service_discovery.endpoint_returns_list`.
-### **Test**
+### **UptimeTests**
+UptimeTests configures uptime tests.
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled if true enables uptime tests.
-Test holds the test configuration for service discovery.
+Tyk classic API definition: `check_hosts_against_uptime_tests`.
**Field: `serviceDiscovery` ([ServiceDiscovery](#servicediscovery))**
ServiceDiscovery contains the configuration related to test Service Discovery.
Tyk classic API definition: `proxy.service_discovery`.
+**Field: `tests` ([[]UptimeTest](#uptimetest))**
+Tests contains individual connectivity tests defined for checking if a service is online.
+**Field: `hostDownRetestPeriod` (`time.ReadableDuration`)**
+HostDownRetestPeriod is the time to wait until rechecking a failed test.
+If undefined, the default testing interval (10s) is in use.
+Setting this to a lower value would result in quicker recovery on failed checks.
+**Field: `logRetentionPeriod` (`time.ReadableDuration`)**
+LogRetentionPeriod holds a time to live for the uptime test results.
+If unset, a value of 100 years is the default.
### **MutualTLS**
MutualTLS contains the configuration for establishing a mutual TLS connection between Tyk and the upstream server.
@@ -393,6 +452,101 @@ BasicAuth holds the basic authentication configuration for upstream API authenti
**Field: `oauth` ([UpstreamOAuth](#upstreamoauth))**
OAuth contains the configuration for OAuth2 Client Credentials flow.
+**Field: `requestSigning` ([UpstreamRequestSigning](#upstreamrequestsigning))**
+RequestSigning holds the configuration for generating signed requests to an upstream API.
+### **LoadBalancing**
+LoadBalancing represents the configuration for load balancing between multiple upstream targets.
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled determines if load balancing is active.
+**Field: `targets` ([[]LoadBalancingTarget](#loadbalancingtarget))**
+Targets defines the list of targets with their respective weights for load balancing.
+### **PreserveHostHeader**
+PreserveHostHeader holds the configuration for preserving the host header.
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled activates preserving the host header.
+### **PreserveTrailingSlash**
+PreserveTrailingSlash holds the configuration for preserving the
+trailing slash when routed to upstream services.
+The default behaviour of Tyk is to strip any trailing slash (/) from
+the target URL when proxying the request upstream. In some use cases the
+upstream might expect the trailing slash - or might consider /users/ to
+be a different endpoint from /users (for example).
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled activates preserving the trailing slash when routing requests.
+### **TLSTransport**
+TLSTransport contains the configuration for TLS transport settings.
+This struct allows you to specify a custom proxy and set the minimum TLS versions and any SSL ciphers.
+ {
+ "proxy_url": "http(s)://proxy.url:1234",
+ "minVersion": "1.0",
+ "maxVersion": "1.0",
+ "ciphers": [
+ ],
+ "insecureSkipVerify": true,
+ "forceCommonNameCheck": false
+ }
+Tyk classic API definition: `proxy.transport`
+**Field: `insecureSkipVerify` (`boolean`)**
+InsecureSkipVerify controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name.
+If InsecureSkipVerify is true, crypto/tls accepts any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that certificate.
+In this mode, TLS is susceptible to machine-in-the-middle attacks unless custom verification is used.
+This should be used only for testing or in combination with VerifyConnection or VerifyPeerCertificate.
+Tyk classic API definition: `proxy.transport.ssl_insecure_skip_verify`.
+**Field: `ciphers` (`[]string`)**
+Ciphers is a list of SSL ciphers to be used. If unset, the default ciphers will be used.
+Tyk classic API definition: `proxy.transport.ssl_ciphers`.
+**Field: `minVersion` (`string`)**
+MinVersion is the minimum SSL/TLS version that is acceptable.
+Tyk classic API definition: `proxy.transport.ssl_min_version`.
+**Field: `maxVersion` (`string`)**
+MaxVersion is the maximum SSL/TLS version that is acceptable.
+**Field: `forceCommonNameCheck` (`boolean`)**
+ForceCommonNameCheck forces the validation of the hostname against the certificate Common Name.
+Tyk classic API definition: `proxy.transport.ssl_force_common_name_check`.
+### **Proxy**
+Proxy contains the configuration for an internal proxy.
+Tyk classic API definition: `proxy.proxy_url`
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled determines if the proxy is active.
+**Field: `url` (`string`)**
+URL specifies the URL of the internal proxy.
### **ListenPath**
ListenPath is the base path on Tyk to which requests for this API
@@ -470,6 +624,9 @@ Tyk classic API definition: `auth_configs["coprocess"]`.
**Field: `securitySchemes` ([SecuritySchemes](#securityschemes))**
SecuritySchemes contains security schemes definitions.
+**Field: `customKeyLifetime` ([CustomKeyLifetime](#customkeylifetime))**
+CustomKeyLifetime contains configuration for the maximum retention period for tokens.
### **ClientCertificates**
ClientCertificates contains the configurations related to establishing static mutual TLS between the client and Tyk.
@@ -530,6 +687,28 @@ EventHandlers holds the list of events to be processed for the API.
Type defined as array of `EventHandler` values, see [EventHandler](#eventhandler) definition.
+### **IPAccessControl**
+IPAccessControl represents IP access control configuration.
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled indicates whether IP access control is enabled.
+**Field: `allow` (`[]string`)**
+Allow is a list of allowed IP addresses or CIDR blocks (e.g. "").
+Note that if an IP address is present in both Allow and Block, the Block rule will take precedence.
+**Field: `block` (`[]string`)**
+Block is a list of blocked IP addresses or CIDR blocks (e.g. "").
+If an IP address is present in both Allow and Block, the Block rule will take precedence.
+### **BatchProcessing**
+BatchProcessing represents the configuration for enabling or disabling batch request support for an API.
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled determines whether batch request support is enabled or disabled for the API.
### **Global**
Global contains configuration that affects the whole API (all endpoints).
@@ -600,6 +779,21 @@ ContextVariables contains the configuration related to Tyk context variables.
**Field: `trafficLogs` ([TrafficLogs](#trafficlogs))**
TrafficLogs contains the configurations related to API level log analytics.
+**Field: `requestSizeLimit` ([GlobalRequestSizeLimit](#globalrequestsizelimit))**
+RequestSizeLimit contains the configuration related to limiting the global request size.
+**Field: `ignoreCase` ([IgnoreCase](#ignorecase))**
+IgnoreCase contains the configuration to treat routes as case-insensitive.
+**Field: `skipRateLimit` (`boolean`)**
+SkipRateLimit determines whether the rate-limiting middleware logic should be skipped. Classic: `disable_rate_limit`.
+**Field: `skipQuota` (`boolean`)**
+SkipQuota determines whether quota enforcement should be bypassed. Classic: `disable_quota`.
+**Field: `skipQuotaReset` (`boolean`)**
+SkipQuotaReset indicates if quota limits should not be reset when creating or updating quotas for the API. Classic: `dont_set_quota_on_create`.
### **Operations**
Operations holds Operation definitions.
@@ -632,6 +826,44 @@ Timeout is the TTL for a cached object in seconds.
Tyk classic API definition: `service_discovery.cache_timeout`.
+### **UptimeTest**
+UptimeTest configures an uptime test check.
+**Field: `url` (`string`)**
+CheckURL is the URL for a request. If service discovery is in use,
+the hostname will be resolved to a service host.
+- ``
+- `https://webcluster.service/health`
+- `` (for TCP checks).
+**Field: `protocol` (`string`)**
+Protocol is the protocol for the request. Supported values are
+`http` and `tcp`, depending on what kind of check is performed.
+**Field: `timeout` (`time.ReadableDuration`)**
+Timeout declares a timeout for the request. If the test exceeds
+this timeout, the check fails.
+**Field: `method` (`string`)**
+Method allows you to customize the HTTP method for the test (`GET`, `POST`,...).
+**Field: `headers` (`map[string]string`)**
+Headers contain any custom headers for the back end service.
+**Field: `body` (`string`)**
+Body is the body of the test request.
+**Field: `commands` ([[]UptimeTestCommand](#uptimetestcommand))**
+Commands are used for TCP checks.
+**Field: `enableProxyProtocol` (`boolean`)**
+EnableProxyProtocol enables proxy protocol support when making request.
+The back end service needs to support this.
### **DomainToCertificate**
DomainToCertificate holds a single mapping of domain name into a certificate.
@@ -684,6 +916,41 @@ ClientCredentials holds the configuration for OAuth2 Client Credentials flow.
**Field: `password` ([PasswordAuthentication](#passwordauthentication))**
PasswordAuthentication holds the configuration for upstream OAauth password authentication flow.
+### **UpstreamRequestSigning**
+UpstreamRequestSigning represents configuration for generating signed requests to an upstream API.
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled determines if request signing is enabled or disabled.
+**Field: `signatureHeader` (`string`)**
+SignatureHeader specifies the HTTP header name for the signature.
+**Field: `algorithm` (`string`)**
+Algorithm represents the signing algorithm used (e.g., HMAC-SHA256).
+**Field: `keyId` (`string`)**
+KeyID identifies the key used for signing purposes.
+**Field: `headers` (`[]string`)**
+Headers contains a list of headers included in the signature calculation.
+**Field: `secret` (`string`)**
+Secret holds the secret used for signing when applicable.
+**Field: `certificateId` (`string`)**
+CertificateID specifies the certificate ID used in signing operations.
+### **LoadBalancingTarget**
+LoadBalancingTarget represents a single upstream target for load balancing with a URL and an associated weight.
+**Field: `url` (`string`)**
+URL specifies the upstream target URL for load balancing, represented as a string.
+**Field: `weight` (`int`)**
+Weight specifies the relative distribution factor for load balancing, determining the importance of this target.
### **HMAC**
HMAC holds the configuration for the HMAC authentication mode.
@@ -761,6 +1028,38 @@ Tyk classic API definition: `custom_middleware.auth_check`.
SecuritySchemes holds security scheme values, filled with Import().
+### **CustomKeyLifetime**
+CustomKeyLifetime contains configuration for custom key retention.
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled enables custom maximum retention for keys for the API
+Tyk classic API definition: `disable_expire_analytics`.
+**Field: `value` ([ReadableDuration](#readableduration))**
+Value configures the expiry interval for a Key.
+The value is a string that specifies the interval in a compact form,
+where hours, minutes and seconds are denoted by 'h', 'm' and 's' respectively.
+Multiple units can be combined to represent the duration.
+Examples of valid shorthand notations:
+- "1h" : one hour
+- "20m" : twenty minutes
+- "30s" : thirty seconds
+- "1m29s": one minute and twenty-nine seconds
+- "1h30m" : one hour and thirty minutes
+An empty value is interpreted as "0s"
+Tyk classic API definition: `expire_analytics_after`.
+**Field: `respectValidity` (`boolean`)**
+RespectValidity ensures that Tyk respects the expiry configured in the key when the API level configuration grants a shorter lifetime.
+That is, Redis waits until the key has expired before deleting it.
### **EventHandler**
EventHandler holds information about individual event to be configured on the API.
@@ -783,6 +1082,12 @@ Name is the name of event handler.
**Field: `` ([WebhookEvent](#webhookevent))**
Webhook contains WebhookEvent configs. Encoding and decoding is handled by the custom marshaller.
+**Field: `` ([JSVMEvent](#jsvmevent))**
+JSVMEvent holds information about JavaScript VM events.
+**Field: `` ([LogEvent](#logevent))**
+LogEvent represents the configuration for logging events tied to an event handler.
### **PluginConfig**
PluginConfig holds configuration for custom plugins.
@@ -1022,6 +1327,51 @@ Enabled enables traffic log analytics for the API.
Tyk classic API definition: `do_not_track`.
+**Field: `tagHeaders` (`[]string`)**
+TagHeaders is a string array of HTTP headers that can be extracted
+and transformed into analytics tags (statistics aggregated by tag, per hour).
+**Field: `customRetentionPeriod` ([ReadableDuration](#readableduration))**
+CustomRetentionPeriod configures a custom value for how long the analytics is retained for,
+defaults to 100 years.
+**Field: `plugins` ([CustomAnalyticsPlugins](#customanalyticsplugins))**
+Plugins configures custom plugins to allow for extensive modifications to analytics records
+The plugins would be executed in the order of configuration in the list.
+### **GlobalRequestSizeLimit**
+GlobalRequestSizeLimit holds configuration about the global limits for request sizes.
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled activates the Request Size Limit.
+Tyk classic API definition: `version_data.versions..global_size_limit_disabled`.
+**Field: `value` (`int64`)**
+Value contains the value of the request size limit.
+Tyk classic API definition: `version_data.versions..global_size_limit`.
+### **IgnoreCase**
+IgnoreCase will make route matching be case insensitive.
+This accepts request to `/AAA` or `/aaa` if set to true.
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled activates case insensitive route matching.
+### **UptimeTestCommand**
+UptimeTestCommand handles additional checks for tcp connections.
+**Field: `name` (`string`)**
+Name can be either `send` or `expect`, designating if the
+message should be sent, or read from the connection.
+**Field: `message` (`string`)**
+Message contains the payload to send or expect.
### **PinnedPublicKey**
PinnedPublicKey contains a mapping from the domain name into a list of public keys.
@@ -1122,6 +1472,9 @@ Path is the path to shared object file in case of goplugin mode or path to JS co
**Field: `rawBodyOnly` (`boolean`)**
RawBodyOnly if set to true, do not fill body in request or response object.
+**Field: `requireSession` (`boolean`)**
+RequireSession passes down the session information for plugins after authentication.
**Field: `idExtractor` ([IDExtractor](#idextractor))**
IDExtractor configures ID extractor with coprocess custom authentication.
@@ -1163,6 +1516,23 @@ BodyTemplate is the template to be used for request payload.
**Field: `headers` ([Headers](#headers))**
Headers are the list of request headers to be used.
+### **JSVMEvent**
+JSVMEvent represents a JavaScript VM event configuration for event handlers.
+**Field: `functionName` (`string`)**
+FunctionName specifies the JavaScript function name to be executed.
+**Field: `path` (`string`)**
+Path specifies the path to the JavaScript file containing the function.
+### **LogEvent**
+LogEvent represents the configuration for logging events within an event handler.
+**Field: `logPrefix` (`string`)**
+LogPrefix defines the prefix used for log messages in the logging event.
### **PluginBundle**
PluginBundle holds configuration for custom plugins.
@@ -1273,6 +1643,12 @@ Headers is an array of Header.
Type defined as array of `Header` values, see [Header](#header) definition.
+### **CustomAnalyticsPlugins**
+CustomAnalyticsPlugins is a list of CustomPlugin objects for analytics.
+Type defined as array of `CustomPlugin` values, see [CustomPlugin](#customplugin) definition.
### **ClientToPolicy**
ClientToPolicy contains a 1-1 mapping between Client ID and Policy ID.
@@ -1319,6 +1695,26 @@ Name is the name of the header.
**Field: `value` (`string`)**
Value is the value of the header.
+### **CustomPlugin**
+CustomPlugin configures custom plugin.
+**Field: `enabled` (`boolean`)**
+Enabled activates the custom pre plugin.
+**Field: `functionName` (`string`)**
+FunctionName is the name of authentication method.
+**Field: `path` (`string`)**
+Path is the path to shared object file in case of goplugin mode or path to JS code in case of otto auth plugin.
+**Field: `rawBodyOnly` (`boolean`)**
+RawBodyOnly if set to true, do not fill body in request or response object.
+**Field: `requireSession` (`boolean`)**
+RequireSession if set to true passes down the session information for plugins after authentication.
+RequireSession is used only with JSVM custom middleware.
### **IDExtractorConfig**
IDExtractorConfig specifies the configuration for ID extractor.