- 2023-0330: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.3
- 2023-0318: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.3
- Removes deprecated calls to KSPe. Minimum target is v2.5 now.
- Renders it compatible to TweakScale and superior only.
- 2023-0304: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.3
- Adds Support for Far Future Technologies
- 2021-1016: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.3
- Fix a bug on patch. Thanks to AccidentalDissassemly!
- Closes issues:
- #5 Missing curly braces in patch file
- 2021-1010: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.3
- Refactoring using the new KSPe.Light.TweakScale v2.4 facilities to allow it to be safely installed on rigs without it.
- Lots of flexibility on packaging in the near future
- Refactoring using the new KSPe.Light.TweakScale v2.4 facilities to allow it to be safely installed on rigs without it.
- 2021-0919: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.3
- Rebranding the Companion from Near Future (NF) to Post Kerbin Mining Corporation (PKMC)
- Small updates on the existing patches for Near Future
- Adds support for SSPX (Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux)
- 2021-0117: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.3
- TweakScale Companion for Near Future goes gold! #HURRAY
- 2020-1001: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.3
- Fixing a master bork on dependencies
- Coding late night when you should be sleeping can be dangerous sometimes.
- Fixing a master bork on dependencies
- 2020-0927: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.3
- Another batch of patch revisions
- Added missing Scale Exponents
- Revised and fixed Cleaning Ups
- Some parts had the scaling revised
- Added Show Stopper when using TweakScale 2.4.3.x or older
- Only TweakScale 2.4.4 can overcome KSP "automatic updating" scheme that rendered TweakScale automatic Scaling fixes useless.
- New Savegames are ok to go, but ongoing Savegames will risk corruption unless you use TweakScale 2.4.4. or newer!
- Since the patches are tied to NF Add'Ons and TweakScale, it's possible to be installed down to KSP 1.3 - as long it runs TweakScale 2.4.4 or newer and has a working NF Add'On available!
- Another batch of patch revisions
- 2020-0823: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.4
- Patches revision.
- Suppressing some warnings on the
- Suppressing some warnings on the
- Patches revision.
- 2020-0726: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.4
- Patches revision.
- Missing parts added
- Reorganisation
- Double checking with the lint tool.
- Patches revision.
- 2020-0614: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.4
- Added support for:
- Near Future Aeronautics
- Near Future Construction
- Near Future Electrical
- Near Future Exploration
- Near Future Construction
- Near Future Launch Vehicles
- Near Future Propulsion
- Near Future SpaceCraft
- Added support for:
- 2020-0511: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.4
- One more mistake fixed.
- 2020-0507: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.4
- Lots of mistakes fixed
- Added back legacy NFS support
- 2020-0403: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.4 & NFS >= 1.1
- Renamed the package to TweakScaleCompanion_NF
- 2020-0112: (Lisias) for KSP >= 1.4 * NFS >= 1.1
- Initial beta version for testing