To set up pytopotoolbox for development, first make sure you have set
up Git,
fork the repository on GitHub then use git
to download
your fork of the repository, where you have replaced $YOUR_USERNAME
with your GitHub username.
To ensure you have a development environment that is consistent with other developers and with our continuous integration and testing setup, it is a good idea to set up a virtual environment in Python. You can then install the developer environment by running
pip install -r requirements.txt .
within the top-level directory of the repository.
Now you can make changes within pytopotoolbox. To rebuild pytopotoolbox after making changes, you'll need to run
pip install .
You can run the tests with
python -m pytest
and the linter and type checks with
pylint --rcfile=pyproject.toml src/topotoolbox
mypy --ignore-missing-imports src/topotoolbox
It is a good idea to run the linter and type checks before making a pull request to pytopotoolbox, because failing lints or type checks will cause a test failure that must be fixed before your contribution can be accepted.
pytopotoolbox requires C/C++ files to be compiled. If you are developing on Windows, there are a few extra steps to ensure that you have access to the Windows C/C++ toolchain.
- Install the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022.
- Scroll down to 'All Downloads'
- open 'Tools for Visual Studio'
- download 'Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022'
- install it while including the 'Desktop development with C++' workload
- To ensure the compiler is working with 64-bit architecture, that is necessary for python, open 'x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022' instead of the 'Developer Command Prompt' that defaults to 32-bit architecture.
- In the opened command prompt, navigate to the pytopotoolbox directory and follow the instructions above for installing the development environment.