From 952b047c058896d19e76319d3c70542b8989f6c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=EF=BC=AE=EF=BD=81=EF=BD=87=EF=BD=8B=EF=BD=95=EF=BD=8D?=
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 20:58:32 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Delete content/scriptures/BHAIRAVA
content/scriptures/BHAIRAVA | 160 -------------------------
1 file changed, 160 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 content/scriptures/BHAIRAVA
diff --git a/content/scriptures/BHAIRAVA b/content/scriptures/BHAIRAVA
deleted file mode 100644
index e14d2873..00000000
--- a/content/scriptures/BHAIRAVA
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-{"title":"BHAIRAVA STOTRAM","date":"2025-01-25","tags":["bhairavastotram","abhinavagupta","scriptures"],"publish":true,"path":"scriptures/BHAIRAVA","permalink":"/scriptures/BHAIRAVA STOTRAM/","PassFrontmatter":true}
-**A Lay of Laudation to Bhairavaḥ**
-`तन्मयचित्ततया हृदि वन्दे॥१॥`
-`cinmayam-ekam-anantam-anādim |`
-`tan-maya-citta-tayā hṛdi vande |1|`
-translation:— I do humbly venerate with unwavering devotion, I beseech Thee, O Supreme Lord Śiva, whose presence encompasseth all that is and ever shall be. Thou, in Thine infinite grace, dost unveil Thyself through realization as the boundless Bhairavanātha, the mighty Protector of the bereft and helpless. To Thee, O Eternal One, do I render mine prayer and homage, with all the fervor of mine soul.
-`भाति मम त्वदनुग्रहशक्त्या।`
-`त्वं च महेश! सदैव ममात्मा`
-`स्वात्ममयं मम तेन समस्तम्॥२॥`
-`bhāti mama tvad-anugraha-śaktyā |`
-`tvaṁ ca maheśa! sadaiva mamātmā`
-`svātmam-ayaṁ mama tena samastam |2|`
-translation:— By the puissance of Thy grace hath it been made manifest unto me that this trembling universe is naught but Thine own being. Verily, O Lord Siva, this understanding hath dawned upon me—that Thou art mine own soul, and thus doth this vast cosmos stand revealed as mine own expression and essence.`
-`स्वात्मनि विश्वगते त्वयि नाथे`
-`तेन न संसृतिभीतिः कथाऽस्ति।`
-`सत्स्वपि दुर्धरदुःखविमोह-`
-`त्रासविधायिषु कर्मगणेषु॥३॥`
-`svātmani viśvagate tvayi nāthe`
-`tena na saṁsṛti-bhītiḥ kathā’sti |`
-`satsvapi durdhara-duḥkha-vimoha-`
-`trāsa-vidhāyiṣu karma-gaṇeṣu |3|`
-translation:— O Thou who holdest dominion o’er all, though Thy devotees, ensnared by the bonds of karma and the fetters of the mutable mind, be caught in the web of destiny, which stirreth up trials and chains of bondage, yet are they unshaken by the cares and tribulations of this mortal realm. For having beheld this universe as naught but Thine own essence, they fear not the woes of the world. Forsooth, fear can arise only where there existeth an other to cause it; but when none is, save Thee alone, whence can fear spring forth?
-`अन्तक! मां प्रति मा दृशमेनां`
-`क्रोधकरालतमां विदधीहि।`
-`antaka! māṁ prati mā dṛśamenāṁ`
-`krodha-karāla-tamāṁ vidadhīhi |`
-`bhīṣaṇa-bhairava-śakti-mayo‘smi |4|`
-translation:— O Thou who art the Destroyer of Death, turn not Thy wrathful and fearsome gaze upon me, for I am ever immersed in the worship of Lord Siva. Through unwavering devotion, ceaseless meditation, and profound contemplation, I have become steadfast of heart and bold of spirit, united with the dreadsome power of Bhairava. Thus, Thy fearsome and terrible visage hath no power to harm me.
-`र्नाथ! नमोऽस्तु न जातु बिभेमि॥५॥`
-`dīdhiti-dārita-bhūri-tamisraḥ |`
-`nātha! namo‘stu na jatu bibhemi |5|`
-translation:— Unto Thee, O Lord Bhairava, I render mine obeisance, for Thou hast unveiled unto me the sacred truth that Thou alone art the essence of all existence. By this divine revelation, the murk and obscurity of my mind hath been utterly vanquished. Neither do I tremble before the vile host of demons, nor am I dismayed by Yama, the fearsome Keeper of Death.
-`त्वय्यऽहमात्मनि निर्वृत्तिमेमि॥६॥`
-`prokṣita-viśva-padārtha-satattvaḥ |`
-`tvayya‘ham-ātmani nirvṛttim-emi |6|`
-translation:— O Lord Siva, through the revelation of Thy divine essence, made known unto me by true wisdom, I perceive that all attachments and all which doth exist within this vast universe are quickened by Thee alone. By this sacred awakening, my mind is filled to overflowing with undying devotion, and therein do I taste the sweetness of supreme bliss.
-`मानसगोचरमेति यदैव`
-`नाथ! तदैव मम त्वदभेद-`
-`mānasa-gocaram-eti yadaiva`
-`kleśa-daśā’tanu-tāpa-vidhātrī |`
-`nātha! tadaiva mama tvad-abheda-`
-`stotra-parā’mṛta-vṛṣṭirud-eti |7|`
-translation:—O Lord, there are moments wherein I am beset by misery, and my mind is plagued with torment. Yet, in that selfsame hour, when Thy grace doth descend as a gentle shower, a pure and lucid vision of mine oneness with Thee doth arise. By the might of this divine realization, my troubled mind is soothed and made serene.
-`शङ्कर! सत्यमिदं व्रतदान-`
-`स्नानतपो भवतापविनाशि।`
-`स्यन्दति चेतसि निर्वृत्तिधाराम्॥८॥`
-`śaṅkara! satyam-idaṁ vrata-dāna-`
-`snāna-tapo bhava-tāpa-vināśi |`
-`syandati cetasi nirvṛtti-dhārām |8|`
-translation:— O Lord Siva, it is oft proclaimed that through charity, ritual bath, and the observance of penance, the burdens of worldly life may be eased. Yet, greater than all these, by the remembrance of the sacred śástras and Thy divine utterances, the stream of immortality, like a river of peace, doth flow into my heart, bringing with it solace and serenity beyond compare.
-`नृत्यति गायति हृष्यति गाढं`
-`संविदियं मम भैरवनाथ!।`
-`त्वां प्रियमाप्य सुदर्शनमेकं`
-`दुर्लभमन्यजनैः समयज्ञम्॥९॥`
-`nṛtyati gāyati hṛṣyati gāḍhaṁ`
-`saṁvid-iyaṁ mama bhairava-nātha |`
-`tvāṁ priyam-āpya sudarśanam-ekaṁ`
-`durlabham-anya-janaiḥ sama-yajñam |9|`
-translation:— O Lord Bhairava, through the depth of mine unwavering faith, have I beheld Thee in the singular sacrifice of oneness, a union unattainable by the mere performance of countless rites. Enveloped by Thy presence, my very consciousness doth dance and sing in fervent joy, reveling in the ecstasy of its own divine bliss.
-`वसुरसपौषे कृष्णदशम्या-`
-`मभिनवगुप्तः स्तवमिदमकरोत्।`
-`येन विभुर्भवमरुसन्तापं`
-`शमयति झटिति जनस्य दयालुः॥१०॥`
-`vasu-rasa-pauṣe kṛṣṇa-daśamyāṁ-`
-`abhinavaguptaḥ stavam-idam-akarot |`
-`yena vibhur-bhava-maru-santāpaṁ`
-`śamayati jhaṭiti janasya dayāluḥ |10|`
-translation:— O compassionate Lord, moved by the radiance of Thy glory and for the welfare of Thy devoted worshippers, I, Abhinavagupta, have wrought this hymn. Through the meditation and recitation of these sacred verses, in but a fleeting moment, that merciful Lord Bhairava doth bring an end to the torments and sufferings that arise from the endless wilderness of saṁsāra.
- `समाप्तं स्तवमिदमभिनवाख्यं पद्यनवकम्॥`
- `Samāptaṃ stavamidamabhinavākhyaṃ padyanavakam |`
-This Hymn of Praise, recounting the nine ever-fresh verses, is now brought to its end.
-**Translation by my guru Swāmiji; Edited by Nagkumar.**
-listen from Swāmiji on [youtube](
-listen and learn to sing from Smt. [Ashwini Bhide Deshpande](
\ No newline at end of file
From c554f1e67d231f2c534d1c9799a82dc37a684da8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=EF=BC=AE=EF=BD=81=EF=BD=87=EF=BD=8B=EF=BD=95=EF=BD=8D?=
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 20:59:33 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Published multiple files
"content/scriptures/bhairavastava\341\270\" | 12 ++----------
.../stavacint\304\201ma\341\271\207i\341\270\" | 12 ++----------
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git "a/content/scriptures/bhairavastava\341\270\" "b/content/scriptures/bhairavastava\341\270\"
index b5b6e8df..094dcea9 100644
--- "a/content/scriptures/bhairavastava\341\270\"
+++ "b/content/scriptures/bhairavastava\341\270\"
@@ -1,15 +1,7 @@
-title: bhairavastavaḥ
-date: 2025-01-25
- - bhairavastava
- - abhinavagupta
- - scriptures
-publish: true
-path: scriptures/
-permalink: scriptures/bhairavastava
-PassFrontmatter: true
**“A Lay of Laudation to Bhairavaḥ”**
diff --git "a/content/scriptures/stavacint\304\201ma\341\271\207i\341\270\" "b/content/scriptures/stavacint\304\201ma\341\271\207i\341\270\"
index 739a4a10..082ddb49 100644
--- "a/content/scriptures/stavacint\304\201ma\341\271\207i\341\270\"
+++ "b/content/scriptures/stavacint\304\201ma\341\271\207i\341\270\"
@@ -1,15 +1,7 @@
-title: stavacintāmaṇiḥ
-date: 2025-01-29
- - stavacintamani
- - bhattanarayana
- - scriptures
-publish: true
-path: scriptures/
-permalink: scriptures/stavacintamani
-PassFrontmatter: true
**“The Mystickal Pearl of One-pointedness”**
From 2ac7e76a4bbd14f765d93dda7b483263f7d9204f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=EF=BC=AE=EF=BD=81=EF=BD=87=EF=BD=8B=EF=BD=95=EF=BD=8D?=
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 21:00:10 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Update
content/ | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/content/ b/content/
index d63ec58e..00a85c8e 100644
--- a/content/
+++ b/content/
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
+[bhairavastavaḥ] — `ABHINAVAGUPTAḤ`26:01:2025.
+[stavacintāmaṇiḥ] — `BHAṬṬA NĀRĀYAṆA`29:01:2025
From 469583bfa2aab7087fcf22809662bd95cded6562 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=EF=BC=AE=EF=BD=81=EF=BD=87=EF=BD=8B=EF=BD=95=EF=BD=8D?=
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 21:00:29 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Update
content/ | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/content/ b/content/
index 00a85c8e..f0820afa 100644
--- a/content/
+++ b/content/
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
[bhairavastavaḥ] — `ABHINAVAGUPTAḤ`26:01:2025.
[stavacintāmaṇiḥ] — `BHAṬṬA NĀRĀYAṆA`29:01:2025