- 1 – Arduino board (with extra sensorpin headers or sensor shield & USB cable)
- 1 – Dedicated 9v DC wall PSU
- 1 – Passive buzzer
- 1 – Temp+Humidity DHT-22 sensor
- 1 – PIR Motion Sensor HC-SR501
- 1 – Soil/Floor Water HL-69 sensor
- 1 – WiFi module ESP8266 (ESP01) + 3.3v→5v adapter module
- 11 – F/F Dupont connection wires
- 6 – M/F Dupont connection wires
- (opt) – project case, hot glue, etc
The build doc is the working document (~6 pages) for the hands on workshop and relies on the LCBB Arduino cookbook to give the specific What info (theory), the How (to hook it up and code it), and Failure section to help you diagnose when things go wrong.
Feel free to submit any bug reports or change pull requests.
All LCBB code and related materials are copy left (open sourced) under the Creative Commons (CC)(BY)(SA)[1] License.
[1] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_license#Types_of_licenses