Glossary of gVXR's function calls
:- Description: Accessor on the full string version of the core gVirtualXRay library (gvxr).
- Called in file: test_installation.ipynb
- At Cell: [7]
:- Description: Accessor on the full string version of SimpleGVXR.
- Called in file: test_installation.ipynb
- At Cell: [8]
:- Description: Create an OpenGL context.
- Called in file: test_installation.ipynb
- At Cell: [8]
Description: Close and destroy all the windows and OpenGL contexts that have been created.
Called in file: test_installation.ipynb
- At Cell: [11]
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [36]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [17]
Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [32]
Description: Create an OpenGL context (the window won't be shown).
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [5]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [5]
Description: Set the position of the X-ray source.
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [6]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [6]
Description: Use a point source, i.e. a cone-beam geometry.
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [6]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [6]
Description: Use a monochromatic beam spectrum (i.e. one single energy).
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [7]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [7]
Description: Set the position of the X-ray detector.
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [8]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [8]
Description: Set the up-vector defining the orientation of the X-ray detector.
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [8]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [8]
Description: Set the number of pixels of the X-ray detector.
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [8]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [8]
Description: Set the pixel size. Same as the function setDetectorPixelPitch.
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [8]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [8]
:- Description: Create a cuboid, centred on (0, 0, 0) and set its label in the scenegraph (i.e.
- Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [9]
:- Description: Create a sphere and set its label in the scenegraph (i.e. identifier). Note that
- Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [9]
:- Description: Add a polygon mesh, given its label, to the X-ray renderer as an outer surface.
- Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [9]
:- Description: Add a polygon mesh, given its label, to the X-ray renderer as an inner surface.
- Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [9]
Description: Set the chemical element (or element) corresponding to the material properties
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [10]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [10]
Description: Set the compound corresponding to the material properties of a polygon mesh.
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [10]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [10]
Description: Set the density corresponding to the material properties of a polygon mesh.
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [10]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [10]
Description: Compute the X-ray projection corresponding to the environment that has
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [11]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [11]
Description: 3-D visualisation of the 3-D scene (source, detector, and scanned objects). Note
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cells: [11, 20, 21, 26]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cells: [11, 14]
Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cells: [27, 28]
Description: Set the colour of a given polygon mesh. It will be applied to the ambiant,
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [11]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [14]
Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [21]
Description: Take screenshot.
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cells: [20, 21, 26]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [15]
Description: Set window background colour.
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [23]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [14]
Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [27]
:- Description: ***** MISSING *****
- Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [26]
:- Description: ***** MISSING *****
- Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [26]
:- Description: ***** MISSING *****
- Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [26]
Description: ***** MISSING *****
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [28]
Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [28]
Description: ***** MISSING *****
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cell: [28]
Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [28]
Description: 3-D visualisation of the 3-D scene (source, detector, and scanned objects). Note
Called in file: visualisation.ipynb
- At Cells: [34, 35]
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [16]
Description: Load a polygon mesh from a file, set its label in the scenegraph (i.e.
Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [9]
Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [21]
:- Description: Move a polygon mesh to the centre.
- Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [9]
:- Description: Set the mixture corresponding to the material properties of a polygon mesh.
- Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [10]
:- Description: Save the last X-ray image that has been computed.
- Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [12]
:- Description: Save the last L-buffer, i.e. path length, that has been computed.
- Called in file: first_xray_simulation.ipynb
- At Cell: [12]
:- Description: Set the size of the given window.
- Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [14]
:- Description: Empty the X-ray renderer from all its meshes. Note that the meshes are kept in
- Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [21]
:- Description: Create an empty polygon mesh and set its label in the scenegraph (i.e.
- Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [21]
:- Description: Set the Hounsfield value corresponding to the material properties of a polygon
- Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [21]
:- Description: Translate a polygon mesh.
- Called in file: multi_material-lungman_phantom.ipynb
- At Cell: [21]