I know there is a lot of esp code which allow to catch watermeter pulse but this one is a little bit different.
My watermeter is far from my house and under the ground. With the use of an ethernet cable with poe support, it now possible for me.
- Connected to your network using ethernet or wifi.
- Send data to MQTT broker
- Send the exact index and not only a pulse
- Set index using MQTT (over the air index update)
- Autodiscovery for Domoticz or Home Assistant
- OTA support for programming
- Nodemcu V3
- W5500 Ethernet shield lan
- LJ18A3-8-Z M18 inductive sensor 5V
- micro usb poe splitter (if you need poe support)
- some 3D printed parts for the box and sealing (not mandatory)
In progress
Use Arduino IDE, install ArduinoJson (7.0.4 minimum) and PubSubClient (2.8) libraries.
Select NodeMCU 0.9 board
Modify the parameter at the beginning of the code:
- Select network
const int setnetwork = 1;
set value to 2 if you use wifi
- Wifi setting
ignore if you use ethernet connection
- Ethernet setting
#define CSPIN 16
W5500 connection
byte mac[] = {0x00, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDE, 0x02}
Modify it you have an issue or multiple similar devices
- MQTT setting
const char* mqttServer = ""; // The IP of your MQTT broker
const int mqttPort = 1883; //The port of your MQTT broker
const char* mqttUser = "admin"; //The user of your MQTT broker
const char* mqttPassword = "mosquitto35*"; // The password associated to the user
const char* autodiscoveryTopic = "homeassistant"; //The auto discovery topic
const char* topic = "nodemcudata"; //The MQTT topic
const int availabilitydelay = 60000; //set time in milisecond of the availability mqtt publish
adapt to your MQTT broker
- Sensor setting
int sensorNumber = 1; //change the sensor number if you have multiple device using this code
const char* deviceName = "watermeter";
Important to change if you have multiple device with the same code on your network
In progress
In progress