The framework-independent part, like WE's WorldEdit class
The minimal, framework-dependent part, like WE's WorldEditPlugin class
An abstract base class for Bukkit FrameworkPlugins, manages things like
passing onLoad/Enable/Disable/Command to the MetaPlugin.
Could be extended to pass commands directly to a command system.
An abstract base class for MetaPlugins, manages the reference to the framework
Could also be extended to pass commands directly to a command system.
/ Abstraction layer \
| | |\
| MetaPlugin FrameworkPlugin | JavaPlugin |
| | | | | | Bukkit
| AbstractMetaPlugin BukkitPlugin----+-------+ |
| | | | |/
| | | |
| YourMainClass YourBukkitPlugin |
| |
\ Your plugin /
- YourMainClass implements MetaPlugin
- YourBukkitPlugin extends BukkitPlugin
- BukkitPlugin implements FrameworkPlugin
Interface contents:
- FrameworkPlugin MetaPlugin.getFrameworkPlugin()
- MetaPlugin FrameworkPlugin.getMetaPlugin()
Typical implementation:
YourMainClass contains a reference to FrameworkPlugin
YourBukkitPlugin contains a reference to YourMainClass
FrameworkPlugin YourMainClass.getFrameworkPlugin()
YourMainClass YourBukkitPlugin.getMetaPlugin()
- Location contains a position Vector, a World reference and pitch/yaw values.
- Vector is a 3d vector with x, y and z components.
CommandSender Entity
\ /
\ /
\ /
- CommandSender can be anything sending a command. Players, console, remote access, etc.
- Entity is anything that exists in the world and can be freely placed.
- Player is a player (duh)
- World is a reference to a world or dimension.
- BlockState contains at least typeid and data, but can also contain other information about a block.
- Environment returns references to various singletons and named objects.
- Scheduler schedules task.
- Network sends certain types of packets.
Dispatcher deals with event registration.
Currently, it only supports bulk registration. -
Event is a generic event containing the most often used fields.
Subclasses might contain more properties. -
EventHandler is an annotation that should be used on an event handler method.
The type of event is deduced from the method name by default.
The default priority is EventPriority.NORMAL.
Cancelled events are still passed by default.
All of these options can be overridden.
- Take command system from WorldEdit
- Remove genericity and simplify everything
- Take command system from routes
- Add flag support
- Add help+usage