Read more about markdown at:
creates headlines.
*one*, **two**
italic one, bold two
- text
creates a new list entry with double arrows to the left
[description](/materials) or [description](<https://bla.bla>)
creates a clickable link
you can also link to specific places on a page by adding it's ID at the end. you can use any headline on any page as an ID, as long as it's unique. replace space with - or remove it. If both doesn't work let us know so we can link it for you.
tldr: linking to an entity page will be recognized by the wiki and enriched by adding a little picture of the relevant entity directly next to the link
Most pages automatically put images of bots or abilities behind links. Like [Evader Spray](/evader-spray)
would generate a yellow link named Evader Spray
that links to the evader spray material page if you click on it. The page will automatically put a small evader spray icon behind the yellow text. The link has to be precise and (/evaderspray) or (/evader-spray") will not work! This feature can be disabled on some pages like seasons.
![Description](<image link>)
adds an image to the left side of the screen.
![inline Description](<image link>)
adds an image to the right
![50px description](<image link>)
limits the size of an image
The description is just there to provide a textual description of the image:
- in case it fails to load
- to screen readers for people who can't see well
- to search engines who can't understand pics as well as text It's optional, and not restricted by any syntax requirements as far as Pix knows.
| Syntax | Description |
| ------ | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |
creates a table. you can extend it in both directions. beware of the space between | and text.