- Add quiz to poll button.
v2.3.0 - 2021-08-16
- Quiz Queue
- Button for hosts to add the quiz they are on to the queue.
- Draggable (for hosts) list of quizzes in the queue.
- Remove button for hosts to remove quizzes from the queue.
- Go to quiz button for hosts to visit the page of quizzes in the queue.
- Controls for hosts to toggle and customise interval for auto changing to
next quiz.
- Option to set default interval for auto changing.
- Countdown under leaderboard displaying time left until change to next quiz.
- Button to cancel the countdown for hosts.
- Option to set default duration for next quiz polls.
v2.2.0 - 2021-08-16
- Close button to Create Poll and Vote Info boxes.
- Collapse toggles to Create Poll and vote Info boxes.
- Xporcle interface now scrollable if longer than available space.
v2.1.0 - 2021-08-14
- Poll feature to vote for next quiz.
- Interface for hosts to create a poll together.
- Popup box for users to submit their votes.
- Vote progress information box.
- Moved styling into external stylesheets.
v2.0.0 - 2021-03-22
- Remove player option in leaderboard right click menu.
- Updated server communications to work with new Quart-WebSocketRooms based API.
v1.2.1 - 2020-12-24
- Start detection for non hosts.
- Start countdown button styling.
- Suggestion clearing to stay after changing page.
v1.2.0 - 2020-12-23
- Crossword type quiz start detection.
- Auto inputting of room code from url's hash.
- Auto joining of room if default username is set.
- Countdown before quiz is started.
- Button clear to the suggestion list.
- Link with room code in hash is put in clipboard rather than just the room code on creating a room.
v1.1.1 - 2020-05-29
- Handling of host changing when not on a quiz.
- Save room button is now removed when player is removed from being a host.
- Save room button is now added when a player is promoted to being a host.
- Styling of form headers and buttons.
v1.1.0 - 2020-05-28
- Ability to save the state of the room under a custom name.
- Ability to load a room from a saved state.
- Ability to delete saved rooms in the options popup window.
- Ability to rename saved rooms in the options popup window.
v1.0.1 - 2020-05-27
- Error handling of invalid room code, or taken username when joining a room.
v1.0.0 - 2020-05-25
- Options to the options page and page action popout window.
- Option to auto fill a custom default username in the create and join room forms.
- Option to blur out the room code, maybe useful if streaming a private room.
- Options script to handle the changing and saving of the options.
- Options page stylesheet.
- Button to suggest a quiz to hosts.
- List of suggestions from other players for hosts to look at.
- Handling of being promoted to a host.
- Handling of being removed as a host.
- Custom context menu for hosts to promote other users to a host.
- Websocket server url changed to toransharma.com/xporcle.
- Leaderboard now includes a wins column, and points ties are decided by wins.
v0.0.2 - 2020-05-19
- Gecko browser specific settings extension ID for future Firefox storage API support.
- Sending of a connection closed message from the background script to the content script.
- Corresponding connection close message handing in the content script.
- Handling of quiz finished message to update internal state of the background script.
- Handling of changing page while a quiz is being played.
- Resetting of internal state variables in background script.
- Missing declaration of interfaceContainer.
- Width of interfaceBox to account for differing scroll bar size in Firefox.
- Handling of start quiz messages when quiz is already running. This only really affects the host of a room.
- Clipboard writing to support Firefox.
- Content script renamed from script.js to xporcle.js.
- Debugging console messages from content and background scripts.
v0.0.1 - 2020-05-18
- GNU GPLv3 License
- This changelog
- Manifest
- Content script. This handles the addition of the user interface and the processing of messages from the server.
- Background script. This handles to connection to the server and relays message sending between the content script and the server.
- Options page popup placeholder.