This replaces the Lua code provided in this article, and referenced in this video. The instructions provided by Quindor are still valid for the most part, but instead of uploading just one file, you'll need to upload three files.
- This is the file that runs when the QuinLED module boots. It handles the WiFi connection, and manages all other functionatlity
- You will need to edit this file slightly, see below
- This gives you the ability to change these three files through a webbrowser
- This file handles what the QuinLED module was meant to do: PWM dimming LED lights
Important! Do not change the names of these files, unfortunately these names are required for the functionatlity of the program.
If you wish, you can upload/save both OnlineIDE.lua
and QuinLED.lua
to your ESP now, as per the instrunctions provided by Quindor. They don't require any work. Before uploading init.lua
, you'll need to make a few small changes though.
Open the init.lua
file in a text editor (I'd suggest Sublime Text 3 or Notepad++). At lines 10 and 11, change "WIFI_SSID"
to your WiFi network's name and password. They should look like this:
-- Enter the SSID (name) of the WiFi network for 'ssid', and enter the matching
-- password for 'pwd'
ssid = "My cool home network",
pwd = "superSecurePassword123!@#",
If you want to set a static IP for your QuinLED module (which I would recommend, that way you can be sure that a module always has the same IP address), you'll need to make some changes down below as well. At lines 18 through 20, you need to change "STATIC_IP"
to fit your network. If you're unsure what values you need to provide, please search online for how to set a static IP address. There are many people that can provide you with more detailed information than I can, especially for various operating systems. A normal setup would looks like this:
-- If you want a static IP for this QuinLED module, set the IP address, subnet
-- mask and gateway here.
ip = "",
netmask = "",
gateway = "",
If you do NOT want a static IP, and want it to be assigned automatically, you'll need to comment that section out. This is done by putting two hyphens (-) in front of that entire section. If done correctly, it should look like this:
-- If you want a static IP for this QuinLED module, set the IP address, subnet
-- mask and gateway here.
-- wifi.sta.setip({
-- ip = "STATIC_IP",
-- netmask = "SUBNET_MASK",
-- gateway = "GATEWAY_IP",
-- }
-- )
Please be aware: You can not have a static and a dynamic IP. You'll need to choose one of these two setups.
After you made these changes, don't forget to upload init.lua
to your ESP module as per the instructions provded by Quindor.
To use the web IDE and update the program files OTA, simply type the IP address of your QuinLED module into your browser, followed by :43333
. The entire address should look something like this:
. This should result in this page:
Here you can edit, delete and compile files (if only I knew what effect that has), as well as creating a new file, and restarting the QuinLED module. Restarting is required after you have made changes to any of the files, otherwise the changes won't take effect.
Editing a file would look something like this: