diff --git a/src/patches/SettingsPatch.tsx b/src/patches/SettingsPatch.tsx
index f7a5ba3..acac2b7 100644
--- a/src/patches/SettingsPatch.tsx
+++ b/src/patches/SettingsPatch.tsx
@@ -1,97 +1,96 @@
-import { ConfirmModal, ServerAPI, afterPatch, showModal } from "decky-frontend-lib";
+import { afterPatch, ConfirmModal, ServerAPI, showModal } from "decky-frontend-lib";
import { ReactElement } from "react";
import { TabMasterManager } from "../state/TabMasterManager";
import { LogController } from "../lib/controllers/LogController";
export const patchSettings = (serverAPI: ServerAPI, tabMasterManager: TabMasterManager) => {
return serverAPI.routerHook.addPatch("/settings", (props: { path: string; children: ReactElement; }) => {
- //* This only runs once which is perfect
- afterPatch(props.children, 'type', (_: any, ret: any) => {
- if (!ret?.type) {
+ afterPatch(props.children, 'type', (_: any, ret1: any) => {
+ if (!ret1?.type) {
LogController.raiseError('Failed to find settings element to patch');
- return ret;
+ return ret1;
let firstCache: any;
let secondCache: any;
- //* This cache is definitely fine
if (firstCache) {
- ret.type = firstCache;
- } else {
- afterPatch(ret, 'type', (_: any, ret: any) => {
- // console.log('ret 2', ret);
- const homeElement = ret?.props?.children?.props?.pages?.find((obj: any) => obj.route === '/settings/home')?.content;
- if (homeElement === undefined) {
- LogController.raiseError("Couldn't find home element to patch in settings");
- return ret;
+ ret1.type = firstCache;
+ return ret1;
+ }
+ afterPatch(ret1, 'type', (_: any, ret2: any) => {
+ const homeElement = ret2?.props?.children?.props?.pages?.find((obj: any) => obj.route === '/settings/home')?.content?.props?.children[1];
+ if (homeElement === undefined) {
+ LogController.raiseError("Couldn't find home element to patch in settings");
+ return ret2;
+ }
+ if (secondCache) {
+ homeElement.type = secondCache;
+ return ret2;
+ }
+ afterPatch(homeElement, 'type', (_: any, ret3: any) => {
+ console.log('ret 3', ret3);
+ const buttonElementContainer = ret3?.props?.children?.find((elt: React.ReactElement) => {
+ return elt?.type?.toString?.().includes('HomeSettings');
+ });
+ if (buttonElementContainer === undefined) {
+ LogController.raiseError("Couldn't find manage button component to patch in settings");
+ return ret3;
- if (secondCache) {
- homeElement.type = secondCache;
- } else {
- afterPatch(homeElement, 'type', (_: any, ret: any) => {
- // console.log('ret 3', ret);
- const buttonElementContainer = ret?.props?.children?.find((elt: React.ReactElement) => {
- return elt?.type?.toString?.().includes('HomeSettings');
- });
- if (buttonElementContainer === undefined) {
- LogController.raiseError("Couldn't find manage button component to patch in settings");
- return ret;
+ afterPatch(buttonElementContainer, 'type', (_: any, ret4: any) => {
+ console.log('ret 4', ret4);
+ //* if ret exists but cannot find onClick then raise error because it is assumed valve has changed something
+ if (ret4 && !ret4.props?.onClick) {
+ LogController.raiseError("Couldn't patch button onClick fn in settings");
+ return ret4;
+ }
+ //* if ret is null then it is assumed that user has no hidden items so there is no button. do no raise error in this case
+ if (!ret4) return ret4;
+ const origOnClick = ret4.props.onClick;
+ ret4.props.onClick = () => {
+ if (tabMasterManager.getTabs().tabsMap.get('Collections')!.position === -1) {
+ showModal(
+ {
+ tabMasterManager.showTab('Collections');
+ origOnClick();
+ }}
+ bDestructiveWarning={true}
+ strTitle="Collections Tab is hidden by Tab Master!"
+ >
+ In order to manage hidden apps, Tab Master must unhide your Collections tab.
+ );
+ } else {
+ origOnClick();
+ };
+ return ret4;
+ });
- afterPatch(buttonElementContainer, 'type', (_: any, ret: any) => {
- // console.log('ret 4', ret);
- //* if ret exists but cannot find onClick then raise error because it is assumed valve has changed something
- if (ret && !ret.props?.onClick) {
- LogController.raiseError("Couldn't patch button onClick fn in settings");
- return ret;
- }
- //* if ret is null then it is assumed that user has no hidden items so there is no button. do no raise error in this case
- if (!ret) return ret;
- const origOnClick = ret.props.onClick;
- ret.props.onClick = () => {
- if (tabMasterManager.getTabs().tabsMap.get('Collections')!.position === -1) {
- showModal(
- {
- tabMasterManager.showTab('Collections');
- origOnClick();
- }}
- bDestructiveWarning={true}
- strTitle="Collections Tab is hidden by Tab Master!"
- >
- In order to manage hidden apps, Tab Master must unhide your Collections tab.
- );
- } else {
- origOnClick();
- }
- };
- return ret;
- });
- return ret;
- });
- secondCache = homeElement.type;
- }
- return ret;
+ return ret3;
- firstCache = ret.type;
- }
+ secondCache = homeElement.type;
+ return ret2;
+ });
+ firstCache = ret1.type;
- return ret;
+ return ret1;
return props;