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File metadata and controls

1674 lines (1520 loc) · 152 KB

Migration guide

To see the biggest differences please consult the changelog.

In version 1.18.0 (Not released yet)

Code API changes

  • #6695 SingleTypingResult API changes:

    • Added typeHintsObjType which is used as a type for a type hints, suggester and validation.
    • Renamed objType to runtimeObjType which indicates a current object in a runtime.
  • #6766

    • Process API changes:
      • Field ScenarioWithDetails.labels was added
      • Field ScenarioWithDetails.tags was removed (it had the same value as labels and was not used)

REST API changes

  • #6766
    • Process API changes:
      • PUT /api/processes/{processName} - optional scenarioLabels field added
    • Migration API changes:
      • POST /api/migrate supports v2 request format (with scenarioLabels field)

Other changes

  • #6692 Kryo serializers for UnmodifiableCollection, scala.Product etc. are registered based on class of Serializer instead of instance of Serializer. If you have values that were serialized by these Serializers in some state, the state won't be restored after upgrade.

  • #6952 Improvement: TypeInformation support for scala.Option: If you used CaseClassTypeInfoFactory with case classes that contain the Option type, the state won't be restored after the upgrade.

In version 1.17.0

Code API changes

  • #6248 Removed implicit conversion from string to SpeL expression (pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.spel.Implicits). The conversion should be replaced by pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.spel.SpelExtension.SpelExpresion.spel.
  • 6282 If you relied on the default value of the topicsExistenceValidationConfig.enabled setting, you must now be aware that topics will be validated by default (Kafka's auto.create.topics.enable setting is only considered in case of Sinks). Create proper topics manually if needed.
  • Component's API changes
    • #6711 SingleComponentConfig changed to ComponentConfig for better domain naming. Associated functions and objects also changed to ...ComponentConfig....
    • #6418 Improvement: Pass implicit nodeId to EagerServiceWithStaticParameters.returnType Now method returnType from EagerServiceWithStaticParameters requires implicit nodeId param
    • #6462 CustomStreamTransformer.canHaveManyInputs field was removed. You don't need to implement any other method in replacement, just remove this method.
    • #6418 Improvement: Pass implicit nodeId to EagerServiceWithStaticParameters.returnType
      • Now method returnType from EagerServiceWithStaticParameters requires implicit nodeId param
    • #6340 TestRecordParser trait used in SourceTestSupport trait changed to work on lists instead of single records - its parse method now takes List[TestRecord] instead of a single TestRecord and returns a list of results instead of a single result.
    • #6520 ExplicitTypeInformationSource trait was removed - now TypeInformation produced by SourceFunction passed to StreamExecutionEnvironment.addSource is detected based on TypingResult (thanks to TypeInformationDetection)
      • BlockingQueueSource.create takes ClassTag implicit parameter instead of TypeInformation
      • EmitWatermarkAfterEachElementCollectionSource.create takes ClassTag implicit parameter instead of TypeInformation
      • CollectionSource's TypeInformation implicit parameter was removed
      • EmptySource's TypeInformation implicit parameter was removed
    • #6545 FlinkSink.prepareTestValue was replaced by prepareTestValueFunction - a non-parameter method returning a function. Thanks to that, FlinkSink is not serialized during test data preparation.
  • TypingResult API changes
    • #6436 Changes to TypingResult of SpEL expressions that are maps or lists:
      • TypedObjectTypingResult.valueOpt now returns a java.util.Map instead of scala.collection.immutable.Map
        • NOTE: selection (.?) or operations from the #COLLECTIONS helper cause the map to lose track of its keys/values, reverting its fields to an empty Map
      • SpEL list expression are now typed as TypedObjectWithValue, with the underlying TypedClass equal to the TypedClass before this change, and with value equal to a java.util.List of the elements' values.
        • NOTE: selection (.?), projection (.!) or operations from the #COLLECTIONS helper cause the list to lose track of its values, reverting it to a value-less TypedClass like before the change
    • #6566 TypedObjectTypingResult.fields are backed by ListMap for correct RowTypeInfo's fields order purpose. If #5457 migrations were applied, it should be a transparent change
      • Removed deprecated TypedObjectTypingResult.apply methods - should be used Typed.record factory method
      • Typed.record factory method takes Iterable instead of Map
    • #6570 TypingResult.canBeSubclassOf generic parameter checking related changes. Generic parameters of Typed[java.util.Map[X, Y]], Typed[java.util.List[X]], Typed[Array[X]] were checked as they were either covariant or contravariant. Now they are checked more strictly - depending on collection characteristic.
      • Key parameters of Typed[java.util.Map[Key, Value]] is treated as invariant
      • Value parameters of Typed[java.util.Map[Key, Value]] is treated as covariant
      • Element parameters of Typed[java.util.List[Element]] is treated as covariant
      • Element parameters of Typed[Array[Element]] is treated as covariant
  • #6503 FlinkTestScenarioRunner cleanups
    • runWithDataAndTimestampAssigner method was removed. Instead, timestampAssigner was added as an optional parameter into runWithData
    • new runWithDataWithType was added allowing to test using other types than classes e.g. records
  • #6567 Removed ability to set Flink's execution mode in sources: TableSource, CollectionSource and in FlinkTestScenarioRunner.runWithData method. Now you can configure it under modelConfig.executionMode or for test purposes through FlinkTestScenarioRunnerBuilder.withExecutionMode method.
  • #6610 Add flink node context as parameter to BasicFlinkSink. Now one can use FlinkCustomNodeContext in order to build sink in BasicFlinkSink#toFlinkFunction method.
  • #6635 #6643 TypingResultTypeInformation related changes
    • TypingResultAwareTypeInformationCustomisation API was removed
    • FlinkCustomNodeContext.typeInformationDetection is deprecated - use TypeInformationDetection.instance instead
    • FlinkCustomNodeContext.valueWithContextInfo.forCustomContext is is deprecated - use TypeInformationDetection.instance.forValueWithContext instead
  • #6640 BestEffort*Encoder naming changes:
    • All BestEffort*Encoder classes renamed to fit To<TargetFormat>(SchemaBased)Encoder naming schema
    • JsonToNuStruct renamed to FromJsonDecoder (to fit From<SourceFormat>Decoder naming schema)
    • ToJsonEncoder renamed to ToJsonEncoderCustomisation
    • ToJsonBasedOnSchemaEncoder renamed to ToJsonSchemaBasedEncoderCustomisation
  • #6586 For now on, the SQL enricher automatically converts types as shown below:
    • java.sql.Array -> java.util.List
    • java.sql.Time -> java.time.LocalTime
    • java.sql.Date -> java.time.LocalDate
    • java.sql.Timestamp -> java.time.Instant
    • java.sql.Clob -> java.lang.String

REST API changes

  • #6437 Removed deprecated operation to create a scenario: POST /api/processes/{name}/{category}. POST /api/processes should be used instead.
  • #6213 Improvement: Load resource config only in test context
    • WithConfig from test-utils modules behaviour changes: now it only parses given config, without resolving reference configs, system env variables etc.

Configuration changes

  • #6635 globalParameters.useTypingResultTypeInformation parameter was removed. Now we always use TypingResultTypeInformation
  • #6797 AVRO_USE_STRING_FOR_STRING_TYPE environment variable is not supported anymore - we always use String for String type in Avro. If you didn't set up this environment variable, no action is needed

In version 1.16.3

Code API changes

  • #6527 Changes to TypingResult of SpEL expressions that are maps or lists:
    • TypedObjectTypingResult.valueOpt now returns a java.util.Map instead of scala.collection.immutable.Map
      • NOTE: selection (.?) or operations from the #COLLECTIONS helper cause the map to lose track of its keys/values, reverting its fields to an empty Map
    • SpEL list expression are now typed as TypedObjectWithValue, with the underlying TypedClass equal to the TypedClass before this change, and with value equal to a java.util.List of the elements' values.
      • NOTE: selection (.?), projection (.!) or operations from the #COLLECTIONS helper cause the list to lose track of its values, reverting it to a value-less TypedClass like before the change

In version 1.16.0

Code API changes

  • #6184 Removed Remote[] string part from forwarded username for scenario creation and updates. processes and process_versions tables won't store username with this part anymore in createdBy and modifiedBy columns.
  • #6053 Added impersonation mechanism:
    • OverrideUsername permission was renamed as Impersonate and is now used as a global permission.
    • AuthManager is now responsible for authentication and authorization. AuthenticationResources handles only plugin specific authentication now. This leads to following changes in AuthenticationResources API:
      • authenticate() returns AuthenticationDirective[AuthenticatedUser] and not Directive1[AuthenticatedUser]
      • authenticate(authCredentials) receives PassedAuthCredentials parameter type instead of AuthCredentials as anonymous access is no longer part of AuthenticationResources logic
      • authenticationMethod() returns EndpointInput[Option[PassedAuthCredentials]] instead of EndpointInput[AuthCredentials]. The Option[PassedAuthCredentials] should hold the value that will be passed to the mentioned authenticate(authCredentials).
      • AuthenticationResources extends AnonymousAccessSupport trait:
        • AnonymousAccessSupport has one method getAnonymousRole() which returns anonymous role name. If you do not want to have an anonymous access mechanism for your authentication method you can extend your AuthenticationResources implementation with NoAnonymousAccessSupport trait.
      • AuthenticationResources has a field impersonationSupport of type ImpersonationSupport:
        • ImpersonationSupport is a trait stating whether authentication method supports impersonation. If you don't want impersonation support you can assign NoImpersonationSupport object to it. If you wish to have it - assign ImpersonationSupported abstract class to it and implement getImpersonatedUserData(impersonatedUserIdentity) method which returns required user's data for the impersonation by user's identity.
    • AnonymousAccess extending AuthCredentials was renamed to NoCredentialsProvided. It does not represent anonymous access to the designer anymore but simply represents passing no credentials.
    • AuthenticationConfiguration has one additional Boolean property isAdminImpersonationPossible which defines whether admin users can be impersonated by users with the Impersonate permission. The property is set to false by default for BasicAuthenticationConfiguration, OAuth2Configuration and DummyAuthenticationConfiguration.
  • #6087 #6155 DeploymentManager API changes:
    • DMRunDeploymentCommand.savepointPath was replaced by updateStrategy: DeploymentUpdateStrategy
      • In places where savepointPath = None was passed, the DeploymentUpdateStrategy.ReplaceDeploymentWithSameScenarioName(StateRestoringStrategy.RestoreStateFromReplacedJobSavepoint) should be passed
      • In places where savepointPath = Some(path) was passed, the DeploymentUpdateStrategy.ReplaceDeploymentWithSameScenarioName(StateRestoringStrategy.RestoreStateFromCustomSavepoint(path)) should be passed
    • DMValidateScenarioCommand.updateStrategy was added
      • In every place should the DeploymentUpdateStrategy.ReplaceDeploymentWithSameScenarioName(StateRestoringStrategy.RestoreStateFromReplacedJobSavepoint) should be passed
    • deploymentSynchronisationSupport field was added for purpose of synchronisation of statuses. If synchronisation mechanism is not used in context of given DM, you should return NoDeploymentSynchronisationSupport object. The synchronisation mechanism is used by /api/deployments/{deploymentId}/status endpoint. Other endpoints don't use it.
  • #6249 TopicName trait was introduced and is used in context of specialized topic name (for kafka sources and sinks). Moreover, UnspecializedTopicName case class was added and is used in places when the specialization is unknown/not needed.

Configuration changes

  • #6082 Default Influx database was changed from esp to nussknacker_metrics

Other changes

In version 1.15.0

Code API changes

  • #5609 #5795 #5837 #5798 Refactoring around DeploymentManager's actions:
    • Custom Actions
      • CustomAction, CustomActionParameter and CustomActionResult moved from extension-api to deployment-manager-api module
      • CustomActionResult.req was removed
      • CustomAction was renamed to CustomActionDefinition
      • CustomActionRequest (from the extension-api) was renamed to CustomActionCommand
      • CustomActionRequest has additional comment parameter (like deploy and cancel actions)
    • Other "action" methods - all methods operating on a scenario (or its deployment) were replaced by case classes and one method handling them all: processCommand(command):
      • validate - DMValidateScenarioCommand
      • deploy - DMRunDeploymentCommand
      • cancel with deploymentId argument - DMCancelDeploymentCommand
      • cancel without deploymentId argument - DMCancelScenarioCommand
      • stop with deploymentId argument - DMStopDeploymentCommand
      • stop without deploymentId argument - DMStopScenarioCommand
      • savepoint - DMMakeScenarioSavepointCommand
      • test - DMTestScenarioCommand
    • "Action type" was renamed to "action name". Loosened the restriction on the name of the action:
      • ProcessActionType (enum with fixed values) is replaced with ScenarioActionName,
      • in ProcessAction attribute actionType renamed to actionName
      • in table process_actions column action_type is renamed to action_name
    • DeploymentManagerDependencies.deploymentService was splitted into deployedScenariosProvider and actionService
    • Events renamed:
      • OnDeployActionSuccess renamed to OnActionSuccess
      • OnDeployActionFailed renamed to OnActionFailed
  • #5762 for the Flink-based TestRunner scenario builder you should replace the last component that was testResultService with testResultSink
  • #5783 Return type of allowedProcessingMode method in Component trait has been changed to AllowedProcessingModes type which is one of:
    • AllowedProcessingModes.All in case of all processing modes allowed
    • AllowedProcessingModes.SetOf(nonEmptySetOfAllowedProcessingModes) in case only set of processing modes is allowed
  • #5757 Refactored API around FlinkSource
    • Added StandardFlinkSource with more granular additional traits replacing the need for FlinkIntermediateRawSource
    • Removed BasicFlinkSource and FlinkIntermediateRawSource. Sources extending these traits should now extend StandardFlinkSource. For reference on how to migrate, see changes in FlinkKafkaSource or CollectionSource
    • Renamed FlinkSource's sourceStream method to contextStream
    • Removed EmptySourceFunction
  • #5757 Added support for bounded sources and Flink runtime mode in Flink tests
    • CollectionSource now takes Flink's Boundedness with default Unbounded and RuntimeExecutionMode with default None as a parameters. It's encouraged to set the Boundedness to bounded if applicable
    • Boundedness and RuntimeExecutionMode is also possible to set in FlinkTestScenarioRunner in new overloading runWithData method

Configuration changes

  • #5744 Extracted unbounded stream specific components into separate module:
    • Components periodic, union-memo, previousValue, aggregates, joins and delay from base were moved into base-unbounded module. They are now built as flinkBaseUnbounded.jar under work/components/flink/flinkBaseUnbounded.jar.
    • Configuration of tumbling windows aggregate offset is changed at the ComponentProvider level: components.base.aggregateWindowsConfig.tumblingWindowsOffset should now be set as components.baseUnbounded.aggregateWindowsConfig.tumblingWindowsOffset
    • If you previously specified base component jar explicitly in modelConfig.classPath as components/flink/flinkBase.jar and want to retain the unbounded specific components you need to add components/flink/flinkBaseUnbounded.jar explicitly.
    • #5887 When using a custom DesignerConfig, ensure that long text elements like 'generate file' are positioned in the last row to prevent excessive spacing between elements.

Other changes

  • #5574 Removed the support for the pluggable expression languages: ExpressionConfig.languages removed
  • #5724 Improvements: Run Designer locally
    • Introduce JAVA_DEBUG_PORT to run the Designer locally with remote debugging capability
    • Removed SCALA_VERSION, please use NUSSKNACKER_SCALA_VERSION instead of it
  • #5824 Decision Table parameters rename:
    • "Basic Decision Table" -> "Decision Table"
    • "Expression" -> "Match condition"
  • #5881 nussknacker-interpreter module was renamed to nussknacker-scenario-compiler
  • #5875 Added configurable idle timeout to Flink Kafka source with the default value of 3 minutes. You can configure this timeout in Kafka component config at idleTimeout.duration or disable it at idleTimeout.enabled. You can learn about idleness in Flink general docs and Kafka connector-specific docs
  • #5875 Removed useNamingStrategyForConsumerGroupId feature flag allowing for disabling namespaced Kafka consumer groups
  • #5848: Introduced a new method for handling colors, aimed at simplifying customization. Now, all colors are centrally stored in a single location. Refer to for details on theme colors customization.
  • #5914 Removed dev-specific configuration files dev-application.conf and dev-tables-definition.sql from public distribution artifacts

In version 1.14.0

Code API changes

  • #5271 Changed AdditionalUIConfigProvider.getAllForProcessingType API to be more in line with FragmentParameter
    • SingleComponentConfigWithoutId renamed to ComponentAdditionalConfig
    • field params: Map[String, ParameterConfig] changed to parameterConfigs: Map[String, ParameterAdditionalUIConfig]
    • ParameterAdditionalUIConfig is handled analogously to FragmentParameter (expect for valueCompileTimeValidation, which isn't yet handled)
      • ParameterConfig.defaultValue -> ParameterAdditionalUIConfig.initialValue
      • ParameterConfig.hintText -> ParameterAdditionalUIConfig.hintText
      • most of the capabilities of ParameterConfig.editor and ParameterConfig.validators are covered by ParameterAdditionalUIConfig.valueEditor and ParameterAdditionalUIConfig.valueCompileTimeValidation
  • #5285 Changes around scenario id/name fields:
    • of type String was replaced by name field of type ProcessName
    • CanonicalProcess.withProcessId was renamed to withProcessName
    • was removed (it had the same value as name)
    • ScenarioWithDetails.processId changed the type to Option[ProcessId] and will have always None value
    • was removed (it had the same value as name)
    • ComponentUsagesInScenario.processId was removed
    • was removed (it had the same value as name)
    • of type String was replaced by name field of type ProcessName
    • of type String was replaced by name field of type ProcessName, processName field is removed
    • deprecated AsyncExecutionContextPreparer.prepareExecutionContext was removed
    • AsyncExecutionContextPreparer.prepare now takes ProcessName instead of String
  • #5288 #5474 RemoteEnvironment / ModelMigration changes:
    • ProcessMigration.failOnNewValidationError was removed - it wasn't used anywhere anymore
    • RemoteEnvironment.testMigration result types changes
      • shouldFailOnNewErrors field was removed - it wasn't used anywhere anymore
      • converted field was replaced by the processName field which was the only information that was used
    • RemoteEnvironment.migrate takes ScenarioParameters instead of category
  • #5361 Parameter has new, optional labelOpt field which allows to specify label presented to the user without changing identifier used in scenario graph json (
  • #5356 Changes in AdditionalUIConfigProvider.getAllForProcessingType now require model reload to take effect.
  • #5393 #5444
    • Changes around metadata removal from the REST API requests and responses:
      • DisplayableProcess was renamed to ScenarioGraph
      • ScenarioGraph fields that were removed: name, processingType, category - all these fields already were in ScenarioWithDetails
      • ProcessProperties field removed: isFragment - this field already was in ScenarioWithDetails
      • ScenarioWithDetails field json.validationResult was moved into the top level of ScenarioWithDetails
      • ScenarioWithDetails field json was renamed into scenarioGraph and changed the type into ScenarioGraph
      • ValidatedDisplayableProcess was renamed to ScenarioGraphWithValidationResult
      • ScenarioGraphWithValidationResult all scenario graph fields were replaced by one scenarioGraph: DisplayableProcess field
    • Migration mechanisms (RemoteEnvironment and TestModelMigrations) use ScenarioWithDetailsForMigrations instead of ScenarioWithDetails
  • #5424 Naming cleanup around ComponentId/ComponentInfo
    • ComponentInfo was renamed to ComponentId
    • ComponentId was renamed to DesignerWideComponentId
    • new ComponentId is serialized in json to string in format $componentType-$componentName instead of separate fields (name and type)
    • NodeComponentInfo.componentInfo was renamed to componentId
  • #5438 Removed sealed trait CustomActionError, now CustomActionResult is always used
  • #5465 #5457 Typed related changes
    • CommonSupertypeFinder shouldn't be created directly anymore - CommonSupertypeFinder.* predefined variables should be used instead, in most cases just (CommonSupertypeFinder.Default)
    • TypedObjectTypingResult.apply removed legacy factory method taking List[(String, TypingResult)] - should be used variant with Map
    • TypedObjectTypingResult.apply removed legacy factory method taking TypedObjectDefinition - should be used variant with Map
    • TypedObjectTypingResult.apply is deprecated - should be used Typed.record(...) instead. It will be removed in further releases
    • TypedObjectDefinition was removed
    • Typed.empty was removed, TypedUnion now handles only >= 2 types
      • Typed.apply(vararg...) was replaced by Typed.apply(NonEmptyList) and Typed.apply(firstType, secondType, restOfTypesVaraarg...) If you have a list of types and you are not sure how to translate it to TypingResult you can try to use Typed.fromIterableOrUnknownIfEmpty but it is not recommended - see docs next to it.
      • TypedUnionis not a case class anymore, but is still serializable - If it was used in a Flink state, state will be probably not compatible
    • #5517 Legacy OnFinished listener-api event was removed
    • #5474 Component class now need to specify allowedProcessingModes. Most of the implementations (CustomStreamTransformer, Service, SinkFactory) has default wildcard (None). For SourceFactory you need to specify which ProcessingMode this source support. You have predefined traits: UnboundedStreamComponent, BoundedStreamComponent, RequestResponseComponent, AllProcessingModesComponent that can be mixed into the component
    • #5474 Changes around new scenario metadata (aka "parameters"):
      • ScenarioWithDetails: added processingMode and engineSetupName fields
    • #5522, #5521, #5519 DeploymentManager API related changes:
      • In the DeploymentManager:
        • DeploymentManager.getProcessState(ProcessIdWithName, Option[ProcessAction]) become final. You should implement resolve method instead. It does the same, only List[StatusDetails] are already determined.
        • Method DeploymentManager.getProcessStates signature was changed and now requires an implicit freshnessPolicy: DataFreshnessPolicy
        • Trait AlwaysFreshProcessState and method getFreshProcessStates were removed, instead of it please use getProcessStates with DataFreshnessPolicy.Fresh policy
        • Managers FlinkStreamingRestManager and FlinkRestManager require new parameter: scenarioStateCacheTTL: Option[FiniteDuration]
      • In the DeploymentManagerProvider:
        • New methods were added: defaultEngineSetupName and engineSetupIdentity. They have default implementations, you should consider to replace them by your own
        • New, overloaded createDeploymentManager was added. In the new one most of the parameters were bundled into DeploymentManagerDependencies class which allows to easier pass these dependencies to delegates. Also, this method returns ValidateNel[String, DeploymentManager]. You can return errors that will be visible to users e.g. invalid configuration etc. The old one is deleted.
        • Method createDeploymentManager signature was changed and now requires new parameter: scenarioStateCacheTTL: Option[FiniteDuration]
    • #5526 Refactored namespaces:
      • Removed ObjectNaming SPI
      • Removed logging when using naming strategy
      • Replaced ObjectNaming with single NamingStrategy which prepares a name with a prefix from namespace key from ModelConfig or returns the original name if the value is not configured
    • #5535 ProcessingTypeConfig.classpath contains now raw, String entries instead of URL. The String to URL converting logic is now inside ModelClassLoader.apply
  • #5505 anonymous access functionality for Tapir-based API
    • AuthenticationResources & AnonymousAccess traits were changed to be able to introduce anonymous access feature
    • AuthCredentials class was changed too
  • #5373#5694 changes related to Components and LazyParameters:
    • LazyParameter can be evaluated on request thanks to its evaluate method
    • Params data class was introduced as a replacement for runtime parameters values defined as Map[String, Any]. Params data class, in its extraction methods, assumes that a parameter with the given name exists in the underlying Map.
    • TypedExpression was removed from BaseDefinedParameter hierarchy in favour of TypingResult
    • TypedExpression doesn't depend on ExpressionTypingInfo anymore
    • ServiceInvoker refactoring (parameters map was removed, a context is passed to its method)
    • ProcessListener interface changed slightly
    • ParameterWithExtractor util was replaced with ParameterDeclaration.
    • classes renaming:
      • LazyParameterInterpreter to LazyParameterInterpreter
      • GenericNodeTransformation to DynamicComponent
      • SingleInputGenericNodeTransformation to SingleInputDynamicComponent
      • JoinGenericNodeTransformation to JoinDynamicComponent
      • JavaGenericTransformation to JavaDynamicComponent
      • JavaGenericSingleTransformation to JavaSingleInputDynamicComponent
      • JavaGenericJoinTransformation to JavaJoinDynamicComponent
      • JavaSourceFactoryGenericTransformation to JavaSourceFactoryDynamicComponent
      • GenericContextTransformationWrapper to DynamicComponentWrapper
      • SingleGenericContextTransformationWrapper to SingleInputDynamicComponentWrapper
      • SourceFactoryGenericContextTransformationWrapper to SourceFactoryDynamicComponentWrapper
      • JoinGenericContextTransformationWrapper to JoinDynamicComponentWrapper
    • type NodeTransformationDefinition (inside DynamicComponent) renamed to ContextTransformationDefinition
  • #5641 PeriodicProcessDeployment/DeploymentWithJarData/PeriodicProcess now takes type parameter CanonicalProcess or Unit to point out whether it contains scenario json.
  • #5656 pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.expression.Expression#language method returns Language trait instead of String
  • #5707 ParameterName data class was introduced. It replaces String in whole places where it's used as a parameter name
  • #5754 Fix for broken encoding mechanism in tests from file with Avro format, revert [0d9b600][]
    • Classes ResultsCollectingListener, TestResults, ExpressionInvocationResult, ExternalInvocationResult depend on T
    • Classes TestResults.nodeResults uses ResultContext instead of Context
    • Classes TestResults.exceptions uses ExceptionResult instead of NuExceptionInfo
    • Added variableEncoder to ResultsCollectingListenerHolder.registerRun

REST API changes

  • #5280#5368 Changes in the definition API:
    • /api/processDefinitionData/componentIds endpoint is removed
    • /api/processDefinitionData/* response changes:
      • services, sourceFactories, sinkFactories, customStreamTransformers and fragmentInputs maps fields were replaced by one components map with key in format $componentType-$componentName and moved into top level of response
      • typesInformation field was renamed into classes, moved into top level of response and nested clazzName inside each element was extracted
      • componentsConfig field was removed - now all information about components are available in the components field
      • nodeId field inside edgesForNodes was renamed into componentId in the flat $componentType-$componentName format
      • defaultAsyncInterpretation field was removed
  • #5285 Changes around scenario id/name fields:
    • /api/process(Details)/** endpoints:
      • id fields was removed (it had the same value as name)
      • processId fields return always null
      • fields was renamed to
    • /api/components/*/usages endpoint:
      • id fields was removed (it had the same value as name)
      • processId fields was removed
    • /api/processes/**/activity/attachments - processId fields was removed
    • /api/processes/**/activity/comments - processId fields was removed
    • GET processes/$name/$version/activity/attachments - $version segment is removed now
  • #5393 Changes around metadata removal from the REST API requests and responses:
    • /api/processValidation was changed to /api/processValidation/$scenarioName and changed request type
    • /api/testInfo/* was changed to /api/testInfo/$scenarioName/* and changed request format regarding code API changes
    • /api/processManagement/generateAndTest/$samples was changed to /api/processManagement/generateAndTest/$scenarioName/$samples
    • /api/processesExport/* was changed to /api/processesExport/$scenarioName/* and changed response format regarding code API changes
    • /api/processes/import/$scenarioName was changed response into {"scenarioGraph": {...}, "validationResult": {...}
    • GET /api/processes/* and /api/processesDetails/* changed response format regarding code API changes
    • PUT /api/processes/$scenarioName was changed request field from process to scenarioGraph
    • /api/adminProcessManagement/testWithParameters/$scenarioName was changed request field from displayableProcess to scenarioGraph
  • #5424 Naming cleanup around ComponentId/ComponentInfo
    • Endpoints returning test results (/api/processManagement/test*) return nodeId instead of nodeComponentInfo now
    • /processDefinitionData/* response: field type was replaced by componentId inside the path .componentGroups[].components[]
  • #5462 /api/processes/category/* endpoint was removed
  • #5474 POST /api/processes/$scenarioName/$category?isFragment=$isFragment resource become deprecated. It will be replaced by POST /processes with fields: name, isFragment, forwardedUserName, category, processingMode, engineSetupName. Three last fields are optional. Please switch to the new API because in version 1.5, old API will be removed.
  • POST /api/nodes/$scenarioName/validation response for object in validationErrors array can have details of the error

Configuration changes

  • #5297 componentsUiConfig key handling change:
    • $processingType-$componentType-$componentName format was replaced by $componentType-$componentName format
  • #5323 Support for the legacy categories configuration format was removed. In the new format, you should specify category field inside each scenario type.
  • #5419 Support for system properties was removed from model configuration (they aren't resolved and added to merged configuration)
  • #5474 You have to ensure that in every scenarioType model's classPath, in every jar are only components with not colliding processing modes. Also at least one component has defined processing mode other than wildcard. On the other hand starting from this version, you can use the same category for many scenarioTypes. You only have to ensure that they have components with other processing modes or other deployment configuration.
  • #5558 The processToolbarConfig toolbar with type: "process-info-panel" no longer accepts the buttons property. It only display scenario information now. However, a new toolbar with type: "process-actions-panel" has been introduced, which does accept the buttons property and renders actions similar to the old type: "process-info-panel".

Helm chart changes

  • #5515 #5474 Helm chart now has two preconfigured scenario types (streaming and request-response) instead of one (default). Because of that, scenario created using previous version of helm chart will have invalid configuration in the database. To fix that, you have to manually connect to the database and execute sql statement:
      UPDATE processes SET processing_type = 'given-scenario-type' where processing_type = 'default';

Other changes

  • #4287 Cats Effect 3 bump Be careful with IO monad mode, we provide an experimental way to create IORuntime for the cat's engine.
  • #5432 Kafka client, Confluent Schema Registry Client and Avro bump
  • #5447 JDK downgraded from 17 to 11 in lite runner image for scala 2.13
  • #5465 Removed strictTypeChecking option and SupertypeClassResolutionStrategy.Union used behind it
  • #5517 Removed legacy mechanism marking scenario finished based on the fact that the last action was deploy and job was finished. The new mechanism leverage deployment id which was introduced in #4462 in 1.11 version.
  • #5474 The mechanism allowing migration between two environments uses by default the new, scenario creating API. In case when the secondary environment is in the version < 1.14, you should switch secondaryEnvironment.useLegacyCreateScenarioApi flag to on.
  • #5526 Added namespacing of Kafka consumer group id in both engines. If you have namespaces configured, the consumer group id will be prefixed with namespace key from model config - in that case a consumer group migration may be necessary for example to retain consumer offsets. For gradual migration, this behaviour can be disabled by setting useNamingStrategyInConsumerGroups = false in KafkaConfig. Note that the useNamingStrategyInConsumerGroups flag is intended to be removed in the future.

In version 1.13.1 (Not released yet)

Code API changes

  • #5447 JDK downgraded from 17 to 11 in lite runner image for scala 2.13

In version 1.13.0

Code API changes

  • #4988 Method definition def authenticationMethod(): Auth[AuthCredentials, _] was changed to def authenticationMethod(): EndpointInput[AuthCredentials]
  • #4860 DeploymentManagerProvider implementations have to implement the method def scenarioPropertiesConfig(config: Config): Map[String, ScenarioPropertyConfig] instead of def additionalPropertiesConfig(config: Config): Map[String, AdditionalPropertyConfig]
  • #4919 Improvement: Support for handling runtime exceptions at FlinkTestScenarioRunner:
    • TestProcess.exceptions type changed from List[ExceptionResult[T]] to List[NuExceptionInfo[_ <: Throwable]]
  • #4912 Changes in scenario details:
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.processdetails.BaseProcessDetails[_] and pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.processdetails.BasicProcess used in rest resources were merged into pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.scenariodetails.ScenarioWithDetails
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.processdetails.BaseProcessDetails[_] used in were moved into listener-api and renamed into pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.listener.ListenerScenarioWithDetails
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.processdetails.ProcessDetails and pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.processdetails.ValidatedProcessDetails type aliases are not available anymore - you should probably use ScenarioWithDetails in these places
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.processdetails.ProcessVersion was moved into pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process.ScenarioVersion
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.processdetails.StateActionsTypes was moved into ProcessActionType.StateActionsTypes
  • #4959 listener-api module become decoupled from restmodel module. Some classes were moved to extensions-api module to make it possible:
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.displayedgraph package was renamed to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.displayedgraph
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.displayedgraph.ValidatedDisplayableProcess was moved to pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.validation package
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.process.ProcessingType was moved to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process package
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.scenariodetails.ScenarioVersion was moved to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process package
  • #4745 Added method ScenarioBuilder to create fragments with specified input node id instead of taking a default from fragment id
  • #4745 Add more errors for scenario and node id validation and change names, messages of existing ones
  • #4928 #5028 Validator.isValid method now takes expression: Expression, value: Option[Any] instead of value: String which was not really value, but expression. Straight-forward migration is to change method definition and now use expression.expression instead of value if your validator depends on raw expression. If validator was doing quasi-evaluation, for example trimming ' to get string, you can just take value and cast it to desired class.
    • LiteralNumberValidator is removed, to achieve same result use CompileTimeEvaluableValueValidator with parameter of Number type,
    • LiteralIntegerValidator is considered deprecated and will be removed in the future, to achieve same result use CompileTimeEvaluableValueValidator with parameter of Integer type,
    • LiteralRegExpParameterValidator is renamed to RegExpParameterValidator
    • annotation pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.validation.Literal was renamed to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.validation.CompileTimeEvaluableValue
  • #5079 AuthCredentials is moved to in extensions-api
  • #5103
    • Values of ExpressionConfig.globalImports and ExpressionConfig.dictionaries aren't wrapped with WithCategories anymore
    • WithCategories.apply with categories varrag variant is replaced by version with head category and tail categories varrag Previous version was commonly wrongly used as an "object without categories specified" but in fact it was "object with empty categories list" which means that object should be never visible. To create "object without categories specified" use, WithCategories.anyCategory. If you want to pass just a list of categories, use WithCategories(value, Some(list),
  • #5171 Changes around ComponentType values changes:
    • In ComponentType values:
      • Built-in component's artificial component types (Filter, Split, Switch, Variable, MapVariable) were replaced by BuiltIn type
      • Processor and Enricher component types were replaced by Service
      • Fragments was replaced by Fragment
      • CustomNode was replaced by CustomComponent
    • In ComponentInfo: Order of parameters swapped + names of them changed componentType -> type, componentName -> name
  • #5209 Now TestScenarioRunner doesn't load components from ComponentProvider automatically. Instead, it loads some predefined set of components. Rest of them you need to pass components using withExtraComponents method. Components loaded automatically:
    • TestScenarioRunner.liteBased - from base provider
    • TestScenarioRunner.kafkaLiteBased - from base and kafka providers
    • TestScenarioRunner.requestResponseBased - from base and requestResponse providers
    • TestScenarioRunner.flinkBased - from base provider TestScenarioRunner now also uses global variables from default model
  • #4956 Refactor: Cleanup TestResults
    • Changed signature DeploymentManager.test method, and removed variableEncoder param
    • Classes TestResults, ExpressionInvocationResult, ExternalInvocationResult don't depend on T
    • Classes NodeResult is removed. Instead, Context is used directly
    • Removed variableEncoder from ResultsCollectingListenerHolder.registerRun
    • Removed ResultContext, please use Context instead of it
  • #5240 Simpler result types in TestScenarioRunner
    • RunResult and RunUnitResult has no generic parameter anymore
    • RunResult and its descendants has no success method anymore - for RunListResult should be used successes instead

REST API changes

  • #4745 Change api/properties/*/validation endpoint request type
    • Replace processProperties with additionalFields
    • Add id field for scenario or fragment id
  • #5039#5052 Changes in endpoints
    • api/parameters/*/suggestions request
      • variables is renamed to variableTypes and it should have only local variables now
    • api/processes/** response
      • .json.validationResult.nodeResults.variableTypes doesn't contain global variables types anymore
    • api/processDefinitionData/* response
      • .processDefinition.globalVariables is removed
    • api/parameters/*/validate request
      • scenarioName is removed
      • processProperties is removed

Configuration changes

  • #4860 In file-based configuration, the field scenarioTypes.<scenarioType>.additionalPropertiesConfig is renamed to scenarioTypes.<scenarioType>.scenarioPropertiesConfig
  • #5077 In SQL enricher configuration, connectionProperties was changed to dataSourceProperties

Other changes

  • #4901 Improvements TestScenarioRunner:
    • Changes at FlinkProcessRegistrar.register passing resultCollector instead of testRunId
  • #5033 Scala 2.13 was updated to 2.13.12, you may update your flink-scala-2.13 to 1.1.1 (it's not required, new version is binary-compatible)
  • #5059 #5100 Categories configuration doesn't allow configuring multiple categories for the same scenario type. If you have such a case, you have to extract another scenario types and assign each category to each scenario type. Because of this change configuration of categories was also removed from Components configuration
  • #4953 Stricter validation in base components:
    • Boolean expressions in Switch and Filter nodes are required not null values
    • Variable values in MapVariable, FragmentOutput and Variable are mandatory
    • Field names in MapVariable, FragmentOutput are required to be unique
  • #4698 Due to change in program argument encoding all scheduled batch scenarios handled by periodic DM must be cancelled before upgrade

In version 1.12.6

Other changes

  • #5447 JDK downgraded from 17 to 11 in lite runner image for scala 2.13

In version 1.12.x

Code API changes

  • #4574 Improvements: at KafkaClient and RichKafkaConsumer in kafka-test-utils
    • RichKafkaConsumer.consumeWithJson needs json decoder
    • removed RichKafkaConsumer.consumeWithConsumerRecord, use RichKafkaConsumer.consumeWithJson instead of it
    • RichKafkaConsumer.defaultSecondsToWait renamed to RichKafkaConsumer.DefaultSecondsToWait
    • KafkaClient.sendMessage accepts generic content with json encoder
  • #4583 DeploymentManager has new variants of method cancel and stop taking DeployomentId next to ProcessName. They will be used with batch processing mechanism (periodic DM) so it is necessary to implement it only if your DM will be wrapped by PeriodicDeploymentManager
  • #4685 In AuthenticationResources trait it was added two new methods that have to be implemented in the child classes: def authenticationMethod(): Auth[AuthCredentials, _] and def authenticate(authCredentials: AuthCredentials): Future[Option[AuthenticatedUser]]. The first one tells what authentication method will be used (it's for Tapir-based API purposes) and the latter one is the authentication action itself. The def authenticate(): Directive1[AuthenticatedUser] should be treated as deprecated. It's used in the NU APIs which are still Akka HTTP-based. When we get rid of Akka HTTP, it will be removed.
  • #4762 Rename RegExpParameterValidator to LiteralRegExpParameterValidator

REST API changes

  • #4697 Change api/parameters/*/validate and api/parameters/*/suggestions endpoints.
    • Use processingType instead of processName
    • Add scenarioName parameter to ParametersValidationRequest used in api/parameters/*/validate
  • #4602 Cleaning subprocess usages after NU 1.11 release
    • Removed isSubprocess endpoint param, use isFragment from now on.
    • Removed backward compatibility for subprocess fields.

Other changes

  • #4492 Allow testing fragments using ad-hoc testing method. By default, NU enables that feature but if you have some custom processToolbarConfig settings then You would like to remove hidden: { fragment: true } flag for type: "test-with-form", type: "test-counts" and type: "test-hide" inside processToolbarConfig -> "test-panel".

In version 1.11.0

Code API changes

  • #4295 DeploymentManager.getProcessState(ProcessName) method now returns List[StatusDetails] instead of Option[StatusDetails]. If you are a consumer of this API and want to have the same behavior as previously, you can use InconsistentStateDetector.extractAtMostOneStatus method for that. Notice, that in the future visibility of this method may be changed into private.
  • #4462 StatusDetails.deploymentId field changed type intoOption[DeploymentId]. It contains, internal designer's deployment id. It is used to assign deployment on runtime side with deployment action on designer side in periodic DM for purpose of correct status synchronization. If you want to make it filled, you should pass the correct value in DeploymentData.deploymentId. Current value of deploymentId: Option[ExternalDeploymentId] was moved into externalDeploymentId field. ProcessAction has a new field - id. ProcessStateDefinitionManager.processState variant of methods with multiple parameters was removed - you should use ProcessStateDefinitionManager.processState(StatusDetails) variant instead.
  • #4353 Removed isCancelled/isDeployed flags based on ProcessAction, ProcessAction.action renamed to actionType. Trait Process is removed.
  • #4484 ProcessIdWithName moved from package pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.process to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process DeploymentManager.getProcessState(ProcessName, Option[ProcessAction]) method now takes ProcessIdWithName as an argument instead of ProcessName. The same with PostprocessingProcessStatus.postprocess.

REST API changes

  • #4454 Rename 'subprocess' to 'fragment' along with all endpoints (with backward compatibility).
    • isSubprocess query parameter is renamed to isFragment. isSubprocess will be removed in 1.12.0
  • #4462 Process state API returns externalDeploymentId instead of deploymentId.

Other changes

  • #4514 AkkaHttpBackend in designer is replaced by AsyncHttpClientFutureBackend. To use custom http client configuration use file and make sure it is available in the classpath.

In version 1.10.0

Code API changes

  • #4352 TypedObjectTypingResult#fields are no longer ordered, fields will be sorted for presentation (see TypedObjectTypingResult#display)
  • #4294 HttpRemoteEnvironmentConfig allows you to pass flag passUsernameInMigration - (default true). When set to true, migration attaches username in the form of Remote[userName] while migrating to secondary environment. To use the old migration endpoint, set to false.
  • #4278 Now expression compiler and code suggestions mechanism are reusing the same types extracted based on model. Before the change types in compiler were lazily extracted. Because of this change, some expressions can stop to compile. You may need to add WithExplicitTypesToExtract to some of yours SourceFactory implementations. See extending classes for examples on how to implement it.
  • #4290 Renamed predicates used in ClassExtractionSettings:
    • ClassMemberPatternPredicate renamed to MemberNamePatternPredicate
    • AllMethodNamesPredicate renamed to AllMembersPredicate
  • #4299, #4300 StateStatus is identified by its name. ProcessState serialization uses this name as serialized state value.
    Sealed trait StateStatus is unsealed, all members are replaced by corresponding SimpleStateStatus state definitions, custom statuses are defined within each ProcessStateDefinitionManager. ProcessAction is moved from restmodel to extensions-api, package engine.api.deployment.
  • #4339 Improvements: Don't fetch state for archived/unarchived scenario, return computed based on last state action At BaseProcessDetails we provide lastStateAction field which can have an influence on the presented state of the scenario. We currently use it to distinguish between cancel / not_deployed and to detect inconsistent states between the designer and engine
  • #4302 State inconsistency detection was moved from designer to DeploymentManager. DeploymentManager.getProcessState for internal purposes returns Option[StatusDetails] which is based on job status from deployment manager (instead of Option[ProcessState] which contains UI info). There is separate getProcessState that returns ProcessState which is a status from engine resolved via InconsistentStateDetector and formatted with UI-related details. PeriodicProcessEvent uses StatusDetails instead of ProcessState. Constants defined in ProblemStateStatus are renamed to match UpperCamelCase formatting.
  • #4350 StateStatus.isDuringDeploy, StateStatus.isFinished, StateStatus.isFailed, StateStatus.isRunning, ProcessState.isDeployed methods were removed. Instead, you should compare status with specific status.
  • #4357 Changed structure of MetaData in CanonicalProcess - TypeSpecificData automatically migrated to ProcessAdditionalFields
    • Example MetaData structure before migration:
      "id": "scenarioName",
      "typeSpecificData": {
        "parallelism": 1,
        "spillStateToDisk": true,
        "checkpointIntervalInSeconds": null,
        "type": "StreamMetaData"
      "additionalFields": {
        "description": null,
        "properties": {
          "someCustomProperty": "someCustomValue"
    • Example MetaData structure after migration:
      "id": "scenarioName",
      "additionalFields": {
        "description": null,
        "properties": {
          "parallelism" : "1",
          "spillStateToDisk" : "true",
          "useAsyncInterpretation" : "",
          "checkpointIntervalInSeconds" : "",
          "someCustomProperty": "someCustomValue"
        "metaDataType": "StreamMetaData"

Configuration changes

  • #4283 For OIDC provider, accessTokenIsJwt config property is introduced, with default values false. Please mind, that previous Nussknacker versions assumed its value is true if authentication.audience was defined.
  • #4357 TypeSpecificData properties are now be configured in DeploymentManagerProvider:
    • Main configuration is done through additionalPropertiesConfig like other additional properties
    • Initial values overriding defaults from the main configuration can be set in metaDataInitializer

Other changes

  • #4305 scala-compiler and scala-reflect are now included in flink-scala, so you can simplify your deployment by removing them and updating to new (flink-scala JAR) (this doesn't introduce any functional changes)

REST API changes

  • #4350 delete action is available only for archived scenarios. Before the change it was checked that scenario is not running

In version 1.9.0

Code API changes

  • #4030 Changes for purpose of local testing of designer with other urls than on engine side
    • ProcessingTypeConfig.modelConfig now contains ConfigWithUnresolvedVersion instead of Config. Old Config value is in ConfigWithUnresolvedVersion.resolved
    • ModelConfigLoader.resolveInputConfigDuringExecution takes ConfigWithUnresolvedVersion instead of Config. Use ConfigWithUnresolvedVersion.apply for easy transition between those classes
  • #3997 Removal of obsolete subprocessVersions. It affects MetaData, ProcessMetaDataBuilder and DisplayableProcess properties.
  • #4122, #4132, #4179, #4189
    • Use ProcessStateDefinitionManager.stateDefinitions to describe states: 1) their default properties 2) how the states are presented in filter-by-status options.
      (see an example of basic definitions in SimpleProcessStateDefinitionManager and SimpleStateStatus).
    • State defaults and allowed actions are moved to SimpleStateStatus, FlinkStateStatus, PeriodicStateStatus, EmbeddedStateStatus and K8sStateStatus from corresponding state-definition-managers (see example FlinkProcessStateDefinitionManager).
    • Type renamed to StatusName
    • ProcessResources exposes new endpoint /api/procecesses/statusDefinitions
    • Within the base set of statuses used in Embedded, Flink, K8 and Periodic mode (SimpleStateStatus), statuses Failing, Failed, Error, Warning, FailedToGet and MulipleJobsRunning are replaced by one ProblemStateStatus which is parametrized by specific message. ProblemStateStatus provides several builder methods, one for each corresponding removed state. Those builders allow to preserve the exact moments when each state appears in the scenario lifecycle.
    • Displayed tooltip and description of ProblemStateStatus have the same value.
    • Removed SimpleStateStatus.Unknown
    • Removed status FailedStateStatus. Use ProblemStateStatus instead.
    • Status configuration for icon, tooltip and description is obligatory.
  • #4104 DeploymentManager.findJobStatus was renamed to getProcessState. New DataFreshnessPolicy parameter was added. Returned type was changed to WithDataFreshnessStatus[T] where T is the previous value and cached: Boolean is additional information that should be provided. If you provide DeploymentManager which communicate remotely with some service, and you want to use standard build-in caching for ProcessState, wrap your DeploymentManager using CachingProcessStateDeploymentManager.wrapWithCachingIfNeeded in your DeploymentManagerProvider. Thanks to that, caching will be handled as expected, and your DeploymentManager just should extend AlwaysFreshProcessState which provide the same interface as the previous one, with only method name changed. Especially, when you use 'PeriodicDeploymentManagerProvider', delegate should already return DeploymentManager wrapped by caching mechanism.
  • #4131 Parameter.defaultValue now holds Option[Expression] instead of Option[String]. You have to wrap a String with Expression.spel()
  • #4224 If you're using Flink with Nussknacker built with Scala 2.13, add this jar in your Flink installation to lib dir. It's our implementation of org.apache.flink.runtime.types.FlinkScalaKryoInstantiator (sources are here) which is needed to properly (de)serialize Flink state when using scala 2.13. Hopefully, it's temporary solution, until Flink becomes really scala-free and gets rid of this FlinkScalaKryoInstantiator class or allows to have it in the job code (not Flink libs).
  • #4190 - introduced possibility to configure offset in FlinkComponentsProvider (components.base.aggregateWindowsConfig.tumblingWindowsOffset, by default 0) for aggregates with tumbling windows. You might want to set it up, especially when you want your daily windows to be aligned according to your timezone if it's not UTC. See example in Flink docs

Other changes

  • #4122, #4132 Changes in state definitions:
    • In ProcessStateDefinitionManager default behaviour of methods statusTooltip, statusDescription and statusIcon is to return default properties defined via stateDefinitions. It is not necessary to override those methods when all definitions have fixed default properties.
    • To introduce custom status properties, extensions to basic definitions, use OverridingProcessStateDefinitionManager.
    • OverridingProcessStateDefinitionManager allows to specify delegate (previously only SimpleProcessStateDefinitionManager was available) and custom state definitions.
    • Parameter delegate in OverridingProcessStateDefinitionManager has no default value, it should be provided explicitly.
    • There is additional validation when all processing types are reloaded from configuration: check if all processing types state definitions configuration is correct. (see comment in ProcessStateDefinitionService)
  • #3997 Due to removal of deprecated field subprocessVersions migration of scenarios from and to remote environment, for Nussknacker version 1.9.0+ and older will not be possible. Use export and import as a workaround while working between older and newer version.

Other changes

  • #3675 Improvements: Normalize kafka components params name
    • Renamed kafka topic param name from topic to Topic
    • Renamed kafka value param name from value to Value

In version 1.8.0

Scenario authoring changes

  • #3924
    • Fixup: {} is now interpreted as "allow everything schema", not as "object schema". Objects schemas have to have declared "type": "object".
    • Unknown is now allowed on sinks in both validation modes if output schema is "everything allowed schema".

Code API changes

  • #3924 - changes to SwaggerTyped hierarchy
    • SwaggerMap(valuesType) -> SwaggerObject(Map.empty, additionalProperties = AdditionalPropertiesEnabled(valuesType))
    • AdditionalPropertiesSwaggerTyped -> AdditionalPropertiesEnabled
    • AdditionalPropertiesWithoutType -> AdditionalPropertiesEnabled(SwaggerAny)
    • SwaggerRecursiveSchema/SwaggerUnknownFallback -> SwaggerAny

Other changes

  • #3835 Removed Signals and QueryableState. This change affects:

    • Configuration
    • Components and DeploymentManager API
    • REST API
  • #3823, #3836, #3843 - scenarios with multiple sources can be tested from file

    • TestDataGenerator#generateTestData returns JSON test records instead of raw bytes. Test records are serialized to a file by designer Test record can optionally contain timestamp which is used to sort records generated by many sources
    • TestDataParser was replaced with TestRecordParser that turns a single JSON test record into a source record
    • TestData.newLineSeparated helper was removed. Scenario test records have to be created explicitly. Each scenario test record has assigned source
    • DeploymentManager#test takes ScenarioTestData instead of TestData
    • Designer configuration testDataSettings.testDataMaxBytes renamed to testDataMaxLength
  • #3916 Designer configuration environmentAlert.cssClass renamed to environmentAlert.color

  • #3922 Bumps: jwks: 0.19.0 -> 0.21.3, jackson: 2.11.3 -> 2.13.4

  • #3929 From now, SchemaId value class is used in every place where schema id was represented as an Int. For conversion between SchemaId and Int use SchemaId.fromInt and SchemaId.asInt. Use ConfluentUtils.toSchemaWithMetadata instead of SchemaWithMetadata.apply for conversion between Confluent's SchemaMetadata and ours SchemaWithMetadata.

  • #3948 Now, we are less dependent from Confluent schema registry. To make it possible, some kafka universal/avro components refactors were done. Most important changes in public API:

    • ConfluentSchemaBasedSerdeProvider.universal was replaced by UniversalSchemaBasedSerdeProvider.create

    Some other, internal changes:

    • Non-confluent classes renamed and moved to desired packages
    • Extracted new class: SchemaIdFromMessageExtractor to make Confluent logic explicit and moved to top level
    • Extracted SchemaValidator to make Confluent logic explicit and be able to compose
    • Some renames: ConsumerRecordUtils -> KafkaRecordUtils
    • RecordDeserializer -> AvroRecordDeserializer (also inheritance replaced by composition)
    • (De)SerializerFactory - easier abstractions
    • ConfluentSchemaRegistryFactory is not necessary now - removed

In version 1.7.0

Scenario authoring changes

  • #3701 Right now access in SpEL to not existing field on TypedMap won't throw exception, just will return null
  • #3727 Improvements: Change RR Sink validation way:
    • Added param Value validation mode at RR response component
    • We no longer support nullable param from Everit schema. Nullable schema are supported by union with null e.g. `["null", "string"]

Configuration changes

  • #3768 request-response-embedded and streaming-lite-embedded DeploymentManager types where replaced by one lite-embedded DeploymentManager type with two modes: streaming and request-response like it is done in lite-k8s case

Code API changes

  • #3560, #3595 Remove dependency on flink-scala. In particular:
    • Switched from using scala.DataStream to datastream.DataStream. Some tools exclusive to scala datastreams are available in engine.flink.api.datastream
    • Scala based TypeInformation derivation is no longer used, for remaining cases flink-scala-utils module is provided (probably will be removed in the future)
  • #3680 SubprocessRef::outputVariableNames type is changed from Option[Map[String,String]] with default None, to Map[String,String] with default Map.empty
  • #3692 Rename mockedResult to externalInvocation in test results collectors.
  • #3606 Removed nussknacker-request-response-app. As a replacement you can use:
    • nussknacker-request-response-app in version <= 1.6
    • Lite K8s engine with request-response processing mode
    • lite-embedded Deployment Manager with request-response processing mode
  • #3610 Removed deprecated code. For details see changes in pull request.
  • #3607 Request-response jsonSchema based encoder:
    • ValidationMode moved to package pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.validation in nussknacker-components-api
    • BestEffortJsonSchemaEncoder moved to package pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.json.encode in nussknacker-json-utils
  • #3738 Kafka client libraries upgraded to 3.2.3. If using older Flink version, make sure to use 2.8.x client libraries. For Flink versions 1.15.0-1.15.2 include also fixed KafkaMetricWrapper
  • #3668 Method runWithRequests of RequestResponseTestScenarioRunner (returned by TestScenarioRunner.requestResponseBased()) now returns ValidatedNel with scenario compilation errors instead of throwing exception in that case

REST API changes

  • #3576 /processes endpoint without query parameters returns all scenarios - the previous behaviour was to return only unarchived ones. To fetch only unarchived scenarios isArchived=false query parameter has to be passed.

Other changes

  • #3824 Due to data serialization fix, Flink scenarios using Kafka sources with schemas may be incompatible and may need to be restarted with clean state.

In version 1.6.0

  • #3440 Feature: allow to define fragment's outputs
    • Right now using fragments in scenario is changed. We have to provide each outputName for outputs defined in fragment.

Scenario authoring changes

  • #3370 Feature: scenario node category verification on validation From now import scenario with nodes from other categories than scenario category will be not allowed.
  • #3436 Division by zero will cause validation error. Tests that rely on 1/0 to generate exceptions should have it changed to code like 1/{0, 1}[0]
  • #3473 JsonRequestResponseSinkFactory provides also 'raw editor', to turn on 'raw editor' add SinkRawEditorParamName -> "true"
  • #3608 Use ZonedDateTime for date-time JsonSchema format, OffsetTime for time format.

Code API changes

  • #3406 Migration from Scalatest 3.0.8 to Scalatest 3.2.10 - if necessary, see the Scalatest migration guides, and
  • #3431 Renamed helper-utils to default-helpers, separated MathUtils from components-utils to math-utils, removed dependencies from helper-utils
  • #3420 DeploymentManagerProvider.typeSpecificInitialData takes deploymentConfig Config now
  • #3493, #3582 Added methods DeploymentManagerProvider.additionalPropertiesConfig, DeploymentManagerProvider.additionalValidators
  • #3506 Changed LocalDateTime to Instant in OnDeployActionSuccess in listener-api
  • #3513 Replace EspProcess with CanonicalProcess in all parts of the API except for the compiler.
  • #3545 TestScenarioRunner.flinkBased should be used instead of NuTestScenarioRunner.flinkBased. Before this, you need to import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.flink.util.test.FlinkTestScenarioRunner._
  • #3386 Changed CustomProcessValidator validate method. It now receives CanonicalProcess instead of DisplayableProcess and returns ValidatedNel[ProcessCompilationError, Unit] instead of ValidationResult. Moved CustomProcessValidator from module nussknacker-restmodel in package validation to nussknacker-extensions-api.
  • #3586 Module nussknacker-ui was renamed to nussknacker-designer, ui.conf was renamed to designer.conf, defaultUiConfing.conf renamed to defaultDesignerConfig.conf

REST API changes

  • #3506 Dates returned by REST API (createdAt, modifiedAt, createDate) are now returned in Zulu time, with timezone indication. This affects e.g. /api/procecesses, /api/processes/{scenarioId}, /api/processes/{scenarioId}/activity
  • #3542 Node additional info path renamed from nodes/{scenarioId}/additionalData to nodes/{scenarioId}/additionalInfo

Scenario API changes

  • #3471, #3553 RequestResponseMetaData(path) is changed to RequestResponseMetaData(slug). V1_033__RequestResponseUrlToSlug migration is ready for that, the change also applies to Scenario DSL.
  • #3513 Scenario DSL returns CanonicalProcess instead of EspProcess.
  • #3630 SubprocessOutput changed to SubprocessUsageOutput, changes in OutputVar definition

Configuration changes

  • #3425 Deployment Manager for request-response-embedded configuration parameters changed:
    • interface -> http.interface
    • port -> http.port
    • definitionMetadata -> request-response.definitionMetadata
  • #3502 Refactor of KafkaProperties: kafkaAddress property has been deprecated. Please provide kafkaProperties."bootstrap.servers" instead

Other changes

  • #3441 Updated Flink 1.14.5 -> 1.15.2. Some Flink artefacts no longer have Scala version. Test using Flink may need to disable checkpointing or reduce time between checkpoints to prevent timeouts or long waits for tasks to finish.

In version 1.5.0

Configuration changes

  • #2992 deploySettings changed to deploymentCommentSettings, now when specified require you to also specify field validationPattern, specifying exampleComment is optional.
  • commentSettings fields modified. matchExpression changed to substitutionPattern, link changed to substitutionLink.
  • #3165 Config is not exposed over http (GET /api/app/config/) by default. To enable it set configuration enableConfigEndpoint to true.
  • #3223 OAuth2 configuration defaultTokenExpirationTime changed to defaultTokenExpirationDuration
  • #3263 Batch periodic scenarios carry processing type to distinguish scenarios with different categories. For existing scenarios processing type is migrated to default. Set deploymentManager.processingType to default or update periodic scenarios table with actual processing type value - ideally it should be same value as the periodic engine key in scenarioTypes.

Code API changes

  • #2992 OnDeployActionSuccess in ProcessChangeEvent now requires instance of Option[Comment] instead of Option[String] as parameter with deploymentComment information. Added abstract class Comment in listener-api.
  • #3136 Improvements: Lite Kafka testkit
    • ConfluentUtils.serializeRecordToBytesArray replaced by ConfluentUtils.serializeDataToBytesArray
    • ConfluentUtils.deserializeSchemaIdAndRecord replaced by ConfluentUtils.deserializeSchemaIdAndData
  • #3178 Improvements: more complex test scenario runner result:
    • Right now each method from TestScenarioRunner should return ValidatedNel[ProcessCompilationError, RunResult[R]] where:
      • Invalid is representation of process compilation errors
      • Valid is representation of positive and negative scenario running result
  • #3255 TestReporter util class is safer to use in parallel tests, methods require passing scenario name
  • #3265 #3288 #3297 #3299#3309 #3316 #3322 #3328 #3330 Changes related with UniversalKafkaSource/Sink:
    • RuntimeSchemaData is generic - parametrized by ParsedSchema (AvroSchema and JsonSchema is supported).
    • NkSerializableAvroSchema renamed to NkSerializableParsedSchema
    • SchemaWithMetadata wraps ParsedSchema instead of Avro Schema.
    • SchemaRegistryProvider refactoring:
      • rename SchemaRegistryProvider to SchemaBasedSerdeProvider
      • decouple SchemaRegistryClientFactory from SchemaBasedSerdeProvider
    • KafkaAvroKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory renamed to KafkaSchemaBasedKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory
    • KafkaAvroValueSerializationSchemaFactory renamed to KafkaSchemaBasedValueSerializationSchemaFactory
    • KafkaAvroKeyValueSerializationSchemaFactory renamed to KafkaSchemaBasedKeyValueSerializationSchemaFactory
  • #3253 DeploymentManager has separate validate method, which should perform initial scenario validation and return reasonably quickly (while deploy can e.g. make Flink savepoint etc.)
  • #3313 Generic types handling changes:
    • Typed.typedClass(Class[_], List[TypingResult]) is not available anymore. You should use more explicit Typed.genericTypeClass instead
    • We check count of generic parameters in Typed.genericTypeClass - wrong number will cause throwing exception now
    • We populate generic parameters by correct number of Unknown in non-generic aware versions of Typed factory methods like Typed.apply or Typed.typedClass
  • #3071 More strict Avro schema validation:
    • ValidationMode.allowOptional was removed, instead of it please use ValidationMode.lax
    • ValidationMode.allowRedundantAndOptional was removed, instead of it please use ValidationMode.lax
    • Changes of ValidationMode, fields: acceptUnfilledOptional and acceptRedundant were removed
  • #3376 FlinkKafkaSource.flinkSourceFunction, FlinkKafkaSource.createFlinkSource and DelayedFlinkKafkaConsumer.apply takes additional argument, FlinkCustomNodeContext now
  • #3272 KafkaZookeeperServer renamed to EmbeddedKafkaServer, zooKeeperServer field changed type to Option and is hidden now.
  • #3365 Numerous renames:
    • module nussknacker-avro-components-utils -> nussknacker-schemed-kafka-components-utils
    • module nussknacker-flink-avro-components-utils -> nussknacker-flink-schemed-kafka-components-utils
    • package pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.avro -> pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.schemedkafka
    • object KafkaAvroBaseComponentTransformer -> KafkaUniversalComponentTransformer
  • #3412 More strict filtering method types. Methods with parameters or result like Collection[IllegalType] are no longer available in SpEl.
  • #3542 Numerous renames:
    • trait NodeAdditionalInfo -> AdditionalInfo,
    • class MarkdownNodeAdditionalInfo -> MarkdownAdditionalInfo
    • trait NodeAdditionalInfoProvider -> AdditionalInfoProvider - the SPI provider's configuration files must be renamed from pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.additionalInfo.NodeAdditionalInfoProvider to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.additionalInfo.AdditionalInfoProvider
    • method AdditionalInfoProvider.additionalInfo renamed to nodeAdditionalInfo and new method added propertiesAdditionalInfo

REST API changes

  • #3169 API endpoint /api/app/healthCheck returning short JSON answer with "OK" status is now not secured - before change it required to be an authenticated user with "read" permission.

Scenario authoring changes

  • #3187 #3224 Choice component replaces Switch component. "Default" choice edge type, exprVal and expression are now deprecated. For existing usages, you don't need to change anything. For new usages, if you want extract value e.g. to simplify choice conditions, you need to define new local variable before choice using variable component. "Default" choice edge type can be replaced by adding "true" condition at the end of list of conditions

Breaking changes

  • #3328 Due to addition of support for different schema type (AvroSchema and JsonSchema for now) serialization format of NkSerializableParsedSchema has changed. Flink state compatibility of scenarios which use Avro sources or sinks has been broken.
  • #3365 Due to renames (see section Code API changes) Flink state compatibility of scenarios which use Avro sources or sinks has been broken.

Other changes

  • #3249#3250 Some kafka related libraries were bumped: Confluent 5.5->7.2, avro 1.9->1.11, kafka 2.4 -> 3.2. It may have influence on your custom components if you depend on kafka-components-utils or avro-components-utils module
  • #3376 Behavior of Flink's Kafka deserialization errors handling was changed - now instead of job failure, invalid message is omitted and configured exceptionHandler mechanism is used.

In version 1.4.0

Configuration changes

  • security.rolesClaim changed to security.rolesClaims, type changed to list of strings
  • kafka.schemaRegistryCacheConfig configuration entry was added - it was hardcoded before. Default value of kafka.schemaRegistryCacheConfig.availableSchemasExpirationTime was changed from 1 minute to 10 seconds which will cause more often schema cache invalidation
  • #3031 Attachments are now stored in database (see more in section Other changes). attachmentsPath was removed. Optional config attachments.maxSizeInBytes was introduced with default value of 10mb

Code API changes

  • #2983 Extract Permission to extensions-api
    • Moved (security module) to (extension-api module)
  • #3040 Deprecated pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.ProcessListener.sinkInvoked method. Switch to more general endEncountered method.
  • #3076 new implicit parameter componentUseCase: ComponentUseCase was added to invoke() method of all services extending EagerServiceWithStaticParameters

Other changes

  • #3031 Attachments are now stored in database. As this feature was rarely used, automatic migration of attachments from disk to db is not provided. To stay consistent db table process_attachments had to be truncated.

Breaking changes

  • #3029 KafkaConfig has new field schemaRegistryCacheConfig: SchemaRegistryCacheConfig. Flink state compatibility has been broken.
  • #3116 Refactor SchemaRegistryClientFactory so it takes dedicated config object instead of KafkaConfig. This change minimizes chance of future Flink state compatibility break. SchemaIdBasedAvroGenericRecordSerializer is serialized in Flink state, so we provide it now with as little dependencies as necessary. Flink state compatibility has been broken again.
  • #3363 Kafka consumer no longer set auto.offset.reset to earliest by default. For default configuration files, you can use KAFKA_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET env variable to easily change this setting.

In version 1.3.0

Code API changes

  • #2741 #2841 Remove custom scenario provides some changes on API:
    • Replace ProcessDeploymentData by CanonicalProcess (as VO)
    • Replace scenario jsonString by CanonicalProcess at DeploymentManager, ProcessConfigEnricherInputData
  • #2773 Using VersionId / ProcessId / ProcessName instead of Long or String:
    • PullProcessRepository API was changed, right now we use VersionId instead of Long
  • #2830 RunMode is renamed to ComponanteUseCase and Normal value is split into: EngineRuntime, Validation, ServiceQuery, TestDataGeneration. RunMode.Test becomes ComponanteUseCase.TestRuntime
  • #2825, #2868 #2912 API modules changes:
    • Extracted new modules:
      • nussknacker-scenario-api with all scenario API parts from api and interpreter
      • nussknacker-components-api (and nussknacker-lite-components-api, nussknacker-flink-components-api etc.), which contain API for creating components
      • nussknacker-common-api - base value classes shared between scenario-api and components-api like NodeId, Metadata etc.
      • nussknacker-extensions-api - API of extensions other than components
    • Because of that, some changes in code were also introduced:
      • NodeId moved from pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.context.ProcessCompilationError to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api
      • NodeExpressionId, DefaultExpressionId and branchParameterExpressionId moved from pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.context.ProcessCompilationError to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.graph.expression
      • JobData no longer contains DeploymentData, which is not accessible for components anymore
      • DisplayJson, WithJobData, MultiMap moved to utils
      • Some methods from API classes (e.g. Parameter.validate) and classes (InterpretationResult) moved to interpreter
      • DeploymentManagerProvider.createDeploymentManager takes now BaseModelData as an argument instead of ModelData. If you want to use this data to invoke scenario, you should cast it to invokable representation via: import ModelData._; modelData.asInvokableModelData
  • #2878 2898 #2924 Cleaning up of -utils modules
    • Extracted internal classes, not intended to be used in extensions to nussknacker-internal-utils module
    • Extracted component classes, not used directly by runtime/designer to nussknacker-components-utils module
    • Extracted kafka component classes, not used directly by lite-kafka-runtime/kafka-test-utils to nussknacker-kafka-components-utils
    • Moved some classes that are in fact part of API to -api modules (e.g. ToJsonEncoder)
    • Module renames:
      • nussknacker-avro-util to nussknacker-avro-components-utils
      • nussknacker-flink-avro-util to nussknacker-flink-avro-components-utils
      • nussknacker-flink-kafka-util to nussknacker-flink-kafka-components-utils
      • nussknacker-flink-util to nussknacker-flink-components-utils
      • nussknacker-request-response-util to nussknacker-request-response-components-utils
      • nussknacker-model-util to nussknacker-helpers-utils
    • Minor changes in code:
      • Use val docsConfig = new DocsConfig(config); import docsConfig._ instead of implicit val docsConfig = (...); import DocsConfig._
      • Some components specific methods are not available from KafkaUtils. Instead, they are available from KafkaComponentsUtils
      • ToJsonEncoder.encoder takes Any => Json function instead of BestEffortJsonEncoder as a parameter
  • #2907 Hide some details of metrics to utils-internal (InstantRateMeter, InstantRateMeterWithCount), use method added to MetricsProviderForScenario
  • #2916 Changes in ProcessState API.
    • Six similar methods creating ProcessState based on StateStatus and some other details merged to one.
      • Methods removed:
        • Two variants of ProcessState.apply taking ProcessStateDefinitionManager as a parameter
        • SimpleProcessState.apply
        • Two variants of ProcessStatus.simple
        • ProcessStatus.createState taking ProcessStateDefinitionManager as a parameter
      • Method added: ProcessStateDefinitionManager.processState with some default parameter values
    • ProcessStatus class is removed at all. All methods returning ProcessState by it moved to SimpleProcessStateDefinitionManager and removed previousState: Option[ProcessState] from it. If you want to keep previous state's deployment details and only change "status details" just use processState.withStatusDetails method
    • ProcessState, CustomAction and its dependencies moved from nussknacker-deployment-manager-api to nussknacker-scenario-deployment-api, restmodel module not depend on deployment-manager-api anymore
    • #2969 Action ProcessActionType.Deploy is now available by default for scenarios in SimpleStateStatus.DuringDeploy state. Mind this if you depend on OverridingProcessStateDefinitionManager or SimpleProcessStateDefinitionManager, and specifically on theirs statusActions method. As an exception, implementation for Flink FlinkProcessStateDefinitionManager stays the same as before (only ProcessActionType.Cancel is possible in this state), but this may be unified in the future.

Other changes

  • #2886 This change can break previous flink snapshot compatibility. Restoring state from previous snapshot asserts that restored serializer UID matches current serializer UID. This change ensures that in further release deployments UIDs persisted within snapshots are not re-generated in runtime.
  • #2950 Remove MATH helper, use NUMERIC methods (they work better with some number types conversions)

In version 1.2.0

Configuration changes

  • #2483 COUNTS_URL environment variable is not INFLUXDB_URL, without query path part.
  • #2493 kafka configuration should be moved to components provider configuration - look at components.kafka in dev-application.conf for example
  • #2624 Default name for process tag is now scenario. This affects metrics and count functionalities. Please update you Flink/Telegraf setup accordingly (see nussknacker-quickstart for details). If you still want to use process tag (e.g. you have a lot of dashboards), please set countsSettings.metricsConfig.scenarioTag setting to process Also, dashboard links format changed, see documentation for the details.
  • #2645 Default models: genericModel.jar, liteModel.jar. were merged to defaultModel.jar, managementSample.jar was renamed to devModel.jar. If you use defaultModel.jar it's important to include flinkExecutor.jar explicitly on model classpath.

Scenario authoring changes

  • #2564 Flink union now takes only 'Output expression' parameters for branches (previously 'value' parameter), output variable must be of the same type, if you want to distinguish source branch in output variable please use map variable, example in Basic Nodes docs.

Other changes

  • #2554 Maven artifact nussknacker-kafka-flink-util become nussknacker-flink-kafka-util and nussknacker-avro-flink-util become nussknacker-flink-avro-util. General naming convention is nussknacker-$runtimeType-$moduleName. Components inside distribution changed layout to components(/$runtimeType)/componentName.jar e.g. components/flink/kafka.jar or components/openapi.jar KafkaSource become FlinkKafkaSource, ConsumerRecordBasedKafkaSource become FlinkConsumerRecordBasedKafkaSource, KafkaSink become FlinkKafkaSink, KafkaAvroSink become FlinkKafkaAvroSink
  • #2535, #2625, #2645 Rename standalone to request-response:
    • Renamed modules and artifacts
    • StandaloneMetaData is now RequestResponseMetaData
    • Move request-response modules to base dir.
    • standalone in package names changed to requestresponse
    • Standalone in class/variable names changed to RequestResponse
    • DeploymentManager/Service uses dedicated format of status DTO, instead of the ones from deployment-manager-api
    • Removed old, deprecated jarPath settings, in favour of classPath used in other places
    • Extracted nussknacker-lite-request-response-components module
  • #2582 KafkaUtils.toProducerProperties setup only basic properties now (bootstrap.servers and serializers) - before the change it was setting options which are not always good choice (for transactional producers wasn't)
  • #2600 ScenarioInterpreter, ScenarioInterpreterWithLifecycle now takes additional generic parameter: Input. ScenarioInterpreter.invoke takes ScenarioInputBatch which now contains list of SourceId -> Input instead of SourceId -> Context. Logic of Context preparation should be done in LiteSource instead of before ScenarioInterpreter.invoke. invocation It means that LiteSource also takes this parameter and have a new method createTransformation.
  • #2635 ContextInitializer.initContext now takes ContextIdGenerator instead of nodeId and returns just a function with strategy of context initialization instead of serializable function with Lifecycle. To use it with Flink engine, use FlinkContextInitializingFunction wrapper.
  • #2649 DeploymentManagerProvider takes new ProcessingTypeDeploymentService class as an implicit parameter
  • #2564 'UnionParametersMigration' available to migrate parameter name from 'value' to 'Output expression' - please turn it on you are using 'union' like component
  • #2645 Simplify structure of available models (implementations of ProcessConfigCreator). defaultModel.jar and components should be used instead of custom implementations of ProcessConfigCreator, the only exception is when one wants to customize ExpressionConfig. Also, nussknacker-flink-engine module became nussknacker-flink-executor.
  • #2651 ValidationContext.clearVariables now clears also parent reference. Important when invoked inside fragments.
  • #2673 KafkaZookeeperUtils renamed to KafkaTestUtils, it doesn't depend on ZooKeeper anymore.
  • #2686 ServiceWithStaticParameters renamed to EagerServiceWithStaticParameters.
  • #2695 nodeId replaced with NodeComponentInfo in NuExceptionInfo. Simple wrapper class which holds the same nodeId and also componentInfo. Migration is straightforward, just put nodeId into the new case class:
    • NuExceptionInfo(None, exception, context) => stays the same
    • NuExceptionInfo(Some(nodeId), exception, context) => NuExceptionInfo(Some(NodeComponentInfo(nodeId, None)), exception, context)
      • if an exception is thrown inside the component, additional information can be provided:
        • for base component (like filter or split): NodeComponentInfo.forBaseNode("nodeId", ComponentType.Filter)
        • for other: NodeComponentInfo("nodeId", ComponentInfo("kafka-avro-source", ComponentType.Source))
    • The same migration has to be applied to ExceptionHandler.handling() method.
  • #2824 'ProcessSplitterMigration' available to migrate node name from 'split' to 'for-each' (see #2781)- please turn it on if you are using 'split' component

In version 1.1.0

:::info Summary:

  • A lot of internal refactoring was made to separate code/API specific for Flink. If your deployment has custom components pay special attention to:
    • Lifecycle management
    • Kafka components
    • Differences in artifacts and packages
  • Some of the core dependencies: cats, cats-effect and circe were upgraded. It affects mainly code, but it may also have impact on state compatibility and performance.
  • Default Flink version was bumped do 1.14 - see on how to run Nu on older Flink versions.
  • Execution of SpEL expressions is now checked more strictly, due to security considerations. These checks can be overridden with custom ExpressionConfig. ::: :::info
  • Apart from that:
    • minor configuration naming changes
    • removal of a few of minor, not documented features (e.g. SQL Variable) :::
  • #2208 Upgrade, cats, cats-effects, circe. An important nuisance: we didn't upgrade sttp, so we cannot depend on "com.softwaremill.sttp.client" %% "circe". Instead, the code is copied. Make sure you don't include sttp-circe integration as transitive dependency, but use class from http-utils instead.
  • #2176 EnrichDeploymentWithJarDataFactory was replaced with ProcessConfigEnricher.
  • #2278 SQL Variable is removed
  • #2280 Added optional defaultValue field to Parameter. In GenericNodeTransformation can be set to None - values will be determined automatically.
  • #2289 Savepoint path in /api/adminProcessManagement/deploy endpoint is passed as a savepointPath parameter instead of path segment.
  • #2293 Enhancement: change nodeCategoryMapping configuration to componentsGroupMapping
  • #2301 #2620 GenericNodeTransformation.initialParameters was removed - now GenericNodeTransformation.contextTransformation is used instead. To make Admin tab -> Invoke service form working, use WithLegacyStaticParameters trait
  • #2409 JsonValidator is now not determined by default based on JsonParameterEditor but must be explicitly defined by @JsonValidator annotation
  • #2304 Upgrade to Flink 1.14. Pay attention to Flink dependencies - in some (e.g. runtime) there is no longer scala version.
  • #2295 FlinkLazyParameterFunctionHelper allows (and sometimes requires) correct exception handling
  • #2307 Changed nussknacker-kafka module name to nussknacker-kafka-util
  • #2310 Changed nussknacker-process module name to nussknacker-flink-engine
  • #2300 #2343 Enhancement: refactor and improvements at components group:
    • Provided ComponentGroupName as VO
    • SingleNodeConfig was renamed to SingleComponentConfig and moved from pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process package to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.component
    • Configuration category in node configuration was replaced by componentGroup
    • Configuration nodes in model configuration was replaced by componentsUiConfig
    • Additional refactor: ProcessToolbarService moved from pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.service package to pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.process
    • Additional refactor: ProcessToolbarService moved from pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.service package to pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.process
    • DefinitionPreparer was renamed to ComponentDefinitionPreparer
    • NodesConfigCombiner was removed
    • REST API /api/processDefinitionData/* response JSON was changed:
      • nodesToAdd was renamed to componentGroups
      • posibleNode was renamed to components
      • nodesConfig was renamed to componentsConfig
      • config icon property from componentsConfig right now should be relative to http.publicPath e.g. /assets/components/Filter.svg (before was just Filter.svg) or url (with http / https)
  • #2346 Remove endResult from Sink in graph.
    • Sink no longer defines testOutput method - they should be handled by respective implementations
    • Change in definition of StandaloneSink previously StandaloneSinkWithParameters, as output always has to be computed with sink parameters now
    • Changes in definition of FlinkSink, to better handle capturing test data
    • Removal of .sink method in GraphBuilder - use .emptySink if suitable
  • #2331
    • KafkaAvroBaseTransformer companion object renamed to KafkaAvroBaseComponentTransformer
    • KryoGenericRecordSchemaIdSerializationSupport renamed to GenericRecordSchemaIdSerializationSupport
  • #2305 Enhancement: change processingTypeToDashboard configuration to scenarioTypeToDashboard
  • #2296 Scenarios & Fragments have separate TypeSpecificData implementations. Also, we remove isSubprocess field from process JSON, and respectively from MetaData constructor. See corresponding db migration V1_031__FragmentSpecificData.scala
  • #2368 WithCategories now takes categories as an Option[List[String]] instead of List[String]. You should wrap given list of categories with Some(...). None mean that component will be available in all categories.
  • #2360 union, union-memo and dead-end components were extracted from model/genericModel.jar to components/baseComponents.jar If you have your own application.conf which changes scenarioTypes, you should add "components/baseComponents.jar" entry into classPath array
  • #2337 Extract base engine from standalone
    • Common functionality of base engine (i.e. microservice based, without Flink) is extracted to base-api and base-runtime
    • new API for custom components (pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.baseengine.api.customComponentTypes)
    • StandaloneProcessInterpreter becomes StandaloneScenarioEngine
    • Replace Either[NonEmptyList[Error], _] with ValidatedNel[Error, _] as return type
    • StandaloneContext becomes EngineRuntimeContext
  • #2349 queryable-state module was removed, FlinkQueryableClient was moved to nussknacker-flink-manager. PrettyValidationErrors, CustomActionRequest and CustomActionResponse moved from nussknacker-ui to nussknacker-restmodel.
  • #2361 Removed security dependency from listener-api. LoggedUser replaced with dedicated class in listener-api.
  • #2385 Deprecated CustomStreamTransformer.clearsContext was removed. Use
def execute(...) = 
    .definedBy(ctx => Valid(ctx.clearVariables ...))


  • #2348 #2459 #2486 #2490 #2496 #2536 Introduce KafkaDeserializationSchema and KafkaSerializationSchema traits to decouple from flink dependency. move KeyedValue to nussknacker-util, move SchemaRegistryProvider to utils/avro-util To move between nussknacker's/flink's Kafka(De)serializationSchema use wrapToFlink(De)serializatioinSchema from FlinkSerializationSchemaConversions. SchemaRegistryProvider and ConfluentSchemaRegistryProvider is now in nussknacker-avro-util module. FlinkSourceFactory is gone - use SourceFactory instead. KafkaSourceFactory, KafkaAvroSourceFactory, KafkaSinkFactory, KafkaAvroSinkFactory, and ContextIdGenerator not depends on flink. Extracted KafkaSourceImplFactory, KafkaSinkImplFactory and KafkaAvroSinkImplFactory which deliver implementation of component (after all validations and parameters evaluation). Use respectively: FlinkKafkaSourceImplFactory, FlinkKafkaSinkImplFactory and FlinkKafkaAvroSinkImplFactory to deliver flink implementations. Moved non-flink specific serializers, deserializers, BestEffortAvroEncoder, ContextIdGenerators and RecordFormatters to kafka-util/avro-util KafkaDelayedSourceFactory is now DelayedKafkaSourceFactory. FixedRecordFormatterFactoryWrapper moved to RecordFormatterFactory
  • #2477 FlinkContextInitializer and FlinkGenericContextInitializer merged to ContextInitializer, BasicFlinkContextInitializer and BasicFlinkGenericContextInitializer merged to BasicContextInitializer. All of them moved to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process package. ContextInitializer.validationContext returns ValidatedNel - before this change errors during context initialization weren't accumulated. ContextInitializingFunction now is a scala's function instead of Flink's MapFunction. You should wrap it with RichLifecycleMapFunction to make sure that it will be opened correctly by Flink. InputMeta was moved to kafka-util module.
  • #2389 #2391 deployment-manager-api module was extracted and DeploymentManagerProvider, ProcessingTypeData and QueryableClient was moved from interpreter into it. DeploymentManager, CustomAction and ProcessState was moved from api to deployment-manager-api. ProcessingType was moved to rest-model package.
  • #2393 Added ActorSystem, ExecutionContext and SttpBackend into DeploymentManagerProvider.createDeploymentManager. During clean ups also was removed nussknacker-http-utils dependency to async-http-client-backend-future and added SttpBackend to CountsReporterCreator.createReporter arguments.
  • #2397 Common EngineRuntimeContext lifecycle and MetricsProvider. This may cause runtime consequences - make sure your custom services/listeners invoke open/close correctly - especially in complex inheritance scenarios.
    • Lifecycle has now EngineRuntimeContext as parameter, JobData is embedded in it.
    • TimeMeasuringService replaces GenericTimeMeasuringService, Flink/Standalone flavours of TimeMeasuringService are removed
    • EngineRuntimeContext and MetricsProvider moved to base API, RuntimeContextLifecycle moved to base API as Lifecycle
    • GenericInstantRateMeter is now InstantRateMeter
    • Flink RuntimeContextLifecycle should be replaced in most cases by Lifecycle
    • In Flink engine MetricsProvider (obtained with EngineRuntimeContext) should be used in most places instead of MetricUtils
  • #2486 Context.withInitialId is deprecated now - use EngineRuntimeContext.contextIdGenerator instead. EngineRuntimeContext can be accessible via FlinkCustomNodeContext.convertToEngineRuntimeContext
  • #2377 #2534 Removed clazz from SourceFactory. Remove generic parameter from Source and SourceFactory. Return type of source should be returned either by:
    • returnType field of @MethodToInvoke
    • ContextTransformation API
    • GenericNodeTransformer API
    • SourceFactory.noParam
  • #2453 Custom actions for PeriodicDeploymentManager now can be defined and implemented outside this class, in PeriodicCustomActionsProvider created by PeriodicCustomActionsProviderFactory. If you do not need them, just pass PeriodicCustomActionsProviderFactory.noOp to object's PeriodicDeploymentManager factory method.
  • #2501 nussknacker-baseengine-components module renamed to nussknacker-lite-base-components
  • #2221 ReflectUtils fixedClassSimpleNameWithoutParentModule renamed to simpleNameWithoutSuffix
  • #2495 TypeSpecificDataInitializer trait change to TypeSpecificDataInitializ
  • 2245 FailedEvent has been specified in FailedOnDeployEvent and FailedOnRunEvent

In version 1.0.0

  • #1439 #2090 Upgrade do Flink 1.13.
    • setTimeCharacteristic is deprecated, and should be handled automatically by Flink.
    • UserClassLoader was removed, use appropriate Flink objects or context ClassLoader.
    • RocksDB configuration is turned on by rocksdb.enable instead of rocksdb.checkpointDataUri which is not used now.
  • #2133 SQL Variable is hidden in generic model, please look at comment in defaultModelConfig.conf
  • #2152 schedulePropertyExtractor parameter of PeriodicDeploymentManagerProvider was changed to a factory, replace with a lambda creating the original property extractor.
  • #2159 useTypingResultTypeInformation option is now enabled by default
  • #2108 Changes in ClassExtractionSettings:
    • Refactor of classes defining extraction rules,
    • TypedClass has private apply method, please use Typed.typedClass
    • Fewer classes/methods are accessible in SpEL, in particular Scala collections, internal time API, methods returning or having parameters from excluded classes
  • Changes in OAuth2 security components:
    • refactoring of OpenIdConnectService, now it's named GenericOidcService (it's best to use OidcService, which can handle most of the configuration automatically)
  • New security settings, in particular new flags in ExpressionConfig:
    • strictMethodsChecking
    • staticMethodInvocationsChecking
    • methodExecutionForUnknownAllowed
    • dynamicPropertyAccessAllowed
    • spelExpressionExcludeList
  • #2101 Global permissions can be arbitrary string, for admin user it's not necessary to return global permissions
  • #2182 To avoid classloader leaks during SQL DriverManager registration, HSQLDB (used e.g. for SQL Variable) is no longer included in model jars, it should be added in Flink lib dir

In version 0.4.0

  • #1479 ProcessId and VersionId moved to API included in ProcessVersion, remove spurious ProcessId and ProcessVersionId in restmodel.

  • #1422 Removed ServiceReturningType and WithExplicitMethod, use EagerServiceWithStaticParameters, EnricherContextTransformation or SingleInputGenericNodeTransformation

  • #1845 AuthenticatorData has been renamed to AuthenticationResources and changed into a trait, apply construction has been preserved. AuthenticatorFactory and its createAuthenticator method has been renamed to AuthenticationProvider and createAuthenticationResources. It is recommended to rename the main class of any custom authentication module to <Something>AuthenticationProvider accordingly.

  • #1542 KafkaConfig now has new parameter topicsExistenceValidationConfig. When topicsExistenceValidationConfig.enabled = true Kafka sources/sinks do not validate if provided topic does not exist and cluster is configured with auto.create.topics.enable=false

  • #1416 OAuth2Service has changed. You can still use your old implementation by importing OAuth2OldService with an alias. OAuth2ServiceFactory.create method now accepts implicit parameters for an ExecutionContext and sttp.HttpBackend. You can ignore them to maintain previous behaviour, but it is always better to use them instead of locally defined ones.

  • #1346 AggregatorFunction now takes type of stored state that can be immutable.SortedMap (previous behaviour) or java.util.Map (using Flink's serialization) and validatedStoredType parameter for providing better TypeInformation for aggregated values

  • #1343 FirstAggregator changed serialized state, it is not compatible, Aggregator trait has new method computeStoredType

  • #1352 and #1568 AvroStringSettings class has been introduced, which allows control whether Avro type string is represented by java.lang.String (also in runtime) or java.lang.CharSequence (implemented in runtime by org.apache.avro.util.Utf8). This setting is available through environment variable AVRO_USE_STRING_FOR_STRING_TYPE - default is true. Please mind that this setting is global - it applies to all processes running on Flink and also requires restarting TaskManager when changing the value.

  • #1361 Lazy variables are removed, you should use standard enrichers for those cases. Their handling has been source of many problems and they made it harder to reason about the exeuction of process.

  • #1373 Creating ClassLoaderModelData directly is not allowed, use ModelData.apply with plain config, wrapping with ModelConfigToLoad by yourself is not needed.

  • #1406 ServiceReturningType is deprecated in favour of EagerService

  • #1445 RecordFormatter now handles TestDataSplit for Kafka sources. It is required in KafkaSource creation, instead of TestDataSplit

  • #1433 Pass DeploymentData to process via JobData, additional parameters to deployment methods are needed. Separate ExternalDeploymentId from DeploymentId (generated by NK)

  • #1466 ProcessManager.deploy can return ExternalDeploymentId

  • #1464

    • Slight change of API of StringKeyedValueMapper
    • Change of semantics of some parameters of AggregatorFunction, AggregatorFunctionMixin (storedAggregateType becomes aggregateElementType)
  • #1405 'KafkaAvroSink' requires more generic 'AvroSinkValue' as value parameter

  • #1510

    • Change of FlinkSource API: sourceStream produces stream of initialized Context (DataStream[Context]) This initialization step was previously performed within FlinkProcessRegistrar.registerSourcePart. Now it happens explicitly within the flink source.
    • FlinkIntermediateRawSource is used as an extension to flink sources, it prepares source with typical stream transformations (add source function, set uid, assign timestamp, initialize Context)
    • FlinkContextInitializer is used to initialize Context. It provides map function that transforms raw event (produced by flink source function) into Context variable. Default implementation of FlinkContextInitializer, see BasicFlinkContextInitializer, sets raw event value to singe "input" variable.
    • For sources based on GenericNodeTransformation it allows to initialize Context with more than one variable. Default implementation of initializer, see BasicFlinkGenericContextInitializer, provides default definition of variables as a ValidationContext with single "input" variable. The implementation requires to provide separately the definition of "input" variable type (TypingResult). See GenericSourceWithCustomVariablesSample.
    • To enable "test source" functionality, a source needs to be extended with SourceTestSupport.
    • For flink sources that use TestDataParserProvider switch to FlinkSourceTestSupport (which is used to provide "test source" functionality for flink sources).
    • Old TestDataParserProvider is renamed to SourceTestSupport
    • To enable test data generator for "test source" , a source needs to be extended with both SourceTestSupport and TestDataGenerator. What was related to "test source" functionality and was obsolete in FlinkSource now is excluded to FlinkSourceTestSupport.
    • FlinkCustomNodeContext has access to TypeInformationDetection, it allows to get TypeInformation for the node stream mapping from ValidationContext.
    • For kafka sources RecordFormatter parses raw test data to ConsumerRecord which fits into deserializer (instead of ProducerRecord that required another transformation).
    • Definitions of names of common Context variables are moved to VariableConstants (instead of Interpreter).
  • #1497 Changes in PeriodicProcessManager, change PeriodicProperty to ScheduleProperty

  • #1499

    • trait KafkaAvroDeserializationSchemaFactory uses both key and value ClassTags and schemas (instead of value-only), check the order of parameters.
    • ClassTag is provided in params in avro key-value deserialization schema factory: KafkaAvroKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory
    • BaseKafkaAvroSourceFactory is able to read both key and value schema determiner to build proper DeserializationSchema (support for keys is not fully introduced in this change)
  • #1514 ExecutionConfigPreparer has different method parameter - JobData, which has more info than previous parameters

  • #1532 TypedObjectTypingResult#fields uses now scala.collection.immutable.ListMap to keep fields order

  • #1546 StandaloneCustomTransformer now takes a list of Context objects, to process them in one go

  • #1557 Some classes from standalone engine were moved to standalone api to remove engine to (model) utils dependency: StandaloneContext, StandaloneContextLifecycle, MetricsProvider

  • #1558 FlinkProcessRegistrar takes configuration directly from FlinkProcessCompiler (this can affect some tests setup)

  • #1631 Introduction of nussknacker.config.locations property, drop use of standard config.file property. Model configuration no longer has direct access to root UI config.

  • #1512

    • Replaced KafkaSourceFactory with source based on GenericNodeTransformation, which gives access to setup of ValidationContext and Context initialization. To migrate KafkaSourceFactory:
      • provide deserializer factory (source factory requires deserialization to ConsumerRecord):
        • use ConsumerRecordDeserializationSchemaFactory with current DeserializationSchema as a value deserializer, add key deserializer (e.g. org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer)
        • or use FixedValueDeserializationSchemaFactory with simple key-as-string deserializer
      • provide RecordFormatterFactory
        • use ConsumerRecordToJsonFormatterFactory for whole key-value-and-metadata serialization
        • or, for value-only-and-without-metadata scenario, you can use current RecordFormater wrapped in FixedRecordFormatterFactoryWrapper
      • provide timestampAssigner that is able to extract time from ConsumerRecord[K, V]
    • Removed BaseKafkaSourceFactory with multiple topics support: use KafkaSourceFactory instead, see "source with two input topics" test case
    • Removed SingleTopicKafkaSourceFactory: use KafkaSourceFactory with custom prepareInitialParameters, contextTransformation and extractTopics to alter parameter list and provide constant topic value.
    • TypingResultAwareTypeInformationCustomisation is moved to package pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.flink.api.typeinformation

    Example of source with value-only deserialization and custom timestampAssigner:

    // provide new deserializer factory with old schema definition for event's value
    val oldSchema = new EspDeserializationSchema[SampleValue](bytes => io.circe.parser.decode[SampleValue](new String(bytes)).toOption.get)
    val schemaFactory: KafkaDeserializationSchemaFactory[ConsumerRecord[String, SampleValue]] = new FixedValueDeserializationSchemaFactory(oldSchema)
    // ... provide timestampAssigner that extracts timestamp from SampleValue.customTimestampField
    // ... or use event's metadata: record.timestamp()
    def timestampExtractor(record: ConsumerRecord[String, SampleValue]): Long = record.value().customTimestampField
    val watermarkHandler = StandardTimestampWatermarkHandler.boundedOutOfOrderness[ConsumerRecord[String, SampleValue]](timestampExtractor, java.time.Duration.ofMinutes(10L))
    val timestampAssigner: Option[TimestampWatermarkHandler[ConsumerRecord[String, SampleValue]]] = Some(watermarkHandler)
    // ... provide RecordFormatterFactory that allows to generate and parse test data with key, headers and other metadata
    val formatterFactory: RecordFormatterFactory = new ConsumerRecordToJsonFormatterFactory[String, SampleValue]
    // ... and finally
    val sourceFactory = new KafkaSourceFactory[String, SampleValue](schemaFactory, timestampAssigner, formatterFactory, dummyProcessObjectDependencies)
  • #1651 KafkaAvroSourceFactory provides additional #inputMeta variable with event's metadata.

    • That source now has key and value type parameters. That parameters are relevant for sources handling SpecificRecords. For GenericRecords use explicitly KafkaAvroSourceFactory[Any, Any].
    • SpecificRecordKafkaAvroSourceFactory extends whole KafkaAvroSourceFactory with context validation and initialization
    • New flag in KafkaConfig: useStringForKey determines if event's key should be intepreted as ordinary String (which is default scenario). It is used in deserialization and for generating/parsing test data.
    • SchemaRegistryProvider now provides factories to produce SchemaRegistryClient and RecordFormatter.
    • For ConfluentSchemaRegistryProvider KafkaConfig and ProcessObjectDependencies (that contains KafkaConfig data) are no longer required. That configuration is required by factories in the moment the creation of requested objects that happens in KafkaAvroSourceFactory (and that makes that all objects within KafkaAvroSourceFactory see the same kafka configuration).
    • Removed:
      • BaseKafkaAvroSourceFactory, the class is incorporated into KafkaAvroSourceFactory to provide elastic approach to create KafkaSource
      • with ReturningType for generic types (this is defined by ValidationContext, see also KafkaContextInitializer that allows to return more than one variable)
      • KafkaAvroValueDeserializationSchemaFactory (source requires deserialization to ConsumerRecord[K, V], there are only deserializers based on KafkaAvroKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory)
      • ConfluentKafkaAvroDeserializationSchemaFactory, use ConfluentKeyValueKafkaAvroDeserializationFactory
      • TupleAvroKeyValueKafkaAvroDeserializerSchemaFactory, this approach is deprecated due to #inputMeta variable that contains key data

    To migrate KafkaAvroSourceFactory:

    • Provide KafkaConfig with correct useStringForKey flag value. By default we want to EvictableStatehandle keys as ordinary String and all topics related to such config require only value schema definitions (key schemas are ignored). For specific scenario, when complex key with its own schema is provided, this flag is false and all topics related to this config require both key and value schema definitions. Example of default KafkaConfig override: override protected def prepareKafkaConfig: KafkaConfig = super.prepareKafkaConfig.copy(useStringForKey = false)
    • provide your own SchemaRegistryProvider (or use ConfluentSchemaRegistryProvider)
    • custom RecordFormatter can be wrapped in FixedRecordFormatterFactoryWrapper (or keep ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatterFactory)
    • provide timestampAssigner that is able to extract time from ConsumerRecord[K, V] (see example above)
  • #1741 Minor changes in KafkaUtils, NonTransientException uses Instant instead of LocalDateTime

  • #1806 Remove old, deprecated API:

    • EvictableState, RichEvictableState - use EvictableStateFunction
    • checkpointInterval - use checkpointConfig.checkpointInterval
    • old versions of sampleTransformers - use newer ones
    • MiniClusterExecutionEnvironment.runningJobs() - use flinkMiniClusterHolder.runningJobs()
  • #1807 Removed jdbcServer, please use Postgres for production-ready setups

  • #1799

    • RecordFormatterFactory instead of one, uses two type parameters: K, V
    • ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatter is produced by ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatterFactory
    • ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatter produces test data in valid JSON format, does not use Separator
    • ConfluentAvroMessageFormatter has asJson method instead of writeTo
    • ConfluentAvroMessageReader has readJson method instead of readMessage Example test data object:
  • #1663 Default FlinkExceptionHandler implementations are deprecated, use ConfigurableExceptionHandler instead.

  • #1731 RockDB config's flag incrementalCheckpoints is turned on by default.

  • #1825 Default dashboard renamed from flink-esp to nussknacker-scenario

  • #1836 Change default kafka.consumerGroupNamingStrategy to processId-nodeId.

  • #1357 Run mode added to nodes. ServiceInvoker interface was extended with new, implicit runMode parameter.

  • #1836 Change default kafka.consumerGroupNamingStrategy to processId-nodeId.

  • #1886 aggregate-sliding with emitWhenEventLeft = true, aggregate-tumbling and aggregate-session components now doesn't emit full context of variables that were before node (because of performance reasons and because that wasn't obvious which one context is emitted). If you want to emit some information other than aggregated value and key (availabled via new #key variable), you should use expression in aggregateBy.

  • #1910 processTypes renamed to scenarioTypes. You can still use old processTypes configuration. Old configuration will be removed in version 0.5.0.

  • Various naming changes:

    • #1917 configuration of engineConfig to deploymentConfig
    • #1921 ProcessManager to DeploymentManager
    • #1927 Rename outer-join to single-side-join

In version 0.3.0

  • #1313 Kafka Avro API passes KafkaConfig during TypeInformation determining

  • #1305 Kafka Avro API passes RuntimeSchemaData instead of Schema in various places

  • #1304 SerializerWithSpecifiedClass was moved to flink-api module.

  • #1044 Upgrade to Flink 1.11. Current watermark/timestamp mechanisms are deprectated in Flink 1.11, new API TimestampWatermarkHandler is introduced, with LegacyTimestampWatermarkHandler as wrapper for previous mechanisms.

  • #1244 Parameter has new parameter 'variablesToHide' with Set of variable names that will be hidden before parameter's evaluation

  • #1159 #1170 Changes in GenericNodeTransformation API:

    • Now implementation takes additional parameter with final state value determined during contextTransformation
    • DefinedLazyParameter and DefinedEagerParameter holds expression: TypedExpression instead of returnType: TypingResult
    • DefinedLazyBranchParameter and DefinedEagerBranchParameter holds expressionByBranchId: Map[String, TypedExpression] instead of returnTypeByBranchId: Map[String, TypingResult]
  • #1083

    • Now SimpleSlidingAggregateTransformerV2 and SlidingAggregateTransformer is deprecated in favour of SlidingAggregateTransformerV2
    • Now SimpleTumblingAggregateTransformer is deprecated in favour of TumblingAggregateTransformer
    • Now SumAggregator, MaxAggregator and MinAggregator doesn't change type of aggregated value (previously was changed to Double)
    • Now SumAggregator, MaxAggregator and MinAggregator return null instead of 0D/Double.MaxValue/Double.MinValue for case when there was no element added before getResult
  • #1149 FlinkProcessRegistrar refactor (can affect test code)

  • #1166 model.conf should be renamed to defaultModelConfig.conf

  • #1218 FlinkProcessManager is no longer bundled in ui uber-jar. In docker/tgz distribution

  • #1255 Moved displaying Metrics tab to customTabs

  • #1257 Improvements: Flink test util package

    • Added methods: cancelJob, submitJob, listJobs, runningJobs to FlinkMiniClusterHolder
    • Deprecated: runningJobs, from MiniClusterExecutionEnvironment
    • Removed: getClusterClient from FlinkMiniClusterHolder interface, because of flink compatibility at Flink 1.9
    • Renamed: FlinkStreamingProcessRegistrar to FlinkProcessManager
  • #1303 TypedObjectTypingResult has a new field: additionalInfo

In version 0.2.0

  • #1104 Creation of FlinkMiniCluster is now extracted from StoppableExecutionEnvironment. You should create it using e.g.:

    val flinkMiniClusterHolder = FlinkMiniClusterHolder(FlinkTestConfiguration.configuration(parallelism))

    and then create environment using:


    . At the end you should cleanup flinkMiniClusterHolder by:


    . FlinkMiniClusterHolder should be created once for test class - it is thread safe and resource expensive. MiniClusterExecutionEnvironment in the other hand should be created for each process. It is not thread safe because underlying StreamExecutionEnvironment is not. You can use FlinkSpec to achieve that.

  • #1077

    • pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.queryablestate.QueryableClient was moved from queryableState module to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.queryablestate package in api module
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.queryablestate.QueryableState was moved to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.queryablestate
    • CustomTransformers from pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.flink.util.transformer in flinkUtil module were moved to new flinkModelUtil module.
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.testing.EmptyProcessConfigCreator was moved from interpreter module to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.util.process package in util module
  • #1039 Generic parameter of LazyParameter[T] has upper bound AnyRef now to avoid problems with bad type extraction. It caused changes Any to AnyRef in a few places - mainly FlinkLazyParameterFunctionHelper and FlinkCustomStreamTransformation

  • #1039 FlinkStreamingProcessRegistrar.apply has a new parameter of type ExecutionConfigPreparer. In production code you should pass ExecutionConfigPreparer.defaultChain() there and in test code you should pass ExecutionConfigPreparer.unOptimizedChain(). See scaladocs for more info. If you already have done some Flink's ExecutionConfig set up before you've registered process, you should consider create your own chain using ExecutionConfigPreparer.chain().

  • #1039 FlinkSourceFactory doesn't take TypeInformation type class as a generic parameter now. Instead of this, it takes ClassTag. TypeInformation is determined during source creation. typeInformation[T] method was moved from BasicFlinkSource to FlinkSource because still must be some place to determine it for tests purpose.

  • #965 'aggregate' node in generic model was renamed to 'aggregate-sliding'

  • #922 HealthCheck API has new structure, naming and JSON responses:

    • old /healthCheck is moved to /healthCheck/process/deployment
    • old /sanityCheck is moved to /healthCheck/process/validation
    • top level /healthCheck indicates general "app-is-running" state
  • #879 Metrics use variables by default, see docs to enable old mode, suitable for graphite protocol. To use old way of sending:

    • put globalParameters.useLegacyMetrics = true in each model configuration (to configure metrics sending in Flink)
    • put:
    countsSettings {
      user: ...
      password: ...
      influxUrl: ...
      metricsConfig {
        nodeCountMetric: "nodeCount.count"
        sourceCountMetric: "source.count"
        nodeIdTag: "action"
        countField: "value"
  • Introduction to KafkaAvro API: #871, #881, #903, #981, #989, #998, #1007, #1014, #1034, #1041

API for KafkaAvroSourceFactory was changed:

KafkaAvroSourceFactory old way:

val clientFactory = new SchemaRegistryClientFactory
val source = new KafkaAvroSourceFactory(
  new AvroDeserializationSchemaFactory[GenericData.Record](clientFactory, useSpecificAvroReader = false),
  processObjectDependencies = processObjectDependencies

KafkaAvroSourceFactory new way :

val schemaRegistryProvider = ConfluentSchemaRegistryProvider(processObjectDependencies)
val source = new KafkaAvroSourceFactory(schemaRegistryProvider, processObjectDependencies, None)

Provided new API for Kafka Avro Sink:

val kafkaAvroSinkFactory = new KafkaAvroSinkFactory(schemaRegistryProvider, processObjectDependencies)

Additional changes:

  • Bump up confluent package to 5.5.0
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Moved KafkaSourceFactory to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.kafka.sink package
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Changed BaseKafkaSourceFactory, now it requires deserializationSchemaFactory: KafkaDeserializationSchemaFactory[T]
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Moved KafkaSinkFactory to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.kafka.source package
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Renamed SerializationSchemaFactory to KafkaSerializationSchemaFactory
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Renamed DeserializationSchemaFactory to KafkaDeserializationSchemaFactory
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Renamed FixedDeserializationSchemaFactory to FixedKafkaDeserializationSchemaFactory
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Renamed FixedSerializationSchemaFactory to FixedKafkaSerializationSchemaFactory
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Removed KafkaSerializationSchemaFactoryBase
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Replaced KafkaKeyValueSerializationSchemaFactoryBase by KafkaAvroKeyValueSerializationSchemaFactory (it handles only avro case now)
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Removed KafkaDeserializationSchemaFactoryBase
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Replaced KafkaKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactoryBase by KafkaAvroKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory (it handles only avro case now)
  • (Refactor KafkaAvro API) Renamed AvroDeserializationSchemaFactory to ConfluentKafkaAvroDeserializationSchemaFactory and moved to avro.schemaregistry.confluent package
  • (Refactor KafkaAvro API) Renamed AvroKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory to ConfluentKafkaAvroDeserializationSchemaFactory and moved to avro.schemaregistry.confluent package
  • (Refactor KafkaAvro API) Renamed AvroSerializationSchemaFactory to ConfluentAvroSerializationSchemaFactory and moved to avro.schemaregistry.confluent package
  • (Refactor KafkaAvro API) Renamed AvroKeyValueSerializationSchemaFactory to ConfluentAvroKeyValueSerializationSchemaFactory and moved to avro.schemaregistry.confluent package
  • (Refactor KafkaAvro API) Removed FixedKafkaAvroSourceFactory and FixedKafkaAvroSinkFactory (now we don't support fixed schema)
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Replaced topics: List[String] by List[PreparedKafkaTopic] and removed processObjectDependencies in KafkaSource

Be aware that we are using Avro 1.9.2 instead of default Flink's 1.8.2 (for Java time logical types conversions purpose).

  • #1013 Expression evaluation is synchronous now. It shouldn't cause any problems (all languages were synchronous anyway), but some internal code may have to change.

In version 0.1.2

  • #957 Custom node aggregate from generic model has changed parameter from windowLengthInSeconds to windowLength with human friendly duration input. If you have used it in process, you need to insert correct value again.
  • #954 TypedMap is not a case class wrapping scala Map anymore. If you have done some pattern matching on it, you should use case typedMap: TypedMap => typedMap.asScala instead.

In version 0.1.1

  • #930 DeeplyCheckingExceptionExtractor was moved from nussknacker-flink-util module to nussknacker-util module.
  • #919 KafkaSource constructor now doesn't take consumerGroup. Instead of this it computes consumerGroup on their own based on kafka.consumerGroupNamingStrategy in modelConfig (default set to processId). You can also override it by overriddenConsumerGroup optional parameter. Regards to this changes, KafkaConfig has new, optional parameter consumerGroupNamingStrategy.
  • #920 KafkaSource constructor now takes KafkaConfig instead of using one that was parsed by BaseKafkaSourceFactory.kafkaConfig. Also if you parse Typesafe Config to KafkaSource on your own, now you should use dedicated method KafkaConfig.parseConfig to avoid further problems when parsing strategy will be changed.
  • #914 pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.definition.Parameter has deprecated main factory method with runtimeClass parameter. Now should be passed isLazyParameter instead. Also were removed runtimeClass from variances of factory methods prepared for easy testing (optional method and so on).

In version 0.1.0

  • #755 Default async execution context does not depend on parallelism. asyncExecutionConfig.parallelismMultiplier has been deprecated and should be replaced with asyncExecutionConfig.workers. 8 should be sane default value.
  • #722 Old way of configuring Flink and model (via flinkConfig and processConfig) is removed. processTypes configuration should be used from now on. Example:
    flinkConfig {...}
    processConfig {...}
    processTypes {
      "type e.g. streaming" {
        deploymentConfig { 
          type: "flinkStreaming"
        modelConfig {
          classPath: PUT HERE VALUE OF flinkConfig.classPath FROM OLD CONFIG
  • #763 Some API traits (ProcessManager, DictRegistry DictQueryService, CountsReporter) now extend java.lang.AutoCloseable.
  • Old way of additional properties configuration should be replaced by the new one, which is now mapped to Map[String, AdditionalPropertyConfig]. Example in your config:
    additionalFieldsConfig: {
      mySelectProperty {
        label: "Description"
        type: "select"
        isRequired: false
        values: ["true", "false"]
    additionalPropertiesConfig {
      mySelectProperty {
        label: "Description"
        defaultValue: "false"
        editor: {
          type: "FixedValuesParameterEditor",
          possibleValues: [
            {"label": "Yes", "expression": "true"},
            {"label": "No", "expression": "false"}
  • #588 #882 FlinkSource API changed, current implementation is now BasicFlinkSource
  • #839 #882 FlinkSink API changed, current implementation is now BasicFlinkSink
  • #841 ProcessConfigCreator API changed; note that currently all process objects are invoked with ProcessObjectDependencies as a parameter. The APIs of KafkaSinkFactory, KafkaSourceFactory, and all their implementations were changed. Config is available as property of ProcessObjectDependencies instance.
  • #863 restUrl in deploymentConfig need to be preceded with protocol. Host with port only is not allowed anymore.
  • Rename grafanaSettings to metricsSettings in configuration.

In version 0.0.12

  • Upgrade to Flink 1.7
  • Refactor of custom transformations, dictionaries, unions, please look at samples in example or generic to see API changes
  • Considerable changes to authorization configuration, please look at sample config to see changes
  • Circe is now used by default instead of Argonaut, but still can use Argonaut in Displayable

In version 0.0.11

  • Changes in CustomStreamTransformer implementation, LazyInterpreter became LazyParameter, please look at samples to see changes in API

In version 0.0.8

  • Upgrade to Flink 1.4
  • Change of format of Flink cluster configuration
  • Parameters of sources and sinks are expressions now - automatic update of DB is available
  • Change of configuration of Grafana dashboards
  • Custom processes are defined in main configuration file now